
Identify the key ways that your company’s Code of Conduct has changed since last year. Examine the manner in which your company’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.

Company’s Review

Company: Walmart

Review your chosen company’s mission and values statements as well as other sources that provide insight into the company’s values with regard to social responsibility. Pick two of their primary values and research how the company manifests those values. Simple examples might be the commitment to workplace diversity or ecological sustainability.

Create a 3–5-minute (approximately 6–8 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speaker’s notes that flesh out and support main points, ideas, or conclusions and have supporting citations.

Summarize your chosen company’s Supplier Responsibility information.

In your own words, explain how each aspect of your Supplier Code of Conduct is committed to ethical business practices and social responsibility.

Discuss your company’s stance on each of the following areas:

  • Empowering Workers.
  • Labor and Human Rights.
  • Health and Safety.
  • The Environment.
  • Accountability.

Identify the key ways that your company’s Code of Conduct has changed since last year.

Examine the manner in which your company’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.

In this week’s discussion, you consider assembling a team to write a supplier code of conduct. Recommend the stakeholders roles (4–5) needed on the team and how each supports the project.

  • Integrate at least three supporting resources from the Strayer University Library or other reputable sources.

Using the ATLA database in the Harold F. Hunter Online library, find the following article, and write a 400-word response to it.

The Old Testament Theology. Perspectives in Religious Studies

Using the ATLA database in the Harold F. Hunter Online library, find the following article, and write a 400-word response to it.

Wallace, Robert E. 2017. “The Psalms as a Place to Begin for an Old Testament Theology.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 44 (2): 239–48.

Draft a report in which you describe, discuss and evaluate the financial performance and financial position of the organisation as reflected by the Financial Statements and the supporting financial analysis.

Assessment 1; Financial Analysis

Your assessment is to be written in a business report format.
1. Obtain the most recent General Purpose Financial Statements (GPFS) of a listed organisation or any other organisation for which you are able to access the audited General Purpose Financial Statements (GPFS).
2. Perform an analysis on these Financial Statements using a variety of analysis techniques, as covered in this unit and others that you may research. Ensure that you include financial ratio analysis.
3. Draft a report in which you describe, discuss and evaluate the financial performance and financial position of the organisation as reflected by the Financial Statements and the supporting financial analysis.

In order to inform your discussion and interpretation of the analysis, ensure that you:
• include a commentary on relevant context to the organisation. its industry and its operations
• ensure that your analysis clearly identifies the financial impacts of the organisation’s activities and operations.

In your discussion identify key financial issues that are of particular importance

Critically evaluate this statement drawing from the fields of cognitive psychology and individual differences.

Psychology Question

In psychology, it is more important to consider the similarities between people rather than the differences. Critically evaluate this statement drawing from the fields of cognitive psychology and individual differences.

Write a rhetorical analysis of an example of arts writing. You choose the example.


At least 900+ words/ 3+ pages
Write a rhetorical analysis of an example of arts writing. You choose the example. You are not writing about the art, per se, but you are analyzing the writing approach from someone else who is writing about art.

You can write about whatever you want, within the following basic parameters:

Which company values align closely with the values of the cultures? Are there any values that seem directly opposed to any of your selected cultures? Would any of the company’s values cause tension for an employee coming from one of your selected countries?

Dimensions of Culture

You work for Quantigration, Inc., a semiconductor manufacturing plant headquartered in the United States. Quantigration’s main fabrication plant produces microchips used in mobile phones and laptops around the world. Capitalizing on advancements in its product, Quantigration has aggressively expanded and recently acquired two fabrication plants and workers from around the world.

Due to these acquisitions and partnerships, Quantigration must develop a plan to assist employees of different nationalities in understanding each other and working well together.

Yesterday, the plant supervisor, Gregory, called you into his office. He has some concerns about these cultural differences and is worried that the acquisitions might not go smoothly. The culture of a manufacturing plant in one country could be noticeably different from one in another part of the world. Gregory realizes that these differences could lead to conflict. To handle this issue, he has decided that Quantigration needs to update its company values to be more culturally inclusive.

Gregory would like you to begin by doing background research and analysis. He would like you to take stock of the current culture at Quantigration and then compare it to the national cultures of the two new acquisitions.

Part 1: Cultural Analysis
First, examine your own national culture as a representative sample of the current Quantigration workforce. Think about how your own nationality relates to your culture. Consider the ways that your culture views interactions with others, workplace culture, teamwork, and communication.

Then, select two countries different than your own. You may select two countries from the Understanding Global Cultures e-book, or, you may choose others that you have a particular interest in. You can find more information about some of the countries in the A to Z World Business resource and the Hofstede Insights Country Comparison Tool in the Supporting Materials section.

Using what you have found, write a cultural analysis containing 250- to 500-word summaries of each of your selected cultures. Also include a summary of your own culture in this document. In these summaries, pay particular attention to how members of each culture interact with others, what values they consider important, and how they view work, family, and obligation.

Once you have completed your summaries of your selected countries, write a 500-word summary comparison to help Gregory understand the major difference and similarities between the cultures. In your comparison, identify three major cultural differences and three similarities between the cultures you’ve analyzed. As you write, consider common cultural dimensions that these cultures share, and the ways that they differ most.

Part 2: Cultural Value Reaction
Now that you have finished your analyses, Gregory would like you to examine Quantigration’s company values. (Read the article “How to Write a Company Value Statement That Will Achieve Strategic Impact” in the Supporting Materials section for more information on how company value statements can motivate employees and reflect company objectives.)

