
What are the major advantages to NaBH4 over LiAlH4?

Just answer the 5 questions below for this lab:

1.What are the major advantages to NaBH4 over LiAlH4?

2.A percent yield as calculated in the video would not be accurate. Why not?

3.Draw the four enantionmers of the product and label the stereochemistry of the chiral centers.

4.What is the IUPAC name of hydrobenzoin?

5.What major signal in the IR and 1H NMR would you expect to appear if the conversion is complete?

Discuss Porter 5 forces model

you’re presenting about the company ( amazon )
– Financial information comparing company with competition
– Swot analysis
– Porter 5 forces model
powerpoint about 5 slides.

Choose a Leadership style you most identify with and share the major points. Describe how this style is most fitting in your professional ro

Choose a Leadership style you most identify with and share the major points. Describe how this style is most fitting in your professional role. Do you know other nurse leaders with this style? What nurse leader traits do you want to resemble as your own leader?
2. Share your own cultural background and how culture influences healthcare practices in your own families. How would you use this personal perspective as a nurse leader?
3. Why is it necessary to understand values, beliefs, and rituals held by culturally diverse staff and patients? What implications would “cultural sensitivity” have for you as a nurse leader or manager? What specific tools could you use to incorporate cultural diversity into your practice setting?

What’s going wrong on the inside of the body at the cellular or molecular level

You need to include the following information about the disease- reminder, this is on Phocomelia/ the Thalidomide tragedy

-What’s going wrong on the inside of the body at the cellular/ molecular level
-Which chromosome in particular is impacted?
-Order of events of what’s going wrong on the inside of the body from the mother first taking the pill all the way to birth.
-Is this disease communicable? (can you ‘catch’ it from someone else)
-Is this disease heritable? (can you get it from your parents)
-Is this disease more common in certain areas of the world? If so, which countries, and why?
-Does this affect the life span of the victim?
-Difference between Roberts Syndrome and Phocomelia
-TWO Pictures detailing the process inside the body

Analyse the process of strategic market creation and legitimacy of breast augmentation in cosmetic surgery

Analyse the process of strategic market creation and legitimacy of breast augmentation in cosmetic surgery

Critically examine the investment duty of the trustee and discuss whether it promotes the idea of the trustee as commercial expert

Critically examine the investment duty of the trustee

and discuss whether it promotes the idea of the trustee as commercial expert

Analyze customer profiles for each product by creating appropriate tables and charts

1)Identify the type (i.e.,categorical, numerical, discrete numerical) of each variable in the sample(e.g., Product, age, etc.)?

Q2)Analyze customer profiles for each product by creating appropriate tables and charts (e.g., summary tables, contingency tables, side-by-side bar charts,pie charts, stem and leaf display, frequency distribution tables, histograms etc.).In your analysis use at least one of each tables and charts listed in the parenthesisabove. Discuss your findingsvery briefly.

Q3)Analyzecustomer profiles for each product using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, quartiles). Create at least two summary tables andtwoboxplotsfor each product. Discuss your findings very briefly.

Answer one of the following two questions:

Q4)(a) Create at least two (at least 4 in total) 95% confidence interval estimates of variables of your choice for each productand explain your results very briefly.

(b) Analyze whether there exists differences between males and females in theirmean age and mean income. Using an F-test first to check whether each population has the same variance and, then, use the relevant t-test to check the differences in means. Discuss your results very briefly. OR

Q5)BUSCON consultants would like to use this data to study the income level of each customer. They think that age, education, gender and relation status are the independent variables that might affect the income. Perform a multiple regression analysis to identify the significant variables and present your final model

Discuss the push and pull factors of the 1800s that led to a rise in Irish immigrants in American society.

Discuss the push and pull factors of the 1800s that led to a rise in Irish immigrants in American society. What struggles did they face upon their arrival in the United States? Be sure to include social, economic and religious challenges specific to Irish immigrants during the 1800s.

Define folkways, mores, and sanctions. When was the last time you violated a folkway?

This space is to answer specific questions and/or activities that relate to the assigned sociological topic(s). Students MUST cite textbook, video lectures, or module materials. Overall, you should be showing me you have been reading assigned chapters, watching video lectures, and reviewing other module material; thus, students should show an understanding of the sociological concepts. The discussion board should be 300 words per question; there are two questions, which equals 600 words per discussion board. Student must also interact with their peers by responding to two peers’ post, which is the final step of the assignment.


For Chapter 3,  questions:

Define folkways, mores, and sanctions. When was the last time you violated a folkway? How were you sanctioned? What sorts of sanctions do we impose on those who go against our accepted mores?


For Chapter 4, you must pick one from these questions:

According to Erving Goffman, we all engage in impression management to control what others think of us. Begin by defining impression management, front stage, and back stage. Then, choose one interaction, and list every aspect of the personal front you use to manage the impression you create.

  Describe the evolution of historical positivism during the first half of the twentieth century.

Judging by Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899) and Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents (1930), historical positivism—the view that history is a story of continual progress—was on the wane by the first decades of the twentieth century.

Or was it? John Scott’s Behind the Urals (1942) and the film “Burnt by the Sun” (1994, set in the mid-1930s) hint at the persistence of historical positivism, even amid the social and political upheaval of Stalinism. Basing your answer on the three assigned readings and the assigned film,  describe the evolution of historical positivism during the first half of the twentieth century.

It is imperative that your essay be argumentative–i.e., you must identify how historical positivism changed, if at all, over the course of these decades, and marshal evidence from the readings and film in support of your argument. In addition,  carefully review the requirements for essays on the syllabus for information on appropriate length, format, style, and citation style. All citations must be Chicago-style footnotes. Failure to use proper citations constitutes a failure to complete the assignment as directed.