
Conduct a library search based on your evidence-based project topic. Select three peer-reviewed research articles (each article must report conducted RESEARCH based on your selected topic). Provide a description of WHY you selected this resource to support your project.

Preventing post operatives complications in cardiac patients.

1. Conduct a library search based on your evidence-based project topic. Select three peer-reviewed research articles (each article must report conducted RESEARCH based on your selected topic). Provide a description of WHY you selected this resource to support your project.

2. Post your paper in Word *.doc or *.docx format to the assignment drop box in Moodle by the Due Date. Remember to follow APA formatting for all citations and for your reference list.


Write a research paper related to economics development in Kenya.

Economics Question

Write a research paper related to economics development in Kenya.

What is Foreign Direct Investment, and explain its three different types. What should be considered when deciding where to locate production facilities?

Homework global

Response to each question should be 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words.

Each question needs to Have in-text citations and references. (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

Answer the following questions using information contained within the module, text, and additional research. Be sure to cite and support your claims, facts, and arguments:

  • What is Foreign Direct Investment, and explain its three different types.
  • What should be considered when deciding where to locate production facilities?
  • Explain the Made in China 2025 plan, its goals, and its reasoning.
  • With wages rising in China, describe how this has provided opportunities for Vietnam and Bangladesh.
  • Explain how Toyota’s recalls in Japan, Europe, and the US were a wake-up call for the company’s leadership.
  • Explain the effects of the US, the largest energy consumer now being the largest crude oil producer, followed by Russia and Saudi Arabia.
  • Considering the oil and gas industries primarily, explain how the environmental impact is changing global politics.

Why Microsoft Excel is important. List three (3) ways that you can use MS Excel as part of your daily life. How could you use a spreadsheet in your daily life to simplify a task or solve a problem?

Intro to Computers

1. How to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Would any of these web development tools help you personally or on your job? 2.Discuss common types of digital communication. Discuss types of blogs, social networks, and wikis.

3. Discuss some of the positive and negative effects of social media.

4. How Cloud Services Are Used in the Workplace? and how a Cloud Service Could Benefit You. Identify ways people use Artifical Intelligence in daily life.

5.Why Microsoft Excel is important. List three (3) ways that you can use MS Excel as part of your daily life. How could you use a spreadsheet in your daily life to simplify a task or solve a problem?

Explain product flow and information flow throughout the supply chain. Examine Warehouse Functions. Explain Inventory Management. Determine when to order inventory.

Oreo products

The following Learning Outcomes will be assessed in this assignment:

  • Explain product flow and information flow throughout the supply chain.
  • Examine Warehouse Functions.
  • Explain Inventory Management.
  • Determine when to order inventory.
  • Differentiate between MRP, reorder point and DRP logic
  • Determine appropriate techniques for storage & handling inventory within the warehouse
  • Determine appropriate techniques for picking & preparing inventory for shipping or production
  • Describe the automated technology used in the warehouse
  • Describe the use of a WMS in planning warehouse activities
  • Construct a Bill Of Distribution from an example (in order to complete DRP Grids)

Providing examples of HCI now. What do you predict will be the state of HCI in 10 years? Why? What is contributing to your prediction?

Outsourcing strategy and HCI

As part of your organization’s IT department, the IT Strategy Committee has asked you to prepare a presentation to the Committee members, on the pros and cons of outsourcing as a systems development approach/option or strategy.


Prepare a well-developed presentation (in MS Word) to the Committee on the pros and cons of using outsourcing as a systems development strategy/option.

Your presentation MUST address…

  • The overall concept of outsourcing…e.g., what is it?
  • Why the organization might consider this systems development approach.
  • Under what conditions would outsourcing be beneficial to the organization and when it would not.
  • Identify FIVE (5) reasons that would support approving outsourcing as a development strategy/option.
  • Identify FIVE (5) reasons that would support rejecting outsourcing as a development strategy/option.

Part 2:

Gary and Judith Olson, in their article “Human-Computer Interaction: Psychological Aspects of the Human Use of Computing,” appearing in the Annual Review of Psychology [], state that human-computer interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field in which psychology and other social sciences unite with computer science and related technical fields with the goal of making computing systems that are both useful and usable. It is a blend of applied and basic research, both drawing from psychological research and contributing new ideas to it. New technologies continuously challenge HCI researchers with new options, as do the demands of new audiences and uses.Diane Hickey [] further states that HCI is an intersection of multiple disciplines, including computer science, behavioral sciences, human-centered design, media studies, and several other fields of study.Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality, Tactile Technologies, Wearable Computing…oh my.Tasks:Using information from this chapter, certainly your own thoughts and ideas, and of course the vast repository that is the Internet, write and submit a well-thought-out, graduate-level paper, of NO LESS THAN four (4) pages answering the question…Where will technology and HCI be in 2032? A mere 10 years from now.Your response should address such areas as but, not be limited to ….

