
How did the Teapot Dome scandal lead to J.Edgar Hoover becoming head of the FBI? How did Hoover change the culture of the FBI?

Historical Question

1. How did the Teapot Dome scandal lead to J.Edgar Hoover becoming head of the FBI?

2. How did Hoover change the culture of the FBI?

3. What is the evidence to suggest that there is a conspiracy and not just a serial killer or a couple of white supremacists?

4. What was Tom White’s dad like and what does Tom White share with his dad’s character?

5. Why was Tom White White want to protect Ernst Burkhart?

A 12 kg trolley moving at 6.5 m/s is slowed down to 2.5 m/s in 12 m by applying some force. What is the net force applied to the trolley?

Physics 100 – Assignment B – W23

20 marks

This is a group assignment (2 students per group). Both names should be clearly printed on top of the assignment.

Late assignments will be penalized as follows: up to 24 hours late – 25% deduction; more than 24 late, the assignment will not be accepted.

The assignments must be uploaded into the Assignment folder on eCentennial. Both members of the group must upload the assignment. Please print this document, complete the work in the spaces provided for each question, scan the solutions, and post them under the respective folder.

  1. A piece of meat is thrown vertically upward, and a falcon is released at the same time. The piece of the meat reaches the maximum height after 2.26 seconds.
  • Find the initial velocity of the meat [2 marks]
  • How many seconds does it take to reach the maximum height? [2 marks]
  • Find the total time when the falcon catches the meat at a height 13.0 m while the meat is falling [2 marks]


  1. A 12 kg trolley moving at 6.5 m/s is slowed down to 2.5 m/s in 12 m by applying some force. What is the net force applied to the trolley? [3 marks]


  1. 128 N force is needed to just start 25 kg block moving across the floor. Determine the coefficient of static friction. Draw FBD. [3 marks]


  1. A 27 kg crate is pulled along the horizontal surface by a force of 85 N as shown. The coefficient of friction between the two surfaces is 0.23. Draw FBD.
  • Find the horizontal and vertical components of force. [1 mark]
  • Find the normal force [2 marks]
  • Find the friction [1 mark]
  • Find the horizontal acceleration of the crate [2 marks]
  • Find the time taken to move the crate by 12 m considering it starts from rest                                                                                     [2 marks]


What should happen to people accused of sexual harassment in the workplace? What do you think has recently created an environment where victims feel safe bringing their experiences forward?

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

For this assignment, research the topic of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.

  • Provide a definition of sexual harassment and the various forms recognized in the law.
  • Provide a brief history of the concept of sexual harassment.
  • Identify state and federal laws that apply to sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Identify specific actions that a manager can take to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. (provide examples of best practices)
  • Identify what options an employee who believes that she/he has been sexually harassed has available to them to resolve their situation.
  • What legal rights does an employee who believes that she/he is being sexually harassed have?
  • What legal rights does the person accused of harassment have?
  • Identify what a Human Resource Manager should do when she/he receives a complaint about sexual harassment from an employee.

Identify through your research:

  • Two documented cases of sexual harassment (examples that have been covered in the press).
    • Provide a summary of each case, identifying the sequence of events and what actions management took and/or should have taken in each case.
    • The outcome of each case.
    • What was done right, and what should have been done?
    • What are the lessons learned from each case?
    • Provide links to your sources.

Provide your opinion about the following and support your thoughts with examples from your research where possible:

  • What caused the environment that existed/exists in the workplace that allowed/allowed people (primarily powerful men) to think that sexual harassment/abusive behavior was/is acceptable?
  • What should happen to people accused of sexual harassment in the workplace?
  • What do you think has recently created an environment where victims feel safe bringing their experiences forward?
  • Would you feel safe in bringing this type of concern forward? Why or why not?
  • What could an employer do to make you feel more comfortable bringing sensitive personal experiences forward?
  • Do you think that this recent trend will change the professional workplace? If so, how?

Provide a summary conclusion for this paper.

Barry makes the argument to call-in because Talk Radio is the last kind of community that exists and that no one speaks to one another anymore. Do you think his rhetoric helps to bring people together or drive them further apart?

Talk Radio

Film Assignment

Discuss the following issues within your paper. Be sure to utilize specific examples from the film to strengthen your argument.

