
How do social determinants of health lead to poorer health outcomes for disadvantaged youth in Australia?

How do social determinants of health lead to poorer health outcomes for disadvantaged youth in Australia?

How do the orexins, leptin and ghrelin work together to control appetite?

What are the molecules that control appetite? (hint: next sentence) How
do the orexins, leptin and ghrelin work together to control appetite? Which cells are responsible
for producing these molecules and what are the molecular pathways that are activated? Identify
the targets and how the signaling pathways are regulated. Which molecules oppose appetite and how do they suppress the craving for food? You may need to consider not only the signaling
pathways but the neural pathways as well.
This is the topic, these questions need to be addressed in the research paper.

Describe the Categorical Imperative, making clear what Kant means by a maxim, and how he thinks our maxims can be made compatible with the categorical imperative.

Answer one of the following two questions. The assignment should be approximately 1-2 pages long. It should be typed, double spaced, with a 12 point font and with at least a 1 inch margin. There is no need to give these a formal paper structure with an introduction and conclusion, etc.; go straight into the topic. Criticisms and examples may be derived from any source, but please fully cite sources from outside of the class materials. If you choose to do this assignment as your first short paper, it is due Mar 19th on Moodle before class begins.

1. Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a general moral principle: Kant claims that in order to be morally good, our maxims must be compatible with it. a) Describe the Categorical Imperative, making clear what Kant means by a maxim, and how he thinks our maxims can be made compatible with the categorical imperative. Use an example of a moral choice that illustrates how this can be done. b) Does using Kant’s categorical imperative always give us the right answer to which actions are acceptable, forbidden, required or supererogatory? Describe a case where it appears to give the wrong answer.

Fully describe the overall concepts of homeland security and homeland defense.

1) Fully describe the overall concepts of homeland security and homeland defense. Construct a response that provides the following related to both homeland security and homeland defense:

Primary missions, tasks, responsibilities, operations, etc. for:
Homeland Security and
Homeland Defense.
Highlight those areas that are shared between the two (what overlaps between HLS and HLD?)
Lastly, recommend a definition for homeland security.
2) Using the overarching themes of the National Security Strategy from 2017, provide your own recommendation for new National Strategy for Counterterrorism (it must be nested under the NSS according to the principle of strategic hierarchy). What key elements and focus areas would you suggest for the part of a new CT strategy that is domestic focused (homeland security, not overseas), and make sure to use the Ends, Ways, and Means strategy framework.

Note: You should be aware of the fact that “homeland security” is made up of much more than just DHS. That agency is only one part of a larger Homeland Security Enterprise that includes [DHS] Departmental leaders and components [the 7 field agencies including USCG, CBP, ICE, USSS, etc], state, local, tribal, territorial and private sector partners and others. Also remember there are many other essential federal agencies that play a role in HLS, such as the very important DOJ where the FBI is the lead agency for countering terrorism in the US (not DHS).

Discuss Fast food and possible problems it poses to the enviroment.

Discuss Fast food and possible problems it poses to the enviroment.

What are the current guidelines for educating staff about care for this problem?

Synthesize nurse practitioner implications from the literature related to the specified problem. Include nurse practitioner implications in these areas:

Practice: What did you determine is the best practice for this issue?

Education: What are the current guidelines for educating staff about care for this problem?

Research: What are the priorities for further study (from a nurse practitioner perspective) related to this problem?

Compare The play and movie the Crucible by Arthur miller and the McCarthy trials during the cold war and compare and contrast how those ideas are relevant.

Compare The play and movie the Crucible by Arthur miller and the McCarthy trials during the cold war and compare and contrast how those ideas are relevant.

What kinds of technologies are used in Business Analytics?

In this assignment, you will research Business Analytics and how these techniques are used to help businesses. Your paper should be at least 2 single-spaced pages long and include proper citations. In the research paper you should address at least the following topics:

What is Business Analytics?
What kinds of technologies are used in Business Analytics?
Two examples of applications of Business Analytics within a specific industry or business

Determine and explain how the business cycle has been changing in recent decades.

1. Using the information from the NBER website, graphically determine and explain the following issues:
How the business cycle has been changing in recent decades
If the overall length of cycles has been changing
If recessions have been getting longer or shorter

2. Find an article in a major business publication (for example, the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, the Harvard Business Review, Forbes) that describes an event that may affect the U.S. price level and real GDP. Draw an initial set of AD and AS curves and determine which curve(s) will be affected and in which direction it will shift as a result of the AD/AS factors or policies. Predict what will happen to price level and real GDP and explain your answer.

All graphs must be properly labeled. Each axis must be correctly labeled, and the horizontal axis must indicate the nature of the graph itself. The written analysis must be explained in well-constructed paragraphs. Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and the use of economic terminology is required.

Page numbers should be in the top right-hand corner following the form: Page 1 of __

A cover page with your name, the name of this class, and the due date is required.

Your assignment must be uploaded to the Blackboard class website on or before the due date. No late work will be accepted.