
Review the vignette on Jorge in the attached document, “Jorge Case Study.” Write a paper in 1,200-1,500 words addressing the following: Based on this vignette and in alignment with the current DSM diagnostic codes.

Psychology Question

Review the vignette on Jorge in the attached document, “Jorge Case Study.” Write a paper in 1,200-1,500 words addressing the following: Based on this vignette and in alignment with the current DSM diagnostic codes:

  1. What is the best diagnosis for Jorge? Share specific elements of the case study that helped you form this diagnosis.
  2. Based on Jorge’s case history and presentation, what symptoms is he experiencing, and why are these symptoms considered dysfunctional (pathological)?
  3. Consider cultural factors using the sociocultural psychological model (school of thought) and explain how factors within this model play a role in the development of Jorge’s symptoms.
  4. Identify the causes of, and treatment options for substance-related disorders.
  5. include two to three peer-reviewed, scholarly sources Develop a treatment plan for Jorge.
  6. include two to three peer-reviewed, scholary sources

Working with your preceptor, identify a gap in practice or a practice change that you can help address by leading multiple activities in the organization toward the change throughout the duration of your practicum experience.

The gap in the Practice

Working with your preceptor, identify a gap in practice or a practice change that you can help address by leading multiple activities in the organization toward the change throughout the duration of your practicum experience.

During the clinical hours required in this practicum course, you may pursue activities within this course that support your DNP project, such as meeting with the team and stakeholders to improve problem identification and/or conducting discussions with the team about literature search and critique.

discuss and analyze one of the primary sources that we read at the Municipal Assistance Corporation archives in Newman Library on Wednesday 3/1. As part of your analysis, you must discuss how the primary source relates to the article we read for fiscal crisis.

Fiscal Crisis through the MAC Archive

For your final research paper, you will read secondary sources (academic books and articles) to help you understand the historical context of your research question. Then, you will read primary sources (sources created at the time that you are studying) to answer your research question and offer a (small) new perspective on this time period or historical event. Without the context provided by secondary sources, your primary sources will be mostly meaningless. Without primary sources, you will just be writing a report about what other authors have already said about your research topic. Bringing both together can generate new insights.

For this assignment, you will discuss and analyze one of the primary sources that we read at the Municipal Assistance Corporation archives in Newman Library on Wednesday 3/1. As part of your analysis, you must discuss how the primary source relates to the article we read for Monday 2/27 on NYC’s 1975 fiscal crisis.

For this assignment, choose one of the documents that we read from the MAC archive (or pairs of documents, if one is a response to the other). You may choose one of the documents you read in your group; or you can look at the other options and choose a different one.


Links to documents can be found embedded in the PDF that accompanies these instructions (see Blackboard).

Some of the links will take you to digitized BOXES of documents, not to the exact document you were shown in the library. These boxes contain the records produced by the MAC during specific date ranges. You will have to use the dates and info provided to locate the specific letter, memo, or report that was assigned. This is how archives work in real life!

For example, if you want to analyze “14 January 1977 letter to Mr. Zukowski, and next document, letter from Mr. Zukowski (dated Jan. 4),” you will follow the link to the PDF for all the documents created by the MAC in January 1977. You will look for the 14 January 1977 letter, which is filed with Mr. Zukowski’s original letter. Focus your analysis on the original (from Mr. Zukowski), which is the interesting part.


  • Choose your document(s) by following the URLs embedded in the attached PDF. You can choose to analyze one of the docs you read in the library, or choose something else.
  • Analyze the document within the context of the Municipal Assistance Corporation and the 1975 fiscal crisis.
  • Purpose: Who is the author, why did they create this text? What kind of source is it (speech, letter, memo, report, something else?) What is the author’s goal? If you have a letter and a response to the letter, focus your analysis on the earlier of the two letters.
  • Argument: How does the author try to make their point? What kinds of language, appeals, strategies, tone do they use to convince their audience?
  • Presuppositions: (don’t worry about this for right now)
  • Epistemology: what does the source reveal about the author’s worldview and society in which they lived? If there is more than one viewpoint expressed, you can compare them.
  • Relate: Does this source confirm Jon Shelton’s argument and evidence in his chapter “Dropping Dead” about the 1975 fiscal crisis? Or does it provide any new insight into the crisis, not provided in Shelton’s chapter? Explain your answer, using specific examples from Shelton’s chapter and from your document.


