
Is the review logically organized? Does it offer a balanced critical analysis of the literature? Is the majority of the literature of recent origin? Is it empirical in nature?

MGMT 650 Critical Review Assignment

The article for this assignment is provided in the syllabus, under week 9. This is not a group project and it must be done independently.

Read through this outline carefully. When your instructor grades your submission, they will be looking to see if you followed the provided format: you can lose points if you do not. If you have any questions about what to do or need interpretation of the instructions, please post them in the Questions breakout room so that all students can benefit from the information.

Mastery of statistics involves not only the ability to generate sound statistical data, but also the ability to critically evaluate the statistical analysis of others. The latter is the focus of the Critical Review assignment in MGMT 650. A review, or critique, is not a summary or a simple retelling of the major findings in a research article. It is much more. It assesses how well the researcher carries out the required steps in the research process.


Elements of the critique

Summary of the article (Discuss what the article is about) This part SHOULD NOT include any of your personal input but rather just summarize what the author did in his/her research.

  • Research Topic
    • What question is the researcher trying to answer?
  • Research Methodology
    • How did the researcher study the topic? Survey? Experiment? Statistical Analysis?
    • Briefly answer who, what, where, and when, and how.
  • Major Conclusions
    • What does the author conclude?
    • What recommendations does he make?

This section should be about 1.5 pages in general.

The next part is the key of the critique.  This next sections of your paper gives an assessment of how well the research was conducted based on what you learned.  Remember you can use your own personal experience and outside articles to help you support your point of view in this section of the assignment.

In-depth critique of the article (Discuss how well the research is conducted in your own words)

Write a brief paragraph for each of the following listed elements in your own words:

  • Purpose
    • Is the research problem clearly stated? Is it easy to determine what the researcher intends to research?
  • Literature Review
    • Is the review logically organized?
    • Does it offer a balanced critical analysis of the literature?
    • Is the majority of the literature of recent origin?
    • Is it empirical in nature?
  • Objectives/hypotheses
    • Has a research question or hypothesis been identified?
    • Is it clearly stated?
    • Is it consistent with discussion in the literature review?
  • Ethical Standards Applied
    • Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research?
    • Was confidentiality guaranteed?
    • Were participants protected from harm?
  • Operational Definitions
    • Are all terms, theories, and concepts used in the study clearly defined?
  • Methodology
    • Is the research design clearly identified?
    • Has the data gathering instrument been described?
    • Is the instrument appropriate? How was it developed?
    • Were reliability and validity testing undertaken and the results discussed?
    • Was a pilot study undertaken?
  • Data Analysis/Results
    • What type of data and statistical analysis was undertaken? Was it appropriate?
    • How many of the sample participated? Significance of the findings?
  • Discussion
    • Are the findings linked back to the literature review?
    • If a hypothesis was identified was it supported?
    • Were the strengths and limitations of the study including generalizability discussed?
    • Was a recommendation for further research made?
  • References
    • Were all the books, journals and other media alluded to in the study accurately referenced?
  • Conclusion
    • Considering all of the evaluation categories, is the article well or poorly researched?


The following online article may be helpful to you. Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1:

Quantitative research


In a thesis-driven argument, discuss through specific textual examples how and why Hurston interrelates these issues.

Mid Term Paper

Susan Meisenhelder posits that in Mules and Men “Hurston treats race and gender as complexly interrelated issues in the Black world she describes.” Meisenhelder further asserts that in Hurston’s book “Gender inequality is not only grounded in racial inequality; it also operates in strikingly parallel ways.” In a thesis-driven argument, discuss through specific textual examples how and why Hurston interrelates these issues.

The entire exam should be typed, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font with regular margins.

  • Videos for reference:

Write an essay that is approx 2500 words including a short bibliography about one of the following claims; Claim 1. Ottoman history can be understood strictly as a series of murderous clashes of civilization between Islam and Christianity. Claim 2. Central Asian and Iranian histories have absolutely no relevance to Ottomans.


