
Choose at least one deep-background source—a book or broad-focus scholarly journal article that will explain, illustrate, and help to argue your claim about inequalities in our education system.

Reading response


Locate an academic article on the unequal opportunity in education for minority students topic that supports or refutes your thesis (claim or argument).

Choose at least one deep-background source—a book or broad-focus scholarly journal article that will explain, illustrate, and help to argue your claim about inequalities in our education system.



Carefully read and annotate your chosen article. Keep your notes, as you will fill out the annotation worksheet for submission.


  • Perform each step as directed in the handout
  • Provide MLA citations as needed

Determine proper account classifications prior to recording journal entries that will appear on your employer’s books and affect the content of its year-end audited financial statements.


1. Indicate if independence is require( 115, tant to perform the following tasks iv:

  • a. – Render tax advice to a nonaudit diet
  • b. Issue an audit opinion concerning a government-run airport
  • c. Issue a review opinion concerning quarterly reports of a privately held company
  • d. Make recommendations as an internal auditor to  your employer
  • e. Determine proper account classifications prior to recording journal entries that will appear on your employer’s books and affect the content of its year-end audited financial statements.
  • f. Issue an audit opinion concerning the financial statements of an employer-funded pension plan
  • g. Provide litigation-related advice to a nonaudit client

Write an SQL command to create the INVOICE table. Include all attributes, data types, and constraints for that table. Assume the database and all other tables have already been created.

Information Storage and Retrieval Concepts

Consider a dealership that sells both new and used cars. Data requirements are summarized as follow:

  • All cars are identified by a VIN (unique alphanumeric identifier for each car), make, model, year, and color, millage, and state (new or used).
  • A salesperson may sell many cars, but each car is sold by only one salesperson.
  • A salesperson is identified by a unique employee ID, name, and date when started working for the dealership
  • A customer may buy many cars, but each car is bought by only one customer.
  • A customer is identified by a unique email address, name, phone number, and address
  • A salesperson writes an invoice for each car that is sold.
  • A buyer receives an invoice for each car that is bought.
  • An invoice has a unique invoice number, price to which the car was sold, and purchase date.

1. Create an ER diagram to represent the above data requirements.

2. Create a relational data model based on the ER diagram.

3. Write an SQL command to create the INVOICE table. Include all attributes, data types, and constraints for that table. Assume the database and all other tables have already been created.

4. Write an SQL command to set the millage value to 150 for a car with VIN 123VNOP

Understand the rule regarding the remedies for merchant buyers when merchant sellers breach a contract by delivering non-conforming goods. What can, and should those merchant buyers do with the non-conforming goods?


Class, for the exam you might want to focus on merchant buyer’s remedies for breach of contract of a merchant seller, entrusting/entrustment, void and voidable title and bona fide purchaser aka good faith purchaser.

  1. Know what the difference is between a “void” and “voidable” title/transaction? Does a bona fide purchaser aka good faith purchaser always get to retain goods? Why or why not? Be able to state a rule of law.


  1. Know what type of title a seller gives to a buyer when the goods are sold, stolen, entrusted, or obtained by fraud.


  1. Understand who is a buyer, is that person a bona fide purchaser aka good faith purchaser, and why the seller’s fraud or thief does or does not allow that buyer to keep the goods. Also, why a buyer/consumer who buys goods that was entrusted to a merchant may or may not be able to keep the good. It will depend on if that buyer was a buyer in the ordinary course of business.


  1. Understand the rule regarding the remedies for merchant buyers when merchant sellers breach a contract by delivering non-conforming goods. What can, and should those merchant buyers do with the non-conforming goods?

Explain the relationship between motivation and student learning. Describe the strategies you would use to increase and maintain student motivation, foster active engagement in learning, promote positive social interaction, and build a supportive learning environment.

Classroom-Management Plan to Promote Strong and Positive relationships

Exam Content

As an educator, it will be beneficial to have a well-defined classroom-management plan that consists of rules and expectations that promote an environment of mutual respect and learning and support collaboration with parents/caregivers, colleagues, administrators, and cultural norms. This type of plan promotes strong and positive relationships with students and stakeholders.

Earlier in this course, you devised your classroom-management philosophy. Your classroom-management philosophy will help guide your classroom-management plan for this summative assessment.


Assessment Deliverable
Develop a 4- to 6-page comprehensive classroom-management plan that can be implemented in a specific elementary grade-level classroom. Develop it as it could potentially be shared with colleagues, administrators, or students’ parents/caregivers. Apply the principles of classroom management to develop and maintain a sense of community within a diverse (e.g., abilities, skills, cultures, and language learners) classroom. Consider utilizing information from previous assessments.


Identify an elementary grade level and include the following in your classroom-management plan:

Classroom-management model
Select and identify a classroom-management model that aligns to your philosophy and discuss the model in relation to student development, learning, and motivation.
Apply the principles of classroom management and knowledge of individual and group motivation and behavior to develop a structure for student discipline used in the classroom. Include a list of classroom rules and procedures for student behavior and their negative and positive consequences.
Describe a process that will be followed when a student behaves outside the scope of the basic classroom rules and consequences.
Explain how your classroom-management model supports cultural norms and promotes strong and positive relationships with students.

