
Discuss the general basics of the regulatory rules applying to insider trading and its implications and address the following: Ethical implications.


Discuss the general basics of the regulatory rules applying to insider trading and its implications and address the following: Ethical implications.

Briefly discuss each alternative and include implications to the company’s capital structure and cost of capital, if any. Considering the size of the investment ($500,000 infusion), provide a conclusion on how it might impact the financial statement reviewed in Unit 1.

Case Study:

The Exceptional Service Grading Company requires a capital infusion of $500,000. It is currently a closely held corporation with less than 25 shareholders. Although the shareholders are not all related to each other, they all know each other, and they view the business as a family business. The financial statements should be familiar to you because you performed a basic financial analysis of the company in Unit 1 of this course.

Several alternatives are available to the company, consisting of the following:

Obtain private debt financing
Seek out a private investor(s) who would be willing to share ownership (private transfer of partial ownership)
Seek out offers for a private buy-out (private transfer of entire ownership)
Issue public debt (corporate bonds)
Issue public common stock (public equity offering)

Briefly discuss each alternative and include implications to the company’s capital structure and cost of capital, if any. Considering the size of the investment ($500,000 infusion), provide a conclusion on how it might impact the financial statement reviewed in Unit 1. No calculations are required.

In what ways do you think this topic will benefit your future work, and it what ways do you think it is not particularly relevant for your future work? Are there critics of the theory? Why or why not?


You will write a 2,500-word term paper for this course, which will be comprised of two parts:

Part 1: Reflection on key learning – (500 words)
During the course, we will have worked on 14 topics. You are required to select the topic of which you think learning will be most relevant for your future career. In explaining the importance of this topic and how it will benefit your career, you need also to refer to relevant theories on the topic and your own perspective with critical analysis (i.e., in what ways do you think this topic will benefit your future work, and it what ways do you think it is not particularly relevant for your future work? Are there critics of the theory? Why or why not?

Part 2: The Essay – (max 2000 words)
You are to choose one of the session topics and make a critical case study on this topic using a real organization. Ideally, this will be an organization you currently work for or have worked for in the past. If you have never worked, choose an organization you have a lot of knowledge about or can easily access.

Why is it important to measure outcomes? What key criteria must be taken into account when deciding what outcomes you will measure (consider such things as relevance, rigor, feasibility, and usability)?

Week 4

Leadership at My Excellence Center became concerned when reimbursements began to shrink with the advent of pay-for-performance for Medicare patients. As they began to evaluate their performance metrics, they noted that there were large variations in outcomes across their patient care units. One safety outcome in particular, patient falls, seemed to show the greatest variability from month to month and across patient care units. Leaders determined to set improvement of falls as a priority for the organization.
A transdisciplinary team was formed to review evidence and make recommendations for practice change. The team reviewed evidence for acute care fall reduction programs, developed a protocol, and gained stakeholder support for its implementation. The team met to determine what outcomes should be measured.

1. a. Why is it important to measure outcomes?
b. What key criteria must be taken into account when deciding what outcomes you will measure (consider such things as relevance, rigor, feasibility, and usability)?

2. a. In this scenario, what outcomes might the team measure?
b. Thinking about the sources of data within healthcare organizations, where might the team find data to address the outcomes identified?

Simultaneously, leadership put a dashboard up to track progress and make data readily available to both unit leadership and staff to increase awareness and allow them to monitor data around the unit’s patient fall rates. Additionally, the dashboard allowed nurses to monitor potential relationships among patient falls, changes in staffing, volatility of admissions, discharges, transfers, and case mix. Nurse managers knew the literature suggested that there is a relationship between falls and staffing levels but were unsure how staffing levels were affecting their own units. With the implementation of the new dashboards on their units, they were able to evaluate factors surrounding times of patient falls in order to look for patterns. They became excited about their ability to monitor progress based on their own data.

3. Identify and explain three different mechanisms to report data to stakeholders in a meaningful, understandable way?

Choose one of the above concepts as the topic you explore. Research the concept in order to provide an explanation of what the concept means, how it relates to community health nursing, and a proposal with at least 2 interventions, and resources for each intervention, to address the concept area you have chosen.

NURS 122 Community-Based Nursing

The ‘social determinants of health’ in Healthy People 2030 are categorized in the following manner:

  • Economic Stability
  • Education Access and Quality
  • Health Care Access and Quality
  • Neighborhood and Built Environment
  • Social and Community Context

For this paper, you may choose one of the above concepts as the topic you explore. You will research the concept in order to provide an explanation of what the concept means, how it relates to community health nursing, and a proposal with at least 2 interventions, and resources for each intervention, to address the concept area you have chosen.

Describe the evoulution of the use of the drug in veterinary medicine. Is it currently used in the same manner today? Why? What species does it work in? Are there species/diseases where this class is contraindicated? Why? Show me you understand the pharmacology of this class of drugs through this paper! How does the drug work within the body system?

