
How does this belief relate to strengthening an individual’s contribution to successful strategic PR campaigns?

Corporate communications and PR consultant, Martha Whiteley, states that, “a big part of life is learning from one another.” How does this belief relate to strengthening an individual’s contribution to successful strategic PR campaigns?

Globalization has made companies less accountable.

Globalization has made companies less accountable. Pick a company or industry to illustrate this issue?

Discuss why there is a gap in knowledge dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practice.

Discuss why there is a gap in knowledge dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practice. How does sharing findings with stakeholders and communities play an important role in closing this gap?

How important is countering terrorist financing when it comes to mounting an effective response to terrorism?

How important is countering terrorist financing (CTF) when it comes to mounting an effective response to terrorism? What are the key obstacles to an effective CTF strategy?

Provide a good overview and commentary on 1844 investigative judgement.

Provide a good overview and commentary on 1844 investigative judgement.•CONTENT:

(a)Provide a summary of each chapter consisting of 1-2 substantial paragraphs; highlight the main conclusion of each chapter. (b)Outline the author’s main contention in the book in 2-3 substantial paragraphs.

(c)Give your own opinion of the book theology: say whether or not you agree with the author and why you find or do not find his argument plausible.

(d)Would you or would you not recommend this book? Why or why not? Paper must be 6-7 pages, double-spaced,12 point New Roman Times font, and sub-headed(chapter summary, author’s main point, opinion, recommendation).
ebook has been already purchased on here – log in information is password will be given upon acceptance

How would you incorporate your five technological resource tools into your teaching?

Educational materials for evidence of multicultural elements as well as examples of the integration of culture in the teaching.

create a table that includes five technological resources that could be used to enhance teaching within a multicultural educational setting. You may use the “Technology Resource Template” to complete this assignment. Include the following:

The title and brief description of each of the resources or websites
Links to the resources that you would integrate into your teaching
Rationale for each resource that explains how the resource aligns with the theoretical framework of multicultural education.
Below your table include a 250-word reflection that addresses the following:

Why is teaching ELLs from a multicultural perspective important?
How would you incorporate your five technological resource tools into your teaching?
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Discuss the medical treatments for cannabis.

Discuss the medical treatments for cannabis

use disorder and the goals and approaches that distinguish drug education programs from drug prevention programs.

 Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence.

Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments, including one or more research-based essays.

Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence.

Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action.

How to Achieve the Objectives
You can achieve this module’s learning objective by accomplishing the following:

Justice with Michael Sandel: Affirmative Action Video

Module 11 Discussion Oct 12link: you think that any of the three arguments in support of affirmative action mentioned in Michael Sandel’s lecture are right. The three arguments again are 1) compensatory, 2) corrective, and 3) diversity. Respond with at least a paragraph and respond to at least one other student.

How does internal conflict drive external conflict

1. Dramatic irony is defined as information that is known to the audience or a reader but not yet understood by a character or the characters in a play. What are the instances of dramatic irony in both texts?

2. How does ignorance (willful or otherwise) shape and/or destroy relationships and lives?

3. Is there such a thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy?

4. How does internal conflict drive external conflict (and vice versa)?

Does it have evidence and arguments that would convince a skeptic, Explain why.

Briefly summarize Prof. Rubinstein’s main argument (expressed through the video and the two articles), and assess its quality (does it have evidence and arguments that would convince a skeptic, Explain why.)

The video link is :