
Tell me about four experiences you had as an elementary school student – ages 5-12 (for example, a birthday party or swimming lessons). Analyze each example with information from our course, using your textbook and class notes.

2: School-aged children

Elementary School Adventures
Tell me about four experiences you had as an elementary school student – ages 5-12 (for example, a birthday party or swimming lessons). Analyze each example with information from our course, using your textbook and class notes.


Summer Camp for Elementary School Aged Kids
Search for a summer day camp for elementary school-aged kids! Arlington County offers several. Provide me a description of the camp, and tell me FOUR things that make the camp attractive and appropriate for this age group. Use your book and class notes!

What are some of the reasons why employees fail to disclose their mental health experiences in the workplace? What were some of the specific things that Mark Bailey’s manager (Susan) did to make him feel empowered to bring his whole self to work?

Video Analysis Essay Guidelines  (50 points total)

Each student is required to respond to a series of questions related to the video posted. Students must answer each question in depth and demonstrate learning and understanding.

Instructions: Watch the following video and respond to the questions below in as much detail as possible.

1.  What are some of the reasons why employees fail to disclose their mental health experiences in the workplace?

2. What were some of the specific things that Mark Bailey’s manager (Susan) did to make him feel empowered to bring his whole self to work?

3. What are some specific ways that managers and organizational leaders can create a more inclusive environment where employees with different mental health experiences feel safe and supported?

4. An important part of talent management is supporting employees of different backgrounds. What are some specific policies that can be implemented to support employees with different mental health experiences in a post-pandemic workplace?

(Think about three different types of workplaces when you answer this question: the fully in-office workplace, the hybrid workplace and the fully remote workplace)


Additional guidelines:

· Include a reference page at the end of your essay.




Write one sentence in Spanish to show the first thing your neighbor must do to get to the final destination. Write one sentence in Spanish to show him where to stop.

Spanish Question

Write the rough draft of your informative description. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

Your rough draft should be written in complete sentences in Spanish and include the following requirements:

What to include in your rough draft Hint
Sentence one:

☐ Greet your neighbor.


Include a greeting.

Sentence two:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to show the first thing your neighbor must do to get to the final destination.


Use tener + que + infinitive.

Use your prepositions (e.g., a la derecha or a la izquierda).

Sentence three:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to show him where to stop.


Use one affirmative (informal) command.

Use parar.

Sentence four:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the correct roads to take.


Warn him or her what road he shouldn’t take and which road he should take.

Use a negative (informal) command to guide him or her.

Use your en route vocabulary (e.g., turn, pass, cross, etc.)

Sentence five:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the exact location of the final destination.

Discuss the various sociocultural influences faced by women in relation to the thin ideal, self-consciousness, health-related behaviors, & eating disorders (particularly anorexia & bulimia).

Psychology Question

1. This short answer essay requires a response to two parts, which add up to a total length of 2-4 paragraphs

REQUIRED : McEwen 2000 (article): Describe the 4 types of Allostatic Load.

Biopsychosocial: Discuss the various sociocultural influences faced by women in relation to the thin ideal, self-consciousness, health-related behaviors, & eating disorders (particularly anorexia & bulimia).

2. Ectoparasite Defense (6 Points) total 2-3 paragraphs

Look up & summarize 3 key points related to humans from the following article (2 points each):

Kupfer, T. R., & Fessler, D. M. (2018). Ectoparasite defence in humans: relationships to pathogen avoidance and clinical implications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1751), 20170207.

Can we learn from the mistakes of the past? What actions should we take to stop history from repeating itself, and then explore if the rise of Nazism can be compared to any contemporary national movement?

Essay #3 — Final Paper

Your 4-5 page essay should be double spaced with 1″margin, and a readable 12- point font. MLA format with internal documentation and a Work(s) Cited is required. Include relevant literature for your topic choice [O’Brien, Erdrich, Borowski, Wiese!, Levy]

The reason war seems only negative is because there is so much destruction; millions of innocent people die, lose their family, mental health and reason to live. No doubt war is the greatest catastrophe that can befall human beings. It brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery, disease and starvation, poverty and ruin in its wake.

Vietnam War Research American entanglement in the Vietnam War — the (lottery) draft. war, return home. Take the War home to reveal the media’s impact on the war, i.e., protests, music, news reports. Include Tim O’Brien’s first-hand account, “The Things They Carried,” and/or Louise Erdrich’s reflection of the end of a loving brothers’ relationship, “The Red Convertible,” to address the young men’s endurance and aftermath of the war.

World War II and the Holocaust” The term Holocaust refers to the genocide of European Jews and others by the Nazis during WWII in an attempt to restore the reputation of Germany at the international level. Polish writer and journalist Tadeusz Borowski’s experience as a privileged prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp is vividly narrated in “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen.”

Can we learn from the mistakes of the past? What actions should we take to stop history from repeating itself, and then explore if the rise of Nazism can be compared to any contemporary national movement?

Reflect on news media stories with a critical eye and to keep up with readings. Demonstrate a familiarity with major sociological concepts from the course, and play with a healthy dose of skepticism when reading the news.

English Question

Summarize the news article we discussed in class:

Chiang, T. “Social media in society: a positive or negative force? Links to an external site.” (2021). Apply as many sociological concepts as possible from our textbook as you summarize the information presented.

