
What are the results? Are the results inferable to the population? Do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Explain. What do the results mean? What is your recommendation to the organization?


You are in charge of conducting an analysis for your organization to determine if there is a difference in product sales between the day shift, the night shift, and the weekend shift. Your coworker has already collected the data and they are ready for you to analyze.

Review the data your coworker collected in the Analysis of ANOVA Test Data Spreadsheet.

First, plan your analysis. Second, conduct your analysis. Third, describe your analysis.

Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and include speaker notes. Include the following elements in your presentation.

Part 1: Planning
What are the null and alternative hypotheses?
Where did you obtain your data or who obtained it for you?

Part 2: Analysis
What are the descriptive statistics for your sample? Include:
Sample size
Standard deviation
Analysis procedures: What did you do to conduct your analysis?

Part 3: Results and Discussion
What are the test statistics and results? Include
f statistic
What are the results? Are the results inferable to the population?
Do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Explain.
What do the results mean? What is your recommendation to the organization?

Why do you want to attend the Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics? What personal and academic goals do you hope to achieve at the program?


Prompt: Why do you want to attend the Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics? What personal and academic goals do you hope to achieve at the program? (300 Words)

Discuss whether the promotion of ‘Garden Communities’ by government is a relevant response to the housing crisis.

Garden Communities

Discuss whether the promotion of ‘Garden Communities’ by government is a relevant response to the housing crisis.

Write a 2-3 page essay in MLA format with introductory paragraph (which includes thesis statement), support paragraphs (which include topic sentences), and conclusion paragraph on a topic which requires using classification as a writing strategy.


Write a 2-3 page essay in MLA format with introductory paragraph (which includes thesis statement), support paragraphs (which include topic sentences), and conclusion paragraph on a topic which requires using classification as a writing strategy. Do not do any research or look anything up for this essay.

Write in third person point of view unless you have a legitimate reason for using first or second person. First person is appropriate when you are talking about your own real experiences. Second person is rarely appropriate for essays in this class.

Prepare a business plan for implementing digital strategy including digital twin.

BIM and Digital Construction

This assignment focuses on developing a business case for implementing BIM in a construction company.

Prepare a business plan for implementing digital strategy including digital twin. This has to be specifically related to the client and aligned with its strategy. The report will need to consider the following aspects and follow this structure:

– Introduction
– Strategic analysis
– Economic analysis
– Commercial analysis
– Financial analysis
– Management analysis
– Final recommendations

Use the following link as the client (Balfour Beatty)

Participants in consultation with the placement supervision will identify learning objectives, and learning activities that will help them to reach the objectives.

Learning contract

Participants in consultation with the placement supervision will identify learning objectives, and learning activities that will help them to reach the objectives.

In the initial post (at least 300 words), discuss the beneficial and harmful effects of normal flora in the body. Give examples of such effects, and include in your response the characteristics of the microorganisms discussed in your examples.

W1 Discussion Question 2: Microorganisms – Friend or Foe?

Purpose: Microorganisms can be helpful or potentially harmful. While most microbes exist symbiotically in the human body (both benefiting from the relationship), some microbes are pathogenic and cause infections. The goal of this discussion is to explore the beneficial and harmful effects of microorganisms in the human body.

Post: In the initial post (at least 300 words), discuss the beneficial and harmful effects of normal flora in the body. Give examples of such effects, and include in your response the characteristics of the microorganisms discussed in your examples. Be sure to use the readings and resources for the week and cite them using APA.

Review the video Virus Watch: Counting Viruses ( ). and create a one-page infographic that summarizes the steps you would carry out to quantify viruses using the plaque method.

BIO 354 W3 Discussion Question 1: How to Quantify Viruses

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to analyze and summarize the process of virtual quantification.

Post: Review the video Virus Watch: Counting Viruses ( ). and create a one-page infographic that summarizes the steps you would carry out to quantify viruses using the plaque method. Be sure to use APA formatting for any sources you use. For tips on how to create an infographic, see the Creating an Infographic content page ( .