  • Do you find any of the on-air content creative?
    • Describe the content and explain why it is creative.
  • Describe some of the strong and weak aspects of Barry Champlain’s on-air delivery.
    • Is it funny?
    • Compelling?
    • Informative?
    • Entertaining?
    • Racist?
  • Barry makes the argument to call-in because Talk Radio is the last kind of community that exists and that no one speaks to one another anymore. Do you think his rhetoric helps to bring people together or drive them further apart?

Write a paper with at least 500 words (include a word count at the top of your page) summarizing and paraphrasing what the article is about (without copying or plagiarizing).


Write a paper with at least 500 words (include a word count at the top of your page) summarizing and paraphrasing what the article is about (without copying or plagiarizing). This writing should be in your own words – state your own thoughts and ideas of what the article was about.

If you need to use the exact words from the article to properly explain something, use quotation marks and use an APA in-text citation. On a second page, with the title “References” include a full APA citation for your article.

Identify 3-5 values and beliefs that are important to you personally. Identify the values and beliefs that you feel are important in nursing and why you feel they are important.

Philosophy of Nursing

While this is your personal philosophy of nursing, you must include and reference a nursing theory (Chapter 9) that resonates with your personal philosophy.

Reflect on what is important to you as an individual and as a nursing student. Think about what you believe and what you value. Develop a paper that includes the following:

  • Personal Values (3 points): Identify 3-5 values and beliefs that are important to you personally.
  • Professional Values (3 points): Identify the values and beliefs that you feel are important in nursing and why you feel they are important.
  • Alignment of Values (3 points): Describe where your personal values/beliefs align with the values/beliefs in nursing.
  • Nursing Theory (5 points): Identify a nursing theory that resonates with your personal belief system
  • Conclusion (3 points): Based on your personal and professional beliefs/values, explain how you hope to make a difference in the lives of others as a registered professional nurse at home, where you hope to work, and in your community.

APA (3 points)

Follow through the video lectures and replicate the database exercises demonstrated in the videos.

Follow video & replicate the database exercises

Follow through the video lectures and replicate the database exercises demonstrated in the videos.

Explain the role of attachment in empathy. Explain how and why the presence of empathy may be a protective factor against causing harm. Provide an example of a violent crime and how attachment and empathy may play a role.

Role of attachment crj6201

Attachment starts from the moment of birth as an infant begins to recognize her mother’s smell, voice, and face. Children with insecure attachment due to a parent with unresolved emotional issues or an inconsistent parenting style show an inability to consistently show emotions. Children who have a secure attachment to at least one adult have higher self-esteem, social skills, and empathy. Empathy can be shown by children as young as 2 years of age and continues to develop into adolescence. Empathy is critical to the formation of healthy, reciprocal relationships. It allows individuals to understand how someone else may feel. If empathy is lacking, an individual may not hold back from physically or emotionally harming others because he does not have the capacity to understand how the impact of such harm. The relationship between the lack of empathy and antisocial behavior can be evident in children in early to middle elementary school years. This lack of empathy is one of the primary contributors to violent behavior.

In this Assignment, you analyze the role that attachment plays in the development of empathy and how empathy is a protective factor against violent behavior. You also explore the expression “neurons that fire together wire together” and how it relates to violent behavior.

  • Explain the role of attachment in empathy.
  • Explain how and why the presence of empathy may be a protective factor against causing harm.
  • Provide an example of a violent crime and how attachment and empathy may play a role.
  • Explain whether or not empathy may be hard-wired. If so, how? Provide an example.
  • Explain the expression “neurons that fire together wire together.” Provide an example.

What are the three major theoretical perspectives/theories in sociology? Describe in detail the main ideas associated with all three of the theoretical perspectives/theories.

Sociology Question

1. What are the three major theoretical perspectives/theories in sociology? Describe in detail the main ideas associated with all three of the theoretical perspectives/theories.

2. Who is C. Wright Mills? Discuss in detail what is meant by the term Sociological Imagination.

3. Please discuss in detail the work and contribution to the field of Sociology of Herbert Spencer, Max Weber, W.E.B. Dubois, Harriet Martineau, and Jane Addams.

4. Please discuss in detail Emile Durkheim’s position on crime? Discuss in detail whether you agree or disagree with Durkheim.

5. Discuss the position taken by Bryan Stevenson on the United States Criminal Justice System. Discuss in detail whether you agree or disagree with Stevenson.

Design a prototype for your can use the Axure prototype tool.

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Design a prototype for your can use the Axure prototype tool.

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