
Create an AWS CloudTrail trail that audits actions taken in your account. Conduct an investigation to determine who modified the Mom & Pop Café website.

Module 9: Activity 9 – Working with AWS CloudTrail

Activity overview

In this activity, you will create an AWS CloudTrail trail that audits actions taken in your account. You will then conduct an investigation to determine who modified the Mom & Pop Café website.

The activity starts with an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance named Cafe Web Server, which runs a web application that hosts the Mom & Pop Café website.

  • In Task 1, you observe that the website looks normal.
  • In Task 2, soon after you create a trail with AWS CloudTrail, you notice that the website has been hacked, and that part of the hack involved an action where someone modified the security group settings.
  • In Task 3, you use a variety of methods to analyze the CloudTrail logs, including the Linux grep utility and the AWS CLI.
  • In Task 4, you use Amazon Athena to search the CloudTrail logs.
  • In the Challenge section that concludes Task 4, you work to identify the hacker.
  • In Task 5, now that you have discovered the culprit, you remove that user’s access. You also take steps to reduce the chances that the AWS account and the Mom & Pop Café website will be hacked again.

The architectural diagram here illustrates the setup that is used in this activity

Using the pay structure that you created in Problem 5, calculate the compa-ratio for each individual below. What does each compa-ratio tell us about their pay rate?

Business Question

E-Sonic is a fictional online music company that is just starting out. E-Sonic’s mission is to create the world’s leading music distribution entity; ensuring its parent company Sonic Records’ prominence in the industry’s future. As a consultant for E-Sonic, you built a point evaluation method and acquired compensation survey data for benchmark jobs.


  1. The compensation survey data you acquired has an “as of” date of December 2019. Let’s imagine you’ve been asked to update the salaries to the current cost-of-living in Seattle, WA. Use the following CPI-U data from the BLS website:
  • What was the CPI-U in December 2019? (2.5 pts)
  • What is the most recent CPI-U? (2.5 pts)
  • By what percent would need to adjust the compensation survey salaries? (2.5 pts)



  1. Using the job evaluation points and the updated compensation survey data, you ran a regression analysis to predict salaries thereby integrating the internal pay structure with external market rates. After running the regression in Excel, you found that the market pay line is  and the R2 = 0.82.
  • How would you interpret the market pay line? (2.5 pts)
  • How would you interpret the R2? (2.5 pts)



  1. Using the market pay line equation in Problem 2, what would be the market salary for individuals with job evaluation points of… (10 pts)
  • 500
  • 800
  • 1000
  • 1200



  1. E-Sonic plans to gain a competitive advantage by offering a unique online music platform that uses advanced technology to attract customers.
  • Based on this information, what strategy do you think they use to gain a competitive advantage? And what pay policy might they use based on this strategy? (5 pts)
  • If they decide to use this pay policy, would they need update the market pay line? If yes, how would they do it? (5 pts)



  1. E-Sonic decided to establish 3 pay grades after determining its pay line. Grade A ranges from 400-800 job evaluation points, Grade B ranges from 800-1000 job evaluation points, Grade C ranges from 1000-1400 job evaluation points. They also decided the range spread for Grade A and Grade B is 20% above and below the midpoint and the range spread for Grade C is 30% above and below the midpoint. Using the market pay line from Problem 2, complete the pay structure. (10 pts)


Pay Grade Job Evaluation Points Range Minimum Range Midpoint Range Maximum Range Spread (% above & below midpoint)








      20% above and below the midpoint








      20% above and below the midpoint








      30% above and below the midpoint



  1. Using the pay structure that you created in Problem 5, calculate the compa-ratio for each individual below. What does each compa-ratio tell us about their pay rate?
  • Mike is in Grade A and he is paid $40,160.71. (2.5 pts)
  • Jhon is in Grade B and he is paid $53,465.66. (2.5 pts)
  • Lupe is Grade C and she is paid $75,789.45. (2.5 pts)



Identify a claim in the first article and fact check it using a scientific article or reputable news outlet or report. List the claim, summarize the research you did to fact check (and include links to any resources you used), and provide your assessment of the validity of that claim.

Assignment Details Environmental Science (GE01330, Spring 2023)

Read the following articles providing perspectives for and against fracking:
• Supportive: 01 /how-fracking-strengthens-america/ • Opposed: [LINK] or [PDF]
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and proofread your responses.

