
Create a pivot table in the “Job Data Exercise” file to report the remaining information requested in the survey (# of incumbents, avg salary, bonus count and average bonus amount). 

Management Question


  • Prepare the files for the assignment. These files include:
    1. One excel file called “Job Data Exercise” that you’ve created for Assignment #1, which includes several worksheets of data reflecting compensation data from your company. You can use your file from the previous assignment as a starting point, but additional vlookups are necessary for this Assignment. If you weren’t sure whether the dataset you compiled was correct, I’ve also attached a file called “CORRECT INDV ASSIGN 1 Values” below for you to use.
    2. One excel file called “Benchmarking Survey,” which include 2 worksheets (one with job descriptions, the other with the benchmark survey) representing a third-party survey to which you will be responding with your company data (which will be pulled from the “Job Data Exercise” file).
    3. One file folder consisting of approximately 35 job descriptions in pdf format; these represent job description in your company.

Using these three file sets, you will need to complete “Benchmarking Survey”

file using the combined data from difference sources.

Steps include:

  1. Building off of Assignment 2, combine the worksheets from the “Job Data Exercise” file, such that all data points per individual are included on a single worksheet. You can start with the spreadsheet from Assignment 2, but Bonus information needs to be added.
  2. Job Matching: Using the job descriptions provided in the job descriptions file folder and the worksheet labeled “Job Descriptions” in the “Benchmarking Survey” file, identify “job matches” based on basic duties and qualifications (experience and education). Input the “matched title for your company” in column C (Company Title Match) in the worksheet labeled “Salary Benchmark Survey.”
  3. Create a pivot table in the “Job Data Exercise” file to report the remaining information requested in the survey (# of incumbents, avg salary, bonus count and average bonus amount).
  4. Using the data summarized in the pivot table, complete the “Benchmark survey” worksheets.

What group therapy techniques were demonstrated? How well do you believe these techniques were demonstrated? What evidence from the literature supports the techniques demonstrated?

Nursing Question

In a 3- to 4-page paper, identify the video you selected and address the following:

  • What group therapy techniques were demonstrated? How well do you believe these techniques were demonstrated?
  • What evidence from the literature supports the techniques demonstrated?
  • What did you notice that the therapist did well?
  • Explain something that you would have handled differently.
  • What is an insight that you gained from watching the therapist handle the group therapy?
  • Now imagine you are leading your own group session. How would you go about handling a difficult situation with a disruptive group member? How would you elicit participation in your group? What would you anticipate finding in the different phases of group therapy? What do you see as the benefits and challenges of group therapy?
  • Support your reasoning with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources, and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.*******

paper submitted must include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.


Based on their social media, how would you describe the company? How is the company trying to portray itself on social media? Are users interacting with the company on social media? If so, how are they responding?

Social Media and Marketing

Pick a company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. Review at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and assess the following:

  1. Based on their social media, how would you describe the company? How is the company trying to portray itself on social media?
  2. Are users interacting with the company on social media? If so, how are they responding?
  3. Do you think the company you are assessing has an effective strategy for using social media as a marketing tool?

In the scenario Payoff Matrix for Two Firms, which of the following is the dominant strategy for firm A?

Micro Economics Question

1. Non-price competition is more prevalent in an oligopoly when there is (are):
  A) a Nash equilibrium.
  B) complex products.
  C) tacit collusion.
  D) no product differentiations.


2. An analytical framework used in the analysis of strategic choices is:
  A) the tacit supply curve model.
  B) game theory.
  C) perfect competition.
  D) risk assessment.

Use the following to answer question 3:


3. (Table: Demand for Crude Oil) The table Demand for Crude Oil shows the demand schedule for crude oil. Assume that the crude oil industry is a duopoly and the marginal cost of producing crude oil equals zero. If the two firms collude to share the market equally, the price of crude oil will be ________, firm 1 will produce ________ barrels, firm 2 will produce ________barrels, and each firm will earn revenue equal to ________.
  A) $80; 80; 80; $6,400
  B) $80; 40; 40; $3,200
  C) $60; 50; 50; $3,000
  D) $40; 60; 60; $2,400


4. An industry with only two firms is generally called:
  A) a monopoly.
  B) monopolistic competition.
  C) a duopoly.
  D) perfect competition.


5. An unwritten, unspoken agreement through which firms limit competition among themselves is called:
  A) satisfying.
  B) tacit collusion.
  C) overt collusion.
  D) a cartel.


6. A strategy that is the same regardless of the action of the other player in a game is said to be a:
  A) competitive strategy.
  B) trigger strategy.
  C) dominant strategy.
  D) tit-for-tat strategy.

Use the following to answer question 7:


7. (Table: Demand Schedule for Gadgets) Look at the table Demand Schedule for Gadgets.  The market for gadgets is dominated by two producers, Margaret and Ray.  Each firm can produce gadgets at a marginal cost of $0.  The table shows the market demand schedule for gadgets.  Suppose that these two producers have formed a cartel and are maximizing total industry profits.  If Margaret decides to cheat on the agreement and sell 100 more gadgets, Margaret’s profit will be _______ and Ray’s profit will be _______.
  A) $1,250; $1,250
  B) $500; $500
  C) $1,400; $1,000
  D) $1,000; $1,400

Use the following to answer question 8:


Figure: Prisoners’ Dilemma for Thelma and Louise

8. (Figure: Prisoners’ Dilemma for Thelma and Louise) Look at the Figure Prisoners’ Dilemma for  Thelma and Louise. Thelma and Louise are arrested and put in jail for murder. Given the payoff matrix in the figure, the optimal behavior for Thelma and Louise is for:
  A) Thelma to confess and for Louise not to confess.
  B) both Thelma and Louise to confess.
  C) Louise to confess and for Thelma not to confess.
  D) neither Thelma nor Louise to confess.

Use the following to answer question 9:


Scenario: Payoff Matrix for Two Firms

The following table provides the payoff matrix for two firms, firm A and firm B. They are the only two firms in the industry and can either compete or cooperate with each other, with the following profit results reflecting their actions.

9. (Scenario: Payoff Matrix for Two Firms) In the scenario Payoff Matrix for Two Firms, which of the following is the dominant strategy for firm A?
  A) Firm A is to compete.
  B) Firm A is to cooperate.
  C) Firm A has two dominant strategies.
  D) Firm A has no dominant strategies.



10. Cartels made up of a large number of firms are unstable because each firm in the cartel:
  A) has an  incentive to cheat.
  B) is producing a relatively homogeneous product in which entry barriers are also low.
  C) does not have to worry about losses.
  D) recognizes that the market is relatively stable in size.



11. A field of law that attempts to limit the ability of oligopolists to collude and restrict competition is called:
  A) antitrust policy.
  B) product safety policy.
  C) fuel efficiency standards.
  D) excise tax policy.



12. When firms in a particular industry informally agree to charge the same price as the largest firm in that industry, it is called:
  A) satisfying.
  B) price extortion.
  C) overt collusion.
  D) tacit collusion.



13. The market structure characterized by a few interdependent firms and barriers to entry is called:
  A) monopolistic competition.
  B) perfect competition.
  C) oligopoly.
  D) monopoly.



14. A duopoly is an industry that consists of:
  A) a single firm.
  B) two firms.
  C) three or more firms.
  D) a large number of small firms.



15. A cartel is an example of:
  A) price extortion.
  B) price leadership.
  C) overt collusion.
  D) tacit collusion.



16. Overt collusion exists if:
  A) firms agree openly on price and output and they jointly make other decisions aimed at achieving monopoly profits.
  B) smaller firms in an industry tacitly agree to charge the same price as the largest firm.
  C) competition among a large number of small firms generates a stable market price.
  D) competition among a large number of small firms generates similar but slightly different prices.



17. In the classic prisoners’ dilemma with two accomplices in crime, the dominant strategy for each individual is to:
  A) not confess.
  B) confess.
  C) confess only if the other confesses.
  D) This game does not have a dominant strategy.



18. The outcome of a strategic choice is called a:
  A) payoff.
  B) game.
  C) product.
  D) dilemma.



19. OPEC is:
  A) the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
  B) an international cartel made up of oil-producing countries.
  C) the cartel that was responsible for the large increases in crude oil prices in the 1970s.
  D) described by all of these answer choices.



20. A situation in which one firm sets the price and other firms in the industry match it is known as:
  A) a Nash equilibrium.
  B) price leadership.
  C) Cournot competition.
  D) price competition.




