
Explain the controversy over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Hydro-politics: Explain the controversy over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

Write a 300 to 500-word letter to your employer’s HR department outlining why they should not cancel the internship.

Assignment Instructions:
• Write a 300 to 500-word letter to your employer’s HR department outlining why they
should not cancel the internship;
• Be persuasive. Convince HR of the importance of having the intern program renewed;
• Choose the best approach (direct or indirect) for a letter of this nature;
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renewing the internship program. Can
you turn the disadvantages into advantages?
• Organize your argument in a way that leads the head of HR—in a logical way—to your
conclusion – that the internship program should be continued.

With examples demonstrate what is meant by the term absolute poverty as distinct from relative poverty.

1.In defining poverty, it becomes important to distinguish between relative and absolute poverty.

  1. With examples demonstrate what is meant by the term absolute poverty as distinct from relative poverty.
  2. With examples demonstrate what is meant by the term relative poverty as distinct from absolute poverty.
  3. Poverty is not only a national phenomenon but also an international issue, present a picture of the global dimension of poverty.

There are two federal policy measures of poverty: (1) The Poverty Threshold and (2) The Poverty Guidelines.

  1. What is the Poverty Threshold? Use examples to support your response.
  2. What is the Poverty Guideline? Use examples to support your response.
  3. Using the Poverty Guidelines for the years 2017, 2019 and 2020 how much should be a family of four earn to be considered poor by the federal government.
  4. Discuss what some analysts see as the shortcomings of the federal policy measures of poverty.

The causes of poverty have always generated a debate. Broadly speaking, we have two schools of thought. What we may loosely term the individual (conservative) and structural (liberal) schools of thought.

  1. With examples discuss how the Conservative school explain why some people are poor in society. Do you find their explanation persuasive?
  2. With examples discuss how the Structuralist school explains why some people are poor in society. Do you find their explanation persuasive?
  3. Critically discuss the functionalist view or theory on the causes of poverty.
  4. Critically discuss the Conflict view or theory on the causes of poverty.
  5. Critically discuss the Feminist theory or view on the causes of poverty.
  6. Critically discuss the Interactionist view or theory on the causes of poverty.





Explain the Long-Tail portion of the media distribution curve.

Explain the Long-Tail portion of the media distribution curve.
How do Netflix and Spotify make use of the long-tail and what impact does it have on consumers, artists, and the companies?
List all sources you used to complete this essay.

What health maintenance guidelines should be included for initial and follow up might be needed for follow-up assessments?

What health maintenance guidelines should be included for initial and follow up might be needed for follow-up assessments? (i.e., bone density test, Gardasil vaccine, shingles, etc.)?
What questions would you consider in your patient’s assessment? For example
What is your patient’s living situation?
Do they have stairs?
Do they live by themselves?
Do they have a working refrigerator?
Create your own script for building a health history and use the Health History Template for guidance (consider the type of language you would use to help your patient be more comfortable). As you create your script, consider the difficult questions you want to include in your script.

Assignment: (1- to 2-page reflection)

In addition to your script for building a health history for this assignment, include a separate section called “Reflection” that includes the following:
A brief summary of your experiences in developing and implementing your script during your health history.
Explanations of what you might find difficult when asking these questions. What you found insightful and what would you say or do differently.
Type out Questions/Answers for this while focusing on LGBTQ population. Whatever age range you choose think about what health maintenance items you’d consider for this “patient”. Also write a 1-2 page reflection. You can find further instructions in BB for Wk 2.

Do you think people who are ill should or should not do research on the Internet? Or, do you think they should but they need to go about it the right way

Most people say it is best to research one’s health condition on
the internet. However, many doctors would disagree because they
claim that many patients have become “cyberchondriacs”: they
diagnose themselves by doing a Google search…and then they
imagine the worst! The article called “The Anxiety of Waiting for Test
Results” says that people can benefit or maybe over-react to learning
the results of their test results.
Do you think people who are ill should or should not do research on
the Internet? Or, do you think they should but they need to go about it
the right way

List an example of subjective culture transitioning to objective culture – in the film.

watch the YouTube link and and answer the following questions. You don’t have to add the questions just put the numbers . (BOOKSMART FILM LINK)

1) Does group membership/collective identity come before individual identity or vice versa in the film “Booksmart”- what do you think?
2) How is fashion (Georg Simmel’s theory) used to stand out and to fit in? (list each example)
3) List an example of subjective culture transitioning to objective culture – in the film.
4) List an example of functions achieved AFTER a social conflict.
5) List an example of hegemonic culture that the protagonists are embracing and list one example of feminist culture that the protagonists embrace to resist hegemonic culture.
6) List one example of a social exchange occurring in the film that’s based on rewards.
7) From a symbolic interactionist perspective – HOW DO CHARACTERS IN THE FILM USE SYMBOLS

Write a paper stating and explaining YOUR position on what you see as the best way to protect our privacy and why you think this.

Write a paper stating and explaining YOUR position on what you see as the best way to protect our privacy and why you think this. Respond to Two to Three specific points that Acquisti makes about Internet Privacy
Draw a conclusion based on the pros and cons possible solutions
1) Agree, 2) disagree, or 3) agree with parts and disagree with others
Be sure to gather solid examples from the video transcript (with last name and time stamps in your citations)Include 2 to 3 SHORT quotes or paraphrases for each point you make

If you were a United States senator, would you have voted to convict or acquit?  provide your thoughts and rationale

President Trump became the only president in the history of the United States to be impeached twice. If you were a United States senator, would you have voted to convict or acquit?  provide your thoughts and rationale

Analyze and evaluate the major points of the Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan.

Analyze and evaluate the major points of the Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan.