
Distinguish between a spot foreign exchange transaction and a forward foreign exchange transaction. Calculate return and risk on foreign exchange transactions. Describe the role of financial institutions in foreign exchange transactions.

Business Question

  1. Understand what foreign exchange markets and foreign exchange rates are.
  2. Identify the world’s largest foreign exchange markets.
  3. Know what the euro is and how/why it was created.
  4. Distinguish between a spot foreign exchange transaction and a forward foreign exchange transaction.
  5. Calculate return and risk on foreign exchange transactions.
  6. Describe the role of financial institutions in foreign exchange transactions.
  7. Identify the relations among interest rates, inflation, and exchange rates.

Describe coping techniques that you have tried that did not help you cope with your Explain why each of these techniques did not work for you by giving examples. Include in your examples the circumstances and the reactions of yourself and others.


 Your assignment is to design a personalized stress management plan. The idea of this stress managementplan is to help you come up with solutions for your stress that you feel comfortable with, and you will actuallyuse.

Your grade is based on the completeness of the work, the detail and quality of your responses, and how well you follow the criteria below. Please use specific examples when describing your stressors and your solutions to stress. Your answers needs to have sufficient details and information from the course including the textbook and videos, that you demonstrate an understanding of the course material, the ability to critically think, and apply this information to you and your life.

Your paper must meet the following criteria:

  • Be typed and a minimum of 4 pages in length, not including citation page
  • Have a 12-point font that is either Arial or Times New Roman
  • The question must be typed and underlined (single spaced)- your answer (double-spaced) follows
  • Follows conventions of standard written U.S. English and is free of spelling and grammatical Points will be deducted for the errors.
    • Run both spell and grammar check
    • It is suggested that if you have difficulty writing in College English including proper grammar, that you use the virtual tutors at the Writing


Develop a comprehensive stress management plan based on the following:

  1. Identify four major ongoing stressors in your life. For each stressor, describe why it is a stressor for you. You need to discuss a variety of areas such as personality, family situation, lifestyle, self-talk, and/or


  1. For each of your four stressors describe what happens to you when dealing with this What are your specific indicators or symptoms of stress? Your indicators of stress may be physical symptoms, mental/emotional changes, or behavior changes. Include in your answer, how different levels or type of stress has different and /or more stress symptoms. Do you react differently depending on the stressor?


  1. Describe coping techniques that you have tried that did not help you cope with your Explain why each of these techniques did not work for you by giving examples. Include in your examples the circumstances and the reactions of yourself and others. Your answer must include at least 3 techniques.



  1. Choose and explain stress management techniques that can help you cope with each of your four stressors. Do not use the same techniques for each stressor. Your answer must include a least four different coping strategies and the circumstances when you have or plan to use For each stressor take into account:
    • techniques or lifestyle behaviors that can prevent a stressor from
    • techniques that can change your thinking about the
    • ways to calm yourself or change the situation while the stressor is
    • ways to calm yourself both during and after the stressful situation is


  1. What are your obstacles to success in trying to manage your four stressors, and how can you overcome these obstacles?
  • New Stress Management Techniques: **You will not actually be going anywhere to try new techniques, but you are researching what you could do if you chose to.



Gather information about where you can go to try two new and different stress management techniques, for example: yoga class, exercise classes, counselor, group meeting, massage, and meditation classes. This should not be something you had tried or are currently doing. It can also be on-line or a video. These techniques must be dissimilar and not a variation of something you are currently doing. (i.e. hot yoga instead of Bikram yoga)

  1. The answer must include the following information
    1. The name of the class/service, place/location, contact information, days and time available, and the
    2. What services are provided?
  • Explain why you chose this technique and what benefit you plan to get for this technique
  1. The technique does not have to cost
  2. If web based- in addition to answering the question above you also need to include the following information: the sponsoring organization, ease of use, technology needed)
  3. You need to create a citation for this source using APA

Conduct research on 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. Find out the major questions being asked by this case. Present the significance of this case. What other cases are being referred by this case?

Communications Question

While Position Paper  focused on understanding how the Supreme Court rulings are presented, this paper will focus on how you would preside over a court case. For the purposes of this paper, you will be asked to focus your attention on the pending case: 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. While this case is still pending, it is a case that deals with a major facet of the first amendment. You will be asked to conduct your research on this case, identifying the social controversy around this case, the major points of this case, and how a decision on this case would impact the first amendment. To help organize this assignment please do the following:

  • Conduct research on 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis.
  • Find out the major questions being asked by this case.
  • Present the significance of this case.
  • What other cases are being referred by this case?
  • You should have at least 5 sources at the end of this process.

