
Create a plan for collecting data. What data do you think you should collect from yourself? How much data should you collect? How might you collect it? Organize it? Present it? How detailed should your data collection be?

Assignment 2

In “The Case for Nothing” from Jenny Odell’s book How to Do Nothing, Odell introduced us to the “the attention economy,” a concept which is both abstract and difficult to define, and yet remarkably easy to spot in our society. Herbert A. Simon, who first coined the term, wrote that “a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” Surely you can simply look around the very room you are in right now to find an example of “a poverty of attention.” Perhaps you yourself are that example.

Odell, using art, history and philosophy as a basis for her argument, implores us to reexamine our behaviors in relation to the attention economy and embrace the art of doing nothing as resistance to it. She writes, “…digital distraction was a bane, not because it made people less productive, but because it took them away from the one life they had to live.” Odell believes our time spent monetizing and being monetized takes us away from place and people, from the present. She continues, “externalities of attention economy distractions keep us from doing the things we want to do […] long term, they keep us from living the lives we want to live.” She asks us to consider how much of our time is lost to the ethers of the attention economy, and what might it be costing us?

Behavioral sciences are also interested in these questions. More and more we hear discussion of addiction to technology, but where does this concept come from and who is studying it? For our second assignment, I have asked you to read two psychological studies where scientists conduct experiments and collect data regarding cellphone usage. One study questions the role of mindfulness in moderating cellphone addiction in high school students, and the other considers the cognitive effects of using a cellphone when taking a break from a difficult task.

Unlike Odell, these studies use quantitative and qualitative evidence to discuss and ask questions about the role of technology in our lives, and more specifically on our mental health and cognitive abilities. We might consider that studies like these add to or extend her arguments or are, essentially, in conversation with them in spite of these texts existing in very different contexts. Odell does not cite any behavioral scientists or studies, and these scientists do not discuss the value of “doing nothing” and yet it is easy to see the link between their work.

Using these studies and Odell as a jumping off point, I would like you to begin your own conversation about technology, particularly cellphones, in our culture. You will use yourself as a source in study, collecting data from your own cellphone usage and analyzing it through the lenses of Odell and these scientists.

You might begin by writing a reflection on your own cellphone usage. What do you use your phone for? What do you think the purpose of a cellphone is? How often would you say you use your phone? What do you feel like when you forget or lose your phone? You might consider asking yourself some of your own questions as well, like, “Why do I always get distracted and end up on TikTok when I just open my phone to check my e-mail?” or “How come I am only able to fall asleep at night while watching Crunchyroll on my phone?”

Then, create a plan for collecting data. What data do you think you should collect from yourself? How much data should you collect? How might you collect it? Organize it? Present it? How detailed should your data collection be? Should you simply record usage times or keep a more descriptive usage journal? What kind of nuances do you need to look out for regarding qualitative data and quantitative data? For instance, you may have a day where your phone records 6 hours of usage – but that may have been a day where you spent 5 hours reading a novel or doing homework on your phone – how might you account for discrepancies like this one? How might you record distinctive or anomalous behaviors?

Your paper should utilize at least two of the sources we’ve discussed in class, illustrating how your research and discussion is occurring in conversation with that of others (They Say). You may do this by summarizing their texts in order to contextualize your project, or by explaining important concepts that will relate to your work.

You must also analyze your own data carefully, discussing what was significant, interesting or surprising in your findings and why those details matter. You should return to our source texts in this analysis, weaving in important concepts, questions, concerns, etc. This space in your paper is a time you might want to reconsider what you wrote in your initial reflections on your cellphone usage – what were you wrong about? What were you right about? What does that mean?

From your analysis, you should come to some larger conclusions that will allow you to create a focus in your paper; a controlling idea. This controlling idea should be a thread that ties Odell, the studies, and your analysis of your own data together and lead to some big picture idea: a So What? As you write this essay, consider what this critical process has lead you to believe about yourself, “the attention economy,” culture, society, etc. Ask yourself: So what? Who cares? Who should care?

You essay should demonstrate They Say, I Say and Comp Guide conventions, including Quotation Sandwiches and a distinct Controlling Idea. You will need to produce at least 3 completed and revised drafts in order to receive full points on this project. Your final draft should be turned into Blackboard carefully edited with minimal grammar and spelling mistakes. It should be MLA formatted with 12pt Times New Roman font and 1” margins. Your paper should be 5-6 pages in length.


Choose a company, and describe the target market-using at least 2 segmentation criteria (demographic, behavioral, psychographic, or geographic).

