
Develop logistic regression, decision tree and neural network models that will identify whether stores will perform well or poorly.

Machine learning

Your Task:
You must develop logistic regression, decision tree and neural network models that will identify whether stores will perform well or poorly. You can use Orange, Python, R, or any data mining package of your choice. The data for the assignment is in a file storedata.csv, which you can download from the same place you found this document. The data dictionary is given at the end of this document. You must follow the correct methodology to use the data to build and test your models.

Create a personal budget spreadsheet consisting of spreadsheet data +2 relevant charts emphasizing different parts of your data.

Personal budget spreadsheet

Create a personal budget spreadsheet consisting of spreadsheet data +2 relevant charts emphasizing different parts of your data.


Imagine you just bought a house for $400,000 and made a 20% down payment. Find the monthly payment on the mortgage at 5% over 30 years.

Mortgage Part 1

Imagine you just bought a house for $400,000 and made a 20% down payment. Find the monthly payment on the mortgage at 5% over 30 years. Then multiply the monthly payment by the total number of payments to find the total amount of payments you make to the bank in paying off the loan. Now subtract the amount of the mortgage to find the total amount of interest you pay to the bank. How does that amount of interest compare to the original sale price of the house?

Analyze the effectiveness of post-delum policies by explaining if reconstruction succeeded or failed in areas of economics including the rebuilding of the Southern economy and improving the economic status of free demand, and politics-including the unification the North and south, restoring Southern loyalty to the union, and establishing political rights for African americans.

Unit 1.1 D. B: reconstruction

Analyze the effectiveness of post-delum policies by explaining if reconstruction succeeded or failed in areas of economics including the rebuilding of the Southern economy and improving the economic status of free demand, and politics-including the unification the North and south, restoring Southern loyalty to the union, and establishing political rights for African americans. Make sure to include examples to support your claims of success or failure and cite all sources used to develop your answer

Readings and resources

Hamby, A. L., Neely, M. S., & Clack, G(2009). Outline of us history. New York: Nova Scotia science publishers.
Chapter 7 page 111 through 116 read the following sections with malice towards none, radical reconstruction, the end of reconstruction
Chapter 8 the growth and transformation pages 121 through 125 read the following sections revolution and agriculture, the divided south, the last frontier, flight of The Americans
Klarman, M. J (2004). From Jim Crow to civil rights: supreme Court and the struggle for racial equality. Oxford: Oxford University press.
Chapter 1 the plessy era pages 8 through 60
Articles websites and videos
Our documents Dawes act (1887)(.2020) our
PBS(2001) our tribes of the West from 1877 to 1887.CPTV.
These selections from with the nez Perez detail accounts and opinions regarding the Dawes act
Gay, e. J. (1981). Alice Fletcher in the fields, 1889 through 1892 CPTV

Describe the Review of Literature, addressing why and how it is done. Explain what design means in research. Describe how the sample is selected in research and the significance of sample size.

Researching Starting an Observation Unit in a Hospital

Develop an essay describing the steps for qualitative research
Begin developing an abstract for your project idea. (This is due week 6)

Assignment 1:

Write an essay outlining the steps of conducting a qualitative research.

Describe what a Research Problem and Research Question/s are, addressing how and why they are identified and developed.
Describe the Review of Literature, addressing why and how it is done.
Explain what design means in research.
Describe how the sample is selected in research and the significance of sample size.
Explain data collection for Qualitative Research, addressing various tools that may be utilized.
Explain data analysis in Qualitative Research, addressing how it may be done/what tools may be used.
Explain reporting the results of a qualitative study, addressing how it may be done and the significance of reporting results.
Prepare your document in APA-essay format using appropriate headers and at least three citations other than your textbook. The essay should include the required introduction and conclusion.

You will need Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application to complete this assignment.


