
Conduct research to locate at least five relevant sources that can contribute to your research study.

Continuing your work on the research plan you have been developing in Units I and II, you will now write a literature review for this unit’s assignment.

First, conduct research to locate at least five relevant sources that can contribute to your research study.

You must use high-quality sources such as peer-reviewed articles and empirical studies (quantitative and/or qualitative).

At least four sources must be published within the last 5 years.

At least two of your sources must come from the CSU Online Library.

Next, compile your sources into a literature review. Your literature review must be at least two pages in length.

Ensure that you critically evaluate each source as well as explain why each source was selected and how it is of value to your research topic.

Thoroughly compare and contrast your findings.

Identify any gaps (what is unknown or needs to be researched further) and controversies that exist in the literature.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

This review of literature example from the CSU Writing Center shows this type of formatting.



Using AN example from either Biofuels, Prebiotics or Detergents, explain how enzyme properties can be modified to generate products of societal value.

Using AN example from either Biofuels, Prebiotics or Detergents, explain how enzyme properties can be modified to generate products of societal value.

Within your answer you should include:
• the use of enzymes in the production of your chosen example (biofuels, prebiotics or detergents).

• the function of an enzyme, and the catalytic mechanism of enzymes wherever applicable.

• the advantages that enzymes offer over traditional/industrial processes.
• the way in which enzymes can be used, or engineered to improve efficacy and cost effectiveness.


Discuss the ways in which the issues raised in both articles speak to a future of improved resilience for that country.

Read Hilary Beckles “The Hate and The Quake”, alongside the World Bank article “What is next for Haiti’s Tourism.”

Discuss the ways in which the issues raised in both articles speak to a future of improved resilience for that country.

Examine the nature of American Federalism and how this division of power between the Federal and state governments impacted the Civil Right Movement.

Examine the nature of American Federalism and how this division of power between the Federal and state governments impacted the Civil Right Movement. As you do so, address three of the following (and only three) assigned concepts in conjunction an assigned question:

1. Concept: Enumerated, Implied and Reserved Powers
Question: What did the founders intend for the relationship between the Federal and state governments? Constitutional speaking is Civil Rights a Federal or a state matter?

2. Concept: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)
Question: What was the central question behind both the Plessy and Brown cases, and how did the decisions from both cases impact the Civil Rights Movement?

3. Concept: Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Right Act of 1965
Question: What was the Constitutional basis for each of these acts, and what issues did each act address?

4. Concept: Affirmative Action
Question: What are the goals of Affirmative Action policies, and how successful has Affirmative Action been in achieving these goals?

The key to the assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of three of the assigned concepts. Assignments should be clearly organized, succinct, informative, coherent, and thoroughly based upon an analysis of the assigned concepts. Always keep in mind that the key to the assignment is to demonstrate your mastery of the three assigned concepts you select, the topic question(s) are included only to place your analysis of the assigned concepts into context. Don’t become overly concerned with the topic to the detriment of a detailed discussion of the assigned concepts.


In your OWN WORDS, explain what professional skepticism means. Feel free to use an example if it helps.

1.In your OWN WORDS, explain what professional skepticism means. Feel free to use an example if it helps.

3. For each of the 3 scenarios, exert your professional skepticism in evaluating the situation. Answer the following:
a) Consider (and describe) different possibilities for what is happening. That is, what is causing the audit client to behave in this particular way? Describe all possibilities you can think of, from “legitimate” to “nefarious” reasons/causes.

b) Now that you’ve considered what could be happening – both “good and bad” – what are you most concerned with happening? That is, what is the prominent risk(s)? Explain.

c) As the auditor in the scenario, what would you do? How do you address the issue at hand and reduce your (and the audit firm’s) audit risk?

d) Of course, as an auditor you’re always dealing with other people. In this scenario, how would you try to manage the “interpersonal” dynamics? What do you do to maintain a good auditor-client working relationship, etc.?

How does the Constitution reflect the willingness of the Federalists to address the concerns of the Anti-federalist?

How does the Constitution reflect the willingness of the Federalists to address the concerns of the Anti-federalist?

Write a literary analysis of one of the following stories: The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin; Everyday Use, by Alice Walker, A Rose for Emily, by William Faulkner, or The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury.

Write a literary analysis of one of the following stories: The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin; Everyday Use, by Alice Walker, A Rose for Emily, by William Faulkner, or The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury.

Provide an example of when you used a health promotion model with a patient and if it is helpful to have epidemiologic information when using a model to promote health.

Answer the 2 following assignment post in bold underlined below.

  1. A. Compose your answer in approximately minimum of 1 paragraph (200 words or more, 5-6 sentences) in EACH post.
  2. B. You are required to use 2 outside peer-reviewed resources with each post, with in text citations and references attached per post. Sources must be reputable and reliable. References must be published within the last 5-10 years.


Watch this short 2 minutes video , then categorize the three levels of prevention that assist healthcare professionals to advance quality of life and health. Describe what level of prevention you may use most with your patients and why.


In this question, you will provide an example of when you used a health promotion model with a patient and if it is helpful to have epidemiologic information when using a model to promote health.


Do you agree with this conclusion or not, and why?

This one should be a thought provoker. There are some who argue World War I and World War II are two parts of the same war, with just a twenty year break in between. Given the nature of these wars, and what took place in the interwar years, do you agree with this conclusion or not, and why? Remember, respond with a 5-paragraph essay, and have at least four sentences per paragraph.

Compare results from hand writing calculation and computer results and see why os different

Compare results from hand writing calculation and computer results and see why OS different