Once you have conducted enough research you will be tasked with writing a 4-5 pages paper that has two major parts:

  1. Summary of the case
    1. Think of this as trying to emulate the Syllabus for the case used in Position Paper I.
    2. You are going to basically layout the entire case.
  2. Your opinion on this case
    1. Since this case is still pending, you can present your own opinion on this case. Would you agree with Lorie Smith or disagree? Why? In your opinion you should support your decision with evidence.

How does Chrstine Walley use her own family and individual experience to highlight these ruptures?

Discussion post

A major theme of this section of “Exit Zero” is how the process of de-industrialization in Chicago lead to “fracture” or “rupture” within and between communities, familities, and even individual identities. How does Chrstine Walley use her own family and individual experience to highlight these ruptures?


Choose one of the three major moral theories (Consequentialism, Deontology, or Virtue Ethics) and give reasons why your chosen moral theory does, or does not, support this argument.

Discussion post

In Julie Kirsch’s article, she discusses the common argument that a government is justified in infringing on the civil liberties of its citizens in the name of providing physical, or bodily, protection. Choose one of the three major moral theories (Consequentialism, Deontology, or Virtue Ethics) and give reasons why your chosen moral theory does, or does not, support this argument.

What do you find most challenging when preparing a Word document? How will you use Excel in your classes and in your career? Share any challenges you experience with Excel.

PPTT task

What do you find most challenging when preparing a Word document? (easy and simple)

How will you use Excel in your classes and in your career? Share any challenges you experience with Excel. (little more detail)

Discuss the relevance below to your career goals = (start the Business) 150 words

1) Spreadsheet

2) PowerPoint Presentations

3) Artificial Intelligence

4) Cybersecurity

5) Cryptocurrency

Discuss your own composition. What materials did you use? What was particularly enjoyable or difficult about this assignment? Are you satisfied with your composition?

Art question

This week’s discussion is going to have a creative twist inspired by a social media activity that began when the quarantine lockdowns began in 2020 and museums were forced to close to the public. It started with the Getty in Los Angeles, and was known as the #gettychallenge:

People chose paintings and recreated them in their homes using things that they had around them, often changing aspects of the artwork to fit the historical of a global pandemic:

Like this artwork by Frida Kahlo, where the exotic parrots were replaced with cleaning items (arguably a luxury item in the year 2020) They also used non-art materials to recreate artworks, like these: Edvard Munch’s The Scream replaced by various textiles and a lightbulb:

Initial Post:
• First, choose an artwork that fits in the Realist, Impressionist, Post-impressionist, or Symbolist periods. It should NOT be one of the artworks from the Learning Objectives pages, but feel free to use those artists.

• Next, choose your method of recreation. Are you going to photograph a physical recreation, or are you going to use non-art materials?

  •  1 do NOT want you to just try to paint a painting. This is about getting creative with the materials that you have around you!
  •  Begin your post by discussing the artwork from which you took inspiration. Explain the subject matter, style, and the period to which it belongs. What do you like, dislike, or find interesting about this period?

• Finally, discuss your own composition. What materials did you use? What was particularly enjoyable or difficult about this assignment? Are you satisfied with your composition?

• If you chose to make a composition using non-art materials: to ensure that you do indeed create an original artwork, please put a little piece of paper with your name and the date next to your composition when you take a photo of it, like this:

Your completed post should be a minimum of 250 words (a little less writing this week since you’re making an original work of art CD) include two images, links to research, and be carefully edited for grammar and clarity.

With Mishra deciding to accept the new production target of 27,000 units, what kind of mindset and leadership would he require to successfully meet this challenge?

Business Question

1. With Mishra deciding to accept the new production target of 27,000 units, what kind of mindset and leadership would he require to successfully meet this challenge?

2. Evaluate the interventions that Mishra introduced. What could have been done differently?

3. How would you assess Mishra’s leadership style? Would you have adopted a different approach to deal with the challenges?

4. Compare and contrast plant leadership and corporate leadership.

5. Are Mishra’s actions likely to succeed? Are they likely to create any future issues?

How can the municipal, provincial and federal governments better facilitate building housing along transit corridors?

Urban Planning question

How can the municipal, provincial and federal governments better facilitate building housing along transit corridors?

Answer and explain the riddle “When is a door not a door?” giving at least one real life example.

Riddle Riddle

Answer and explain the riddle “When is a door not a door?” giving at least one real life example. 100 words