
Complete the Information Classification Standard Matrix in the worksheet per the instructions and submit it for a grade.

Management Question

  • Align information classification policies and controls for the execution of segregation of duties and access, based on least privilege.
Assignment Requirements

This assignment helps you develop an information classification plan to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of corporate information and ensure that public information is accessible by all.

You are provided with a worksheet named “Implementation of an Information Classification Policy” to complete this assignment. Before you begin this assignment, review all that you have learned related to information classification and access control.

For this assignment:

  1. Complete the Information Classification Standard Matrix in the worksheet per the instructions and submit it for a grade.

Pick a topic that you used in your bibliography assignment. Create a research paper based on that topic.

Research/Argument Paper Assignment Part 1 of 2

Pick a topic that you used in your bibliography assignment. Create a research paper based on that topic.  You can bring in other references, if you like.  The paper must follow APA guidelines, include a title page, reference page. The body must be 3-5 pages in length. Here are a few steps to get you started.

  • Introduction

The introduction should have some of the following elements, depending on the type of paper:  Start with an attention grabber: a short story, example, statistic, or historical context that introduces the paper topic.  Give an overview of any issues involved with the subject.  Define of any key terminology need to understand the topic.  Quote or paraphrase sources revealing the controversial nature of the subject. Highlight background information on the topic needed to understand the direction of the paper. Write an antithesis paragraph, presenting the primary opposing views (argumentative paper only)

The introduction must end with a THESIS statement (a 1 to 2 sentences in length):  Tell what the overall paper will focus on   Briefly outline the main points in the paper


  • Body

Clearly present the main points of the paper as listed in the thesis.  Give strong examples, details, and explanations to support each main point. Address any counterarguments and refute those arguments.  Also use strong evidence from sources—paraphrases, summaries, and quotations that support the main points


  • Conclusion

Restate your thesis from the introduction in different words.  Briefly summarize each main point found in the body of the paper (avoid going over 2 sentences for each point).  Give a statement of the consequences of not embracing the position. End with a strong clincher statement: an appropriate, meaningful final sentence that ties the whole point of the paper together (may refer back to the attention grabber)

Prepare several specific questions in advance, designed to help you understand the topic as well as help you write the final part of the project.

Writing Question

Interview at least 20 people (outside our class) from diverse identities about your chosen behavior – this could be people who are academic experts, biblically knowledgeable about the topic, or just individuals who have experienced that behavior – whether struggling with it themselves or experiencing problems when other people don’t use the behavior effectively. Prepare several specific questions in advance, designed to help you understand the topic as well as help you write the final part of the project. You may have different questions for different people. You can also ask additional questions that come to mind in the midst of the interview, but be prepared. You also may need to explain terms to them to make sure they are answering the questions in a way that helps your paper.

 For the assignment, turn in:

  1. a brief summary of the behavior you are working on,
  2. the names (pseudonyms or numbers are okay) and a brief explanation of the identity of the people you interviewed (showing the diversity)
  3. the specific questions you asked (if you had different questions for different people, note that),
  4. what you learned – this can be a full transcript of the interview or just a summary, just clearly show what you learned from them.50


How was history changed by this event? If you were to imagine a different outcome or reaction to your event, what do you suppose might have been a different outcome in the short- and long-term?

History 1301 Essay Assessment Assignment

General Information and Instructions:
The purpose of this assignment is to use different historical methods you have learned about during this course to complete a historical research project. Your research project should start with your developing a historical question, that you then research, and then attempt to answer using both primary and secondary sources to

Research Option #1: History Turning Points
General Overview: Select an event, incident, a legislative action, or related marked historical moment in the years up until the American Civil War (Pre-Columbian Era to 1865), that marks an important transition in American History. This historical event can lead to a social, economic, or political transition that shaped the country’s history. Additionally, you will conclude this research project with a supposition of how history might
have been shaped had this event never occurred or of another possible outcome could have been possible.

Examples: The effect of the Salem Witchcraft Trials on the colonial religious goals of Massachusetts; The post-French & Indian War colonial taxation policies of the British government; The failure of the indentured servitude system to provide an ample labor source in the pre-Revolutionary American South; The passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act & its relationship the impending crisis that becomes the American Civil War.

Research Objectives & Questions to be Discussed in Your Essay: (Incorporate these questions in the writing of your essay.)
Why did you select this event?
What were both the short- and long-term effects of this historical event?
Who all were impacted/affected by this historical event?
How was history changed by this event?
If you were to imagine a different outcome or reaction to your event, what do you suppose might have been a different outcome in the short- and long-term?

In what type of situation would an authenticator app provide adequate two-factor authentication for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.


The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card is used in non-military government agencies for authentication and identification to gain access to systems, networks, and online resources. These cards, in combination with a personal identification number, meet two-factor requirements. PIV credentials also are designed to help reduce counterfeiting and are tamper-resistant.

An authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator, is another method to achieve two-factor authentication. It is a free app available for installation on mobile devices.

The U.S. federal government authorizes the use of PIVs as well as authenticator apps, depending on the circumstances.