  • Writeup: Approximately 500 words. Please discuss the four prompts above (Purpose, Argument, Epistemology, Relate) using specific details and examples.
  • Post your critique on the blogs@baruch class page. Make sure to categorize it as “Assignment #6.” Identify which document you are analyzing at the top of your post.

Posts will be graded (4 points maximum) based on the following:

  • Do you respond to all parts of the prompt?
  • Do you relate the primary source to Shelton’s chapter?
  • Do you use specific examples from the primary source and Shelton’s chapter?
  • Is your critique approximately 500 words long? You cannot answer all parts of the prompt in much less than 500 words. At the same time, you should practice writing concisely; please do not submit an 800-word critique.

Should the city pass a ban on skateboarders on all public property, or are the citizens who oppose the ban right when they argue that there are benefits to having the skateboarders in public parks?

Responding to a Persuasive Prompt


For 15 years, Hollyfield Park has been a gathering place for skateboarders. But recently, the city council has decided to pass an ordinance banning the use of skateboards in all city parks.

Read two letters addressing the issue as well as a copy of the possible ban the city council will be voting on soon.

Amendment to the Regulation of Individual Conduct and Activity
Skateboarding on Public Property

The City Council of Jerrytown hereby ordains:

Skateboarding on Public Property



Letter to the Editor 1

Dear Editor:

I want to be clear about my position on the possible ban on skateboarding: I love the ban! Let me explain. I live near Hollyfield Park, and I have a small child. We like to walk through the park regularly. But the skateboarders pose a serious threat to us. They weave through crowded walkways. My mother-in-law was once knocked down by a skater.

Also, has anyone else noticed how barren some of our flowerbeds look? That’s because skaters end up running into them. I’ve seen a skater sail right through a bunch of daisies, flattening them to the ground. That’s my money that pays for the upkeep of those daisies! Also, the skaters hop up onto the handrails along the walkway. I can see where they have chipped and damaged the handrails as well as the curbs on the street.

I certainly hope the city council votes in favor of the ban. We’ll all be grateful.

Letter to the Editor 2

Dear Editor:

In recent weeks, there has been a lot of discussion about the possible ban on skateboarders on public property. I have been hearing a lot of passionate argument for the ban, but I want to present the other side. I think the ban will be bad for the whole city.

You probably think that I am some young skateboarder myself. Nope! I’ve never set foot on a skateboard in my life. But I think that the skateboarding community brings a lot to our town, and I don’t want to lose it.

People from all over the world come to skate in Hollyfield Park, including some of the world’s top professional skateboarders. This attracts passersby who enjoy watching the art.As more people come to the city, they also spend money! That’s called boosting the economy, people. Parks that allow skateboarding attract new residents and appeal particularly to young people—the very people who revitalize a city.

I recently talked to an elderly woman who lives near the park. Guess what she’s afraid of? Not skateboarders! She fears that without the skateboarders in the park in the evenings and at night, there will be nobody to keep an eye on the park and protect it from crime.

So please remember that there are plenty of us who oppose the ban against skateboarders.


Should the city pass a ban on skateboarders on all public property, or are the citizens who oppose the ban right when they argue that there are benefits to having the skateboarders in public parks? Plan and write a response in which you state your position and persuade readers to agree with you. Support your position with reasons and examples drawn from the proposed amendment to ban skateboarding and from information in the letters to the editor, as well as from your own experience.

Develop a plot plan, place your apparatus, and show the hydrants used by each and the location and type of hose lines used. Define the ongoing safety concerns associated with fire mitigation at this occupancy. Briefly describe any issues or recommendations that would be addressed in an after-action report.

Unit VII Project

Choose from one of the occupancies listed below, and identify a specific example of this occupancy within your community for the purposes of this assignment. Select one of the following:

  • public assembly,
  • educational,
  • institutional,
  • business,
  • industrial,
  • manufacturing, or
  • storage.