1. What are two arguments in favor of fracking?

2. How credible did you find these arguments and the first article? Please justify your answer.

3. Identify a claim in the first article and fact check it using a scientific article or reputable news outlet or report. List the claim, summarize the research you did to fact check (and include links to any resources you used), and provide your assessment of the validity of that claim.

4. What are two arguments against fracking?

5. How credible did you find these arguments and the second article? Please justify your answer.

6. Identify a claim in the second article and fact check it using a scientific article or reputable news outlet or report. List the claim, summarize the research you did to fact check (and include links to any resources you used), and provide your assessment of the validity of that claim.

7. After reading these articles and doing some additional research, how did your views towards fracking change or stay the same, and why?


In order that Dr. H. does not lose hench-folk, he must mount a sonic dampener. Without damping, what would be the intensity of the feeling on an average human being at the front gate, 100 m away from emitter?

Physics 2 help – charge, field, flux, and potential

The mysterious Dr. H. does not like surprise guests. He has created a fear emitter, based on sub-sonics, to install atop the keep building at the center of his ancestral compound. His (secret and not IRB-approved) studies at the local laundromat show that the average aversion felt by humans to the fear sound occurs at an intensity of 20 dB and his source will produce 2000 +/- 2% dB.

  • a. (5 pts) Is this problem exploring the equivalent of a charge, field, flux, or potential (circle one)? Why do you say this?
  • b. (15 pts) A group of three kids approaching the Horrible Compound turned around 1832 m, 1667 m and 1533 m, respectively. Estimate the sonic permittivity of the atmosphere for this infrasonic system.
  • c. (10 pts) In order that Dr. H. does not lose hench-folk, he must mount a sonic dampener. Without damping, what would be the intensity of the feeling on an average human being at the front gate, 100 m away from emitter?

Explain the historical significance of the American Revolution. Discuss the major events that provoked the American revolt against Great Britain. Describe the constitutional issues involved in the debate over taxation.

United States History to 1865 HIS 201

  1. TO DO: Time to get creative. Once you have read chapter 5 you are to create a diary about the events you witnessed leading up to the American Revolution. You should have “5” events on the diary.

Example of creative writing diary entries from my, History of the Holocaust class.

September 21, 1939: I’m not sure what is going on right now. We are being moved from our small towns into urban centers. I’m very scared and don’t know what is coming next.

September 30, 1939: We’ve settled into our urban centers. We are working with the Polish to fight against the Germans. They are destroying us and we are left decimated. I’m hopeful that things could get better.

November 10, 1939: Things are not getting better. The welfare organizations are no longer giving us aid. We were given armbands to wear and curfews. We were banned from streetcars, restaurants, public parks, and promenades. We also cannot get treated by doctors or dentists. Things are not looking good.

February 9, 1940: Today we were forced into ghettos. The Germans are stopping at nothing to give us the worst living conditions possible. I’m not too sure as to what is going on and I’m starting to lose track of the days. We are being shot and killed and it is impossible to describe the scenes. Panic and terror have filled our streets.

Date- unknown: There is so much going on and I have now lost track of the days. I’m tired and hungry and things are getting worse. We were moved into ghettos. Some of us have a dwelling, but others like me have nothing but what we could carry. This will be my last entry. I no longer know what is going on or what month it is. I still have hope that things will get better.

Reply to another student on diary entries.

  1. TO DO: Pick one event from the list below to discuss in further detaiL MLA citations needed in order to get full points.
  1. Explain the historical significance of the American Revolution.
  2. Discuss the major events that provoked the American revolt against Great Britain.
  3. Describe the constitutional issues involved in the debate over taxation.
  4. Understand the issues involved in the debate over taxation without representation.
  5. Summarize the key reasons for the American victory in the War for Independence.

What is the Compile-time defenses /techniques to harden programs to resist attacks against operating systems? What are the basic steps to use to secure an Operating System?

Operating system and team management

QUESTION 1 There is a need for an Intrusion Detection System. Read the given parameters and write your decision about the type of intrusion detection system you would use to fulfill the requirements;

Requirements: The intrusion detection system must

  • Monitor system activities for signs of suspicious behavior.
  • Analyze traffic and log malicious behavior
  • Provide visibility into what’s happening on your critical security systems
  • Help to identify threats inside the network perimeter

QUESTION 2 What is the Compile-time defenses /techniques to harden programs to resist attacks against operating systems?

