
Explain why this quantitative method was appropriate for your research question, what ethical issues you needed to consider, state that you have gained ethical approval from the module lecturers, and any problems you encountered and resolved.

Title should be : knife crime prevention methods within the youth
Organisation of quantitative portfolio
You should organise your report under the following headings:

a) Title of report: Research question
b) Short literature review
Your literature review should identify 4 research studies and explain how they inform your research question. Questions to address: What are the key findings from the research studies? What gaps do the studies leave that your research question will fill?
c) Methodology
Your methodology should describe what you did and the methods you used. You need to briefly outline your sample and recruitment strategy, explain why this quantitative method was appropriate for your research question, what ethical issues you needed to consider, state that you have gained ethical approval from the module lecturers, and any problems you encountered and resolved.
d) Findings
Through numerical and graphical presentation, you need to identify the key findings of your research. Illustrate how your quantitative data address your research topic/question.
e) Discussion and Conclusion
Briefly sum up your key research findings and how they filled the gap set out in your literature review. Outline the extent to which you were able to answer your research question and identify any reasons why it could not be fully answered (including concerns with reliability, validity, and representativeness). What could researchers do next time to get a fuller answer to the question?
f) References
Using Harvard style you must list the sources you refer to in your report. A guide to Harvard referencing style can be found here: g)
g) Appendix
Please note: References and Appendix are excluded from total word count but they are essential to the completion of the assessment.
The 5 questions are:

1. Do you think that teaching about knife crimes in schools would help decrease the number of crime rates due to knives?
2. Have you even been a victim or been involved with knife crime activities?
3. The police should do more to tackle knife crime amongst young people.
4. To what extent do you feel social media paints an accurate image on what knife crime really is?
5. Do you feel like there are enough crime prevention measures within your community?

mber of crime rates due to knives?are the factors that lead to reporting?

1. Do you think that teaching about knife crimes in schools would help decrease the number of crime rates due to knives?
2. Have you even been a victim or been involved with knife crime activities?
3. The police should do more to tackle knife crime amongst young people.
4. To what extent do you feel social media paints an accurate image on what knife crime really is?
5. Do you feel like there are enough crime prevention measures within your community?

Explain what each calculated ratio tells you about how well the company is performing.

Review the video resources on financial statement analysis and then, using the Ratio Analysis Exercise resource, complete the following in the discussion topic:

Of the case study options listed below, choose the one that you are not using for your final project:

Long-Term Orientation in the Benedictine Monastery of Admont

Then, calculate the current ratio, debt ratio, profit margin, and inventory turnover of the company.
Explain what each calculated ratio tells you about how well (or poorly) the company is performing.

Explain how Seminole will be able to use hardware or cloud solutions to resolve their issues?

Cloud/network computing is now ubiquitous. Questions of stability, access and security have generally faded, and “the cloud” is now how contemporary business does business. There is much personal and business flexibility afforded by web standards (HTML, for one) and the ability to create public, private and hybrid clouds. We can pretty easily create in-house cloud environments inside the business technology infrastructure, and have public/client/customer cloud access across the greater Internet/Web.

That said, cautions still apply to business process and planning decisions: due diligence, connecting with other users of similar technologies, investigating the history (intrusions, downtime) of providers.

1. What are the components and considerations comprising due diligence when considering moving parts of your business to a cloud environment? List a few?

2. Explain how Seminole will be able to use hardware or cloud solutions to resolve their issues?

3. What else does Chapter 5 offer Seminole?

Analyze dynamic situations within complex health care systems and make evidence-based, theory-informed decisions

Analyze dynamic situations within complex health care systems and make evidence-based, theory-informed decisions

List some of the attributes of Ron Clark? How did the attributes help him as a teacher?

Write an analysis with your reflections related to how the movie/relates to the following areas:1. California Standards For The Teaching Profession and

2. Your Personal Educational Philosophy

Charts on the standards can be found on our web site; your personal ed philosophy, from our readings and work in this class. (

3. Answer these questions as well:

Ron Clark Movie Questions

1, .) List some of the attributes of Ron Clark? How did the attributes help him as a teacher?

2 What did he do in the morning as the students came in the door?

3. ) What were his methods of discipline? Did they work? Why?

4. How did he write his rules? Was this methodology successful and why yes, why no? How were his rules they different than most rules you see?

5.) How did he get the student’s attention at the beginning of the movie? What methods would you use to get students attention?

6). How did he calm his students down?

7. How would you feel as a teacher walking into your classroom and seeing you are not wanted? What would you do about it?

8.) How did he turn the students around?

9.) Describe the transformation in the students. How long did it take?

10.) In your opinion, from this movie and what you have seen in the classroom, what does it take to be a good teacher?Are you up for the challenge?

Describe a community to which you are strongly drawn and identify with.

Describe a community to which you are strongly drawn and identify with. A community can be geographical, social, cultural, religious, occupational, media-related, or avocational, as well as many other things.

What if anything surprised you while analyzing how data was being used to support a political claim? What did you expect?

Write one paragraph answer the following questions: (about 120 words)

What if anything surprised you while analyzing how data was being used to support a political claim? What did you expect?
What are you most concerned about after writing your outline for this paper? This could be a part of your paper (for example, the second point from its body) or an idea (such as how to best support a particular topic sentence).

Critically evaluate the strategies, performance and behaviours of the target company in terms of your two themes

Research on produce/service and strategies of your target company in the context of new venture development using secondary sources of information (e.g. published articles, reviews, newsletter, etc.).
MGT4857 Entrepreneurial Management
(chapter 1), target industry and market (chapter 2), business model (chapter 3),
(chapter 4),
marketing mix
(chapter 5),
(chapter 6),
communicating your value proposition (chapter 7), Scalability and growth (chapter 8), and Managing
operations and risk (chapter 10).
Develop a section for theoretical backgrounds of two themes among
branding value proposition and customers
2. Analyse/critically evaluate the strategies, performance and behaviours of the target company in terms of your two themes
3. Develop recommendations for the target company on how to overcome the challenging industry and market situations related to the COVID-19 in the context of your chosen two themes. Also, justify your recommendations.
1), target industry and market (chapter 2), business model (chapter 3),
business ideas (chapter
(chapter 4),
marketing mix
(chapter 5),
(chapter 6),
communicating your value proposition (chapter 7), Scalability and growth (chapter 8), and
Managing operations and risk (chapter 10).2. Analyse/critically evaluate the strategies, performance and behaviours of the target company in terms of your two themes
3. Develop recommendations for the target company on how to overcome the challenging industry and market situations related to the COVID-19 in the context of your chosen two themes. Also, justify your recommendations.

Discuss the Importance of Ratios in Hospitality

Discuss the Importance of Ratios in Hospitality