
Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.

American Studies Question

You must write an essay (1000 words minimum) in which you
address the following two questions or topics:
The fundamental values that inform how are democratic
government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States.

1. Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.

2. Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society.

Write a memo to your roommates or family. Explain the purpose of your memo. Tell the audience what two foods you picked and what you found out about them.

Green Talk #2

Link to Slides : (Alexis)

Writing prompt:

You have watched GreenTalk 2, and you’ve decided to get serious about looking into more of a plant-based diet. You want your roommates or family to explore making changes in their diets, too. They have asked you to pick two foods to research: one meat or dairy, and one vegetable. Look for where the food is sourced from, how it is produced, and what the environmental and health impacts are.

Write a memo to your roommates or family: (mixed audience)

Make a bold heading for each section:

1) In the introduction, explain the purpose of your memo.

2) In the discussion, tell the audience what two foods you picked and what you found out about them.

3) In the conclusion, tell us what you plan to do based on your findings, and what you suggest they do.

Where did you go to observe? When and for how long? What is the pattern you wish to discuss? Describe and discuss what you saw and how the class materials can help you make sense of it. You can include your photos in this section to help make your point.

Sociology Question

  1. Research process:
    • Visit a store that has children’s items (clothes, books, toys), via their website or in person when it is safe to do so
      • Search on or go to one specific item type (clothes or books or toys) and take note of what they look like. How are they arranged? Are they ‘color-coded” and/or separated by gender groups? Are there any non-gendered items?
      • Take some screenshots or photos of the patterns you see. If in person: Do not have any people in your photos. Try to do so subtly and if someone asks you to stop, do so.
    • Refer to our class materials that relate to the patterns you are seeing. Reflect on how the material may help us understand why you are seeing these patterns. Choose at least one of the readings or resources that connect with what you see. This can be a concept, a reading, a video, a theory…
  2. Write up your assessment, following this outline and using the headings:
    • Introduction – Where did you go to observe? When and for how long? What is the pattern you wish to discuss?
    • Discussion – Describe and discuss what you saw and how the class materials can help you make sense of it. You can include your photos in this section to help make your point.
    • Conclusions – What is the impact and outcome of these patterns and how they related to how gender works in our society? Do these patterns maintain or challenge our gender norms?

In a 150-200 word paragraph identify a nursing theory that resonates with your personal belief system.

Philosophy of Nursing Part 4

Reflect on what is important to you as an individual and as a nursing student. Think about what you believe and what you value. Develop a paper that includes the following:

  • Prompt: Nursing Theory (5 points): In a 150-200 word paragraph identify a nursing theory that resonates with your personal belief system.

Describe the buffer overflow application vulnerability and identify what type(s) of applications this vulnerability affects.

Security Applications: Bounds Checking Application Vulnerabilities

Describe the buffer overflow application vulnerability and identify what type(s) of applications this vulnerability affects.

Choose two different models of the Systems Development Life Cycle from Waterfall SDLC, Iterative SDLC, Unified Process Framework, Spiral SDLC, V-Model SDLC, Big Bang SDLC, Agile SDLC, RAD SDLC, and Software Prototype SDLC. Compare and contrast them. Which would you prefer to use and why?

SLDC comparison

For this discussion, complete the following:

1. Choose two different models of the Systems Development Life Cycle from Waterfall SDLC, Iterative SDLC, Unified Process Framework, Spiral SDLC, V-Model SDLC, Big Bang SDLC, Agile SDLC, RAD SDLC, and Software Prototype SDLC.

2. Compare and contrast them. For example consider the number of stages and overlaps, advantages, etc.

3. Which would you prefer to use and why?

Write a Disaster, Sports, and Weather Report Paper. Write it as a newspaper article published in this week’s newspaper, using the 5 W’s and pyramid format, and with a strong lead.

Disaster/Sports/Weather Report

Write a Disaster, Sports, and Weather Report Paper. Length should be at least 2 pages, double spaced, one-inch margins, basic MLA format, no heading. Tell me about what news is going on around you in one of these beats. You may choose to cover one area: anything that is a disaster right now, about sports, or about the weather. Write it as a newspaper article published in this week’s newspaper, using the 5 W’s and pyramid format, and with a strong lead.

Do these projects differ in how they approach early American History? If yes, how? What are the significant differences between these projects’ overarching narratives of the nation’s founding?

History Question

For your Reflection Paper assignment, You will:

  • Read The 1619 Project and listen to its companion Podcast
  • Read The 1776 Report (Chapters 1-4)
  • Produce a one to two-page paper, which should include addressing the questions below. Your paper should also consider the materials (readings, videos, documents, etc.) presented throughout this course.
  1. Do these projects differ in how they approach early American History? If yes, how?
  2. What are the significant differences between these projects’ overarching narratives of the nation’s founding?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with either project, as a whole or in part? If in part, specify which part(s).
  4. Provide your overall assessment/critique of both projects.
  5. Why do you think these projects sparked a nationwide debate about how we teach American History in this nation?

What are some of the key environmental justice issues surrounding food, agriculture, oceans and aquaculture? Who are the main groups impacted and why?

Political Science question

  • What are some of the key environmental justice issues surrounding food, agriculture, oceans and aquaculture?
  • Who are the main groups impacted and why?
  • Is it possible to move in a more positive direction regarding these concerns and how?

In a 150-200 word paragraph identify the values and beliefs that you feel are important in nursing and why you feel they are important.

Philosophy of Nursing Part 1

Reflect on what is important to you as an individual and as a nursing student. Think about what you believe and what you value. Develop a paper that includes the following:

  • Prompt: Professional Values (3 points): In a 150-200 word paragraph identify the values and beliefs that you feel are important in nursing and why you feel they are important.