
Explain how the compliances associated with the law impact business procedures. Select at least two of the risk management scope topics, and summarize their function. Explain what countermeasures you would utilize for the selected scope topics.

Unit V Power Point Risk Assessment Compliance

Once you have selected one of the laws from the list above, create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following items.
1. Explain how the compliances associated with the law impact business procedures.
2. Select at least two of the risk management scope topics, and summarize their function.
3. Explain what countermeasures you would utilize for the selected scope topics.

Your presentation must be at least five slides in length including title and reference slides. Slides two, three, and four must contain a minimum of two graphics (pictures, photographs, or graphs). Your slides must contain speaker notes. You are required to use at least two resources in your presentation; one of which must be your textbook, and one must be from theWaldorf Online Library. Your reference slide and in-text citations must be in APA style.

What is the relevant issue(s) for social work? Why is this issue(s) relevant? Using examples from your work, practicum, or life experience, what are the implications of this issue(s) for particular client groups?

Module 7: Alcohol (Part 2) – Journal

Journal: Critique a News Brief

 and grade weight table

You will keep a regular journal throughout much of the course. In each module, you will submit a two-page journal report on a current addiction-related news brief. The journal entries should be single-spaced with one inch margins and no larger than 12-point type. On the first page, you should paste a copy of the news brief you are using for your analysis. The second full page should contain your detailed, critical analysis of the issues in the brief.


Your journal entries should be thoughtful critiques of the briefs and their application to social work practice. Each critique should address the following prompts:

  1. What is the relevant issue(s) for social work?
  2. Why is this issue(s) relevant?
  3. Using examples from your work, practicum, or life experience, what are the implications of this issue(s) for particular client groups?

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

Tae DB WK 4 Reply 3

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

We will be discussing IQ test bias. Test bias is when one group has a much higher test result than another group taking the same test. Arthur Jensen was questioning the IQ’s bias. The type of bias that Jensen was referring to is content validity bias. “Some children never have the opportunity to learn about some of the items” (Kaplan & Saccuzzo,2017 pg 521). These children come from different cultures. Black Americans sometimes are put in special classes because of their test scores but when they are not in class, they present higher intelligence. The IQ test needs to be modified to fit every culture. IQ tests will never be perfect. There are too many factors in humans that make it impossible. We need to correct this but doing so will be difficult. We are humans and are all different. The IQ test has input from many individuals and does not always have input from all cultures. We have equal opportunities to succeed. This is why we have special classes for disadvantages. Even if the IQ test fails them the school special education teacher can help them better themselves by challenging them. Relying on test results only is not a good practice. People have test anxiety. Some do not test well. Kids or Adults that come here from another country might not be able to understand our language. The reality is tests are good but we are human and no test can be perfect. The US government is one entity that rules the USA but each state has the ability to make its own laws. Our schools are funded by the state and federal governments. Our government gives money to the schools but it comes with expectations. This is why the schools can only do what the government allows them to do.

Discuss ways in which the cost associated with dementia can be curtailed along with maintaining the individual’s quality of life.

Elder-Specific Discussion

Choose one of the following topics and respond to the thread corresponding to the topic you select. Please include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post.

Note: As you are choosing a topic, please try to make sure that all topics are chosen by at least by one person. You can see this by noting if anyone has posted to the topic within the corresponding threads.

