
Explain how Humans are impacting global climate change.

Explain how Humans are impacting global climate change.

Write a 4 -page research paper pertaining to the tenure laws and the State of New Jersey

Write a 1-2-page response summarizing the new crimes that have evolved with technology and social changes.

Write a 1-2-page response summarizing the new crimes that have evolved with technology and social changes. Ensure the following issues are addressed.

Data manipulation, Asymmetric warfare, Cyberbullying

Describe the four components of an information system.

Describe the four components of an information system. Why is it important to consider each of them when designing and installing an information system?

Develop specific criteria to select vendors for office supplies, equipment, etc.

Develop specific criteria to select vendors for office supplies, equipment, etc. and has asked you to investigate selection criteria. In a two page business memo:

Explain why a selection criteria is needed
Recommend specific criteria (no less than 5 elements)
Explain why each element in the list is needed
To strengthen your recommendation, include an example of a company (one that is operating now – not a future one) and its criteria.


Identify and analyze specific ethical problem in your current or past organization.

Identify and analyze specific ethical problem in your current or past organization. Choose a different ethical problem from the one you chose for Mini-Paper


Write a 2-3 page paper discussing the various ways that websites, chat rooms, and social networking sites, can be used for criminal ends.

Write a 2-3 page paper discussing the various ways that websites, chat rooms, and social networking sites, can be used for criminal ends. Ensure the following points are addressed.

Pornography (both adult and child) Cyberstalking and Human Trafficking

Provide a 2-3-page paper examining the legal issues involving the use of technology in investigating crime.

Provide a 2-3-page paper examining the legal issues

involving the use of technology in investigating crime. Ensure the following legislation and/or questions are addressed in the paper:

What is the Daubert Test? The Wiretap Act, Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and Privacy Protection Act

Advise Blake as to whether ‘Modern Builders’ can rely on these clauses to avoid or limit their liability.

The question provides a context in order to answer. This is the question “Advise Blake as to whether ‘Modern Builders’ can rely on these clauses to avoid or limit their liability.”

Describe potential threats to the organization’s critical mission areas

-Describe how the system architecture fulfills the needs of the health care organization. (Change/shorten heading)
You may supply this information as a diagram with inputs, outputs, and technologies to define workflows and processes for the high-level information systems.

-Describe potential threats to the organization’s critical mission areas
These may include sloppy information security practices, insider threats, or hackers wishing to steal personal data. Relate these threats to the vulnerabilities in the CIA triad.