
Write a letter to your principal in which you argue who would benefit most from organizing a volunteer program at school: student participants or members of the community they serve.

Organizing a volunteer program at school

Write a letter to your principal in which you argue who would benefit most from organizing a volunteer program at school: student participants or members of the community they serve.

Discuss the American media reactions to the Patriot Act, for example compare the reaction of the republic party to the Patriot Act as opposed to ethinic minorities reaction to the Patriot Act. Use articles such as The New York Times.

The Patriot Act and it’s consequences

Part 1: Briefly describe 9/12 and the reaction it got from the American government and the American people. Then completely analyse the Patriot Act it’s direct ambitions and how it aimed to provide security post 9/11. However talk about how it actually had many cons in the long run such as racial profiling.

Part 2: Discuss the American media reactions to the Patriot Act, for example compare the reaction of the republic party to the Patriot Act as opposed to ethinic minorities reaction to the Patriot Act. Use articles such as The New York Times.

Part 3: Talk about the link between the Patriot Acts increase in airport security and how it has affected immigration but also led to racial profiling in airport’s in the United States. Also talk about how the Patriots Act aim for security resulted in crippling costs of war.

Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker. Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

Explain the concept of a knowledge worker

  • Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Your 10 PowerPoint SLIDES should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ responses.

Identify an area of clinical interest. Locate a minimum of one peer-reviewed journal article related to your clinical topic of interest.

Nursing Question

Assignment Criteria:
Develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following criteria:

1. Identify an area of clinical interest.

2. Locate a minimum of one peer-reviewed journal article (no older than 5 years) related to your clinical topic of interest. Do not use a meta-analysis or systematic review.

3. Critique the journal article, fully answering the questions in the table below.

4. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 4 to 5 pages excluding the title and reference page.

5. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.

6. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.

7. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we,  you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.

8. Include a minimum of one professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper and a second  benchmark peer reviewed source (may be textbook or other journal article) and be less than five (5) years old.

9. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Even if an economy experiences full-employment, does it mean that in the economy, everyone has a job? why or why not?

Economics Question

The answers to the following questions are included in Ch.15.

1. Listen to Friday, March 10th news from the announcement of unemployment rate for March 2023. This official news needs to come from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.  (1 pt.)



  • A) Define what are the 4 types of unemployment? (4 pts.)
  • B) Provide an example for each type of unemployment (2 pts.)


3. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not count discouraged workers as unemployed. Suppose discouraged workers were counted as unemployed.

  • Define a discouraged worker;   (1 pt.)
  • Explain how the unemployment rate and the labor force participation rate would change.   (1 pt.)


4. Even if an economy experiences full-employment, does it mean that in the economy, everyone has a job? why or why not?     (1 pt.)




In spite of its apparent radicalness, Berkeley views his theory of reality as the most commonsensical. How would you defend this claim in your own words? In the end, is it really commonsensical?

Discussion questions

1. Some thinkers have argued that Descartes starts modern philosophy on a bad path because he based knowledge on certainty, and there are very few things in life that we can know with certainty. What do you think of this view? Remember it is important to reply back to any questions I or others raise to your posts. 2. ( This question comes from Miller at the end of the chapter on Berkeley), “In spite of its apparent radicalness, Berkeley views his theory of reality as the most commonsensical. How would you defend this claim in your own words? In the end, is it really commonsensical?”

Read and re-read the textbook, pp. 83-160

An Invitation to Philosophy, by Ed. Miller and John Jensen, McGraw-Hill, 2009, sixth edition (Please note that you can only use this edition for the course. Earlier editions will not work)

Convert isolated eugenol to an ester on a small scale, and purify by recrystallization. Characterize the product by infrared spectrometry, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. Compare the analytical data of your product with that of your starting material, eugenol.

Organic Chemistry I

ASSIGNMENT: Convert isolated eugenol to an ester on a small scale, and purify by recrystallization. Characterize the product by infrared spectrometry, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. Compare the analytical data of your product with that of your starting material, eugenol.

Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.

Analysis of the Healthcare cost Issue

Develop a 3-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing the Healthcare cost Issue /stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the national Healthcare cost Issue issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).
  • Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.
  • Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of the Healthcare cost Issue /stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples

At least 3 references APA STYLE 7

Create a playlist (name of clip and URL of the clip, which you can copy and paste) of all the interview clips (from the CRBB OH Project website) that could serve as possible sources for your topic.

History Question

For this assignment, you will work with a digital archive called the “Civil Rights in Black and Brown Oral History Project” housed in the History Department at Texas Christian University. (Yes, we are re-visiting the CRBB OH Program at TCU). This online repository houses hundreds of interviews (oral histories) of Chicano and Black activists of the sixties and seventies. The interviews have been divided into short clips around searchable topics or issues. You can access this digital archive through the following link: Once you access the website, you are to complete the following steps.

Step 1: Take a digital tour of the archive, noting its features. As you are touring the digital archive, think about a research topic related to class (i.e., police brutality, labor, segregation). Then select a research topic, making sure it’s related to the issues from class but not the same topic you did last week. Finally, search for interviews that you could use in a research paper related to your chosen topic.

Step 2: Once you select interview clips, you must watch one clip connected to your topic. After watching the clip, provide a summary of the interview, listing the name of the person interviewed, the date of the interview, and the topic of discussion. In your summary, list something you learned and a question you want to be answered. The summary should encourage further examination, exploration, and debate. It must be in essay format (a minimum of 200 words) and typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, and in 12-point font. Additionally, be sure to correct any grammar errors.

Step 3: Create a playlist (name of clip and URL of the clip, which you can copy and paste) of all the interview clips (from the CRBB OH Project website) that could serve as possible sources for your topic. For example, if I chose police brutality as a topic, my playlist would consist of clips related to police brutality. Place your playlist underneath the summary.

The summary and the playlist should be submitted together as a Word or PDF file. There is no need to select interviews from other sources. Your summary and playlist should come only from the CCRB website: