
Perform lab exercise following the slides no.52-no. 55 in module C power point slides. Write down the lab report with description of procedure and screen shots of setup of the SCADA testbed, and results from performing the hands-on lab exercise.

Computer Science Question

1. Choose a SCADA simulation virtual environment/software to create a SCADA testbed, the simulation software is free of your choice. We recommend SCADABR and OpenPLC.


1). Install the human machine interface open-source software: openPLC runtime on windows/linux machine: Reference link:

2). Install Cygwin Reference Link: 3). Install ScadaBR Reference Link: to an external site. 4). Connecting OpenPLC to an HMI (ScadaBR), example:

  • 1-openplc-editor-overview/
  • 2. Perform lab exercise following the slides no.52-no. 55 in module C power point slides.
  • 3. Write down the lab report with description of procedure and screen shots of setup of the SCADA testbed, and results from performing the hands-on lab exercise.

Identify two quantitative variables in the data. What possible values do these variables take in the dataset? Identify two categorical variables in the data. List the possible categories these variables can take.

Statistics Question

In this mini-project, you will use data collected by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics through the 2011-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The NHANES has been conducted every two years since the early 1960s. The data collected from the survey include demographics, various body and health measurements, and information about various lifestyle choices. The NHANES is unique in that the health measurements are collected through physical examinations. Data on all other variables are self-reported. Before you begin the analysis, we will discuss the data and expectations for this project. Objectives for the mini-project You will understand: ¨ Graphical displays can be used to communicate information about a single variable or the relationship between two or more variables. ¨ Creating effective graphical displays is typically an iterative process. You will be able to: ¨ Create an appropriate display to visualize the distribution of a single variable (univariate graphs) or the relationship between two or more variables (multivariable graphs). ¨ Write a short report to communicate statistical results to a general audience. ¨ Apply principles of making effective graphical displays to improve an existing graph.

1) Locate the NHANES dataset (DCMP_STAT_5D_nhanes_alldata) containing the following variables (continued on the next page): Age: Age in years at screening of the study participant (Note: Subjects 80 years or older were recorded as 80)

  • HealthGen: Self-reported rating of the study participant’s health in general (Excellent, Vgood, Good, Fair, Poor)
  • PhysActive: Whether the study participant reported performing moderate or vigorous sports, fitness, or recreational activities (Yes, No)
  • AttendCollege: Whether the study participant attended or completed college at the time of the study (Yes, No)
  • Credit: iStock/Nattakorn Maneerat Introductory Statistics First Edition (2021) Student Pages Copyright © 2021, The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin
  • BadPhysHlthDay: Whether the study participant self-reported having at least one bad physical health day in the past 30 days (Yes = at least 1 day; No = 0 days)
  • BadMentlHlthDay: Whether the study participant self-reported having at least one bad mental health day in the past 30 days (Yes = at least 1 day; No = 0 days)
  • BMI: Body mass index (weight/height! in kg/m2) SleepTrouble: Participant told a doctor or other health professional that they had trouble sleeping (Yes, No)
  • SleepHrsNight: Self-reported number of sleep hours the study participant usually got on weekdays or workdays
  • TotChol: Total HDL cholesterol in mmol/L
  • BPSysAve: Average of three systolic blood pressure readings in mm/Hg
  1. Part A: Identify two quantitative variables in the data. What possible values do these variables take in the dataset?
  2. Part B: Identify two categorical variables in the data. List the possible categories these variables can take.

2) In this project, you will create univariate, bivariate, and multivariate graphical displays for quantitative and categorical variables. Identify one or two DCMP Data Analysis Tools at (or other tools) you can use to create these graphs. Include the name of the tool and the type of graph you can create in your answer.

3) One goal of this project is to continue developing your statistical writing skills. This includes writing your interpretations in a way that can be clearly understood by a general audience and presenting your results in a report suitable for an academic or professional setting.