QUESTION 3 What are the basic steps to use to secure an Operating System?

QUESTION 4 Which Access Control Models you would deploy for these given two business cases? Write the Access Control Model name for each case.

Case 1: In this Government Company uses a hierarchical approach for access control. All the documents have been classified as Confidential, Secret and Top secret. The sensitivity levels are in order from most sensitive to least sensitive. For example, Only the Employee with a Secret classification level can reach the document with a Secret classification label

Case 2: This Access Control Model determines which permissions the system grants to the user. The organization let some individuals create or modify files while providing others with viewing permission only. For example, the Human Resources Database Manager was authorized to add, change, or delete employee records for anyone in the organization but has no access to the customer database and financial database.

Question 5: Describe the four different project evaluations or reviews: (1) individual performance review, (2) postmortem review, (3) project audit, and (4) evaluation of the project’s MOV with specific examples.

Suppose the first player plays Tit for Tat nicely – starting with C. The second player plays nasty Tit for Tat – that is, starts at D. What would the first seven pairs of moves be? Could there be any reason that the first player would start with C knowing the other is going to defect?

5 Basic Game Theory Questions

1. Suppose the first player plays Tit for Tat nicely – starting with C. The second player plays nasty Tit for Tat – that is, starts at D. What would the first seven pairs of moves be? Could there be any reason that the first player would start with C knowing the other is going to defect?

2. Suppose your discount rate is .8 per year. Would you rather have four yearly payments, starting now of $10, $10,  $10,  and $10, or would you rather have $4 yearly forever?  Show your work of course.

  • (a) For the following Prisoner’s Dilemma game, infinitely repeated, is the strategy pair (Grim, Grim) and equilibrium for discount rate δ = .7? Show your work, as always.

C      D
C   3,3   1,8

D   8,1   2,2

  • (b) What is the minimum discount rate for which (Grim, Grim) is an equilibrium?


3. The 2008 Presidential nomination saw 21 Republican primaries and caucuses happening all on one day, so-called Super Tuesday, Feb 8. There were only four real candidates left afterwards: John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and Ron Paul. In the West Virginia caucus, there were seven groups of voters, we’ll assume.  Here are their sizes and their preferences.

Group 1 (16%)  JM  MR  MH  RP

Group 2 (28%)  MR  JM  MH  RP

Group 3 (13%)  MR  MH  JM  RP

Group 4 (21%)  MH  MR  JM  RP

Group 5 (12%)  MH  JM  MR  RP

Group 6 (6%)   RP  MR  MH  JM

Group 7 (4%)   RP  MH  MR  JM

Let’s assume the voting procedure was the following.  Candidates are eliminated in rounds until only one is left.  Assume the voters vote sincerely each time – that is, they vote for their top choice.  On the first round Mitt Romney won a plurality of the votes in the first round with 41%.  (Plurality means he won more votes than anyone else.)  But that doesn’t make him the winner.  After each round of the caucus if no one wins a majority, (majority means over 50%) then the candidate with the fewest votes is dropped.  Then his or her supporters vote for one of the remaining candidates.

Again they vote sincerely.  Who would win?  (It probably helps to copy the above table, and cross people in it, as you determine the fewest-vote-getter each time.)


4. There are exactly four candidates, A, B, C and D in an election, and there are exactly five citizens voting on them.

Citizen 1.   C, A, D, B

Citizen 2.   B, D, C, A

Citizen 3.   B, D, C, A

Citizen 4.   C, D, A, B

Citizen 5.   C, D, B, A

  • (a) Which candidates are Pareto efficient for these four citizens?  If a candidate is not Pareto efficient say why not.
  • (b) Is there a Condorcet Winner?  If there is, who is it?
  • (c)  Who would win by the Borda count?
  • (d) Who would win by approval voting, assuming Citizens 1 and 2 voted for only one candidate, but citizens 3, 4, and 5 voted for two.