Discussion Question

Companies spend a lot of money to reach the people who would be most interested in their product or service. Segmentation is a process that allows marketers to identify their target market.

  • Choose a company, and describe the target market-using at least 2 segmentation criteria (demographic, behavioral, psychographic, or geographic).

Discuss 5 important ways Art Therapy benefits school age children.

Art Therapy


INSTRUCTIONS: 6 pages in APA format, 8 sources, peer reviewed sources no older than 6 years. Provide background information and discuss implications.

TOPIC: Discuss 5 important ways Art Therapy benefits school age children.

Explain the role of the Human Capital Model in an organization of your choice. Do you see the model as being important to an organization’s leadership? How does this relate to knowledge management?

Human capital

Explain the role of the Human Capital Model in an organization of your choice. Do you see the model as being important to an organization’s leadership? How does this relate to knowledge management? ( mid size vodka company/warehouse)

How do you demonstrate “deep smarts?”

See article below

How does one convince their supervisor, CEO, or business owner of the importance of human capital management in an organization

How might the addition of magic bands functionally change the jobs of workers at the Disney World theme park? What data might you suggest collecting in order to better understand how the change might impact theme park workers jobs? For the job changes, how might you consider humanistic HR elements in the process?

Midterm exam

Assignment: Read the case in the midterm assignment folder “The Messy Business of Reinventing Happiness.” Your answer should be based on the case elements. If there are things the article doesn’t cover that are needed for your answer you are able to make assumptions of the nature of the work at Disney. Just make clear in your answer you are making such assumptions and what they are. Your document should clearly number each of three questions with the answer under that number.

Question 1 (50 points): After reading the case, do you feel the Walt Disney Company did a good job in preparing the workforce for the change? Use class concept on resistance to change in your assessment. What types of resistance to change do you think we will see in this situation? If Disney could do this process over what you would you suggest they do in order to better manage change and get employee buy in and appropriate digital mindsets for the change?

Question 2 (50 points): How might the addition of magic bands functionally change the jobs of workers at the Disney World theme park? What data might you suggest collecting in order to better understand how the change might impact theme park workers jobs? For the job changes, how might you consider humanistic HR elements in the process?

Question 3 (50 points): While the case description focused on the addition of magic bands for customers and how it directly impacts worker’s jobs, the change may also require or be helped by Digital HR changes as well. Considering the type of interventions we have discussed in this class, what digital HR interventions would help support the change to magic bands? To sustain its success over time? Discuss at least two digital HR interventions that might help the strategic initiative of Magic Bands. Tie those interventions to this particular situation. You may assume the Walt Disney Company is not currently using the interventions you suggest.

Describe two legal issues presented in this case. Describe how the hospital failed in its ethical duty to the patient. Describe the role and importance of the credentialing and privileging process.

Case Study

Read the “Darling – Health Care’s Benchmark Case,” located in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Write a 500-750 word essay that addresses the following:

  1. Describe two legal issues presented in this case.
  2. Describe how the hospital failed in its ethical duty to the patient.
  3. Describe the role and importance of the credentialing and privileging process.
  4. Discuss the application of the credentialing and privileging process to this scenario.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Case Study from text book: Legal and ethical issues for health professionals by George D Pozgar. Pages 488-490

In 1965, the landmark case Darling v. Charleston Community Memorial Hospital9 had a major impact on the liability of healthcare organizations. The court enunciated a “corporate negligence doctrine” under which hospitals have a duty to provide adequately trained medical and nursing staff. A hospital is responsible, in conjunction with its medical staff, for establishing policies and procedures for monitoring the quality of medicine practiced within the hospital.

Darling involved an 18-year-old college football player who was preparing for a career as a teacher and coach. The patient, a defensive halfback for his college football team, was injured during a play. He was rushed to the emergency department of a small, accredited community hospital where the only physician on emergency duty that day was Dr. Alexander, a general practitioner. Alexander had not treated a major leg fracture for three years.

The emergency department physician examined the patient and ordered an X-ray that revealed that the tibia and the fibula of the right leg had been fractured. The physician reduced the fracture and applied a plaster cast from a point 3 or 4 inches below the groin to the toes. Shortly after the cast had been applied, the patient began to complain continually of pain. The physician split the cast and continued to visit the patient frequently while the patient remained in the hospital. Not thinking that it was necessary, the physician did not call in a specialist for consultation.

