
Discuss how Poe was brilliant as a writer for using multiple literary devices such as irony, symbols, etc.

Discuss how Poe was brilliant as a writer for using multiple literary devices such as irony, symbols, etc. when he only had 1 year of college. (Use at least 1 biography on Poe).

This is from an email my professor sent me. The story we read was “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe.

Good topic, but you, most likely, want to concentrate on how Irony is used and it makes the story funny—even though he is writing a revenge story/horror story. That is what is so brilliant about this story. Be sure to use outside sources about Poe’s education.

Discuss and analyze that movement, and deconstruct the arguments for and against.

– Discuss and analyze that movement, and deconstruct the arguments for and against.
– You will need to present your understanding of what “defund the police” means, what the arguments are within that movement, and then using RESEARCH, argue for or against some of those arguments.

Select at least five categories and use Microsoft Word or some other program of your choice to create a pamphlet, brochure, or other mini-resource guide for parents of students with special needs in your district.

Go to theSupport for Families of Children with Disabilitieswebsite. ()
Access the “Resources” link from the homepage.
Review the types of information that is listed under each category located in the Resource Guide for Families.
Select at least five categories and use Microsoft Word or some other program of your choice to create a pamphlet, brochure, or other mini-resource guide for parents of students with special needs in your district.

Is a relationship to previous research made clear? Is the literature review comprehensive?

Purpose: Students will select a published, peer-reviewed research study related to their research topic in order to write a critique of the overall study and discuss the implications for art therapy research and practice.

Tasks: The critique must include the following elements:
Objective, research question, and/or hypotheses: What is the main purpose of this study? What is the justification for studying this topic? What is the identified research gap?

Literature review: Is a relationship to previous research made clear? Is the literature review comprehensive?

Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods? Single-subject design, randomized, exploratory? What is the justification for this type of design for studying the objective? Has a foundation for the theories been provided? How does this design inform art therapy theory and/or practice? (short description how they conducted study)

Sampling: Who were the subjects or participants for this study? How were they recruited? What are the advantages and disadvantages to consider in interpreting the findings?

Instrumentation (if applicable): Were the instruments (measures, scales, assessments…) well explained? Was the rationale for their use justified?

Procedures: What did the researchers do to find their answers? How were these procedures related to the study’s objective?

Validation: What steps did the researcher(s) take to offer assurance that the procedures addressed credibility and/or internal validity? (do they recognized the? why in this way? Why they think this is successful)

Data Analysis: What did the researchers do to analyze and making sense of data?
(HOw they study the data, procedures)

Implications: What are the major findings? How is this study relevant to student’s research interest?

Study limitations: Are the study’s limitations clearly outlined and described?
Author’s/Researcher’s authority: What qualifications does the author/researcher have to investigate this topic?

Write an essay analyzing the theme of identity. Ensure that you analyze literary elements and how they contribute to the development of this theme.

After reading The Color Water by James McBride, write an essay analyzing the theme of identity. Ensure that you analyze literary elements and how they contribute to the development of this theme.

Do you agree with the goal of depopulating elderly inmates from prison?

Do you agree with the goal of depopulating elderly inmates from prison? Why or why not? What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of this goal?

Explain effect of reaction time on age and gender difference

Explain effect of reaction time on age and gender difference

Discuss the Effect of treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Discuss the Effect of treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

formulate your own “so-what factor” of what the proper definition of justice should be, then choose three out of the five sources that you believe gives the most compelling evidence to convince the reader that your analysis is the best one

What Is Justice?

For this, you are going to formulate an argument based on which readings, and in the case of the Greeks, which interlocutors inside the readings, that you believe give the best concept of justice, and link other readings to them. How? In the first half of the course we are studying five thinkers: Thucydides, Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Locke. Each of them explicitly discuss the concept of justice, and its relationship to power. Can you synthesize a concept of justice that you think is the most compelling of them all? And use at least three sources to back it up?

Be careful, this is not a book report. You are to formulate your own “so-what factor” of what the proper definition of justice should be, then choose three out of the five sources that you believe gives the most compelling evidence to convince the reader that your analysis is the best one

Discuss the role of women in the play. How do you view Shakespeare’s use of women in the play?

MLA format with 12 point font, Times New Roman text, and Double-spaced
Use Paragraphs (Indent 5 spaces)
Minimum of 2 examples of quoted textual evidence to support your explanations with in-text citations (Act, Scene, line numbers). However, use as many examples as needed. You can include one word or “quoted two word phrases” within your paraphrased sentences and commentary. There is a pdf of the entire play on the Topics Section for your use or you can use Savvas text copies, but they were assigned at different times and are on Google Stream Assignments.
3rd person point of view
2 pages minimum
Original Title
THE ESSAY TOPIC IS 2. Discuss the role of women in the play. How do you view Shakespeare’s use of women in the play? How much power did Lady Macbeth have? What is the role of Lady Macduff? Relate the role to a possible theme.