
Do you think there is a difference between a group and a team? Explain your answer with specific details.

Case Study

Review the link below and answer the following questions.


Do you think there is a difference between a group and a team? Explain your answer with specific details.

Do you complete a genogram for the patients that you consider high risk for adverse medication reactions based on genetic predisposition prior to dosing? Why or Why Not?

Facilitation Questions:

1. Do you genetically test your patients prior to administering specific medications? Explain.

2. Do you complete a genogram for the patients that you consider high risk for adverse medication reactions based on genetic predisposition prior to dosing? Why or Why Not?

3.Choose a research article of interest to you from the repository and: summarize the article

4.Discuss the statistical data that was analyzed and report the results

5.Discuss the The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC)Links to an external site. guidelines for the drug-gene pair based on the results would you as a practitioner include the recommendations made by the author(s) in the article? (This is the link for this portion)

6.End your substantive post with a question to further the conversation

What level of significance was used? What does this level of significance mean? Was the data collection clearly and adequately described? What were the results from the data collection? Were the results presented clearly and in appropriate detail?

Article Review

Using the research article below answer each of the following questions in a MsWord document. Format the document according to APA and then submit BOTH the document and research article through the assigned Assignment Portal.

Research article: Bangurah, S. S., Vardaman, S. A., & Cleveland, K. K. (2017). Hypertension in the FAITH community: A four-week, nurse led, diet/exercise intervention. Journal of Christian Nursing, 34(4), 225–231. doi:10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000420
Hypertension in the Faith Community: A Four-Week, Nurse Led,… : Journal of Christian Nursing (

1. What were the research questions of this study? What were the hypotheses of this study?
2. What was the research design of this study?
3. Describe the instrument(s) used to collect data (including level of measurement) and the data collection process – **Note: remember demographic data (if applicable)
4. What type of statistics was used to analyze the data? **Note: remember to include all types
5. Why were these different types of statistics used?
6. What level of significance was used? What does this level of significance mean?
7. Was the data collection clearly and adequately described?
8. What were the results from the data collection?
9. Were the results presented clearly and in appropriate detail?
10. Were there tables in the article? If so, were they appropriate?
11. Were the results interpreted correctly?
12. Were the research questions and/or hypotheses of the study answered?
13. Were the conclusions clearly justified by the results?

Summarize the results of the study. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study’s research design. Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward. What other research might these methods apply?

Research Paper Essay

2 articles would be provided one would be qualitative and the other will be quantitative address each article minimum 2 pages per article.

  • State the main goal(s) of the study.
  • Summarize the research design, and discuss the research method(s) used to answer the research question or assess the hypothesis.
  • Summarize the results of the study.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study’s research design.
  • Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward.
  • What other research might these methods apply? Include two well phrased research questions that could be used in follow-on studies to the each of the articles .

The School-to-Prison Pipeline: How Roles of School-Based Law Enforcement Officers May Impact Disciplinary Actions

Temporal Changes in Racial Violence 1980 to 2006 A Latent Trajectory Approach

In the facility you are currently employed, during the last 6 – 12 months which of the competencies have you seen being implemented (or at least a conversation about beginning to implement)?

Case Study

Review the link below and answer the following questions.


After reviewing the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice post the following:
1. In the facility you are currently employed, during the last 6 – 12 months which of the competencies have you seen being implemented (or at least a conversation about beginning to implement)?
2. Which core competencies could you utilize during the implementation of your scholarly project?

Are block grants feasible instruments for reforming federal grants-in-aid through consolidation, deregulation, and devolution? What criteria should be used?

Public Administration Questions

The State Education Department of Jay (an imaginary 51st state) requires any person who wishes to teach in its public schools to have earned an M.E. degree (Master of Education) from a classroom-based program, pursuant to a regulation it adopted last year, which superseded its previous practice of individual reviews leading to approval for some teachers whose degrees were awarded by online programs. The Jay State Legislature enacted a statute requiring any licensing decision to be treated as a contested case, as well as the 2010 MSAPA. Article 4 of MSAPA requires agencies to provide evidentiary hearings to persons wishing to challenge their decisions in contested cases. Arthur took all his required coursework in person at Hamilton State Teachers College. His mother’s serious illness required him to move back to Jay State suddenly and he used up all his savings, so he was unable to pay required fees by the Teachers College deadline, and lost the opportunity to obtain his degree. However, Jay State’s Extension College, which is primarily an online program allowed him, for a nominal fee, to transfer his credits there and thus to earn an M.E. degree from them on that basis. Does Arthur have a right to a hearing to challenge the Jay Education Department’s decision to deny him teaching certification as its rule precluded certification based on an online program? Why or why not? Would the result be any different had the federal APA applied? Why or why not? (minimum 500 words)

Question/Text Reference: Administrative Law: The Sources and Limits of Government Agency Power, Feldman, Daniel L., Sage Publishing (2016)

Chapter 15 discusses federal grants-in-aid to state governments. Discuss what they are and provide examples. Also, answer the following questions:
* Are block grants feasible instruments for reforming federal grants-in-aid through consolidation, deregulation, and devolution?
* What criteria should be used?
* What does the record show about the trade-off of fewer federal dollars for greater recipient flexibility and discretion?