You will then prepare an informative report that could be used as the basis for a training drill in your department to meet the needs of training for a fire in that type of occupancy.
When completing this project, you will assume there is a working fire in that occupancy and the following conditions exist.

  • Alarm Information: You are responding to a fire reported in the selected occupancy and will assume command upon arrival.
  • Construction and Layout: You will need to describe the occupancy you have chosen in detail.
  • Exposures: The exposures exist as they do in your community. You will need to describe the exposures for this occupancy in detail.
  • Time: The time is 1330 hours (1:30 p.m.). You arrive eight (8) minutes after the initial dispatch.
  • Water Supply: Water supply has never been an issue in this area.
  • Arrival Conditions: Upon arrival, you can see that there is evidence of a heavy smoke condition, with a distinct glow coming from the roof of the occupancy. There is a heavy smoke condition from the A-side of the building. As you are making the report of a working fire, a civilian informs you that some of the people who work in the occupancy are unaccounted for. They were known to be in the structure when the alarm sounded.
  • Response: The response will be what is normally assigned by your department. You will need to specify this information per your department policy. Staffing is your normal first alarm assignment. Include the expected response of what additional alarm requests may bring.
  • Weather: Assume your current normal seasonal weather.

Your written report should address the below items.
Provide a description of the occupancy (include a street view picture), restate the time, provide staffing, and note weather conditions in your overview. Utilize the COAL WAS WEALTH acronym.
Give an initial arrival report.
Define the hazards associated with the occupancy type and those specifically identified in your department or community pre-incident plan. Include specifics for occupancy type selected and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) classification.
Define your strategic mode of operation and the factors associated with your decision-making for this incident.
Discuss possible unknown factors that could alter your strategy and plan.
As the incident commander, develop an emergency operation action plan given assigned resources and type of incident. Indicate the preliminary plan to deploy resources to mitigate the situation.
Give an initial progress report for the incident and assigned emergency response resources.
Develop a plot plan, place your apparatus, and show the hydrants used by each and the location and type of hose lines used.
Define the ongoing safety concerns associated with fire mitigation at this occupancy.
Briefly describe any issues or recommendations that would be addressed in an after-action report.

Your project must be a minimum of four written pages, not counting the title and reference pages or the photographs. You must use at least one source outside of your textbook to support your analysis and plan. All sources used must have proper citations. Your paper, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.

Briefly reiterate for your readers the Research Problem or problems you are investigating and the Methods you used to investigate them, then move quickly to describe the major Results of the study. Write a direct, declarative, and succinct proclamation of the study results.

Writing Question

Based on the information collected in this study, formulate the Discussion section of your selected topic. Do not forget that your Discussion section should:

a. Reiterate the Research Problem/State the Major Findings

Briefly reiterate for your readers the Research Problem or problems you are investigating and the Methods you used to investigate them, then move quickly to describe the major Results of the study. You should write a direct, declarative, and succinct proclamation of the study results.

b. Explain the Meaning of the Results and Why They are Important

No one has thought as long and hard about your study as you have. Systematically, explain the meaning of the Results and why you believe they are important. After reading the Discussion section, you want the reader to think about the Results [“why hadn’t I thought of that?”]. You do not want to force the reader to go through the paper multiple times to figure out what it all means. Begin this part of the section by repeating what you consider to be your most important finding first.

c. Relate the Findings to Similar Studies

No study is so novel or possesses such a restricted focus that it has absolutely no relation to other previously published research. The Discussion section should relate your study findings to those of other studies, particularly if questions raised by previous studies served as the motivation for your study, the findings of other studies support your findings [which strengthens the importance of your study results], and/or they point out how your study differs from other similar studies.

d. Consider Alternative Explanations of the Findings

It is important to remember that the purpose of research is to discover and not to prove. When writing the Discussion section, you should carefully consider all possible explanations for the study Results, rather than just those that fit your prior assumptions or biases.

Provide the complete References list of the sources used in writing the Discussion. Use APA style (7th Ed.) to enter the references.

Firm A has a value of $100 million and Firm B has a value of $70 million. Merging the two would enable cost savings with a present value of $20 million. Firm A purchases Firm B for $75 million. What is the gain from this merger?

Corporate Finance 10 MCQ

Question 1

Firm A has a value of $100 million and Firm B has a value of $70 million. Merging the two would enable cost savings with a present value of $20 million. Firm A purchases Firm B for $75 million. What is the gain from this merger?

  • $75 million
  • $30 million
  • $15 million
  • $20 million

Question 2

Galt Industries has 50 million shares outstanding and a market capitalization of $1.25 billion. It also has $750 million in debt outstanding. Galt Industries has decided to delever the firm by issuing new equity and completely repaying all the outstanding debt. Assume perfect capital markets.

Suppose you are a shareholder in Galt industries holding 100 shares, and you disagree with this decision to delever the firm. You can undo the effect of this decision by:

  • borrowing $1500 and buying 60 shares of stock.
  • selling 40 shares of stock and lending $1000.
  • borrowing $1000 and buying 40 shares of stock.
  • selling 32 shares of stock and lending $800.

Question 3

Wealth and Health Company is financed entirely by common stock that is priced to offer a 15 percent expected return. The common stock price is $40/share. The earnings per share (EPS) is expected to be $6. If the company repurchases 25 percent of the common stock and substitutes an equal value of debt yielding 6 percent, what is the expected value of earnings per share after refinancing? (Ignore taxes.)

  • $7.20
  • $7.52
  • $6.00
  • $6.90

Question 4

The dividend policy of Berkshire Gardens Inc. can be represented by a gradual adjustment to a target dividend payout ratio. Last year Berkshire had earnings per share of US$3.00 and paid a dividend of US$0.60 a share. This year it estimates earnings per share will be US$4.00. Find its dividend per share for this year if it has a 25% target payout ratio and uses a five-year period to adjust its dividend.

  • US$0.85.
  • US$0.50.
  • US$0.68.
  • US$0.80.



What would you do if you were taken to a psychiatric center because you were out walking, something you did every day for years and years?


What would you do if you were taken to a psychiatric center because you were out walking, something you did every day for years and years?

Write about your daily routine and something in your daily routine you couldn’t live without?
What would you do if that thing then was banned?

In your own words, summarize the article. To which extent do you agree or disagree with the author point of view “that internal customers’ needs are important as externals to create a true quality environment” and Why?


In this article, the author discusses the different definition of customers either internal or external and how satisfying all customers’ needs helps the organization in term of accomplishing its quality objectives. Read the article, and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):

1. In your own words, summarize the article. (150 words) ( 5 marks )

2. To which extent do you agree or disagree with the author point of view “that internal customers’ needs are important as externals to create a true quality environment” and Why? (150 words) ( 5 marks )

3. Discuss the tools needed to operate within the new environment as indicated by the author. ( 100 words) ( 5 mark )

What are the strengths of the example/artifact? What are the weaknesses of the example/artifact? What aspects of the example/artifact would you have your classmate keep? What aspects of the example/artifact would you have your classmate change?

Do the following for coms artifact

First, upload the example or artifact that you will upload to showcase your teamwork skills. If it is a paper, you can upload the paper, photograph, PDF, etc. If it is a video, you can post the link.

Second, write a description of the example or artifact that you will use when you upload the example/artifact to Bravofolio. This description should be between 3-4 sentences.

Response to Group Member’s Post (Due on Friday, March 10 @ 11:59 p.m.)

After going through each classmates original post, reply to each member, separately, with answers to the following questions:

1. On a scale of 1-4 (1=ineffective; 2=somewhat ineffective; 3=somewhat effective; 4=very effective), rate the effectiveness with with the example/artifact illustrate the career readiness competency of teamwork.

2. What are the strengths of the example/artifact?

3. What are the weaknesses of the example/artifact?

4. What aspects of the example/artifact would you have your classmate keep?

5. What aspects of the example/artifact would you have your classmate change?

6. Any additional comments: