
Do you think that the development and use of AI agents like ChatGPT should be a concern for educators who must teach and evaluate the thinking and writing abilities of students?


Opinion Essay Prompt: ChatGPT is a natural-language query engine developed by that generates creative text that may appear to have been written by a human. Some education experts have declared that “The College Essay is Dead” (e.g., ) and that high school and college students will use AI tools to cheat on term papers, exams, and applications.

Do you think that the development and use of AI agents like ChatGPT should be a concern for educators who must teach and evaluate the thinking and writing abilities of students? (<400 Words)

Why do objects that formed from the same cloud of gas have different compositions?


It is worth noticing that the eight planets in our solar system make up two different groups; the four planets closest to the Sun make up the rocky terrestrial planets and the four planets farthest from the Sun make up the gaseous Jovian planets.

Why do objects that formed from the same cloud of gas have different compositions?

What does fair use mean? After reading the sources below regarding fair use policy and fair use in educational settings, summarize in your own words what fair use means and how it applies to planetarium programs.


What does fair use mean? After reading the sources below regarding fair use policy and fair use in educational settings, summarize in your own words what fair use means and how it applies to planetarium programs.


After receiving faculty advisor approval of your Question Development Tool, you will now discuss the Question Development Tool with your project mentor.


Review the DNP Project Process Guide and the Question Development Tool provided in the Learning Resources.
Review the Minutes template provided in the Learning Resources.

Using the Question Development Tool, address the following:

Be sure to clearly identify and complete all components of the Question Development Tool.

After receiving faculty advisor approval of your Question Development Tool, you will now discuss the Question Development Tool with your project mentor.

Chose 6 different dysrhythmias and create at least one slide for each dysrhythmia (your choice).

Adult Health IV

Your PowerPoint presentation will be for new graduate nurses that review dysrhythmias.

Chose 6 different dysrhythmias and create at least one slide for each dysrhythmia (your choice).

The presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides (15 max) including both a title and reference slide. The contents of the presentation should describe each dysrhythmia as follows: brief pathophysiology, possible causes, and symptoms, and nursing and medical interventions. Speaker notes must also be included.

Organize your presentation as follows:

  • Title (1 slide)
  • Introduction (1 slide)
  • Dysrhythmia #1 (1 slide)
  • Dysrhythmia #2 (1 slide)
  • Dysrhythmia #3 (1 slide)
  • Dysrhythmia #4 (1 slide)
  • Dysrhythmia #5 (1 slide)
  • Dysrhythmia #6 (1 slide)
  • Conclusion (1 slide)
  • References (1 slide)

Write a page on why you find Logic and Critical thinking interesting.

Extra credit

Write a page on why you find Logic and Critical thinking interesting.

Describe how the Greek gods and goddess were portrayed in Greek sculpture. Why were they portrayed this way? In what periods of sculpture do they appear?


Describe how the Greek gods and goddess were portrayed in Greek sculpture. Why were they portrayed this way? In what periods of sculpture do they appear? Cite specific works of art to help illustrate your descriptions.

Analyze the effect of an increase in the growth rate of technology 𝑔 coupled with an increase in 𝛿𝐻 on the steady state levels of β„ŽΜƒ βˆ— and π‘˜Μƒ βˆ—in this case. Compare your results with part (a).

Political Science and Economics Department

Question 1 10 marks
Consider the Solow model with human capital as presented in chapter 6 of the text. Recall that we can analyze the model using a phase diagram constructed with the following two steady state equations:

π‘˜Μƒ βˆ— = ( π‘ πΎβ„ŽΜƒπ‘‘
𝑛 + 𝑔 + 𝑛𝑔 + 𝛿) 1

β„ŽΜƒ βˆ— = ( π‘ π»π‘˜Μƒπ‘‘
𝑛 + 𝑔 + 𝑛𝑔 + 𝛿)

a) Use a phase diagram to analyze the effect of an increase in the investment rate in human capital 𝑠𝐻 on the steady state levels of π‘˜Μƒ βˆ— and β„ŽΜƒ βˆ—.

b) Now suppose that 𝑠𝐾 + 𝑠𝐻 = 𝑠̅ where 𝑠̅ denotes the total savings rate of households to invest in either physical or human capital. If we assume that 𝑠̅ is fixed, use a phase diagram to analyze the effect of an increase in the investment rate in human capital 𝑠𝐻 on the steady state levels of π‘˜Μƒ βˆ— and β„ŽΜƒ βˆ—. How does your answer compare with part a)?

c) Recall that the steady state level of output per capita in this model is given by
βˆ— = ( 𝑠𝐾
𝑛 + 𝑔 + 𝑛𝑔 + 𝛿)
1βˆ’π›Όβˆ’πœ‘( 𝑠𝐻
𝑛 + 𝑔 + 𝑛𝑔 + 𝛿)

If 𝑠𝐾 + 𝑠𝐻 = 𝑠̅ , derive the optimal value of 𝑠𝐻 as a function of 𝑠̅ . Under what conditions should 𝑠𝐻 exceed 𝑠𝐾? (Hint: convert the above expression into logarithms and then derive a first order condition with respect to 𝑠𝐻.

Question 2 10 marks
Consider the Solow model with human capital as presented in chapter 6 of the text. In this case, we allow for the possibility that the depreciation rates on physical and human capital are different, so that:

π‘˜Μƒ βˆ— = ( π‘ πΎβ„ŽΜƒπ‘‘
𝑛 + 𝑔 + 𝑛𝑔 + 𝛿𝐾
) 1

β„ŽΜƒ βˆ— = ( π‘ π»π‘˜Μƒπ‘‘
𝑛 + 𝑔 + 𝑛𝑔 + 𝛿𝐻

a) Suppose initially that the two depreciation rates are identical, so that 𝛿𝐾 = 𝛿𝐻 = 𝛿. Use a phase diagram to illustrate the effect of an increase in the technology growth rate 𝑔 on the steady state levels of physical and human capital per effective unit of labour.

b) A potentially unattractive side effect of an increase in technology growth 𝑔 is an increase in 𝛿𝐻. For example, one could imagine that as the pace of technological change increases, existing skills and knowledge depreciate faster. Analyze the effect of an increase in the growth rate of technology 𝑔 coupled with an increase in 𝛿𝐻 on the steady state levels of β„ŽΜƒ βˆ— and π‘˜Μƒ βˆ—in this case. Compare your results with part (a).

c) In class, we assumed that α = ψ = 1/3, so that 1/3 of national income goes to physical capital, 1/3 to human capital and 1/3 to unskilled labour. Suppose instead that α = 1/3, but that ψ = 2/3 so that all labour income goes to human capital and none goes to unskilled labour. Illustrate the resulting phase diagram carefully, and discuss how the results of this model differ relative to the model discussed in class.

Question 3 5 marks
Consider a version of the Solow model with a diminishing productive resource such as oil, described in section 7.2 of the text. In this case the production function is given by

π‘Œπ‘‘ = 𝐾𝑑

where 𝐸𝑑 is the amount of oil used in production in period 𝑑. Note that the stock of oil remaining in period 𝑑 + 1 is then given by 𝑅𝑑+1 = 𝑅𝑑 βˆ’ 𝐸𝑑, where 𝐸𝑑 = 𝑠𝐸𝑅𝑑. We also assume that 𝛼 + 𝛽 + πœ– = 1.

a) Show that the growth in GDP per capita in this case is given by
𝑔𝑦 = 𝛽
𝛽 + πœ– 𝑔 βˆ’ πœ–
𝛽 + πœ– 𝑛 βˆ’ πœ–
𝛽 + πœ– 𝑠𝐸

b) One of the problems with assuming that a resource diminishes over time is that new sources and/or substitutes can be discovered, which reverses the perceived drain in the initial resource. This can be modeled in a simple way by assuming that 𝑠𝐸 can take on a negative value. At what (negative) value for 𝑠𝐸 will growth in per capita GDP be the same as in the base model with technological progress (ie, the model of chapter 5)?

If you could choose one Land Art site to visit which one would it be and why? What do you find most compelling or interesting about this work?

Discussion question

For your Initial Discussion Board Post answer the following:

Review the Land Art sites that we looked at this week and select one work to focus on. Feel free to explore Dia Sites, this Atlas Obscura article ‘A Tour of Spectacular 1970s Art Made From the Landscape Itself‘ or this Artland Magazine article ‘Top 10 Land Art and Earthwork Pioneers’ to find a site that qualifies!

  • If you could choose one Land Art site to visit which one would it be and why?
  • What do you find most compelling or interesting about this work?
  • Include 2-3 images of the installation, as well as the artist’s name, title of the work, location, year and any other relevant materials.
  • Land Acknowledgement, look up the geographic area (city, state or just state) that the Land Art was created on and name the indigenous people that once cared for that land. Use this website to discover that information:
  • You are packing a picnic for this trip so tell us what you are going to eat while you are there!

Shorter response this week to allow time for Curatorial Project – use 250 words or less.

Write a single-spaced free write to the reading in 12-point font.

Free writing

Write a single-spaced free write to the reading in 12-point font. This can be anywhere from 1/2 page to a full page but make the words count if you submit something on the shorter side.