In what other areas of American life does this mindset—the need to be first—emerge?

Race to space discussion

In what other areas of American life does this mindset—the need to be first—emerge? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

In 2-3 short paragraphs, explain why western conservation organizations fail to understand Rosewood demand in China, according to Dr. Annah Lake Zhu. How could attention to Chinese culture and history inform more responsible, sustainable, as well as effective forms of conservation to ensure rosewood species do not go extinct in the near future?


This is an open-note, open-book take home exam but it is also an individual exam- this is not a group exam! UA plagiarism and code of ethics apply.
You will submit this via TurnItIn which includes a plagiarism checker. Anyone plagiarizing sources or their peers will receive a midterm grade of 0 as well as be reported through the UA student code of ethics review process. Your response should not include lengthy direct quotes. Responses and ideas should be phrased in your own words.
Answers that merely string together direct quotes from your readings, etc. will only receive partial credit (at best). You do not need to include formal referencing or in-text citations (e.g. APA formatting) in your responses, but you should still explain in your responses where/who your answers are supported or derived from.
Example: “As Professor Wyatt explain in her chapter on wildlife trafficking actors, the perpetrators of wildlife poaching who are seen to hold the least responsibility compared to other actors are subsistence poachers. This is because…”
My goal here is to make sure you are understanding key concepts and ideas from our readings and class lectures and discussions. Consider this an opportunity to reflect on some major ideas and topics we have encountered! Do not spend more than a couple hours developing these responses- I am therefore not expecting formal, polished essays, but they should still be sufficiently thorough, and you are still expected to write in complete sentences largely absent of grammatical and spelling errors. Each question is worth 50 points. Quality is more important than quantity! Take note of how long your responses should be. I would encourage you to write your answers in a word document/word processor and save them regularly before finally submitting them.

Midterm Questions:
1) In 2-3 short paragraphs, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using Wyatt’s hierarchy of victimization chart to understand the prioritization of victims within the illegal wildlife trade. To receive full credit for your response, your answer must:
#1: draw on 1-2 concrete examples from class discussions;
#2 include your personal opinion (with justifications) for why or why not plants should be understood as victims in illegal wildlife trade;
#3 in responding to the above, include an explanation of how your opinion is informed by an anthropocentric, biocentric, or ecocentric approach to understanding victimization in wildlife trafficking.

2) In 2-3 short paragraphs, explain why western conservation organizations fail to understand Rosewood demand in China, according to Dr. Annah Lake Zhu. How could attention to Chinese culture and history inform more responsible, sustainable, as well as effective forms of conservation to ensure rosewood species do not go extinct in the near future? For full credit, give concrete examples from your reading of Dr. Zhu’s book, Rosewood, as well as discussions from class.

3) In 1-2 paragraphs, make an argument about who and/or what Dr. Rosaleen Duffy holds most responsible for the ongoing militarization and securitization of conservation in relationship to wildlife trafficking. Do you agree or disagree with her arguments? Use concrete examples from the book and class discussions to support your response. If scholars recognize the militarization of conservation and responses to wildlife trafficking as doing more harm than good, why does militarization and securitization of conservation persist? Again, reference examples from class and our readings in crafting your response.

4) In 1-2 paragraph, and in your opinion, what major ideas/topics related to wildlife trafficking do you believe Professors Duffy and Wyatt would most agree on AND ALSO most disagree on based on your readings? Who do you think you agree most with and why? For full credit, you must give examples of both sites of agreement and disagreement. Use examples and concepts from your readings and class to support your argument.

Wildlife Trafficking by Tanya Wyatt
Security and Conservation by Rosaleen Duffy
Animal Traffic by Rosemary-Claire Collard
Rosewood: endangered species conservation and the rise of global China – by Annah Lake Zhu