
Explain the Puritan Christian comparison to the Israelite Exodus and state why they believed this and the importance it played in their civil society.

1. Explain the Puritan Christian comparison to the Israelite Exodus and state why they believed this and the importance it played in their civil society.

2.  Identify and explain Jerry Falwell’s political movement the “Moral Majority” and the role it played in the 1980 elections.

3. What are two things that you found interesting about civil religion be specific in your answer and give examples.

Outline the current business model strategy of your case study business applying the framework of Baden-Fuller and Mangematin 2013. 2.

Coursework report title: Business Model for Sustainable Development Case Study

This coursework is to be conducted by individuals as a report. Within the report you should engage strongly with literature and a case study and attempt the tasks as outlined below.

Tasks: 1.) Outline the current business model strategy of your case study business applying the framework of Baden-Fuller and Mangematin 2013. 2.) To what extent is the current business model sustainable? And 3.) How could the business model be changed/reconceptualised to make it more sustainable?

(100 marks)

Relevant reference; Baden-Fuller, C., Mangematin V., 2013. Business models: A challenging agenda. Strategic Organization, 11, 418-427.

Bradley, P., Parry, G., & O’Regan, N. (2020). A framework to explore the functioning and sustainability of business models. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 21, 57-77.

The case study will require the use of secondary data. This report will summarise your research and findings. It should cover the background (business context, case study and sustainability), an explanation of your methodology and theoretical framework, data collection to support the case study, data analysis, findings and conclusion. Supportive material (or data) if used can go in the appendix outside the word limit. The conclusion should include a brief reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the research and proposals.


Explain how the character’s objective and action relate back to the play’s intrusion. Then, trace out how this central action relates sequentially to a central action that occurred in the previous scene

Identify the Scene number you are writing on, then identify the central action of your scene, and the character that takes this action.
Detail your character’s main objective, and how their action helped them work towards that objective.
Explain how the character’s objective and action relate back to the play’s intrusion.
Then, trace out how this central action relates sequentially to a central action that occurred in the previous scene (IE what was the trigger for your scene)?
Finally, explain how does this central action produces or triggers a major action in the next scene.
In the second paragraph:
Describe one element of the mise-en-scene in your assigned scene. You have a tremendous amount of latitude here. You may focus on a costuming choice, a gestural or physical choice an actor made (what the actor did with his/her body on stage), how the actors were arranged on or moved about the stage (the “blocking”), how the props impacted the scene, how the lighting impacted the scene, how the set changed, etc. etc. etc. Whatever you choose to describe, you must describe this element in detail.
Articulate how this element of mise-en-scene animates the action and meaning of the scene. Explicate how this mise-en-scene gives the play meaning that exceeds the meaning provided by the script alone.
In the third paragraph:
Reflect on what you learned about Pipeline by seeing/watching vs. reading the play. What about the play became clear or stood out to you after witnessing the live production? What big take aways did the live performance leave you with that you would not have gleamed from the script alone?

What is the most important benefit of your product or service? Do people really care about this benefit?

To produce a feasibility study there must be action, testing, information gathering and analysis in order to reduce uncertainty and gain greater confidence about the opportunity and your approach. For example, If you haven’t talked to at least 50 potential customers, you are not ready to decide whether the business idea is viable. “Talking” can include contacts by phone, social networking, and other electronic “conversations,” but don’t overlook the value of interviewing prospective customers face to face.

For this week, please discuss the following:

What is the most important benefit of your product/service? Do people really care about this benefit?

What role do feasibility studies have in business planning for entrepreneurs?

  • What role do feasibility studies have in business planning for entrepreneurs?
  • Design a feasibility study to address whether your ideas are feasible.
  • What data would you collect?
  • What are the key questions you would want to answer prior to implementation?

Describe the methods in which European empires expanded their influence in Asia during the Early Modern Period.

Describe the methods in which European empires expanded their influence in Asia during the Early Modern Period. Provide examples of direct European colonial rule and indirect colonial rule in Asia. Answer the following questions in your essay: Why weren't European colonial powers able to establish expansive settler-colonies as they did in the Americas in Asia? How did commercial, religious, and diplomatic networks shape the colonial encounter in Asia?

For these short essays (3-4 pages each) students will utilize assigned primary sources from the previous unit and write an analysis of the documents explaining what historical information and arguments can be made by using these historical sources. Students will be given a prompt to answer for the short essay and can utilize their analysis of these same sources from their Primary Source Reading Responses. Students are expected to address issues of authorship, audience, and bias when discussing the primary source. All essays will be required to use Chicago Manual Style for citation

Describe the methods in which European empires expanded their influence in Asia during the Early Modern Period.