What are model leadership behaviors that should be encouraged across the organization at any time? How should leaders inspire the workforce to cultivate an environment that encourages knowledge sharing?

Model Leadership Behavior

Overview Your efforts at finalizing the Change Management toolkit are appreciated by the vice president (VP) and management ► team of the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider. The earlier submissions you shared, including a change readiness report presentation on employee engagement and a report on change management models, have convinced leadership about your expertise at planning the required organizational change.

You also shared the change management plan last week, which identifies stakeholders of significance, outlines strategic goals, and recommends steps and strategies to implement the organizational changes required. While the VP applauded the details of the plan, members of the leadership team have been sending you questions about their role in change implementation.
As an experienced HR consultant, you decide its best to collate your responses to their queries. You decide to send a memo with some model leadership behaviors expected during change implementation. You will also emphasize that the leadership team needs to own the change management plan and the role of HR is that of a facilitator rather than a leader of change.

Prompt Write a memo to the company leadership. In your memo, emphasize the need for model leadership behavior, especially during crisis or times of significant change. Also, emphasize that the role of HR is that of a change facilitator, as opposed to a change leader.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:
• Describe the need for model leadership behavior during times of organizational change.

  • What are model leadership behaviors that should be encouraged across the organization at any time?
  • How should leaders inspire the workforce to cultivate an environment that encourages knowledge sharing?

• Explain how leaders should coach and mentor employees as the workforce transitions through change.

  • How is a change leader different from a stakeholder of change?
  • How can change leaders coach and mentor the workforce to deal with change?

• Describe the role of HR as a facilitator of change.

  • How correct is it to expect HR to lead rather than facilitate change?
  • How exactly is a change facilitator different from a change leader?

Create an ad for a laundry detergent or scented candle that is decidedly masculine.

Creating an Ad

Create an ad for a laundry detergent or scented candle that is decidedly masculine.

After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured ?

Strategy Planning

Review SV2030 (Attached) and relate the strategic plan to the four common elements in successful strategy planning. For each element, analyze if the element meets the criteria.

  1. Clear, consistent long-term goals
  2. Profound understanding of the competitive environment
  3. Objective appraisal of resources
  4. Effective Implementation

The answer for the above, keep it in green.

After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured ? Keep the answer in Blue.

Is the transformation successful? Keep the answer in Red.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4 to 5 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material (Attached) concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more

Why are some employees more accepting of change while others might be more resistant? How does the Forms of Resistance Grid explain the common reasons for resistance to change?

Check In 687

In this project, you will demonstrate mastery of the following competence

  • Develop a workforce
  • Propose an operating plan
  • Justify organizational change

Scenario You are an HR consultant, contracted by the VP of an LLC in Wilmington, Delaware, to solve their internal challenges. This U.S. office is a branch of a larger Singaporean software solutions organization that has a total of 140 employees and generates $20M in revenue per year. The CEO of this organization, headquartered in Singapore, wants to explore new markets in the United States, gain access to new customers, diversify risk, leverage resources, and increase profits.

  • Unfortunately, the newly formed U.S. branch has been facing several problems from the beginning.
  • Employees at the call center and the sales and marketing division are disengaged and emotionally fatigued due to contradictory communication between the branch’s leadership and the leadership at the Singaporean headquarters.
  • The branch team members feel frustrated and undervalued as a result of conflicting feedback from their VP and management team.
  • Messages from leadership lack consistency, especially regarding policies and practices related to human resources.
  • There is no training for team members.
  • Communication problems between the Singaporean headquarters and U.S. branch are resulting in low employee morale.

Overall, the standard operating procedures (SOP) followed successfully at the headquarters in Singapore could not be replicated at the U.S. branch. As a result, the CEO’s vision of successfully furthering expansion into the U.S. market remains unfulfilled.

Your goal as an HR consultant is to create a change management toolkit that includes the following:

  • A needs assessment or change readiness audit
  • An organizational change management plan
  • A change management communication plan
  • A letter recommending strategies to ensure that the changes and their benefits are retained

To create the toolkit, you will compile your work from Milestones One and Two. So far, you have completed your change readiness audit and created a change management plan. Now, you will record and share a presentation to demonstrate your change management communication plan. This plan should include your recommendations for workforce development techniques and how you plan to communicate these to employees and leadership of the U.S. branch, as well as leadership at the Singaporean headquarters.