Assignment 2:

Begin working on an abstract based on your scholarly project and your review of literature from Modules 2 and 5 by following these instructions:

Prepare an abstract that will describe your DNP project as if it was complete and you were submitting your abstract for peer review for a poster/paper presentation to a professional audience.
Complete the sample abstract submission materials for a national conference as if you were going to submit your scholarly work. Follow the Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) Abstract Submissions packet as snrs_abstract_guidelines_2022_2.pdf.
You will submit your abstract in Module 6 and will also use this work to create a poster presentation in Module 8.

Conduct research into a topic in U.S. History. Develop a historical research question that defines a period of time, a specific place and/or figure(s) and presents multiple historical perspectives.

US History Historical

Conduct research into a topic in U.S. History. The topic you will work on for this Historical thesis is the Cuban Missile Crisis. Develop a historical research question that defines a period of time, a specific place and/or figure(s) and presents multiple historical perspectives. Gather primary and secondary sources relevant to their topic and research question. Use a variety of research methods to develop assertions that answers their research question. Develop a debatable argument about cause and effect, engines of change, turning points or change over time that answers their research question and encompasses their assertions. Write a paper that shows through analysis of primary and secondary sources the use of contextualization, sourcing, close reading and corroboration the logic of their argument. Show documentation of their research using correct MLA format Works Cited/Works Consulted page.

Discuss what you have heard or know about a particular metabolic or ergogenic (performance enhancing) aid. Do you think any of them work? Cite some data that supports your perspective.

Metabolic Rate

Supplements that claim to amp up metabolic rate either for the purposes of weight loss or improving athletic performance are commonly marketed. Discuss what you have heard or know about a particular metabolic or ergogenic (performance enhancing) aid. Do you think any of them work? Cite some data that supports your perspective.

Write an essay explaining well the advantages of using money in economy.

Importance of using money in the society

Write an essay explaining well the advantages of using money in economy.

What is the name of each theatre or theatre company? Where do they perform? (Even if they don’t have their own space where do they perform?) Is the theatre or theatre company professional or amateur?

Houston Theatre Research Project Assignment

Theatre Practitioners need to be creative in a multitude of ways, which often includes being their own marketing department. Imagine you have a client coming to Houston who wants to attend a play while they are here. Research THREE Houston area theatre venues or theatre companies (not opera, dance, or film) and answer AT LEAST the prompt questions below about EACH of them. Present your findings in a report of 1000 words minimum for the entire report. Do NOT copy paste the questions and answer them, but restate and write out your responses. Use at least three seperate sources for each of the three theatre company (9 total minimum), and cite your sources using MLA, APA, or Chicago citation format. (Three different pages from the same website does not constitute three seperate sources). This an opportunity for you to create an informative, but also eye-catching report. Think of the report as a way to market these theatres like a product you may be selling to your client. Include visuals of productions or the theatres themselves.

You will be graded not only on content and depth of research, but on the overall presentation of your project. Be Creative! You want to impress your client!

What is the name of each theatre or theatre company?
Where do they perform? (Even if they don’t have their own space where do they perform?)
Is the theatre or theatre company professional or amateur?
What kind of plays do they produce? (new plays, classical, children’s theatre, musicals, all?)
Who is the Artistic Director?
What is a brief history of this theatre company? How many seasons have they been producing plays?
What are three of their past productions? Which would you want to attend? Why?
What are three of their current or most recent productions? Which would you want to attend? Why?
What kind of professional theatrical reviews of individual shows have they received? (Look in newspapers, Websites dedicated to reviewing plays and musicals, etc. Yelp/Google/etc.)
What do the professional reviewers say about the productions specifically? (use a direct quote from a review from say the Houston Press or Chronicle)
Has this theatre company received any rewards? If so what are they?
Why do you like this theatre company? Would you recommend a play by this theatre company? Why or why not?
How much are tickets?
How do they finance their seasons?

Who do you think experiences greater stress, leaders or followers—explain (how and why)? How do you handle stress? Do you think the way you handle stressor will help you in a future leadership role?

Journal entry Essay

Who do you think experiences greater stress, leaders or followers—explain (how and why)? How do you handle stress? Do you think the way you handle stressor will help you in a future leadership role?