Student engagement, motivation, and the learning environment
Explain the relationship between motivation and student learning. Describe the strategies you would use to increase and maintain student motivation, foster active engagement in learning, promote positive social interaction, and build a supportive learning environment.
Describe the skills and attitudes you expect your diverse students to learn and demonstrate that promote positive social interactions and create a supportive learning environment.
Identify at least 3 engagement and management digital tools (e.g., apps, websites, devices) that can be used to provide students with a varied and dynamic learning experience that is familiar to them. Explain how you will integrate these digital tools to help you manage the classroom.

Classroom arrangement and physical layout
Design the arrangement and physical layout of a classroom for your identified grade level. You may also include photos or images of a classroom’s arrangement and physical layout.
Describe effective instructional methods that are supported by the physical layout and classroom arrangement.
Justify how this design or images influence a positive learning environment and promote appropriate student behavior.
Explain how your design or images will help manage your classroom’s diversity and social dynamics (e.g., students with learning disabilities, English learners).

Collaboration with families/caregivers and colleagues
Summarize at least 5 activities that are designed to establish and maintain a positive, collaborative relationship with families/caregivers. Explain how these activities promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of students.
Write a synopsis of a substitute teacher plan that details your classroom-management plan and class routines to effectively teach your students.

What do nomological theories (like Machery’s) of human nature amount to? What are the requirements on each view for some capacity/disposition/property to constitute or determine human nature on each of these views?


Descartes (1641) comes to the conclusion at the end of Meditation 2 that what “I” refers to is a thinking thing. Humans in this view are essentially thinking things. Descartes ultimately came to the conclusion that only humans have minds, other animals being mere automata. Birch et al. (2020) explain that the scientific consensus today is that non-human animals can possess consciousness (ie., that they are thinking things). Additionally, Turing (1950) suggests we should be open to the possibility that machines can convincingly engage in behaviors which are the basis for the attribution of consciousness and cognitive abilities in other animals.

Suppose that Descartes was wrong that all and only humans are thinking things and that, rather, other sorts of entities like non-human animals and machines could be thinking things as well. Would this undermine theories of human nature which aspire to identify essential properties of humans and are unique to them? Would this undermine theories (like that of Machery (2008) as presented in Lewens (2012)) which aspire to identify sets of traits which are widely distributed within the human species and which are so distributed as the result of some evolutionary process?

A full answer to this question should be sure to address the following:

•What do essentialist theories of human nature amount to?
•What do nomological theories (like Machery’s) of human nature amount to?
•What are the requirements on each view for some capacity/disposition/property to constitute or determine human nature on each of these views?

Evaluate Google’s mission statement and to develop an improved mission statement for the company.

Discussion 1: Mission Statement Critique

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the chance to evaluate Google’s mission statement and to develop an improved mission statement for the company.
This activity corresponds with learning objectives 5, 6, and 7 of the lesson.

1. Critique Google’s mission statement :
“Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our company has packed a lot into a relatively young life. Since Google was founded in 1998, we’ve grown to serve millions of people around the world”.

2. Develop an improved mission statement for the company, following the chapter guideline.

Design a T-shirt and create a marketing plan. Take a poll to test the marketability of the shirt. Use the results to determine the demand function for your T-shirt to obtain the revenue, cost and profit functions.

Business Calculus Math 115

Project: TShirt Sales Campaign

In this project, you will design and test the viability of a Tshirt design. The project will be done in five parts:
A. Design a Tshirt and create a marketing plan;

B. Take a poll to test the marketability of the shirt;

C. Use the results to determine the demand function for your Tshirt to obtain the revenue, cost and profit functions;

D. Use the tools of the course to find a selling price that will maximize revenue and profit.

E. At the conclusion of your project, you will write a report and submit it to the instructor presenting all your analysis and final results. This report must address all aspects of the project, thus there should be writeup on parts A D. The report will be submitted in MS word format, while all the mathematical analysis should be done in MS Excel or a program of your choice.

In roughly 250 words, talk about the similarities and differences between these three media and how they covered this event.

Media coverage

In roughly 500 words, talk about the similarities and differences between these three media sources and how they covered this event. Remember, post your original response and reply to at least 3 classmates. For this week’s Discussion Board question, compare and contrast at least three ways the media covered a weather event, sporting event, or disaster event. I’d encourage you to include how something showed on social media for any of the three, as much of the news for these three areas plays out on social media.

In roughly 250 words, talk about the similarities and differences between these three media and how they covered this event.

What are the maior forces at work? How will the problems of democracy in Nigeria be resolved? Will liberal democracy every come to the country? What is the significance of the 2023 election?

Business Question

Nigeria has struggled to build a durable democracy since becoming independent of Britain in 1960. Its first democracy collapsed in 1966. Its second democracy collapsed in 1983. An attempt to return to democracy was overthrown in 1993. Since 1999, it has maintained reasonably fair and free elections for a poor and populous country. You are a correspondent for a major American newspaper who has been asked to write a feature-length news story updating the results of Nigeria’s 2023 election and the broader debate on the future of democracy in the country. Start with the latest developments post-election.

Then delve deeper:

What are the maior forces at work? How will the problems of democracy in Nigeria be resolved? Will liberal democracy every come to the country? What is the significance of the 2023 election?