    • Defining human computer interaction.
    • Discussing the evolution of computer and human interface.
    • Issues, problems, struggles, etc., in an attempt to interface computers and humans.
    • Operational/technical, political, ethical issues involving closing the gap between carbon-based humans and silicon-based machines.
    • Providing examples of HCI now.
    • What do you predict will be the state of HCI in 10 years? Why? What is contributing to your prediction?

How is risk management appropriately applied to the systems development life cycle (SDLC)? When is risk management most appropriately integrated into the SDLC?

System development

Consideration of security in the System Development Life Cycle is essential to implementing and integrating a comprehensive strategy for managing risk for all information technology assets in an organization.

Security activities should be physically and logically integrated into an organization’s SDLC policy and guidelines versus maintaining them in a separate, complementary document or security life cycle

The most effective way to accomplish the integration of security within the system development life cycle is to plan and implement a comprehensive risk management program.


Research and develop a well thought-out, graduate-level paper, of NO LESS than three (3) pages, which addresses the following:

  1. What is risk management? (more than a simple one-paragraph definition)
  2. How is risk management appropriately applied to the systems development life cycle (SDLC)?
  3. When is risk management most appropriately integrated into the SDLC?
  4. Identify three (3) risks that a systems analyst should be aware of or on the lookout for during the SDLC.
  5. Provide a recommendation for each of the three risks that you have identified, in step 4, designed to mitigate that risk effecting the organization’s SDLC

Part 2: Senior management has been working for weeks to determine the best system changeover approach to use for the current salesforce management system under development. Time to implement the new system is drawing close and senior management has asked for your assistance.Tasks:Senior management has asked you to develop a presentation (please use MS Word and not PowerPoint) that presents the risks, rewards, pros and cons, benefits, upsides, downsides, costs, etc., of using the following changeover approaches, which are being considered:

  • Direct cutover
  • Parallel operation
  • Pilot Operation
  • Phased Operation

Your presentation (MS Word document) should provide ample detail and discussion of each changeover approach, at a level that will allow senior management to select the most appropriate approach for the soon-to-be-implemented salesforce management system.Once again, a paper that does not appropriately address the deliverable requirements, will not receive full-credit consideration.

What protein transports oxygen in our body and explain its structure? What cell secretes antibodies and explain the various functions of antibodies. What are the different types of antibodies and give two characteristics for each?

Nursing Question

Teri goes to see her PCP after feeling depressed last couple of months as well as experiencing a seizure earlier this week. The physician orders a few test, results are shown below:

  • Low hematocrit
  • Low levels of Vit B12
  • Low Oxygen levels
  • Presence of autoantibodies against the parietal cell
  • Peripheral blood smear shows abnormal RBC (large pale RBCs)

After viewing the results, Teri is diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia; a condition in which autoantibodies destroys the parietal cells found within the stomach.

Address each of the following regarding Teri’s case:

  1. Since the parietal cell is destroyed, which substance(s) is Teri lacking as a consequence?
  2. What is the correlation between destruction of parietal cells and Vit B12 deficiency?
  3. Due to her condition, Teri lacks Pepsin. Explain why.
  4. If Teri were healthy, explain what her RBCs would look like?
  5. What is hematocrit?
  6. Low oxygen levels stimulate her body to create new RBCs by stimulating which process? Explain that process in depth.
  7. What protein transports oxygen in our body and explain its structure?
  8. What cell secretes antibodies and explain the various functions of antibodies.
  9. What are the different types of antibodies and give two characteristics for each?
  10. Explain the structure of an immunoglobulin.

What sorts of constraints or obstacles do you encounter in practicing the kind of food economy that you desire? How have the materials from this course changed your way of thinking about your relation to the food you eat and the economies you perform?

Nutr101 Ethical Food

The objective of this assignment is to engage with the critical concepts, readings, and discussions from this class. This means that in the midst of your narrative, you should be citing the specific readings and quotes that have had an impact on how you think about food. It is a hybrid genre between a personal story and a more academic exercise. Some questions to consider are:

  • How do your choices in the hands-on aspect of the assignment express your nutritional philosophy and/or food ideology?
  • What do you know about the value chain of each of your ingredients (to the extent that this is knowable) and what kind of economy are you performing through your practices of procuring food (are your food choices supporting big agriculture or small farmers)?
  • What sorts of constraints or obstacles do you encounter in practicing the kind of food economy that you desire?
  • How have the materials from this course changed your way of thinking about your relation to the food you eat and the economies you perform?

You should frame your discussion in terms of economies of health, environmental sustainability, social equity, and animal welfare. You may not have space to discuss all of these, but you can focus on one or more that you feel are most important to you.

Use in-text citation (author last name, page number) when quoting from the readings. It will be important to draw connections with ALL readings. Make sure your paper has a well-structured and well-developed narrative. Make sure you properly cite all quotes.

Provide detailed explanations as to why you recommend DSW shoes store to add this specific 3D application which is augmented reality to their business. How would it look? In 350 words or more. Add

Fashion Design Question

Provide detailed explanations as to why you recommend DSW shoes store to add this specific 3D application which is augmented reality to their business. How would it look? In 350 words or more. Add at least one in text citation and the link of the reference you used.