E X VET-111: Vet Pharmacology

For VET 111, the assignment is to select a class of pharmaceuticals and provide in-depth history and understanding of the class of drugs through research within the database provided by Blue Ridge CTC.

When and by who was the class of drug developed? What was it’s intended use? Describe the evolution of the use of the drug in veterinary medicine. Is it currently used in the same manner today? Why? What species does it work in? Are there species/diseases where this class is contraindicated? Why? Show me you understand the pharmacology of this class of drugs through this paper! How does the drug work within the body system?

Propose either a change to an existing technological tool/advance/innovation used in a healthcare system or propose a new one related to nursing.

Analysis of a Technology /system Application Presentation

In this course, you learned rapidly changing technologies have a drastic impact on nursing and healthcare. During this course both current and emerging technologies support safety practice environments have been addressed. These technologies can optimize patient safety, cost-effectiveness, and health outcomes.

For the assignment, you are to propose either a change to an existing technological tool/advance/innovation used in a healthcare system or propose a new one related to nursing. Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • artificial intelligence
  • Telemedicine
  • vein finders
  • blood analyzers
  • cloud
  • automated medication administration systems
  • block chains

Remember, it is through technology in healthcare, care is reshaped. Care is transformed not only in the hospital setting, but in the rural settings as well.

Many organizations have policies and procedures in place regarding information systems and security. However, many of these policies are stored in locations not readily available to employees. What would be your approach to ensure all employees of the organization are fully aware of the policies to secure the organizational infrastructure along with practices accepted by the organization?

Short answer Discussion questions

Disaster Recovery

IV Work at the XYZ Financial Bank, and a fellow co-worker approaches you and states the only safeguard controls needed for the bank are the physical controls. Based what you have learned about safeguard controls, discuss whether you support your co-worker’s position, or refute the claim of just using physical controls. Defend your answer.

V Risk mitigation, which is part of the risk management plan, takes place once you have identified and analyzed your risks. Risk mitigation is identifying the strategies you are going to use to accept, avoid, share/reduce, or work around the identified and analyzed risks. Which of the seven domains do you think will be the easiest to identify, and which will be the hardest? Defend your answer.


Cybersecurity Law and Policy

IV A single point of failure is a huge issue and is to be prevented at all costs. Especially when it comes to policies and documents because those are critical to day-to-day operations. Communication is key and it is vital that everyone is on the same page. One advantage that comes to mind when separating duties for a combined effort is that everyone can focus on one thing at a time and not be overwhelmed with so much at once. This will aid in empowering your team to achieve the objectives of the organization as well as making your employees specialists in their respective duties. Another advantage is accountability in the workplace. If someone doesn’t do their part in their duties, you can hold them accountable for not fulfilling their duty or see if they are able to fulfill that duty so you can set them up for success with another duty if they aren’t able to fulfill that duty.

V Many organizations have policies and procedures in place regarding information systems and security. However, many of these policies are stored in locations not readily available to employees. What would be your approach to ensure all employees of the organization are fully aware of the policies to secure the organizational infrastructure along with practices accepted by the organization?

Write an essay discussing the role an engineer can play in advancing the future of the transportation, motor coach, travel and tourism/hospitality industry.

Future of the transportation

Write an essay discussing the role an engineer can play in advancing the future of the transportation, motor coach, travel and tourism/hospitality industry.

The perimeter of a triangle is 28 ft. The medium side is 4 ft longer than the shortest side, while the longest side is twice as long as the shortest side. What are the lengths of the three sides?

MATH 115N-01 College Algebra

Find the value of each exponential expressions


(3)Let set A={5.3, 5, 1, 1/9, 𝟑, 0, 0.𝟏̅ , 1.2, 3}. List all the elements of A that belongs to each set.

  • Natural numbers :
  • Whole numbers:
  • Integers:
  • Rational numbers:
  • Irrational numbers:
  • Real numbers

Use real numbers’ properties to complete each statement
(4)5(2x5y+6z) = ________________

(5)6+(1) = _____________________

(6)2×(79×5) = __________________

Solve each equation.
(7) 6x 4(x+1) = 2x + 4

(8) T = 2π𝐿/𝑔, for g

Solve each problem
(9) The perimeter of a triangle is 28 ft. The medium side is 4 ft longer than the shortest side, while the longest side is twice as long as the shortest side. What are the lengths of the three sides?

Solve each inequality
(10) 2(x5)+3x < 4(x6)+1

(11) 7 < 3x 4 < 8

Find the slope of the line
(12) Through (3,4) and (2, 8)

(13) y 2x +4 = 0

Write an equation for the line and give answers in slopeintercept form
(14) through (2,4), m=1

(15) through (2,3) and (1,2)

(16) through (3,2), parallel to 2xy=5

(17) through (3,2), perpendicular to 2xy=5