
Choose a contemporary public health issue (e.g., bioterrorism, gun violence, or natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires), its impact on public health, and strategies for mitigating and managing it once the issue occurs.

Contemporary Public Health Issue

Although the United States is among the wealthiest nations in the world, it is far from being the healthiest. Life expectancy and survival rates in the United States have improved dramatically over the past century, but Americans have shorter lifespans and experience more illness than people in other high-income countries. This assignment gives you an opportunity to put together what you have learned in this course, including, but not limited to:

  • public health policy, policymaking process, and law;
  • public health and the legal system;
  • individual and human rights in public health; and
  • social justice, ethics and public health policy.

Choose a contemporary public health issue (e.g., bioterrorism, gun violence, or natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires), its impact on public health, and strategies for mitigating and managing it once the issue occurs.

Following APA guidelines, create a PowerPoint presentation of 17-20 slides (plus title and reference slides) on the contemporary public health issue you have chosen and a human rights ethical dilemma. You will present this work to a team of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials tasked with developing global policies for addressing the impact of contemporary public health issues around the world.

Your presentation should assess:

  • the human rights concerns associated with the selected issues in public health policy,
  • the conflicts of interest between public health policies and your selected emerging public health issue, and
  • the gaps in the current health law that apply to the contemporary public health concern you selected with recommended suitable policy interventions to address the selected contemporary public health issue.

Discuss how laws and regulations guide total compensation. Research a law or regulation and discuss how it influences total compensation in your organization or an organization you are familiar with. Why is that law or regulation important to consider?

Discussion question responses

1. Respond to the following discussion in a minimum of 175 words with no plagiarism:

Discuss how laws and regulations guide total compensation. Research a law or regulation and discuss how it influences total compensation in your organization or an organization you are familiar with. Why is that law or regulation important to consider?

2&3. Respond to the two following with a minimum of 75 words each no plagiarism:

2. Ashley Holmes

In my opinion I feel as though I get paid well but could be paid more. Considering the type and the amount of work I’m required to do at the bank I currently work for. One of the good things is that I live in Delaware and it’s tax free which is cool, but it can have its down sides to it. I do know once my family and I decide to relocate to a different state it will be a major change for us due to us living in a tax-free state. Hopefully the pay will be more and will match the cost of living depending on the location. The company I work for now is a very small company compared to the company I used to work for which was Bank of America. Both companies are good but the pay rate for Bank of America was lower than the current company I work for now. The benefits at my previous employer were awesome verses my current employer. I feel as though lesser pay is offered to employees at a bigger organization due to the size of the organization and wanting to keep fix cost to a minimum in some companies but not all. But from my experience I feel as though the bigger the organization the more opportunity you have.

3. Andrea Hout

I just recently relocated from Southern Indiana to Souther Illinois. I work in the HR field and when moving I also changed companies. Both companies are roughly the same size with close to the same number of employees. Both communities are roughly the same size and cost of livings are roughly the same. I received a very large pay increase just relocating. I made drastically less in my previous role even though my workload was much larger. I understand that pay can fluctuate with higher cost of living, transportation costs, or bigger industry sizes but none of these were the case here. My current organization knows that in a market society, companies most often need to pay the market rate in order to hire competent employees. Paying below market rate results in negative external equity as individuals do not see value in working for the business. Compensation rates above the market rate will attract more potential employees. Making sure you are staying up to date on what the external market is paying for the jobs in your area can be one way of ensuring external equity in your work.

Discuss a family systems situation where this theory would be beneficial and apply. What aspect of the selected model did you find the most helpful to you?

Social Work Question

  1. ) Family systems theory
  2. ) Crisis Intervention

Start the discussion by describing:

  • Discuss a family systems situation where this theory would be beneficial and apply. You may use a theorist such as Bowen or Haley or Minuchin to explain.
  • What aspect of the selected model did you find the most helpful to you?
  • Respond to two of your peers with some ways they can strengthen their application of the theory to an example.

Respond with at least 200 words or more

Following your review of the video, discuss both the positive and negative impacts of the Attorney General’s decision, specifically as it relates to impacts on the correctional system and sustainable justice.

War on drugs

Watch the short video titled “How Will Harsher Sentences Affect the Flow of Drugs in the U.S?” This video from addresses Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ order to federal prosecutors across the country to revive some of the toughest practices of the decades-old “war on drugs,” reversing previous administration policies that aimed to lessen the federal prison population. Harry Sreenivasan talks to John Walters, COO of the Hudson Institute, and Gil Kerlikowske, former “drug czar” under President Barack Obama.

Following your review of the video, discuss both the positive and negative impacts of the Attorney General’s decision, specifically as it relates to impacts on the correctional system and sustainable justice.

Critically evaluate financial ratios/measures which meet the objectives of the case study. Analyse the financial ratios/measures, with the support of appropriate diagrams.

6FNCE001W Banking Theory and Practice 2022-23

The assignment is a case study. The length of the case study is 1000 words (+/- 10%) excluding cover page, table of contents, abstract, references and appendices.

