
Give a brief synopsis for each of the three topics. And then respond to how you feel about each topic. Have you seen or heard of these topics in your own experience?

Writing questions

Give a brief synopsis for each of the three topics. And then respond to how you feel about each topic. Have you seen or heard of these topics in your own experience?

1) Asian women and misogyny (7 pts) have been dealt a complex and difficult role in the United States. First are the earliest immigrants from times like the Gold Rush to 20th century US Military presence in their countries. This has continued influencing stereotypical behaviors today. You can read this article by scrolling past and ignoring the subscription ads.
Listen to this Podcast:

2) Women of color and Feminists (4 pts) 21469077/feminism-and-race-just-who-counts-as-a-woman-of-color

3) Asian Americans in the Covid World (4 pts)

Explain the origin of Monotheism using these texts, especially the text by Jan Assmann. What is the African contribution to the Bible, to Judaism and to Christianity and to world religions in general?
 Explain “the Egyptian problem.”

Week 14 (April 26) Assignment 4

due: “African religions and their contribution to Humanity”

Readings (see Canvas)

Critical texts for this assignment:

  • Africa, Cradle of Humanity
  • ATR in Key Theses
  • God in ATR
  • Bumuntu Memory


Part 1.

Summarize the theory of Mitochondrial DNA and the African origin of humanity, and articulate your reflection on the implication of this theory for our understanding of Religion

Part 2. African Traditional Religion

  • How do these readings dispel negative myths about African spirituality or African traditional religions?
  • What is the African conception of God (the nature of God and his characteristics, see text on the Concept of God in African religions)
  • Summarize the fundamental moral values of African traditional religions and in so doing explain how Africans define a “good human being,” or a genuine religious person or someone regarded as holy or “a good guy.” ( “Bumuntu” is critical here).

Part 3. African contribution to world civilization and world spirituality

  • Explain the origin of Monotheism using these texts, especially the text by Jan Assmann.
  • What is the African contribution to the Bible, to Judaism and to Christianity and to world religions in general?
  • Explain “the Egyptian problem.”

Other questions

  • How did you feel while doing this assignment? What did surprise you? whad did you like or dislike and why?
  • How did this assignment help you achieve the educational goals of our university
  • Identify 5 citations that you found significant for our learning process

Create a patient who has presented to the office for a health assessment as a new patient. Provide the demographics of the patient and background that includes factors that impact their care.

Adapting Nursing role


The purpose of this discussion is to consider how individual factors can impact the health assessment. These factors include but are not limited to age, gender, mental health, literacy, disability, and culture. Students will discuss the impact of individual factors on the assessment and then collaborate on strategies to adapt the environment and assessment techniques to best facilitate the provider-patient relationship and data collection.


  1. Scholarly sources include current peer-reviewed sources, practice guidelines from professional organizations, and databases used for clinical decisions making (such as UpToDate). Your course materials, textbooks, and websites do not count as scholarly sources.
  2. In order to obtain full credit, you must interact on more than three days. Posting your initial post and each peer post on a different day for three days total is only an 8/10 for this section of the rubric. An additional post that is substantive and adds to the conversation (not just “I agree” or “nice work”) is required to get 10/10 in this area of the rubric.
  3. A 100 in the discussion means you have exceeded the minimum requirements and the faculty does not have any suggestions for room for improvement for you.


Create a patient who has presented to the office for a health assessment as a new patient. Provide the demographics of the patient and background that includes factors that impact their care. Please then discussion how the age and these other individual factors have the potential to impact the provider-patient relationship and the health assessment (both subjective and objective findings).

These individual factors may include any factor that has the potential to impact the relationship or the assessment. Examples are age, gender, mental health, literacy, disability, culture, and language.

Using clear examples to back up your arguments, compare the Omayyad and Abbasid empires by emphasizing their accomplishments, similarities, and differences.

History Question

Using clear examples to back up your arguments, compare the Omayyad and Abbasid empires by emphasizing their accomplishments, similarities, and differences. Your response should be about one and a half pages long, single-spaced, and typed.

Use the country table in the world database to create the code to display only the columns name, continent, and population in descending order.

Programming Question

Complete the following exercises using SQLite Studio.

  1. Create a statement to display the following sentence:
  • Lehman is one of many CUNY colleges.
  • Give the column the title: Quick Facts
  • Take a screenshot of your code/statement and the results to submit with the rest of the assignment.
  1. Use the country table in the world database to create the code to display a list of countries in alphabetical order. Take a screenshot of your code/statement and the results to submit with the rest of the assignment.


  1. Use the country table in the world database to create the code to display only the columns name, continent, and population in descending order. Rename the name column, Country Name. Take a screenshot of your code/statement and the results to submit with the rest of the assignment.


  1. Use the city table in the world database to create code to display a list of cities with a countrycode of NLD in alphabetical order. Take a screenshot of your code/statement and the results to submit with the rest of the assignment.


  1. Use the ‘Insert Into’ and ‘Update’ clauses to modify the customer table in the test database to display the following:


Id Customer Street Address City State Zip
1 Bill Smith 123 Main Street Hope CA 98764
2 Mary Smith 123 Dorian Street Harmony AZ 98433
3 Bob Smith 45 Osage Avenue Humor CA 98212
4 Elias Suarez 10 Albany Drive Louviers LA 98765
5 Kareem Diop 233 Crescent Ave. Pronto AL NULL
6 Karla Satinsky 201 Hudson Park Rd Muller NY 10026


Take a screenshot of your code/statement and the results to submit with the rest of the assignment.




Discuss 2 that you plan to implement on the “Research Plan” grid. And, discuss the outcomes of your data collection on the “Data Collected” grid featured below.

Ethnographic Fieldwork Assignment

Goal:  To collect two (2) forms of ethnographic data for your final project. For your final project, you are required to collect a minimum of two different types of data.  You are welcome to collect more, if you have time and if you think it will be helpful to your project.

In this class and in the Anthropology program, we have discussed the various research methods listed below (some to greater degrees than others).  Discuss 2 that you plan to implement on the “Research Plan” grid.  And, discuss the outcomes of your data collection on the “Data Collected” grid featured below.


Ethnographic Research Methods

Observational Methods

Participant observation

Behavioral Mapping (see Setha Low)

Movement Mapping (see Setha Low)

Cultural resource mapping (when you map resources that are culturally significant to a community)

Time motion studies (see William Whyte’s film)


Interview approaches

Key informant interviews (when you interview a person with a special perspective in the community

Semi structured interviews

Transect walks (when you interview someone while they walk and point out culturally and socially significant spaces and views in a landscape)

Transect drives (same as above only while driving or taking a bus or train)

Mapping social networks (when you map out individuals’ relationships based on information you gather when surveying or interviewing someone)


Archival research

Gathering any of the following:

Grey literature, maps, brochures, menus, photos, tweets, documentation of signage, videos, musical recordings, newspaper stories, letters, official documents



How do people use and relate to public space in xyz neighborhood? How do people live in neighborhoods undergoing gentrification? How does gentrification affect people’s lives? How do people make use of and relate to specific forms of transportations such as public buses and trains?



Los Angeles is a fascinating city that is hard to define.  Some theorists think LA is hard to define because it does not seem to have a clear center like “The Loop” in Chicago, ‘downtown’ in New York City or the zócalo in Mexico City.  According to Mariana Petersen’s ethnography Sound, Space, and the City (2010), she demonstrates how officials in Los Angeles sought to improve the image of the city by artificially creating a downtown center (e.g. The Civic Center).  Petersen questions what this type of center does for the city—does it actually bring diverse people in Los Angeles together? It appears that the Civic Center defines the city in a particular way, but does this new definition resonate with the city’s history and with the people who live and work there?

Other theorists, such as Norman Klein, think LA is hard to define because it is a city that has been forgotten. Klein focuses on the fact that much of the city’s history has been erased as neighborhoods were dislocated and rearranged in order for highways to be built and for the city to be modernized in the 1950s. In The History of Forgetting: Los Angeles and the Erasure of Memory (1997), Klein argues most people are not aware of the radical changes that were made to LA. Modernization has created a good deal of historical amnesia, and has left a blank space for people to fill in their own definitions of the history and character of the city. Klein finds it humorous that tourists who visit LA assume an authority over knowledge of the city when they haven’t even visited the city for more than a month. Meanwhile, local residents hesitate to characterize the city because they know that there are gaps in their knowledge. For Klein, these reactions are curious and suggest that not only is LA difficult to define, but there is a question as to who has the right to define it.