Answer the following question(s):

  1. In what type of situation would an authenticator app provide adequate two-factor authentication for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.
  2. In what type of situation would a PIV be required for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.

Based on your self-assessment and theory of nursing practice, develop 3–4 measurable goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Include them on the designated area of the form.  

Nursing Question

  • Review the resources and clinical skills in the PMHNP Clinical Skills List document. It is recommended that you print out this document to serve as a guide throughout your practicum.
  • Review the “Developing SMART Goals” resource on how to develop goals and objectives that follow the SMART framework.
  • Review the resources on nursing competencies and nursing theory and consider how these inform your practice.
  • Download the Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form to complete this Assignment.
  • Rate yourself according to your confidence level performing the procedures identified on the Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form.
  • Based on your ratings, summarize your strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Based on your self-assessment and theory of nursing practice, develop 3–4 measurable goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Include them on the designated area of the form.

Explain why common-sized financial statements are a convenient way to compare financial statement items within the same period, between periods, and between competing companies.

Discussion 6 Number 2

Using the APPLE company and annual reports:

Prepare common-size balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flows for your chosen company for the latest 2 years. Identify one company that competes with your chosen company, obtain their financial statements for the most recent two years, and prepare common-size balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flows for the APPLE company for the latest 2 years.

  • Explain why common-sized financial statements are a convenient way to compare financial statement items within the same period, between periods, and between competing companies.
  • Perform a vertical analysis of at least one item on the common-size balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows you prepared for the most recent year. Compare each item to the same item on the common-size financial statements for the previous period and to the same item on the common-size financial statements you prepared for the competing company.
  • Discuss what this comparison tells you about your chosen company’s current financial condition, how it compares to the previous year, and how it compares with the financial condition of your chosen company’s competitor.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 250 words. Students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly and/or credible resource, in addition to the text.

How many calories of carbohydrates per serving? How many grams of fiber? How much cholesterol per serving? How much sodium per serving? Does the product contain vitamins? Which ones?

Food label 2

Select 1 food label from a food you commonly eat. Be sure the label has a minimum of three ingredients on it. Then answer the following questions about the food item.

To help you answer questions 6, 9, and 11. There are 9 calories per gram of fat, 4 calories per gram of protein, and 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates.

Name of Food

  1. What are the first three ingredients? (3 points)
  2. How many servings per container? (1 Point)
  3. What is a serving size? (1 Point)
  4. How many calories per serving? (1 Point)
  5. How many grams of total fat per serving? (1 Point)
  6. How many calories of total fat per serving? (1 Point)
  7. How many grams of saturated fat per serving? (1 Point)
  8. How many grams of protein per serving? (1 Point)
  9. How many calories of protein per serving? (1 Point)
  10. How many grams of carbohydrates per serving? (1 Point)
  11. How many calories of carbohydrates per serving? (1 Point)
  12. How many grams of fiber? (1 Point)
  13. How much cholesterol per serving? (1 Point)
  14. How much sodium per serving? (1 Point)
  15. Does the product contain vitamins? Which ones? (1 Point)
  16. Does the product contain minerals? Which ones? (1 Point)
  17. Do you think this is a healthy or nutritious food choice? Why or why not? Write a minimum of 1 paragraph. (7 Points)

What are the first three ingredients? How many servings per container? What is a serving size? How many calories per serving? How many grams of total fat per serving?

Food label 1

Select 1 food label from a food you commonly eat. Be sure the label has a minimum of three ingredients on it. Then answer the following questions about the food item.

To help you answer questions 6, 9, and 11. There are 9 calories per gram of fat, 4 calories per gram of protein, and 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates.

Name of Food

  1. What are the first three ingredients? (3 points)
  2. How many servings per container? (1 Point)
  3. What is a serving size? (1 Point)
  4. How many calories per serving? (1 Point)
  5. How many grams of total fat per serving? (1 Point)
  6. How many calories of total fat per serving? (1 Point)
  7. How many grams of saturated fat per serving? (1 Point)
  8. How many grams of protein per serving? (1 Point)
  9. How many calories of protein per serving? (1 Point)
  10. How many grams of carbohydrates per serving? (1 Point)
  11. How many calories of carbohydrates per serving? (1 Point)
  12. How many grams of fiber? (1 Point)
  13. How much cholesterol per serving? (1 Point)
  14. How much sodium per serving? (1 Point)
  15. Does the product contain vitamins? Which ones? (1 Point)
  16. Does the product contain minerals? Which ones? (1 Point)
  17. Do you think this is a healthy or nutritious food choice? Why or why not? Write a minimum of 1 paragraph. (7 Points)

As a journalist, how do you see yourself influencing how news will be gathered and disseminated? What would you improve about the media business?

WRT 150 Writing

1. (Essay 1000 words)
As a journalist, how do you see yourself influencing how news will be gathered and disseminated? What would you improve about the media business?

2.0( Essay 200 words)

state why you want to pursue a career in broadcast journalism and what you hope to gain from an internship at Warner Bros. Discovery.

3. Cover Letter
Include your journalism experience, academic accomplishments, career goals, community involvement, and financial need.