
What management style are you? Does it feel like the right style, or do you disagree? What are some of the strengths of this style as it relates to leading a tech team? What are some of the challenges of this style as it relates to leading a tech team?


Once you take it, post an initial post sharing your thoughts on the following questions:

  1. What management style are you? Does it feel like the right style, or do you disagree?
  2. What are some of the strengths of this style as it relates to leading a tech team?
  3. What are some of the challenges of this style as it relates to leading a tech team?

Talking about ourselves and our leadership styles with our peers can be challenging. Research shows that when leaders are vulnerable in front of their team as it relates to their weaknesses and strength, they form stronger relationships and get buy-in quicker from their teams. This is an opportunity to practice!

Throughout the week, post feedback to your peers. Did you have any styles in common? When you work on your group project next week, how will you knowing your peer’s leadership style help you empathize with them? 

Discuss three values or traditions you have absorbed from your racial-ethnic background. If you are European American, this exercise might be a little harder. Nevertheless, most people can come up with specific things ~ like your family’s holiday traditions.

Child discussion

Our book defines a racial-ethnic group as; “people who share a common identity and whose members think of themselves as distinct from others by virtue of ancestry, culture, and sometimes physical characteristics”.

Since the immigration laws were modified in 1965, the proportion of all immigrants coming from Latin American and Asian countries has increased greatly. One in five children in the United States is now an immigrant of the child of an immigrant. Within the Hispanic and Asian ethnic groups there is great diversity in family patterns.

Discussion Instructions

Discuss three values or traditions you have absorbed from your racial-ethnic background. If you are European American, this exercise might be a little harder. Nevertheless, most people can come up with specific things ~ like your family’s holiday traditions.

For example, did you ever hear the story about the woman who always cut the ends off the holiday ham? It goes something like this.

A husband and his wife were in their kitchen. The husband was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper while his wife was preparing a ham for Christmas dinner. The husband watched the wife cut off about one inch from either end of the ham. He asked why she cut the end off, proclaiming “that’s a waste of good ham!” She said “that’s the way my mom prepared the ham.” The husband asked “why did your mom cut the ends off?” The wife didn’t know.

Later, the wife called her mom to find out why she cut the ends of the ham off. Her mom said “because that was the way my mom prepared ham.”

The wife’s grandma passed away several years earlier, but her Grandpa was still living. She called her Grandpa and asked “Grandpa, why did Grandma cut the ends off of the ham?” He was silent as he thought for a moment. Then he replied, “so the ham could fit in the baking pan.”

This is a funny family tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation without anyone really knowing why until the husband finally questioned why his wife’s family prepared their ham this way. Do you have some traditions that are unique to only your family? You may think you don’t have any but I bet you have a few. Watch this short video and then think about your own traditions, or maybe some you’d like to start in your family.

Sharing Traditions

The transmission of traditions takes many forms and this short video shows how that occurred in one family (watching this video always makes me cry). Take a look at

For those of you who are grandparents, take a minute to enjoy any of the shared traditions you see your children passing on to your grandchildren.

In my family the tooth fairy left books under the pillows when my children lost a tooth instead of money and the Easter bunny always came on evening of Good Friday so that when the children woke up on Saturday their baskets where waiting for them. That way on Easter Sunday the focus was on church and the reason for Easter. And the third tradition would be that the birthday child always got to pick what was for dinner on their birthday and ate off of a special plate. These are a few of the simple traditions that my family did when my children were growing up. We also get to open one present on Christmas Eve, we open stockings first before anything else on Christmas morning, and always have Chinese food for Christmas Eve dinner after church. Now it is your turn to share your traditions. Your traditions don’t have to be elaborate, just simple things that your family does year after year to celebrate the holidays, birthdays, or milestones in your family. What did they do when you got a good report card, lost a tooth, had one of the major milestone birthdays? Just like the short video you just watched above the tradition does not have to be anything fancy, it could just be a simple song.

Response: Expand this discussion by responding to at least one of your classmates with a question or comment about their traditions, comparing them to the traditions you celebrate in your family.

Describe the reasons for choosing a career in medicine with an emphasis in family practice with the intent of serving a local town or neighborhood as a physician and as an engaged member of the community.

Reasons for choosing a careen in medicine

Describe the reasons for choosing a career in medicine with an emphasis in family practice with the intent of serving a local town or neighborhood as a physician and as an engaged member of the community.

In what ways does William Blake’s “Infant Joy” illustrate significant characteristics of Romantic poetry and reflect the cultural climate of the Romantic Period?

English literature

In what ways does William Blake’s “Infant Joy” illustrate significant characteristics of Romantic poetry and reflect the cultural climate of the Romantic Period?

Comment on the significance of this passage to Wollstonecraft’s overall message in this text and discuss the relationship between the type of thinking evidenced herein and the social context in which these ideas developed.

Please discuss the genre of Browning’s “My Last Duchess,” the insight gained into the speaker in this opening passage and the remainder of the text, and the ways in which this text represents at least one key Victorian concept.

Write an essay in which you examine some of the representatives of established order in the selected reading. Discuss what attitudes they possess and how they effectively function as spokespeople for law and order. Evaluate the kinds of order that each represents.