Objective:  Using anthropological tools and methods, you will describe and analyze a facet of urban life in Los Angeles. This project may be “place-based” (i.e. defined by a neighborhood, area, or space within the city) or “people-based” (i.e. defined by a group of people who are most likely to be on the move or located in more than one space). The project requires fieldwork. You must visit your fieldsite a minimum of 2 times during the semester, so you need to choose a site or a group of people that will be feasible for you to study.

Process:  There are 3 parts to the project:  1) Literature review; 2) Fieldwork; 3) Analysis, Write Up and Drawing Connections.

The Scope of Assignment:  By the end of the course, you are expected to write a 10 page essay [15 pages for “490” students”] based on your review of literature and data collection. You will need to integrate your fieldnotes with an analysis of urban life in LA that is informed by the theoretical readings in the course and possibly historical readings that relate to the space or group of people that you choose to study.  Your final project may include photographs, maps, tables, recordings, illustrations and/or any other form of documentation that you feel is important to the story that you wish to tell. Expect to include a bibliography of references that inform your narrative.


Possible Research Topics:

Remember, when developing a research topic, I would like for you to focus on an anthropology of the city rather than an anthropology in the city.  That is to say, at the end of the paper, readers will want to hear your insights about the city through the lens of your topic.  The context of the city is central to the project.

Develop a question that is important to you AND is answerable by reviewing literature, conducting participant observation, a few interviews, and documenting by creating maps and other visual representation of the outcomes of your research.


Here are some sample research questions to consider:

How do people use and relate to public space in xyz neighborhood?

How do people live in neighborhoods undergoing gentrification? How does gentrification affect people’s lives?

How do people make use of and relate to specific forms of transportations such as public buses and trains?

How is urban life expressed through food, music, car culture, clothing, art, performance, architecture, or another form of cultural expression?

How does the city shape individuals and communities’ experiences with health care, education, housing, financial, political, and legal systems among other systems?

How do people remember parts of a city?

How do people envision the future of a city?

How many States are there in the United States of America? Other than Alaska and Hawaii that were both admitted to the Union in 1959, what was the last state admitted to the Union and WHEN?

American Politics

Answer all of the following question on one submission.

Each question is a separate opportunity. You do not need to attempt all questions.
1. What is the name of the “Forgotten” Colony. (not the “lost”, “first”, nor “last” colony)?

2. How many States are there in the United States of America? (a number is suffice)

3. Other than Alaska and Hawaii that were both admitted to the Union in 1959, what was the last state admitted to the Union and WHEN? (YOU MUST GET BOTH CORRECT TO RECEIVE CREDIT)

4. What was the name of the second “Pilgrim” ship? (Not some ship that came to Plymouth later)

5. VERY BRIEFLY what is the history of “Plymouth Rock” post (after) the Pilgrims? (Don’t care how it got its name or anything else to do with the Pilgrims in 1620)

6. Who named Plymouth MS Plymouth and WHY? (MUST GET BOTH CORRECT TO RECEIVE CREDIT)


Explain the need for core values statements in strategic management. Describe the nature and role of vision statements in strategic management. Identify the characteristics of a vision statement.

STRATEGY Formulation

After studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
2-1. Explain the need for core values statements in strategic management.
2-2. Describe the nature and role of vision statements in strategic management.
2-3. Identify the characteristics of a vision statement.
2-4. Describe the nature and role of mission statements in strategic management.
2-5. Identify and discuss the characteristics of an effective mission statement.
2-6. Identify and discuss the components of mission statements.
2-7. Discuss the benefits for a firm of having clear vision and mission statements.
2-8. Evaluate and write mission statements for different organizations.

Read the attached paper and write a summary on it as per requirements mentioned here.



Read the attached paper and write a summary on it as per requirements mentioned here.


Reading assignments should be 12 point font and single spaced. The paper summary should contain no headings and should be no less than ½ a page and no more than 1 page in length. There should be no spacing between paragraphs.


The language should be written in a professional, academic manner and should read like scientific correspondence (e.g., in the style of a journal article). For example, submissions should be written in third person. Paragraphs must have a clear and logical organization. They should stick to one topic and be ordered in a logic manner to flow with the paper. In general, you should have at least one paragraph introducing the main topic of the paper and providing necessary background, one or more paragraphs summarizing the main concepts from the paper, and a one paragraph conclusion.