  • Part A: Describe what is meant by “writing in a way that could be clearly understood by a general audience.”
  • Part B: Refer to the project rubric. Based on the rubric, what are qualities of a report that are suitable for an academic or professional setting?

4) Let’s begin by looking at the ages of the survey respondents.

(Note: Subjects 80 years or older were recorded as 80) HealthGen: Self-reported rating of the study participant’s health in general (Excellent, Vgood, Good, Fair, Poor)

  • Part A: Use technology to create a histogram of Age.
  • Part B: Describe the distribution. Include the shape, center, spread, and the presence of outliers in your description, using appropriate summary statistics as needed.
  • Part C: The distribution shows a small peak around 80 years old. (Note: Changing the binwidth of the histogram makes the peak more or less noticeable.) Briefly explain why there may be a peak around this value.

5) Next let’s examine how the respondents generally perceived their health. Create an appropriate graphical display of HealthGen. Then use the graph to describe two different observations about the respondents’ general perceptions of their health.

6) Now let’s examine whether there is an association between health perception and whether a person performs regular physical activity. Create a graphical display to visualize the distribution of HealthGen for each category of PhysActive. Does there appear to be a difference in general health perception between people who perform regular physical activity and those who do not? Write two observations from the graphical display to support your response.

7) A popular health and wellness website is writing an article that explores the following questions:

  • (1) Does having a habit of regular physical activity change with age?
  • (2) Does the association between age and health perception differ based on performing regular physical activity?

8) Introductory Statistics First Edition (2021) Student Pages Copyright © 2021, The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin They would like to include a graphical display in the article to help readers visualize conclusions in the article about the associations between the variables. The authors propose the following graph, but the website editor is concerned it may be confusing to readers. She has asked for your help to improve the graph and write an interpretation of the graph that will be included in the article.

  • Part A: Describe two ways this graphical display may be confusing and/or makes it difficult to explore the questions of interest for the article.
  • Part B: Use technology to make an improved graphical display that can be effectively used to answer the two questions of interest. You may use multiple graphs, if needed. In statistics, we often need to manipulate the structure of the dataset in order to create the visualizations. Locate the reorganized dataset (DCMP_STAT_5D_nhanesYesNo) that includes only the variables for this question that aide in the creation of your visual display.
  • Part C: Use the graph(s) to answer the two questions of interest for the article. Write a short paragraph (three to six sentences) that includes your answers to the questions and observations from the graph(s) that support your response.

The response should be written in a way that is clearly understood by a general audience. ONLY NEED HELP/ANSWERS WITH 4-7

Explain the importance and role of protein? How have the diets of athletes changed to reflect healthier options?

Writing Question


Question 11 pts

How many grams of high-quality protein must be consumed post exercise for m aximum protein synthesis to take place?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 2Question 21 pts

What is the “anabolic window”?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 3Question 31 pts

What is the recommended daily amount of protein consumption for strength athletes?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 4Question 41 pts

What is the recommended daily amount of protein per kg of body weight for endurance athletes?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 5Question 51 pts

What must athletes have in order toachieve increased muscle size (hypertrophy)?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 6Question 61 pts

Which of the following factors can be used to determine protein quality?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 7Question 71 pts

Which of the following is a basic component of all proteins?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 8Question 81 pts

Which of the following refers to thecombining of two incomplete proteins to make a complete protein?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 9Question 91 pts

Which term best describes amino acids that can be manufactured by the body?

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 10Question 101 pts

Which type of athlete would likely benefit the most from supplemental branched chain amino acids?

Group of answer choices

A “stop-and-go” athlete1.


Watch the following videos related to protein.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. Explain the importance and role of protein?
  2. How have the diets of athletes changed to reflect healthier options?

Describe a project that required input from many people at different levels of the organization.

Interview questions

Answer the following interview questions.

Analytical skill

What steps do you take to analyze a problem?