It is not enough to implement change successfully; efforts should also be made to sustain the change. You must also write an executive letter to the VP of the U.S. branch, recommending strategies and best practices to ensure that the changes are implemented and maintained.


Directions Change Management Toolkit



Part One: Change Readiness/Needs Assessment Audit Report

Submit your change readiness report from Milestone One that was created according to the following criteria. Be sure to revise your report based on feedback you received on your milestone. In this report prepared for the VP, you will discuss the change readiness of the workforce and leadership, willingness and capabilities for change, and any historical barriers to change from past planned or unplanned change management experiences.

Use the Employee Engagement Survey, Leaders’ Self-Evaluations, Exit Interviews, and Forms of Resistance Grid from the Supporting Materials section to assess the change-readiness of employees of the U.S. branch.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Based off the Employee Engagement Survey data, create visuals that illustrate areas in need of change, specifically in the U.S. branch. Your visuals must address the following:

  • a. Appraisal, job-role stagnation, and promotion or recognition
  • b. Apathy or disinterest regarding the vision, mission, and values of the organization (Singaporean headquarters and U.S. branch)
  • c. Lack of trust in managers, especially senior leaders
  • d. Impressions about the organization’s (Singaporean headquarters and U.S. branch) attitude to inclusion and diversity
  • e. Justify your selection of data points from the Employee Engagement Survey results

2. Discuss employees’ confidence in change management practices.

  • a. Consider the information available through the Employee Engagement Survey and Leaders’ Self-Evaluations.
  • b. Do employees have a high degree of confidence in the organization’s leadership? Explain your reasoning.
  • c. Explain the urgency for change at the employee and leadership level.
  • d. Analyze the middle managers’ (team leads’) role in creating an adoption mindset:
  • How could they serve as a bridge between the senior leaders and the frontline staff?
  • ■ Are they ready to take ownership of the proposed change? Explain your reasoning. e. How do leadership styles and power distribution impact change readiness?

3. Identify opportunities to increase change readiness/trust at the U.S. branch:

  • a. Why are some employees more accepting of change while others might be more resistant?
  • b. How does the Forms of Resistance Grid explain the common reasons for resistance to change?
  • ■ Use the Exit Interviews and the Forms of Resistance Grid, to discuss any two forms of resistance from this list: ambivalence, peer-focused dissent, upward dissent, sabotage, and refusal/exit.

4. Use Hofstede’s cultural dimension model and the Exit Interviews, Employee Engagement Survey, and Leaders’ Self-Evaluations to explain cultural considerations that may have created difficulties for the employees of the U.S. branch to adjust to the Singaporean headquarters’ SOPs.

  • a. Summarize the importance of cultural considerations using Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Model in the context of the U.S. branch and the Singaporean headquarters.
  • ■ Explain how Hofstede’s model helps analyze cultural differences based on specific evidence and not on pre-conceived notions about different cultures.
  • ■ Discuss how differences in specific dimensions of Hofstede’s model may result in misunderstanding and change management frustration or failure.
  • b. Discuss individualism and one other dimension from the list below that might impact the cross-cultural communication and business practice differences among the U.S. and the Singaporean employees:
  • ■ Uncertainty avoidance
  • ■ Power distance


Part Two: Change Management Plan

Submit your change management plan from Milestone Two that was created according to the following criteria Be sure to revise your plan based on feedback that you received on your milestone. In this report prepared for the VP, you will detail the strategy to convince the workforce to implement the changes.

Refer to the Case for Change Guide and other company data, such as the Leaders’ Self-Evaluations, the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals document, and the Employee Engagement Survey (all linked below in Supporting Materials). Ensure that the report details the pre-implementation and implementation phases of the change management plan.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Identify two key stakeholders or sponsor roles for the change process from the Singapore headquarters and the U.S. branch.

  • a Refer to the Leaders’ Self-Evaluations document for additional context.

2. Discuss the significance of each stakeholder’s role in gaining buy-in, acceptance, and support for change across departments.

  • a How can each stakeholder improve the change initiatives’ likelihood of success (for example, by acting as opinion leaders, connectors, counselors, and journalists)?

