
Explain in a few lines what the difference is in the presuppositions of sentences in (a)-(c) and those in (d)-(f).

Question 1 [3 points; 150 words]

The following two groups of sentences differ in an important way in their sets of presuppositions. Explain in a few lines what the difference is in the presuppositions of sentences in (a)-(c) and those in (d)-(f).

(a) I feel sorry that it rains

(b) I know that it rains

(c) I remember that it rains

(d) I hope that it rains

(e) I deny that it rains

(f) I think that it rains

Question 2 [4 points; 300 words]

Consider the following sentence:

(g) Everyone knew that stress caused ulcers, before two Australian doctors in the early 80s proved that ulcers are not caused by stress, but by a bacterial infection.

Describe why this sentence can be considered a problem for the analysis of the verb to know (which you discussed in the previous question). Your answer should contain the terms presupposition, and contradiction.
Next, try to find a solution for this problem by re-analyzing the presuppositions triggered by know, that explains why sentence (g) is acceptable, but doesn’t dismiss our understanding of sentences (a)-(c). Discuss pros and cons of your solution [Multiple answers to this last point are possible and it’s a hard question;

Question 3 [4 points]

Use meaning postulates to represent the semantic relations between the following pairs of words. Briefly motivate your answer.

(h) true — false

(i) knowing something — thinking something

(j) hotdog — sandwich

(k) chasing (someone) — fleeing (from someone)

Question 4 [4 points]

Translate the following sentences into logical formulae

(l) Dogs don’t have horns.

(m) If Harry isn’t nice to Megan, Megan is sad.

(n) The instructor of LIN237 likes all students who take LIN237.

(o) If someone cheats, everyone suffers.

Discuss the rise of democracy in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

Discuss the rise of democracy in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

How does McDonaldization dehumanize the working conditions of the workforce?

Provide at least two drawbacks on McDonaldization.

How does McDonaldization dehumanize the working conditions of the workforce?

What alternatives (mention at least two) do you think can be put into place to overcome McDonaldization, yet retain its outcomes of efficiency and profitability?

 Wellbeing promotion is now an important aspect within contemporary educational contexts. Defend this statement.

Wellbeing promotion is now an important aspect within contemporary (Australia) educational contexts. Defend this statement. This task requires you to review and analyse contemporary literature [e.g. government and non-profits reports, legislation and current research] to respond to the statement proposed above.


What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?

Think of a company or organization you’re familiar with, perhaps one you’ve worked for.

Think of a company or organization you’re familiar with, perhaps one you’ve worked for or even a place of worship or school.

Answer the following questions in a minimum of 175 words.:

What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?
What other structures discussed in the chapter might allow the organization to operate more effectively? For example, would the move to a product team structure lead to greater efficiency or effectiveness? Why or why not?

Has Globalization helped those in extreme poverty?

Elements of effect of colonization on DR and DR/Haitian relations. Has Globalization helped those in extreme poverty? Look at book When Helping Hurts as a way to express difference between development and relief.

How were these issues treated by supporters of slavery and opponents of reconstruction and civil rights

slavery, reconstruction, and African American civil rights. How were these issues treated by supporters of slavery and opponents of reconstruction and civil rights (probably focusing prior to 1970 would be most fruitful) and how were each of the three issues treated by the other side (critics of slavery and supporters of reconstruction and civil rights)?

Describe how the treatment of each of the three topics has changed over time. Set out both views for each of the three topics and the support for each in your paper.

 Describe the role of a 21st Century architect, the architecture profession as it moves into the future

Describe the role of a 21st Century architect, the architecture profession as it moves into the future and their relationship

to sustainability, ecology, geography, humanity, climate, safety, weather, health and well being of the citizenry and the planet.

Write a brief, 2-page executive summary of the impact of the transition from volume-based to value-based health care.

Read Case 5: Middleboro Community Hospital in this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the actions taken by this organization. Review data tables regarding their case mix (top DRGs), Patient Days, and CMS Core Measures. These metrics address both qualitative and quantitative measures in this organization.
The Assignment:
Write a brief, 2-page executive summary of the impact of the transition from volume-based to value-based health care. Specifically, address how this change in reimbursement methodology impacts operational requirements and how it can be implemented. Recommend at least two adjustments to operations which may position the organization for success under value-based health care.

Describe the sources of risks in Office-Based Surgeries.

Describe the sources of risks in Office-Based Surgeries.