Review the three company values Gregory has given you:

  • Family: Everyone who works here is part of the Quantigration family.
  • Process: Following processes will result in quality products.
  • Numbers: Precision engineering requires precision thinking.

Consider each company value from the viewpoint of each selected culture from your cultural analysis. Think about how these values relate to the cultural values you have uncovered in each of the countries you analyzed. Then, write a brief reaction for Gregory that examines the values.

For each company value, write a 200-word summary explaining whether it does or does not represent the values of the three cultures you have examined, providing specific reasons why or why not. In particular, ask yourself the following:

Which company values align closely with the values of the cultures?
Are there any values that seem directly opposed to any of your selected cultures?
Would any of the company’s values cause tension for an employee coming from one of your selected countries?

You should also include recommended changes to the values to better align them to your own culture and the cultures you have selected to examine and to encourage better intercultural interaction.

What are Williams’s arguments? Did she do a good job of proving it? What resonated with you, what did not? Who is she? Is she credible? Did she show Josephine to be an “alluring and complex women?

Book report is on Ambition and Desire: The Dangerous Life of Josephine Bonaparte

Each student will be required to write a 4 page book review on Ambition and Desire. It will be double-spaced, regular 12 font, with regular margins. The book review allows the student to express in clear, concise language their knowledge and comprehension of historical situations.

In the Book Review section, there will be a few links and a general outline of what you need to accomplish when writing. This is not a book report, meaning do not tell me what the book is about. The student should pick a theme, argument, compare or contrast events, etc. and write about that. But I want the student to understand that this is a general outline because ultimately the book review is open-ended in that you decide what, why, or who you are writing on

Note: A good way of looking at your review is you are writing on how you view the book. The lens through which you think about themes, characters, etc. This is what makes every review different, in that everyone reads every book different. Let me know if/when you have any questions.

An Example of a topic could be: Authors usually tell the readers why they wrote the book. What are Williams’s arguments? Did she do a good job of proving it? What resonated with you, what did not? Who is she? Is she credible? Did she show Josephine to be an “alluring and complex women?” Etc.

What types of cross-cultural differences might arise in these situations? How might managers deal with those cross-cultural differences?

Issues of a business periodical

Review six recent issues of a business periodical (such as Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, or Wall Street Journal) Find two articles on international business and evaluate them by asking:

What types of cross-cultural differences might arise in these situations?
How might managers deal with those cross-cultural differences?


What decision-making approach will you recommend the executive take for achieving the best decision on whether to keep this tracking system in place and for obtaining cooperation from the customer service associates? Why do you think this method is best?

Managing Organizational Conflict

SCENARIO: An insurance company executive and her managers have been challenged by their company to increase the productivity of their 100 customer service associates. The associates are very diverse in all respects, including cultural background and languages spoken. The executive observes associates mingling during work hours and is concerned they are under-performing as a result. She makes a unilateral decision to have associates log their time on each call so they are more accountable for their time. Associates complain that this new tracking system takes time from their schedule, making them less productive. After a few months, morale and productivity are lower, and tensions are high due to the tracking system. The insurance executive hires you as an independent management consultant to analyze the situation and recommend solutions, including helping the stakeholders decide if the tracking system should remain in place. Note that it is not your job to make this decision but to facilitate an agreement supported by all or most of the organization.

ASSIGNMENT: Use the best practices for managing and moderating conflict in the workplace that you’ve learned in Unit 2 to address this scenario. The insurance executive has hired you as an independent management consultant to analyze the situation and recommend solutions, including whether the tracking system should remain in place.

To complete the assignment, download the response template and answer the following questions in 5-7 sentences each. You will return the completed template as your Touchstone submission.

A. Assignment Questions

Using the template, answer the following questions:

What decision-making approach will you recommend the executive take for achieving the best decision on whether to keep this tracking system in place and for obtaining cooperation from the customer service associates? Why do you think this method is best? (See tutorial 2.3.3 “Building Consensus”).

You recommend that the executive and managers meet with their customer service associates to better connect with them and create empathy as a key step toward resolving the conflict. What advice would you give to the executives and managers to facilitate such a meeting? What advice would you give to customer service associates? (See tutorials 1.3.1 “Listening”, 1.3.2 “Business Meetings”, and 2.3.2 “Managing Conflict”)

To accommodate their customers, the company employs a number of native speakers of Spanish, Russian, and other languages. In your recommendation about this tracking system issue, how will you ensure the meeting feels inclusive and equitable to these staff members? (See tutorials 2.2.4 “Advantages and Challenges of Diversity and Inclusion”, and 2.2.5 “Strategies for Inclusive Communication.”)

Can you identify how this organization’s conflict might result in improvements to its internal processes and productivity? Can you explain some possible benefits of such improvements to the larger organization? (See tutorials 2.3.2 “Managing Conflict” and 2.3.3 “Building Consensus”).

Discuss the necessity of short-term and long-term forecasting for developing the key elements of the business plan. Evaluate the importance of developing formal and informal networks when building new business opportunities and expanding into new markets.

Business Question

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you use this new knowledge and proven strategies to respond to the five statements below.

Discuss the necessity of short-term and long-term forecasting for developing the key elements of the business plan.

Evaluate the importance of developing formal and informal networks when building new business opportunities and expanding into new markets.

Discuss the importance of knowledge management in the digital age and identify two risks organizations must address to mitigate competitive pressures.

Consider the various components of a business plan and identify two components that you believe would be the most challenging for you as an aspiring entrepreneur.

Describe how technology could help overcome identified business plan challenges.

Locate and integrate at least two supporting sources from the Strayer Online Library or other reputable sources.