3. Identify strategic goals that align with the change management plan and provide rationale. Consider the following in your response:

  • a Refer to the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals document; U.S. Branch Overview; and Leaders’ Self-Evaluations.
  • b. Ensure there is alignment of the change management plan with the strategic goals of the organization (Singaporean headquarters and U.S. branch).
  • c. Research emerging trends that could influence employees of the U.S. branch.

4. Explain how improvements to organizational systems can ensure successful and sustained behavioral change.

  • a Refer to the Exit Interviews to identify the areas of change.
  • b. What are the processes, procedures, or policies that need improvement?
  • c. How will these improvements impact behavioral change of employees at the U.S. branch?

5. Recommend enhancement strategies for team collaboration.

  • a Refer to the Exit Interviews and the Leaders’ Self-Evaluations to identify the problems of team collaboration.
  • b. What are the reasons for the lack of collaboration between team members across both locations of the organization?
  • c. How can an individual performer become a team player to improve team collaboration?
  • d. How should leadership behavior change to build trust?

6. Determine a change management model that can be used at the U.S. branch and provide justification.

  • a Based on your evaluation of the challenges that the U.S. branch is currently facing, choose from the following change management models:
  • ■ Kotter’s Change Management Model, Lewin’s Change Management Model, or the ADKAR Change Management Model
  • b. How would you use the model you chose at the U.S. branch?

7. Describe the steps needed to implement the change management model at the U.S. branch. Support your response with research.

  • a How would you mitigate and remove any roadblocks in the change management process?
  • b. What are your plans to deal with the impact of planned and/or unplanned changes and any contingencies?
  • c. What milestones need to be accomplished for change implementation to succeed? d. How would you measure success on your plan?


Part Three: Change Management Communication Plan and Continuity Strategies A. Change Management Communication Plan Presentation
Submit a creative and polished PowerPoint presentation with narration to share your change management communication plan. The communication plan should include your recommendations for workforce developm’ent techniques and how you plan to communicate these to the U.S. branch employees.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Define the audience by performing a target audience analysis. (slides 1-2)

2. Determine core and audience-specific communication objectives and messages, including appropriate tone. You may include the following information (slides 3-4):

a. Discuss goals of the communications campaign. You may consider the following points:

  • Why is this communication campaign needed?
  • What are the essential topics to communicate to company leadership?
  • What do front-line employees need to know as they experience and deal with the impact of change?
  • How will you convey need and urgency for change? Discuss What’s in It for Me (WIIFM).
  • Use a story or a graphic to connect with the change vision for success to the communication plan.

b. Define and communicate new performance expectations and what stakeholders need to do to prepare for change.

3. Recommend two workforce development techniques to support employees’ adaptation to change and build on existing skills and strengths. Consider the following (slides 5-6):

  • a. What do you want the employees of the U.S. branch to do differently?
  • b. How should the organization’s leadership support employees during the change, through training and development programs to address the gaps?

4. Determine and review the best delivery channels for each communication based on the target audience analysis. Select a minimum of three channels as part of a multi-prong communication strategy. You may include the following information (slides 7-8):

  • a. What would be the communication timeline for delivery of all messages? Create an outline.
  • b. How often will the branch’s change initiators communicate with this audience?
  • c. Outline communication responsibilities and assignments. Who is responsible for leading communications with this audience?

5. Include your plan for a feedback loop to monitor and manage the communication campaign. (slides 9-10)

  • a. Determine metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the success of the communication campaign.
  • b. Outline how the metrics will be implemented and tracked through a feedback loop.

B. Executive Letter Write an executive letter to the VP of the U.S. branch recommending a strategy and best practices for sustaining the change efforts. Specifically, you must address the following criteria:
1. Recommend one strategy for evaluating the business impact of change. a. How can they sustain change efforts through performance management?

2. Recommend two best practices for ensuring new skills are applied on the job. a. Include at least one reinforcement technique leadership can use to sustain change.


Which innate and/or adaptive defenses protect us from infection by this bacterium? Does this pathogen induce a specific type of immune response (example: delayed-type hypersensitivity)? If so, which one(s)?

Microorganism Profile

This project requires the ability to understand and apply scientific knowledge that you acquire both inside and outside the microbiology classroom. You will construct a comprehensive profile of a microorganism that you are assigned by the instructor. This microorganism is a pathogen that you may encounter in your nursing career. All written answers are expected to meet accepted standards for grammar, syntax, and punctuation and follow APA format. Proper microbiology terminology is also expected. The completed APA paper is to be submitted electronically via the Assignment Drop Box in Canvas. Total APA paper should be between 5 to 7 pages including a title and reference page.

The Big Picture
As you progress through this course, you will acquire information in a sequential, topic-specific manner. Each topic will include information that is relevant to this assignment. For example, the knowledge you gain from the lesson on bacterial cell morphology will be applied to the first paragraph topic, Cell Morphology and Growth Requirements. Your answers are expected to include information from sources that go beyond the textbook or classroom. Examples include peer-reviewed journal articles, interviews with clinicians who deal with microbes on a daily basis, personal experiences, and other reputable sources. You are expected to clearly understand the meaning of each topic before you construct your answer. For example, you are expected to know the meaning of “epidemiology” and to understand the topics that are connected to it. Don’t forget to read and understand the rubric before you start. Refer to it often – it will help guide you through the process.

Name of Microorganism: ________________________________________________________

1. Description of the Microorganism (week 1)
Write a paragraph describing your organism. Please be sure to include the type of organism (bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoa, helminth, etc), morphology (shape, arrangement , colony morphology if applicable), description of structure (gram result, type of nucleic acid or virion structure, spore type, etc if applicable) and also the type of microscope and/or stain you would use to view the organism. Please use proper scientific terminology and good grammar and sentence structure throughout this project.

2. Virulence Factors
Include a paragraph on the virulence factors the pathogen has and how they affect the host. Please enhance this with detailed explanations of the virulence factors and how they affect the host as you gain a better understanding of them throughout the semester.

3. Immunity
Which innate and/or adaptive defenses protect us from infection by this bacterium?
Does this pathogen induce a specific type of immune response (example: delayed-type hypersensitivity)? If so, which one(s)?

4. Pathology (Infectious Disease Information)

What condition(s) or infectious disease(s) does it cause?
Which tissues or organs are affected, and how are they affected (for example, chronic TB is characterized by lung tubercles)?
Describe the complications that can result if the infection is left untreated.
Are these acute, chronic, or latent infections?
What organ system(s) does it infect?
Is it an opportunistic pathogen? If so, where is it normally found in the body?

5. Epidemiology
Draw and label a diagram on how this organism is transmitted. Make sure you include the reservoirs of infection, any vectors if involved in transmission, the type of transmission, and portals of entry and exit.

6. Prevention
Is there a childhood vaccine against this microbe? Name of vaccine
If so, when is it administered (the recommended schedule, including boosters if recommended)?
If the vaccine is not recommended during childhood, which at-risk group should get the vaccine, and when?
Describe the type of vaccine and how it works :
If there is no vaccine available, list at least three measures the can be implemented to prevent people from acquiring this infection.

7. Treatment
Chemotherapeutic agents: antibiotic or antiviral etc. used to treat.
Mechanism of action for these chemotherapeutic agents.
Why is this agent efficacious against this particular organism ?
Additional therapeutic agents or practices.

If there is no treatment specific for your organism what measures are take?

8. Clinical relevance
Are there any MDR (multi-drug resistant) strains of this microorganism? If so, name the strain(s)
Is this strain a known healthcare-associated pathogen?

Which persons/procedures within a clinical or healthcare-assisted setting are particularly at risk

Which antibiotics are used against the multi-drug resistant strains? Be specific

9. References

Include at least 4 APA style references (scientifically appropriate credible resources) that show where you found the information in this microorganism profile.

What are some examples of how the rise of the human sciences has increased your own self-scrutiny? Draw from Foucault’s theory of power/knowledge in framing your answers.

Contribute to Discussion Forum 14

Discussion Questions

(1) What are some examples of how the rise of the human sciences has increased your own self-scrutiny? Draw from Foucault’s theory of power/knowledge in framing your answers.

(2) What are your thoughts about the notion that power/knowledge is something autonomous that exerts an ultimate controlling force on humans? The idea is that it is like a software code (perhaps artificial intelligence) that’s has a life of its own and can be seen through its effects on people. No matter what it may seem, power/knowledge is the primary driver of society, not people. If one believes this is happening, what does that mean for the notion that people can change the world for the better?