  1. Dementia in the elderly. Discuss ways in which the cost associated with dementia can be curtailed along with maintaining the individual’s quality of life. Dementia is not only Alzheimer’s disease, so consider multiple types of dementia within your answers (types of dementia include Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies [DLB], mixed dementia, Parkinson’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and normal pressure hydrocephalus).
  2. Elder abuse. Include physical, emotional, sexual, etc. How, as an APRN, can you screen for and address elder abuse? What types of health promotion concepts can be used to help advocate for the personal safety of our elders? Are there screening tools available? In what unconventional locations within your community might an elder screening be performed?
  3. Fall prevention. What are specific geriatric risk factors that create an increase in fall risks? What can be done from a health promotion standpoint to decrease falls in the elderly? Define fall risk and what types of assessments are available in the outpatient and inpatient settings.
  4. Financials, levels of neglect in the elders. Consider financial risk, scams, family, and other pitfalls the elderly may find themselves in relating to their finances. Provide examples and ways to advocate for our patients and our communities as advanced practice nurses.
  5. Components of a well elder evaluation. Define a well elder evaluation. Make sure you address components that pertain to the home environment and the communities in which they live. How can an APRN assist in these evaluations and promote different aspects within your community?
  6. Functional status. Consider ADLs and IADLs. What is the difference? What types of assessment can be done and by whom to determine if an elder can care for themself at home? In addition, what types of services are available to help promote overall elder health not only in their homes but when living with family or in assisted living and nursing homes? What types of supportive services are available to assist the elderly in staying in their own homes?
  7. Cognition. Describe how cognitive functioning may change as we age. What are neuropsychological examinations, and when should these be requested? Describe what this type of testing can accomplish and how, as a provider, you would use these results. Discuss ways in which we can improve and maintain our cognitive health (for example, diet, exercise). Provide specifics.
  8. Polypharmacy. Consider medication compliance, risk of adverse effects, creatinine clearance <50ml/min. As an Advanced Practice Nurse, how can you address this growing problem? What type of surveillance will you put into place within your own practice, and how can you advocate to help address this concern within your own community?
  9. Pain assessment and treatment. Discuss specifics regarding pain within the elder population: perception of pain, pain assessment scales, etc. In addition, provide evidence-based cited information relating to the opioid epidemic within your state and what percentage of addicted individuals are elderly. What type of resources are available in your community to help those with substance abuse problems? Are there any services specific to the elderly?



How would you choose the participants? What questionnaire items would you include in the survey? How can you improve the spread of this viral disease in your community?

Chikungunya epidemiology

1.Suppose you wanted to conduct a survey of exposure to chikungunya in your own community:

  • a.- How would you choose the participants?
  • b.- What questionnaire items would you include in the survey?
  • c.- How can you improve the spread of this viral disease in your community?

2.-What type of study is the appropriate for this investigation?

3..-Define Cross-Sectional Study Design.

4.- What is the formula use to assess the relationship between exposure and outcome?

What is the level or manner in which a Defense Attorney must represent a client? Briefly explain what Neutralization is related to unethical behavior by a police officer.

Jurisprudence LAW 301

1. Briefly explain what “Mala In Se” is and give an example.

2. What is the level or manner in which a Defense Attorney must represent a client? ( one sentence )

3. Briefly explain what Neutralization is related to unethical behavior by a police officer.

4. What does “Client-Centered” representation mean?

5. What does “Attorney-Led” representation mean?

6. Brady material is information that tends to do what in terms of the defendants guilt?

Briefly introduce yourself to group and your experience with public speaking. Briefly describe how you feel about giving a speech for this presentation. State the topic for group presentation that you are interested in and why.

Group Activity


Contribute your initial post to our discussion by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. In your post please include the following:

  1. Briefly introduce yourself to group and your experience with public speaking. Briefly describe how you feel about giving a speech for this presentation.
  2. State the topic for group presentation that you are interested in and why.

Make sure to include MLA citation when using sources that you researched from library, books, websites etc.

  1. State what the best way is to contact you such as phone, email, or other ways to connect with fellow group members.

How can solution focused therapy be applied to working with children and/or teens?

Brief Paper 2

Classes will consist of a combination of lecture, discussion, videotapes, and skill-building exercises. All assignments for this class must reflect social work values and ethics including awareness of issues of diversity and economic and social injustice.

Brief Discussion Papers. Students will do 1 reaction/discussion papers 2-3 pages in length (not including bibliography and title page) double spaced and answering specific questions related to the readingsPapers must be cited and referenced properly (APA style). 



How can solution focused therapy be applied to working with children and/or teens?



What is the impact of the limited amount of experience in human resources within the Frostburg Fit staff? Should Laura be considered as the full-time human resource staff member?

Assignment: Case Analysis and Policy : Frostburg Fit–Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA)

Given the issues presented in this case, include the following in your analysis:

What is the impact of the limited amount of experience in human resources within the Frostburg Fit staff? Should Laura be considered as the full-time human resource staff member?
Should Laura be paid for the time she spent traveling to and from the conference?
Draft an overtime policy for consideration that abides by the practices of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Write a well-sourced paper not to exceed 2 pages. Choose a brand that is not on the top 100 list that you identified in this week’s discussion. Tell us a little about the company and the products they produce.

Brand Basics

Write a well-sourced paper not to exceed 2 pages. Choose a brand that is not on the top 100 list that you identified in this week’s discussion. Tell us a little about the company and the products they produce. Is this brand a charismatic brand? If so, what makes it charismatic and what evidence do you have to support your assertion. If not, what would you suggest the company does to make the brand charismatic? What would you do to make the consumer decision process easier?