The purpose of this essay is to encourage you to:

  • Reflect on news media stories with a critical eye and to keep up with readings.
  • Demonstrate a familiarity with major sociological concepts from the course, and
  • play with a healthy dose of skepticism when reading the news.

Include references throughout your paper, providing the citation for the news story that you are summarizing. Highlight or underline the sociological concepts that you are using. Each paper should be 2 – 3 pages double-spaced with a 12-point font.

After reading this article about the recent expansion of Grammy voters, discuss whether or not you believe this to be significant, relevant, or change inducing.

Mass Communications

> Points: you must cite the text or assigned reading in your initial response, and you must reply to at least 2 peers. Initial response due Sunday at 11:59pm; reply to peers due Thursday at 11:59pm.

Much has been made of who is in the group that decides award winners. After reading this article about the recent expansion of Grammy voters, discuss whether or not you believe this to be significant, relevant, or change inducing.

Write a special research paper focused on a social issue related to popular music and culture like other cultures musical styles being appropriated for profit.

Writing Question

Students will write a special research paper focused on a social issue related to popular music and culture like other cultures musical styles being appropriated for profit. This topic needs to be preapproved by the instructor, but may be any social issue that interests the students. This assignment should be formatted according to APA guidelines and include a minimum of 10 academic references. The assignment should be between 2 500-3 250 words. Late submissions will result in an automatic ZERO for the assignment.

Define at least three key performance indicators for the security objectives and initiatives. Align the key performance indicators to the security objectives and initiatives as specified in the BCC profile.

Enterprise Information Strategic Plan

Assignment Content

This week you will continue to work on the BCC Enterprise Information Security Program by creating the BCC Enterprise Security Strategic Plan. Use information completed from Week 1 and information gained this week to complete the BCC Enterprise Strategic Plan.

Part 1

Write a 5- to 6-page BCC Enterprise Information Security Strategic Plan that includes the following:

  • Information security vision, mission, and objectives
  • Balanced scorecard for each domain
  • Control framework and major security areas to be assessed (COBIT or ISO 27002)
  • SWOT analysis of the internal and external assessment identifying at least three security initiatives that improve the security objectives
  • Operational action plan to complete the security initiatives

Part 2

Create a 6- to 8-slide, media-rich Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:

  • Define at least three key performance indicators for the security objectives and initiatives.
  • Align the key performance indicators to the security objectives and initiatives as specified in the BCC profile.

Discuss the early socialization of your author. Include any socialization concepts, theories or information in the text chapter that relate to the author’s early childhood experiences and development, such as significant others and generalized others in the life experiences of your author.

Autobiography. ( Tyler Perry: Higher is waiting)

Sociological Content. ( sociology 1-3 PowerPoint should help with the autobiography

Based on readings in your textbook, The Core, including such topics as sociological theories, socialization, culture, deviance, stratification, gender, the family and religion and other topics,  elaborate on the content topics listed below and integrate these topics into your oral presentation

The sociological content listed below is intended to highlight how the life of your author can be understood in terms of the different concepts, theories, ideas and explanations for behavior that are discussed in the text.

  1. Discuss the early socialization of your author. Include any socialization concepts, theories or information in the text chapter that relate to the author’s early childhood experiences and development, such as significant others and generalized others in the life experiences of your author. These are but some specific concepts from the chapter on socialization-Many others would be applicable.
  2. Sociologists such as Durkheim and sociological theories such as functionalism observe how the social order in which we live is held together by an agreement of shared values and norms that bind a community together. That is, people in a community abide by the rules and regulation of their society because they accept the fundamental values of their society and see its authority structures as legitimate expressions of this consensus. Here, rules and laws are understood as designs to benefit the totality of society and not merely a particular social class. Explain in detail how you see your author adapting to values and norms of the society in which they lived. Did he/she accept/reject this order? Explain why and how you think this is so?
  3. Discuss how any theories of deviance, such as labeling, conflict, strain, differential association or other concepts related to the chapter on deviance help you to understand the experiences of your author. Please be specific and detailed, naming and defining the theory or concept you choose.
  4. Discuss the social class of the author. Did this change or remain the same?
  5. Is there status consistency in the social class and life of the author? Is the author concerned with social mobility? Did he or she experience upward social mobility in his/her life? If Yes, what kind? If no, why do you think that this did not happen?
  6. Which theory of social class (functional or conflict) would be most useful to understand the life of your author? Why this theory?
  7. Durkheim discussed the “functional nature of deviance or crime. Is his explanation applicable in explaining the act/s of deviance committed by your author? If yes or no, be specific in your explanation.
  8. Please explain how the ideas and analyses of race forwarded by sociologist W.E.B. DuBois help you to understand the life and experiences of your author. Be specific.
  9. Discuss the religious life of your author. Is secularization a prominent feature in the life or community of your author?
  10. 10. Discuss whether you think that your author was more religious or spiritual and why?
  11. 11. Discuss fully whether gender issue or gender inequality played a role in the life experiences of your author? What can you point to in the autobiography to substantiate your view?
  12. 12. What social movements occurred during the life of your author? Did any of these have impact on the author? If yes, explain how. If no, discuss at least one major social movement that occurred during the lifetime of your authOR
  13. (this is for the mini-presentation need help on that I will attached a rubric on what she is looking for please this should be a separate 8 mins long thing this excluded from 1-12 paper