Write an essay that is approx 2500 words including a short bibliography about one of the following claims;

  • Claim 1. Ottoman history can be understood strictly as a series of murderous clashes of civilization between Islam and Christianity.
  • Claim 2. Central Asian and Iranian histories have absolutely no relevance to Ottomans.


Critically evaluate recognised consultation models, select and use a model to guide the health interview, obtaining subjective health data; including patient’s presenting complaint, history of present illness, past medical history, family medical history and social history.

Case study: patient consultation, history taking and the completion of a physical assessment

The summative written case study (2500 words) is based on one patient case study. This will involve a patient consultation, history taking and the completion of a physical assessment,
and is reflective in nature. The medical model will be used and should include a history taking section and written physical examination section. Consultation models will be critically appraised, and one will be selected (e.g., Calgary-Cambridge model) to guide the structure of the assignment.

• LO1: Critically evaluate recognised consultation models, select and use a model to guide the health interview, obtaining subjective health data; including patient’s presenting complaint, history of present illness, past medical history, family medical history and social history.

• LO3: Document and synthesise subjective and objective health data within each body system, using appropriate medical terminology. Analyse positive/ negative findings recognising any red flags and using clinical reasoning skills to explore possible differential diagnosis.

How would you prepare for the following situation? How prepared are you in the event of a disaster? Describe your level of disaster preparedness using specific examples and references to your “go-bag” and preparedness checklist assignments.

Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment

For this paper you must cite and reference 2 sources. The paper should be 2–3 pages and written using current APA format. Your paper should address the following:

a. How would you prepare for the following situation? (provide realistic examples and details for safety and survival)

b. How prepared are you in the event of a disaster? Describe your level of disaster preparedness using specific examples and references to your “go-bag” and preparedness checklist assignments.

c. Reflect on how prepared you were before this class and compare it with how prepared you are now.

  • Have you acquired any new emergency items?
  • Do you plan to take any additional trainings or certification courses?
  • Have you shared your knowledge with friends and family?

Choose a film that contains most of the characteristics of a Medieval Romance. Locate evidence in the film that align with the characteristics of a Medieval Romance. Analyze how the chosen evidence represents the characteristics of a Medieval Romance.

Timeless Medieval Romance

After fully understanding the Medieval Romance, students will brainstorm and then view a modern-day film that contains elements of a Medieval Romance. Then, students will examine the film and write an analysis essay as to why and how the chosen film falls into the category of a Medieval Romance. Assignments without two pieces of specific, cited evidence will not receive a passing grade.

Use the following guidelines to successfully complete the essay

Gain a full understanding of the characteristics of a Medieval Romance.
Choose a film that contains most of the characteristics of a Medieval Romance.
Locate evidence in the film that align with the characteristics of a Medieval Romance.
Analyze how the chosen evidence represents the characteristics of a Medieval Romance.
Be sure to name the film and the director in the introduction of the essay.

Research the effects of the environment on human health. Does the health of the environment affect the health of the human beings within it?

Argument Essay

Research the effects of the environment on human health. Does the health of the environment affect the health of the human beings within it?

Make an argument that supports your answer. Start your research by reading this article:

Evaluate the health risk concerns that raised during the implementation of the 5G network in the UK. Assess the impact of the health risks allegations on the execution of the 5G network project in the UK.

The Impact of Health Risks Allegations on the Implementation of the 5G Network Project in the UK

Aim of the research:
• The aim of this research is to shed light on the health risks allegations that raised during the implementation of the Fifth-Generation Network in the UK and assess their impact on the execution of this major project.

Research Objectives:
• Evaluate the health risk concerns that raised during the implementation of the 5G network in the UK.
• Assess the impact of the health risks allegations on the execution of the 5G network project in the UK.

If a person obtains an IQ score of 128, how many % of people in the population is having a score lower than him?

Research methods in Psychology (use SPSS and Excel to finish)

Answer all questions. Download the relevant datasets from the OLE platform. Use SPSS to perform the data analysis (or Excel functions when specified) and include the output in your answers. Put all your answers, SPSS outputs, and graphs in a single Word file. (You may visit the computer labs C0411, C0412, C0413, D0625, D0626, and D0627 to find computers with SPSS installed.)