(minimum 500 words)

Find two examples, a good one and a bad one, of data visualizations used recently in the media. You can use any online source such as online newspapers, blogs, social media, etc. For each of the two visualizations, briefly describe (3-5 sentences) its features (what makes it good) and/or bugs (what makes it bad).

Data Visualization

This homework assignment has two parts. 

Part 1:  Find two examples, a good one and a bad one, of data visualizations used recently in the media. You can use any online source such as online newspapers, blogs, social media, etc. For each of the two visualizations, briefly describe (3-5 sentences) its features (what makes it good) and/or bugs (what makes it bad).  Create a document named

“Vizzes – YourPreferredName.docx” (e.g. “Vizzes – Zarko.docx”) that includes the two visualizations, or links to their original sources, and your descriptions.


Part 2:  Create three charts that visualize some aspects of the data about the 10 vizzes that we generated and collected (using DataViz Tinder form).  The raw data will be available on Sakai in the Data subfolder of Resources and is named “DataViz Votes.xlsx”.  Please, add any calculations and formulas to this file, in separate tabs, and include your charts in another tab named “My Vizzes”.  In this tab include your name as well as brief descriptions of the charts.  Please, submit the updated and renamed file as “DataViz Votes YourPreferredName.xlsx” workbook on Sakai.  To receive full credit, at least two of your visualizations should include data about the adjectives assigned to the 10 vizzes.



  • “Vizzes – YourPreferredName.docx”
  • “DataViz Votes – YourPreferredName.xlsx”



Create a program that takes as input the names, the payroll number, the hours worked and the rates per hour paid for each employee.


Create a program that takes as input the names, the payroll number, the hours worked and the rates per hour paid for each employee.
The program should be able to calculate the monthly pay for each employee.
The pay per day for the employee is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate and the numbers of hours worked.
The program should be able to capture the details of at least 10 employees but should have the capability of allowing the user to exit before capturing the details of all 10 employees or to continue adding more details of employees after reaching the minimum number of 10.

The details of the employees and their monthly pay should be saved in a text file.

How did the actions of Confederate women affect the development of international war law? Think about the intersection of gender and citizenship and how the debates changed over the course of the war.

Women’s War

Book: Women’s War Fighting and Surviving the American Civil War by Stephanie McCurry

Answer the Following Questions:
1.What is McCurry’s main argument?
2.Why have other scholars ignored the influence of women in war and how does McCurry demonstrate their importance to fully understanding this history?
3.How did the actions of Confederate women affect the development of international war law? Think about the intersection of gender and citizenship and how the debates changed over the course of the war.
4.Discuss the transformation of enslaved women to “soldiers’ wives.” Think the about the importance of (coverture) marriage as a political foundation for the United States and its impact on war policy.
5.Describe Ella Gertrude Clanton Thomas’ experience with Reconstruction. How did she (or how did she not) reckon with major structural changes to the southern way of life?

Choose one hardwood tree and one softwood tree from your home country or from North America using this Wood Finder Database E. • C. Provide the correct values where decimal points are involved, e.g. “.45” means 0.45, nat 45.

English Question

We have spent the last lesson learning about the mechanical properties of wood. Prior to that we talked about growth rings and extractives. All of this makes a difference when choosing lumber for various projects.

To give you a break from writing, we modified the format for this reflection. This reflection is aimed at familiarizing you with the technical terms of wood and also the process of finding such information for a specific wood type/group. Choose one hardwood tree and one softwood tree from your home country or from North America using this Wood Finder Database E. • C.

Using information from the database on the two wood types that you chose, provide as with a table like the one below.

  • Be sure to include the correct units for the quantities that you enter (if their values have a unit), e.g., for modulus of elasticity and crushing strength.
  • Provide the correct values where decimal points are involved, e.g. “.45” means 0.45, nat 45.
  • In addition, include photos of the standing trees that supply the two selected wood types. You may/will have to go to other web sources for the tree photos (provide titles xid web links).


  • To relate to what we learned in the lesson, crushing strength is another name for compression strength parallel to (or along) wood grain.
  • Similarity score will be high — stress not — but everyone must find, on their OWN, values for the required properties using the provided source (plus additional sources for pictures).