Communication Skills

Describe a time when you were assigned a project without clear direction. What did you do?


Who do you consider a great leader?

Team Player

Chose one question to answer of the following 5 questions

  • Tell me about a recent team project. What was your role?
  • Describe a project that required input from many people at different levels of the organization.
  • Tell me about a rewarding team experience.
  • Describe a project with a challenging team dynamic. How did you handle it?
  • Give me an example of how you have dealt with a difficult team member.
  • Tell me about a time when you led a cross-functional team.

Tech General

Chose one question to answer of the following 8 questions

  • Walk me through your technical background.
  • Why would you be a good fit for this position?
  • Tell me about a time when it was necessary for you to communicate technical information, clearly, to a non-technical audience.
  • Do you plan any additional technical training in the near future?
  • Give me an example of an assignment, which you have recently worked on, that involved the learning of a new technical skill.
  • What operating system do you prefer and why?
  • Tell me about the most difficult IT problem you ever faced and how you handled it. Would you handle it the same way now?
  • How do you stay informed about your profession?
  • Your network is experiencing periods of slow response, and you are asked to find a solution. What troubleshooting techniques would you use?
  • Tell us about one of the technical problems you had to solve recently

Work Ethic

Chose one question to answer of the following 5 questions

  • Tell me about a time that you exceeded the boss’ expectations.
  • Describe a situation in which you went above and beyond the call of duty.
  • Give me an example of when you worked the hardest.
  • When’s the last time you stayed late to finish a project on time?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to sacrifice your quality standards to meet a deadline.

What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific.

English Question

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.”

You are required to exercise 3 times per week.

Each week you will be provided with 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at your convenience.

Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long.

When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.

  1. What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Designate each class.
  2. What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific.

What is the author’s main argument? How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? Do you agree or disagree with him?

Reflection Paper Topics

Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles:

Then, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

  1. ) What is the author’s main argument?
  2. ) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)?
  3. ) Do you agree or disagree with him?
  4. ) Why or why not?
  5. ) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis.

Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.

Write c. 200 words explaining Rosler’s point of view about art, the art scene, and the plight of intellectuals. Quote and paraphrase two of her outstanding ideas to prove that your understanding is correct.

Has the NFT change art?

1) Write c. 200 words explaining Rosler’s point of view about art, the art scene, and the plight of intellectuals. Quote and paraphrase two of her outstanding ideas to prove that your understanding is correct.

2) In c. 150 words, describe how you think Rosler’s ideas might have shaped artworks such as “Semiotics of the Kitchen.”


Create a grant proposal on Transation services (in person and app) in a New York community Hospital of your choce.Include the Proposed Summary, Narrative, and Objectives.

Grant Proposal

1. Create a grant proposal on Transation services (in person and app) in a New York community Hospital of your choce.Include the Proposed Summary, Narrative, and Objectives.

2. Create a cost Benefit Analysis on the chosing grant proposal.

Write a personal statement for a grad school in ASU. Discuss your goals with respect to obtaining the Master of Engineering management degree.

Personal statement

Write a personal statement for a grad school in ASU. Discuss your goals with respect to obtaining the Master of Engineering management degree.

Limit your response to 750 words or less.

How are women portrayed in the film? How are society’s views of women reflected, both during the WWI setting and within contemporary times? How is color used within this film?


Respond to one of the following prompts in at least 200 words minimum. Be sure that you begin your response with a claim, argument, or topic sentence that directly and clearly introduces your focus for the response and remember to include scenic evidence in support.

Creatively title your post.

These are the Prompts – (Pick one only)

  • How are women portrayed in the film?
  • How are society’s views of women reflected, both during the WWI setting and within contemporary times?
  • How is color used within this film?
  • Select 1-3 cinematic elements used in the No Man’s Land scene and discuss their impact on the scene as a whole.
  • What should one take from the ending, especially since it involved the death of Diana’s love interest?