Writing Question

Choose ONE topic to discuss:

• Some of the characters from the readings in this unit have withdrawn from life. Write an essay in which you examine the reasons for their withdrawal, the ways in which they withdraw, and the consequences of their withdrawal. Are these characters be praised or condemned for their withdrawal from humanity?

• Some of the readings in this unit include a character who refuses to conform to societal expectations or who rebels against society. Write an essay in which you explore whether the reading suggests that these characters are simply objects of scorn or whether they deserve sympathy and perhaps even respect. Explain how the attitudes and actions of these characters constitute an attack on the status quo. What is being protested? How is the protest being transmitted to the rest of the world? Why is it important? Is this protest contagious?

• Some of the readings in this unit deal with characters who have abdicated responsibility. Write an essay in which you explore the causes and effects of their irresponsibility. Can the reading be construed as a call to social irresponsibility? How so?

• Some of the characters in this unit perceive themselves or are perceived by others as invisible. How are these characters invisible? How do they know that they are invisible to others? What are the effects of this invisibility?

• Some of the readings in this unit contain judgmental narrators. Examine the extent to which the author seems to share or oppose these judgments? Discuss the distance between what the narrators say and what you think the stories themselves say.

• Some of the characters from the readings in this unit conform to societal you characterize the range of these conformities? What do you think are the reasons for this conformity?

• Some of the characters from the readings are alienated by those around them or are perceived as “others.” How does the alienation of the characters contribute to the theme? Does the reading make a powerful and effective case on behalf of the oppressed, or does it support this ostracization? What does the reading say about “difference”?

• Some of the readings address the themes of conformity and rebellion as they relate to work, examining what we do to support ourselves economically. How does the reading make economics a central concern? Can you read the economics behind a reading that implies the issue of work without foregrounding it? How do the characters in the reading feeling about work? How to the readings characterize the role of work in our lives? How do the readings portray the limitations or privileges of social class? Why do the characters in these readings conform to and/or rebel against economic pressures?

• Some of the characters in the readings from this unit are viewed by society as mentally ill or insane. How might it be argued that these characters exhibit the “divinest sense”? Consider both the actions taken by and against the characters and also the behaviors and attitudes of “the people” generally.

• Write an essay in which you examine some of the representatives of established order in the selected reading. Discuss what attitudes they possess and how they effectively function as spokespeople for law and order. Evaluate the kinds of order that each represents.

What is the difference between the House of Wisdom and the House of Wisdom? Which one is the product of the Abbasids? Who is Al-Mansur bin Al-Hussein Al-Hallaj, and how was his end? And why?


1- What is the difference between the House of Wisdom and the House of Wisdom? Which one is the product of the Abbasids?

2- Who is Al-Mansur bin Al-Hussein Al-Hallaj, and how was his end? And why?

3- It is said that heresy appeared in the Abbasid era? What is it?

Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described. Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease. Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.

Case Study Analysis

An understanding of cells and cell behavior is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. But some diseases can be complex in nature, with a variety of factors and circumstances impacting their emergence and severity.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond isolated cell behavior. Genes, the environments in which cell processes operate, the impact of patient characteristics, and racial and ethnic variables all can have an important impact.

An understanding of the signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify cell, gene, and/or process elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

The Assignment

Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:

  • Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.
  • Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
  • Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.

Who were the stakeholders then and what did they care about? What is the rationale behind this project? What economic factors played a role in the project’s conception? How did the government obtain the land for the project?

Overpass Analysis

The goal of this assignment is to identify the project’s stakeholders and the sources of tensions and conflicts that arise from infrastructure projects, and describe how owners’ property rights, responsibilities, and constraints interact with the government and the `common good’ to produce inequities where some lose and some win. Please only refer to the resources provided

Step 1: Background information

Step 2: Submission

Write an essay (4 pages maximum) that includes:

– A brief (intro) description of the story: what happened? who was involved? what was the outcome?

– Who were the stakeholders then and what did they care about?

– What is the rationale behind this project? What economic factors played a role in the project’s conception?

– How did the government obtain the land for the project?

– Who benefitted before and who benefits today from the overpass and its location?

  • * Explain the positive economic impact of the overpass.
  • * Did the project have positive impacts on real estate prices or development in New Orleans? If yes, explain who benefitted and why. If no, explain why.

– Who lost and who loses today because of the overpass and its location? why?

  • Explain the negative economic impact of the overpass
  • Explain how the overpass affected property rights for those living near it when it was built and how it affects neighbors today.

– Who are the stakeholders today and why do they care about this piece of infrastructure?

– We are now beyond the project’s life span of 40 years, and several proposals were made to revitalize the N. Claiborne District, including some that call for the removal of the overpass. Which proposal would you support and why?

“Cultural communications are deeper and more complex than spoken or written messages. The essence of effective cross-cultural communication has more to do with releasing the right response rather than with sending the right message.” How would you interpret and then support your ideas regarding this statement?


Consider the following statement:

“Cultural communications are deeper and more complex than spoken or written messages. The essence of effective cross-cultural communication has more to do with releasing the right response rather than with sending the right message.”

How would you interpret and then support your ideas regarding this statement?


After taking a moment to consider what was discussed in the lecture and from your own life experiences, answer the following question below: What makes communication across different cultures possible? Why?


After taking a moment to consider what was discussed in the lecture and from your own life experiences, answer the following question below:

What makes communication across different cultures possible?  Why?