After two weeks, the student was transferred to a larger hospital and placed under the care of an orthopedic surgeon. The specialist found a considerable amount of dead tissue in the fractured leg. During the next two months, the specialist removed increasing amounts of tissue in a futile attempt to save the leg, until it became necessary to amputate the leg 8 inches below the knee. The student’s father did not agree to a settlement and filed suit against the emergency department physician and the hospital. Although the physician later settled out of court for $40,000, the case continued against the hospital.

The documentary evidence relied on to establish the standard of care included the rules and regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health under the Hospital Licensing Act; the standards for hospital accreditation, today known as the Joint Commission; and the bylaws, rules, and regulations of Charleston Hospital. These documents were admitted into evidence without objection. No specific evidence was offered that the hospital had failed to conform to the usual and customary practices of hospitals in the community.

The trial court instructed the jury to consider those documents, along with all other evidence, in determining the hospital’s liability. Under the circumstances in which the case reached the Illinois Supreme Court, it was held that the verdict against the hospital should be sustained if the evidence supported the verdict on any one or more of the 20 allegations of negligence. Allegations asserted that the hospital was negligent in (1) its failure to provide a sufficient number of trained nurses for bedside care of all patients at all times—in this case, nurses who were capable of recognizing the progressive gangrenous condition of the plaintiff’s right leg—and (2) failure of its nurses to bring the patient’s condition to the attention of the hospital administration and staff so that adequate consultation could be secured and the condition rectified.

Although these generalities provided the jury with no practical guidance for determining what constitutes reasonable care, they were considered relevant to helping the jury decide what was feasible and what the hospital knew or should have known concerning hospital responsibilities for the proper care of a patient. There was no expert testimony characterizing when the professional care rendered by the attending physician should have been reviewed, who should have reviewed it, or whether the case required consultation.

Evidence relating to the hospital’s failure to review Alexander’s work, to require consultation or examination by specialists, and to require proper nursing care was found to be sufficient to support a verdict for the patient. Judgment was eventually returned against the hospital in the amount of $100,000.

The Illinois Supreme Court held that the hospital could not limit its liability as a charitable corporation to the amount of its liability insurance.

[T]he doctrine of charitable immunity can no longer stand … a doctrine which limits the liability of charitable corporations to the amount of liability insurance that they see fit to carry permits them to determine whether or not they will be liable for their torts and the amount of that liability, if any.10

In effect, the hospital was liable as a corporate entity for the negligent acts of its employees and physicians. Among other things, the Darling case indicates the importance of instituting effective credentialing and continuing medical evaluation and review programs for all members of a professional staff.

Ethical and Legal Issues

  1. Describe the legal issues in this case.
  2. Describe how the hospital failed in its ethical duty to the patient.

How has cryptography, a mathematical tool, revolutionized modern science and what are its various applications across different fields?


How has cryptography, a mathematical tool, revolutionized modern science and what are its various applications across different fields?

Describe how that feeling could relate to a client sharing something vulnerable to a social worker during a meeting or assessment. Describe how you would have liked that experience to be different for you.

Benchmark – Understanding Your Role in Supervision (Obj. 2.3)

In a 500-750 word reflection, address the following:

  1. Think about a time with supervision that you felt vulnerable. Describe what that felt like sharing that information and what it felt like after the meeting.
  2. Describe how that feeling could relate to a client sharing something vulnerable to a social worker during a meeting or assessment. Describe how you would have liked that experience to be different for you.

Refer to Social Work Disposition #9: Standard: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to Practice Settings when completing this assignment.

Describe historical antecedents of epidemiology. Explain elements of causality and how they impacted your research. Explain Hill’s criteria for evaluation of epidemiologic associations.

Research and Compile

Compile the work that you submitted in Units III and V into a single document, and you will add the components listed below to complete your final research paper:

  • a title page,
  • an introduction,
  • a brief summary of the impact of historical epidemiologic research on your topic,
  • ethical considerations surrounding your topic,
  • a brief discussion of the etiology of your topic,
  • a description of the elements of causality for your topic using Hill’s criteria, and
  • a summary.

Make certain that you integrate your previous work (submitted in Units III and V) in a sensible and organized way in order for the final research paper to flow seamlessly from one section to another. You should use section headings as a way to keep your paper visually organized.

Based on how they fit into your particular research topic, make certain that the areas below are addressed.

  • Describe historical antecedents of epidemiology.
  • Explain elements of causality and how they impacted your research.
  • Explain Hill’s criteria for evaluation of epidemiologic associations.

How did the civil rights movement empower other groups to fight for their rights in the 1970s and 1980s?

History question

How did the civil rights movement empower other groups to fight for their rights in the 1970s and 1980s? – respond in 150 words