In 2016, UK voted chose to leave the European Union. Conduct a case study on how Brexit and uncertainty of Brexit plan for financial services have affected a chosen UK commercial bank so far, in the context of performance and risk level. Your case study needs to include the following elements:

a. Explain the background of the mentioned topic, using appropriate references. Clearly explain the objectives of your case study. This should include the details of which types of performance and risk you choose to study.  (20 marks)

b. Collect and explain the relevant financial data of your chosen UK commercial bank and economic data from a reliable source (At least the current 5 years of data). Present the information properly.    (10 marks)

c. Critically evaluate financial ratios/measures which meet the objectives of the case study. Analyse the financial ratios/measures, with the support of appropriate diagrams.    (30 marks)

d. Critically argue how the bank’s performance and risk were affected by Brexit and uncertainty of Brexit plan for financial services.   (30 marks)

e. Your essay has to include a cover page (with the title of essay, do NOT include your student ID), a list of reference, and the appendix if needed. The referencing format should be Harvard referencing style.   (10 marks)

How have humans had an impact on this organism? What steps are being taken for this vertebrate to become restored? How humans can help to protect this vertebrate?

BIOL 320 Restoring Vertebrates Paper

In your paper you must touch on the following topics about the restoration and conservation of vertebrate species (Does not necessarily have to be in this order):

  •  Explain what extinction means o Include natural extinctions and mass extinctions.
  • Explain what extirpation means.
  • Explain how humans have aided in extinctions and extirpations of vertebrates in general.
  • A brief explanation on the ecology of your chosen vertebrate.
  • How your vertebrate has/had become endangered/vulnerable/threatened? o Include former and current geographic range/abundance.
  • How have humans had an impact on this organism?
  • What steps are being taken for this vertebrate to become restored?
  • How humans can help to protect this vertebrate?

The paper should be 12 size font, double spaced MLA or APA format. Images and maps can be included but not necessary. You must use intext citations and have a references section. References should include scholarly sources, such as journal articles. The paper is worth 100 points.

You can choose based on the following animals:
American Alligators, Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Brown Pelicans, Komodo Dragons, California Condor, Whooping Cranes, Grizzly Bear, Black-footed Ferret, American Plains Bison, Giant Panda, Mountain Gorilla, Elephant, Jaguar, Florida Panther, Grey Wolf, Chinook Salmon, Loggerhead Sea turtle, Ocelot, Sea Otter, West Indian Manatee, Hawaiian Monk Seal

Describe, explain, and analyze the post-World War II origins of the European Union. In what ways was this origin rooted in American Open Door foreign policy?

Essay number 6

Describe, explain, and analyze the post-World War II origins of the European Union. In what ways was this origin rooted in American Open Door foreign policy? Describe, explain, and analyze the foundational roots of Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms. What was Gorbachev trying to do with these reforms? Describe, explain, and analyze how bureaucratic states become non-innovative over time? Describe, explain, and analyze the meanings of perestroika and glasnost. Your essay should be approximately 1500 words in length.

Write a personal statement of leadership that clarifies your Why. Why did you become an Intelligence Officer in the Army? Why this path?

Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” Army ROTC reading assignment.

How does the book talk about Leadership Development.include concrete from the Leaders Eat Last assignment. At the conclusion of the discussion, write a personal statement of leadership that clarifies your Why. Why did you become an Intelligence Officer in the Army? Why this path?

What was the situation? What did the dilemma involve? What would a subjective moral relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that?

Discussion question

Read/review the following resources for this activity:
• Textbook: Chapter 1, 2 • Lesson • Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook

For this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confronted with a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be the same as what was covered in the week one discussion.

Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. A moral dilemma is a situation in which one must make a decision between two or more options such that the options involve seemingly ethical and/or unethical conduct.

Address the following questions:

  •  What was the situation? What did the dilemma involve?
  • What would a subjective moral relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that?
  • What would a cultural relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that? Is that approach correct?
  • What did you the person confronting the dilemma decide to do? What moral justification did they give? Is that approach morally correct?
  • Was there an objective moral truth (the objectively right thing to do) in this situation? Why or why not?

Which preparation method did you like best for consuming? Why? Which preparation method did you like the least for consuming? Why? What was the most meaningful thing or things that you learned from these activities?

 Lab 7 Vegetable

Answer Sheet

Experiment 1 and 2
Photos needed: 2 photos total, don’t forget to label

  1. 1 photo of before degorged, and after degorged together.
  2. 1 photo of before shocked and after shocked together.
Degorged Not degorged Blanched



‘Not shocked’



 Experiment 3

 Photo needed: don’t forget to label

  • 1 labeled picture of the control, base, and acid
  Pigment Control Base Acid


Review Questions

  1. Which preparation method did you like best for consuming? Why?
  2. Which preparation method did you like the least for consuming? Why?
  3. What was the most meaningful thing or things that you learned from these activities?