
Identify women’s perceptions of the recovery process along with adapting to the aftermath of domestic violence.

Identify women’s perceptions of the recovery process along with adapting to the aftermath of domestic violence.

 Explore professional legal and ethical issues in a care situation using a service user senario

Explore professional legal and ethical issues in a care situation using a service user senario

Describe your understanding of the ‘law based’ critiques of mediation set out by Genn and others, and explain the extent to which you agree with them

‘The mediator does not make a judgement about the quality of the settlement. Success in mediation is a settlement that the parties can live with. The outcome of mediation is not about just settlement, it is just about settlement.’

Hazel Genn. 2008. Judging Civil Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.117
Describe your understanding of the ‘law based’ critiques of mediation set out by Genn and others, and explain the extent to which you agree with them



Explain any medications that may be used to treat the genetic-based health issue you selected.

Create a 1- to 2-page patient education fact sheet for a genetic-based health issue that addresses the following:

Provide a brief history of the genetic-based health issue you selected, including a description of the genetic-based health issue.
Analyze statistical information on the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Be sure to support the statistical information about the genetic-based health issue you selected with evidence from at least three additional scholarly resources.
Summarize the characteristic signs and symptoms associated with the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Explain how patients are screened, diagnosed, and treated for the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Describe patient screening and diagnoses related to the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Explain any medications that may be used to treat the genetic-based health issue you selected.
Explain whether pharmacogenomics are being used to treat the genetic-based health issue you selected, or whether research in pharmacogenomics is being conducted for this genetic-based health issue by providing two examples.
When developing your patient education fact sheet, keep in mind that the fact sheet should be visually appealing and appropriate for your patient audience. The patient education fact sheet should be formatted for easy reading, including the use of bullet points and short sentences. Be sure to include at least three scholarly resources in the creation of your patient education fact sheet in addition to the resources for this Competency Assessment.

Part 2: Written Response to Fact Sheet
Provide a 1-page written response that addresses the following related to your patient education fact sheet:

Explain the nurse’s role in advocating for the patient diagnosed with the genetic-based health issue you selected for your fact sheet.
Explain the ethical considerations nurses should be prepared to address with patients as they consider information presented in the fact sheet.
Support these considerations with evidence from at least three scholarly resources in addition to the resources for this Competency Assessment.

Develop a strategy for a given company to reach its revenue goals that addresses decision making, costing approaches, outsourcing, and fraud detection.

Based on your knowledge of accounting and financial, prepare a 10–12 page report in which you:

As the consultant, create an argument to present to the CEO that suggests accounting and financial management knowledge and skills will be essential to the company’s success and stability over the next five years. Provide support for the argument.
Suggest to the CEO how the company’s stakeholders (investors, lenders, and employees) will use financial statement information and ratio calculations to make key determinations related to the financial condition and operational efficiency of the company. Provide support for the rationale.
Given the strategy to increase revenue during the five-year plan period, which will need to be achieved through expansion and capital expenditures, determine which capital budgeting ratio is appropriate for Durango to evaluate its proposals for capital expenditures, such as NPV, IRR, etc. Defend the position.
For the company to improve its operational efficiency, recommend which production departments should use process, job order, and activity-based costing—all three of which must be implemented within Durango. Defend the choice for each department.
The CEO would like to consider outsourcing manufacturing operations if labor can be supplied cheaper overseas than in the United States. Create an argument for or against outsourcing the manufacturing operation to a foreign country. The argument should include key points that support the position. The key points should address economic and business management aspects related to outsourcing.
Predict the economic and business environment over the next five years, indicating at least two ways it may affect Durango’s ability to achieve the desired 10% growth in revenue. Provide support for the prediction.
Formulate a strategy to improve the opportunities for Durango to reach its revenue goals (i.e., increase revenue by 10% within five years).
Assess the potential for fraud within Durango based on the lack of IT controls, and determine at least two ways Durango will structure its internal IT controls to ensure that such controls are effective in detecting fraudulent transactions.
Use at least six quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop a strategy for a given company to reach its revenue goals that addresses decision making, costing approaches, outsourcing, and fraud detection.

Explain the concept of an overriding interest and describe the three main categories within Land Registration Act 2002, Schedule 3.

Explain the concept of an overriding interest and describe the three main categories within Land Registration Act 2002, Schedule3. Explain whether you think that overriding interests should these be abolished on the basis that they contravene the ‘mirror principle’ of land registration.


Demonstrate in-depth understanding of a range of political, regulatory, and commercial factors influencing children’s media – birth to eighteen.

  1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of a range of political, regulatory, and commercial factors influencing children’s media – birth to eighteen.
  2. Evaluate a number of key theoretical views and concepts relating to the contextual factors affecting media production for children.
  3. Analyse and synthesise recent research studies from a range of cross cultural perspectives regarding differing life media experiences offered to children.
  4. Analyse and evaluate differing theoretical perspectives and explanations of the relationship between media and children’s lives and their development.

In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the Narrative essay you wrote in Touchston

Begin by choosing a topic for your comparison/contrast essay. You are free to select your own topic, or you may use one of the sample

Compare or contrast two cities you’ve visited or that you’ve lived in
Compare or contrast two members of your family
Compare or contrast two sources of news
Compare or contrast two singers in different music genres
Compare or contrast two historical figures
Compare or contrast two artists (for example, Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso or Keith Haring and Andy Warhol)
Compare or contrast two eras in time
Compare or contrast two television series
Compare or contrast two types of technologies (for example, Android and Apple phones or PlayStation and Xbox)
Compare or contrast two medical topics (for example, traditional medicine and modern medicine or doctors and midwives)

1. Did you use the point-by-point or block method to organize your body paragraphs? What made you decide to organize your essay in this way (3-4 sentences)? Sophia says: Consider the ways a comparison/contrast essay can be organized. Which organization did you choose and why?

2. In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the Narrative essay you wrote in Touchstone 1? Give specific examples (3-4 sentences). Sophia says: Consider how the structure, point of view, and purpose of the two essays differ.

3. Remember that the writing process is a recursive process, and your first draft of an essay is rarely your last. What part of the draft did you struggle with (3-4 sentences)? Sophia says: Think about how you could improve the draft if you continued the writing process with revision and editing.

 Explore the philosophical basis of traditional Aboriginal societies examining such areas as the life cycle, kinship, control, economic systems and lifestyle practices

Explore the philosophical basis of traditional Aboriginal societies examining such areas as the life cycle, kinshipAboriginal lifecycle , control, economic systems and lifestyle practices

Assessment Type Essay
(Description )Please answer ONE of the following questions:
a) The Dreaming underpins all aspects of Aboriginal culture. Discuss.
b) Kinship is a core feature of Aboriginal social organisation. Discuss
c) The Aboriginal lifecycle provides an insight into the spiritual beliefs of Aboriginal people. Discuss
Length 1200 words