1. A standardized IQ test has a population mean score of 100 and population standard deviation of 15.

  • a. If a person obtains an IQ score of 128, how many % of people in the population is having a score lower than him? (Write down the Excel function you used.)
  • b. For a person with a Zscore of 0.55, how many % of people in the population is having a score higher than her? (Write down the Excel function you used.)
  • c. What is the Zscore below which includes 35% of people in the population? (Write down the Excel function you used.)

2. Data in the “PSYC A331F Assignment 1 Q2.sav” file show the midterm test scores in the social psychology test and the biological psychology test of 25 male students and 30 female students in a university. Using SPSS, compute the mean and standard deviation of the scores in each test, separately for each gender.

3. A professor wants to test whether the population mean score of the female students in the social psychology test is different from the hypothesized value of 70. Use the data in the PSYC A331F Assignment 1 Q2.sav” file, conduct an appropriate statistical test to obtain the results. Do the test results support the professor’s hypothesis? List all the following steps:

  • a. Name of the statistical test
  • b. Null hypothesis and research hypothesis
  • c. Distribution and its degree of freedom
  • d. tvalue and pvalue
  • e. Whether the research hypothesis is supported
  • f. Conclusion in the context of the question
4. Use the data in the PSYC A331F Assignment 1 Q2.sav” file, conduct an appropriate statistical test to test whether the population mean scores of the male and female students are different in the biological psychology test (assuming equal variances in the two groups). List all the steps as required in Q3.

5. Because of the low performance in the social psychology test, the group of male students joined a special enhancement class for two weeks. Their test scores before and after the special class are shown in the PSYC A331F Assignment 1 Q5.sav” file. Conduct an appropriate statistical test to test whether the special class has led to an improvement in social psychology of the male students. List all the steps as required in Q3.

6. A psychologist recruited three groups of participants with different personality types to perform a memory experiment on memorizing a set of emotional pictures. He hypothesized that memory performance on emotional pictures would be different among people with different personality types. The data of their performance is shown in the PSYC A331F Assignment 1 Q6.sav” file. Conduct an appropriate statistical test to test whether the psychologists hypothesis is supported. List the following:

  • a. Name of the statistical test
  • b. Null hypothesis and research hypothesis
  • c. Fvalue with degrees of freedom, and pvalue
  • d. Whether the research hypothesis is supported
  • e. Conclusion in the context of the question
  • f. If necessary, conduct posthoc tests (with Bonferroni correction) on the data and interpret the results.

7. A psychologist wants to investigate whether the study major of university students is related to their logical thinking ability. In addition, she is also interested in knowing whether logical thinking ability is different between male and female students. Data in the PSYC A331F Assignment 1 Q7.sav” file show the scores of some psychology major and economic major students in a logical ability test.

  • a. Conduct an appropriate statistical analysis to answer the two research questions of the psychologist.
  • b. Is any significant interaction shown? Interpret the results.

Should pharmaceutical companies and/or executives/employees be held responsible for any part of the opioid crisis? Should the marketing of prescription medication be regulated, and how should it be regulated?


Topic: As medicine advances, questions come into play regarding the ethics surrounding use, marketing, and distribution. In Module Two, we used the opioid crisis to discuss ethical dilemmas and liability surrounding addiction. Using this example, research and create a thesis surrounding the liability of the opioid crisis. Use the Critical Thinking Compass Points handout to guide your process.

Some questions to consider might be as follows (these are suggestions, not requirements, and students may add their own):

Should pharmaceutical companies and/or executives/employees be held responsible for any part of the opioid crisis?
Should the marketing of prescription medication be regulated, and how should it be regulated?
Should addiction studies be required for all prescription medications (or certain types of medication) prior to their release? Who is responsible for these studies?
What responsibilities do prescribers (doctors) of opioids hold?
What responsibilities do individual communities (towns, counties) have regarding this crisis? What responsibilities do states have?
Should governments have the right to regulate this type of medication? If you answered yes, how so?
Should opioids exist?
What responsibility do individuals bear?