
Prepare a 1-year marketing communications plan for your brand. Part of the challenge is to determine the marketing communications budget to meet the challenge.


You are assigned the challenge of building market share for one of the key brands mentioned in this brief: Lipton. In other words, some students will be preparing a marketing communications plan for one brand, and some will design a plan for the other, a competitive situation.

The mandate is to prepare a 1-year marketing communications plan for your brand. Part of the challenge is to determine the marketing communications budget to meet the challenge. To do so you must consider the overall market sales and market shares of the key brands and allocate a portion of the sales to marketing communications. How much of their sales revenue should be devoted to the marketing communications budget? The client wants you to develop an “umbrella” campaign (family campaign) that presents a compelling reason for consumers to buy your tea brand. The campaign will be designed to attract consumers to the brand, not a specific type of tea within the brand franchise. The benefits of the campaign will have an impact on the various sub-brands in the brand family.

Procedure Guidelines

You must immediately undertake some online secondary research to determine and evaluate the latest trends in the market and to gather marketing and marketing communications information about the brand you select and its primary competitors. Your communications plan will include a discussion of the various components of the marketing communications mix you are recommending. The extent of “execution” detail required is left to your discretion. Consult with me for clarification and expectations. Refer to the Case Study Model and Marketing Communications Plan Model posted along with the assignment for further guidance.


Do these 2 parts below:

Brand Analysis

(Highlight key aspects of current marketing strategy)

  •   Product (Advantage)
  •   Price
  •   Distribution
  •   IMC
  •   Image (perceptions held by consumers)

Positioning Strategy

  •   Provide a clear positioning strategy statement that will guide the plan and recommendations

Provide an essay that addresses your goals, strengths, skills, and experiences that will contribute to your success in the program and the profession.

Application Essay

Provide an essay that addresses your goals, strengths, skills, and experiences that will contribute to your success in the program and the profession. You should also include a brief statement discussing your interest in the field and reasons for applying to the University of Pittsburgh.

Write an essay on why protocol and ethics is important in event management.

Protocol and ethics in Saudi Arabia

Write an essay on why protocol and ethics is important in event management.

Why is time management an advantage to your stress at school, work, and home?

Benefits of good time management at school, work, and home.

Why is time management an advantage to your stress at school, work, and home?

Write a research paper on one of the 3 monotheistic world religions we study in this course (Christianity, Judaism, or Islam).

Christianity Has the Answers

Research Writing Paper (30 points): Write a research paper on one of the 3 monotheistic world religions we study in this course (Christianity, Judaism, or Islam). This paper should be at least 1500 words (MLA format). Approximately 5 typed pages double spaced; 1-inch margins; size 12 font Times Roman. This paper must utilize the class textbook and the textbook should be quoted at least 2 times within the paper. Also, each paper must utilize 2 additional sources and use direct quotes from these sources. This paper should be a formal paper and should not be written in the first person (i.e. I, we). Papers written in the first person will be graded accordingly.

Introduction: Identify the founder of the religion, the origin of the worldview, and the beliefs and practices

“How did I get here?”(Origin of humanity/man- Is there a Creator/Designer?)

“Why am I here?”(Purpose for humanity- What is the reason/meaning for my existence?)

“What happens when I die?”(Eternity- Is there an afterlife?)

“Why is there evil in this world?”(Pain and Suffering- Where does evil come from and how does one distinguish between good and evil?)

Conclusion: Provide a brief synopsis of the pros (strengths) and cons (weaknesses) of the religion.

Grammar and Format: Grammatical execution and formatting according to MLA standards

Base on your experience, relate one incident wherein any og your human rights was violated. And explain how it changed your life and come up with a recommendation so that the same incident will not happen to anyone.

Human rights violated

Base on your experience, relate one incident wherein any og your human rights was violated. And explain how it changed your life and come up with a recommendation so that the same incident will not happen to anyone. Narrate one incident you’ve seen around you taking into consideration the victom and the perpetrators.

Discuss the evolution and the use of various management strategies employed by South Africa in order to protect Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage resources in South Africa.

Evolution and use of various strategies by South Africa to protect Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage resources in South Africa

Discuss the evolution and the use of various management strategies employed by South Africa in order to protect Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage resources in South Africa. Refer to the roles played by UNESCO, IZIKO museums and the South African Heritage Resources Agency

Why is the concept of theory critical to any discussion of planning ? What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness? How is a “problem-solving” approach different from a “strengths approach”?


Questions that must be answered:

1. Why is the concept of theory critical to any discussion of planning ?
2. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?
3. How is a “problem-solving” approach different from a “strengths approach”?

Finally, address how the material derived from chapter 2 reading is meaningful for your future career plans.

Write a 5-7-page paper on a major figure in Christian History .

A Christian figure from a time period in Early Christianity through the Middle Ages

Write a 5-7-page paper on a major figure in Christian History . The student has two options:

  1. ) A Christian figure from a time period in Early Christianity through the Middle Ages or;
  2. ) A Christian figure from the time period of the Reformation through Contemporary times.

During the Scope of this Class (1877-present), was the United States Government More of a Protector and Promoter of Freedom or an Abuser of Freedom?

United States and Freedom

During the Scope of this Class (1877-present), was the United States Government More of a Protector and Promoter of Freedom or an Abuser of Freedom?