Describe the methods in which European empires expanded their influence in Asia during the Early Modern Period. Provide examples of direct European colonial rule and indirect colonial rule in Asia. Answer the following questions in your essay: Why weren't European colonial powers able to establish expansive settler-colonies as they did in the Americas in Asia? How did commercial, religious, and diplomatic networks shape the colonial encounter in Asia?

For these short essays (3-4 pages each) students will utilize assigned primary sources from the previous unit and write an analysis of the documents explaining what historical information and arguments can be made by using these historical sources. Students will be given a prompt to answer for the short essay and can utilize their analysis of these same sources from their Primary Source Reading Responses. Students are expected to address issues of authorship, audience, and bias when discussing the primary source. All essays will be required to use Chicago Manual Style for citation

What would happen to the global temperature if spreading ratesdecreased?

For this assignment, you will bring together the important points and concepts of the Module by responding to a series of short-answer questions. If you choose to use outside sources for information, be sure to use only reliable Internet sites (.edu, .gov, .org, mbari, NatGeo, Smithsonian). You may also use scientific articles. At the end of the assignment, be sure to cite the source(s) that you used to answer the question(s).

Answer the 5 questions below: 

  1. (5 points) There are many examples/proof that global Climate Change is happening. Choose two of the 4 processes listed below and explain the evidence available as to how this process is relevantto global climate change. The evidence can be an explanation of how it is correlated to global Climate Change or you can statistics number, charts or scientific studies count as evidence depending on A-D below.
  2. Sea level rise
  3. Increase in atmospheric CO2
  4. Ocean acidification
  5. Increase in atmospheric temperature
  6. (5 points) Geologic research has shown that, historically, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased when oceanic ridges are spreading quickly, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations have decreased when oceanic ridges are spreading slowly.  Today, oceanic ridges are moving slowly.  So why is CO2 higher today than historical records?
  7. (5 points)
  8. What would happen to the global temperature if spreading ratesdecreased? You must explain WHY for full credit and mention spreading rates decreasein your answer. Hint: Refer to question 2 and link CO2 to global temperature.
  9. What would happen to the global temperature if spreading ratesincreased? You must explain WHY for full credit and mention spreading rates increase in your answer. Hint: Refer to question 2 and link CO2 to global temperature.
  10. (5 points) Explain two ways you benefit from primary production in the ocean. Then, explain one way that you are negativelyaffected by primary production in the ocean.
  11. (5 points) How does the Biological Carbon Pump differ from the Physical Carbon Pump? (Both must be explained well for full credit).


Briefly describe your best and worst group experiences.

Examine your past experiences in groups that were formed to accomplish a specific goal whether in the work place, in educational settings or in social situations.

Briefly describe your best and worst group experiences. Include discussion of the setting, the actors, the goals / purpose and what made the group the best or the worst. Then compare your experience with the best and worst groups with the Eagle Group’s (chapter 13) experiences and the guidelines in the chapter for productive groups. Where do you see similarities and difference?


Discuss pros and cons of multiple sources of finance that Rick and Joanne could use to obtain the necessary funds.

Prepare a budgeted balance sheet (net assets equal equity format) for Prime & Vans at 31st December 2022.
Do a cost-volume profit analysis: calculate the break-even point in sales revenues and the margin of safety in sales revenues for the business. Briefly comment on your results explaining to Rick and Joanne the meaning of these two concepts.
Maximum 200 words. Task 1: Total 40 marks.
Business report about the company business plan.
Your report addressed to Rick and Joanne should include the following:
Critical analysis of the business plan assumptions. Use your results of task 1 to evaluate critically the assumptions made by Rick and Joanne in the business plan. You need to include evidence of competition analysis, demographic analysis and characteristics of the location to evaluate the owners’ assumptions (you need to do a data search for this type of information).
Analysis of the impact of the business plan on the company profitability, liquidity and sustainability. Use your results of task 1 to answer these questions: does the company generate contribution margin and profit? In terms of liquidity, how the net cash flow and the closing balance are evolving during the year and how much cash is necessary to fund the first year of business? Can the company survive in the short-term? Can it be solvent and grow in the long-term? Discuss pros and cons of multiple sources of finance that Rick and Joanne could use to obtain the necessary funds.
Your recommendations and advices to Rick and Joanne for establishing a successful business. Provide them with your own advices. Consider strategic, marketing and financial aspects. Will Rick and Joanne be able to expand the business and buy the two new vans in January 2023?