5. In class I had four movies D, C, S and R and a preference ordering for three people who were voting on which one to go see. Use these orderings instead

person 1:  D R C S

person 2:  S R D C

person 3:  C S D R

  • (a) Suppose the voting method was to choose between the pairs D, C versus S, R, and then choose between whichever pair wins.  Who would win?  (I showed the general method in Thursday’s class.)
  • (b) Suppose instead they started with a choice between either D, S or C, R, then went on to choose one of that pair.  Who would win?
  • (c) Suppose they started with a choice between D, R versus C, S.  Who would win?
  • (d) When we make these predictions about who would win, are we assuming that the players know each other’s preferences, or are we assuming only that they know their own?

Calculate LS’s business taxable income for year 2022. What is Max’s 2022 tax liability assuming Max files as a single for 2022. Ignore any potential tax credits, self-employment, or employment taxes

Excel in company analytic.

Max opened Learning Smart (LS) as a sole proprietorship, providing online education to schoolage kids, specializing in art and STEM. Business has been booming since started. In 2022, he provided the following financial information relating to his business. LS is using accrual method of accounting.

Financial Information:
a. During the year, LS sold 15,000 learning hours for $450,000.

b. In April 2022, LS acquired new computers and online teaching accessories in the amount of $25,000 to be used in the business. LS intends to take §179 expenses.

c. A franchised learning center (Komon) contracted with LS to offer customized classes. Komon paid LS $150,000 ($25 per learning hour) on June 30 th as a prepayment for LS to provide 500 hours per month from July 1st , 2022 to June 30 th 2023. LS elects to use the deferral method to account for the transaction.

d. In June, Max travelled to an education conference held in Boston, MA. Max felt it was a great opportunity to learn current trends and gain potential cooperation opportunities with school districts and large training centers. The conference was for two days. Max paid $800 roundtrip airfare, $250 for conference registration fees, $150 per night for lodging, $96 for cab fare, and $80 per day for meals at restaurants during the trip.

e. At the end of the year, Max estimated that 5 percent of the yearend receivable $86,000 is not collectible, but it has not been able to specifically identify any accounts to write off.

f. LSs cost of goods sold is mainly the instructor hours. Due to the expansion of the business, Max hired three fulltime instructors to work for LS and paid them each $60,000 annual salaries. To encourage retention, LS accrued $15,000 bonuses for each instructor at yearend. The bonus was paid on March 1, 2023.

g. Max also hired his teenager son to work parttime doing administrative work for the business. He paid his son $30 per hour for 250 hours. However, the market hourly rate for similar type of work is $15 per hour.

h. On July 1 st , LS moved out of Max’s basement and rented a new office in city center plaza. LS signed a contract for a two year lease with monthly rent of $2,000. When signing the lease, LS paid $4,000 for the first and last month rent deposits as well as $5,000 for safety deposit.

i. LS purchased new office furniture and fixtures for the new office in the amount of $11,000, intend to take §179 expensing.

j. In June, LS purchased a patent for an online interactive platform for $45,000. This patent expires in 10 years.

k. On July 1 st , LS purchased and paid for a 12month insurance policy that covers its business property. The policy costs $4,800.

l. LS paid utility expenses of $3,000.

m. Early January, before Max launched his business, he spent $9,000 investigating different business models and opportunities. Max considered this as a startup cost.

n. After receiving the prepayment from Komon, LS invested in different investment portfolios. At the end of the year, LS received $1,500 interest from a municipal bond and $2,500 from corporate bond.

o. In November, LS signed a oneyear contract with an advertising company to produce an ad campaign. LS paid $4,200 upfront and LS will paid additional $2,000 if sales increase by 20% after six months period.

p. Max spent a lot of time visiting clients during the first half of the year (January to June) to develop his business. Max visited clients driving his personal car. He drove a total of 3,000 miles for client visits. He also received $80 parking tickets. LS reimbursed his business mileage and parking tickets.

q. While visiting clients, sometimes Max invited clients to NBA games or to shows, incurred a total costs of $6,500.

1. Calculate LS’s business taxable income for year 2022 (17 points).
2. What is Maxs 2022 tax liability assuming Max files as a single for 2022. Ignore any potential tax credits, selfemployment, or employment taxes (2 points)
3. What are Max’s federal tax return filing deadline and payment deadline for 2022 taxes (2 points)?

4. What is Max’s:

  • a. Average tax rate (3 pts)
  • b. Effective tax rate (3 pts)
  • c. Marginal tax rate (3 pts)

5. How much federal income tax could Max save (or pay additional) in 2022 if he had converted LS from a sole proprietorship to a C Corp? (5pts)

Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H. Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L. Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L. Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L. Identifies interactions with other medications MSN.E1.P4.

Case study and reflection

Case Study #1 Contraception

HPI: 23-year-old female comes to the clinic requesting contraception. She reports no health concerns. Is currently sexually active and using condoms. She is not sure what type of contraception she would like.

No current medications. Objective:

  • ● BP – 110/64, Pulse –68, Respirations – 16, Temp: 98.2
  • ● Height: 5 ft. 1 in., Weight 105 lbs.
  • ● Neck – No swelling, Thyroid is non-tender and non-enlarged.
  • ● Cardiovascular – S1S2, RRR
  • ● Lungs – Clear to auscultation, no use of accessory muscles.
  • ● Skin – No rashes, skin warm and dry, no erythematous areas
  • ● Extremities – No edema, cyanosis or clubbingLab and x-ray results

● Negative HCG

● Encounter for contraception

Address the following questions:

  • ● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g. bid) MSN.E1. P1.L
  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with other medications MSN.E1.P4.L

Case study #2 Sexually Transmitted Infection

HPI: 19 -year-old male presents to the clinic with a 3-week history of increasing penile discharge. The patient states that he has had multiple sexual partners over the last four months. He notices this increasing discharge and some pain with intercourse. He does not consistently use condoms.

Current medications ● none


  • ● BP – 120/79, Pulse –72, Respirations – 14, Temp: 98.2
  • ● Height: 5 ft. 11 inWeight 185 lbs.
  • ● Penis:: mucoid yellow discharge. Swab obtained
  • ● Skin – No rashes, skin warm and dry, no erythematous areasLab and x-ray results

● Swab POC

● Chlamydia infection

Address the following questions:

  • ● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g., bid) MSN.E1. P1.L
  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.L

Case Study #3 Bacterial Vaginosis

a 32-year-old female presents to the clinic with abnormal vaginal discharge. She reports a “fishy” smell. She is currently not sexually active.


  • ● Vaginal exam: increased vaginal discharge
  • ● Abnormal odorLaboratory Results:
    POC test: positive for bacterial vaginosis
    Based on current guidelines, what medications would be prescribed?
  • ● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on the prescription, e.g., bid) MSN.E1. P1.L
  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.L

Case Study #4 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

A 24-year-old female presents to the clinic with complaints of pelvic pain. The patient states she is sexually active and has been treated in the past for both gonorrhea and chlamydia. She reports a low-grade fever over the last few days. She is having pain with intercourse and intermittent vaginal bleeding.Exam:The patient has a moderate cervical discharge and significant cervical motion tenderness. A swab was obtained to test for gonorrhea and chlamydia.Assessment: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

● Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g., bid) MSN.E1. P1.L

  • ● Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ● Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ● Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ● Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ● Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with other medications MSN.E1.P4.

Fastco believes that the lawsuit is simply a pretext for Acme to acquire the technology for Fastco’s more successful product. Should the court permit Acme’s request?

Cyber Law

Fastco is a company that develops, manufactures, and sells fasteners (screws, bolts, and nuts) to the automotive industry. It manufactures a particular nut-and-bolt combination, identified as NB1, that is considered by many in the industry to be the best for particular applications. The technology behind NB1 is a trade secret, and Fastco has not patented it.

Acme Screw Products, Inc. is Fastco’s competitor and makes a similar product to NB1. Acme’s product is patented. Acme filed suit against Fastco, claiming that Fastco has infringed on its patent. Fastco denies that allegation. Acme has filed a request during the discovery phase of the lawsuit that Fastco produce all of its plans, diagrams, material formulations, test results, and so on that it has for the NB1 fastener.

Fastco believes that the lawsuit is simply a pretext for Acme to acquire the technology for Fastco’s more successful product. Should the court permit Acme’s request? Put another way, to what extent should the court take into consideration the harm that would be caused to Fastco by disclosure of its trade secret against Acme’s general right under the rules of civil procedure to obtain all evidence that Fastco has that might be relevant to its claim. Please post your reply and a response to another student’s reply by the due date.