
Devise a project plan and timeline to move from a traditional work environment to a hot-desk environment. Who should be on the project plan, and who should lead it?

Thompson Technology : Scenario C Case Study on Controlling Labor Costs

Module 1 Case- Thompson Technology.pdfDownload Module 1 Case- Thompson Technology.pdf

Situation to Address:

Montgomery is meeting with the strategic planning team next week to further discuss the move to hot-desking. He knows it will take time to complete the transition, but he wants a transition plan in place right away so it can be approved at the meeting. He has asked your team to work with him on the project. He will meet with you later today and has asked you to prepare written responses to the following questions:

1. Devise a project plan and timeline to move from a traditional work environment to a hot-desk environment. Who should be on the project plan, and who should lead it?

2. Data Security is a significant concern to employers with mobile employees. What steps should be taken to protect the company from a data security breach?

Identify and define a list of six HR performance metrics specific to Blackfoot Farms that HR can develop and implement to illustrate the value of HR services to the organization.

Module 3 Assignment: Blackfoot Farms

Blackfoot Farms Scenario A.pdfDownload Blackfoot Farms Scenario A.pdf

Identify and define a list of six HR performance metrics specific to Blackfoot Farms that HR can develop and implement to illustrate the value of HR services to the organization. Be sure to defend your reasoning for the selected metrics. You can consult your responses above, but the metrics should be comprehensive in nature and not limited to the area of communication and conflict.

Explain how the Statute of Frauds was applied in the court’s decision in Boone v. Coe, 153 Ky. 233, 154 S.W. 900, 901 (1913). State whether you agree with or disagree with the court’s decision and justify your decision. Discuss whether there is a moral basis for the Statute of Frauds doctrine.

Case Study Paper Assignment Instructions


One of the important legal doctrines you studied in this Module: Week is the Statute of Frauds. The Statute of Frauds is sometimes seen as a controversial legal rule. This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the Statute of Frauds, apply that understanding by explaining its role in a legal decision, evaluate the value of the doctrine of the Statute of Frauds in contract law, and develop your ability to analyze and write within the conventions of the legal profession.  This assignment takes the form of a legal memo, a common form of document in the legal profession. A Legal Memorandum Template has been provided to you in the Case Study Paper Resources section within the Case Study Paper Assignment page.


For this assignment:

  • You must prepare a memo that is 2–3 single-spaced pages in current Bluebook format. You must also include at least 2 references from the course textbook, case law, or other legal authority sources in Bluebook format.
  • Explain the what the Statute of Frauds is, when the Statute of Frauds applies in contract law generally, and what policies the Statute of Frauds is designed to serve.
  • Explain how the Statute of Frauds was applied in the court’s decision in Boone v. Coe, 153 Ky. 233, 154 S.W. 900, 901 (1913). State whether you agree with or disagree with the court’s decision and justify your decision.  Discuss whether there is a moral basis for the Statute of Frauds doctrine. Include in your discussion whether the Statute of Frauds encourages the integrity and sanctity of promise-making and promise-keeping. Justify your conclusion with legal and biblical principles.
  • Write your paper in the form of legal office memo, using the template provided. Ensure that your memo is well organized and logical. Write for clarity, develop your position fully, and use the legal terminology you encounter correctly. Proofread carefully before submitting your final product.


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


How should your group allocate the additional beds? What would be the change in profits from your allocation? Which constraints are binding at the optimum? Which are not?

Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management

Case Analysis – Resource Allocation

Notes:  All subparts of each question are worth 0.75 points each. To receive credit you must submit the Excel spreadsheets in which you calculate your answers.

1. The CEO at your hospital group has asked you to determine the most profitable approach to expanding capacity (i.e., number of beds) across your three locations. The estimated increase in profits from expansion is $1000/bed at Wesley Chapel, $1250/bed at Brandon, and $700/bed at Clearwater. You have a total of 500 beds to allocate across the three locations. There are 400 nursing hours that you be allocated across the facilities. The Wesley Chapel location requires 15 nursing hours per bed, the Clearwater location requires 12 hours per bed, while the Brandon location requires 20 hours per bed. Finally, you must account for the administrative support requirements for each facility. Specifically, there are 350 possible hours and the Wesley Chapel location requires 20 hours per bed and the Brandon and Clearwater locations both require 5 hours per bed.

While not realistic, for this problem you can allocate a proportion of beds (in other words, you do not have to force the optimal values to be integers).

Using the above information, answer the following questions.

  1. Identify the decision variables.
  2. Specify the objective function using mathematical notation.
  3. Specify the constraints using mathematical notation.
  4. How should your group allocate the additional beds?
  5. What would be the change in profits from your allocation?
  6. Which constraints are binding at the optimum? Which are not?
  7. Are there any locations to which you will not allocate beds? If so, what would be the effect on profits of allocating a bed to that location?
  8. For each of the constraints that are binding, what would be the effect on profits from increasing the constraint amount (i.e., RHS number) by one unit?



2. You have been asked to determine the least costly staffing schedule for your clinic. You need to staff the clinic with eight individuals Monday through Friday and four on Saturday and Sunday. Your clinic guarantees your staff three consecutive days off each week. Any cycle that does not include a Saturday or Sunday costs your clinic $800 per cycle. Cycles that include Saturday or Sunday (but not both) cost $900 per cycle, while cycles that include both Saturday and Sunday cost $1000 per cycle. Cycles must be hired in whole units. With this information, complete the following tasks:

  1. Identify the decision variables.
  2. Specify the objective function using mathematical notation.
  3. Specify the constraints using mathematical notation.
  4. How many of each cycle should your clinic employ and what is the total cost that that your clinic will incur?
  5. Identify those constraints that are binding and those that are not.

Develop and test (at the 5-percent level) appropriate hypotheses for the coefficients of the variables in this equation. Which variables might be candidates as irrelevant variables? Why did you choose these variables?

Eviews questions

Applied Econometrics Homework Two

(Submit Completed Assignment Online via Canvas by 11:59PM on Sunday, March 5, 2022)

1. You are attempting to see if the pharmaceutical industry practiced international price discrimination by estimating a model of the prices of pharmaceuticals in a cross section of 32 countries. You assume that if price discrimination exists, then the coefficient of per capita income () in a properly specified price equation would be strongly positive. Your reasoning for why the coefficient of per capita income measures price discrimination is as follows: the higher the ability to pay, the lower (in absolute value) the price elasticity of demand for pharmaceuticals and the higher the price a price discriminator could charge. In addition, you expect that prices would be higher if pharmaceutical patents were allowed and that prices would be lower if price controls existed, if competition was encouraged, or if the pharmaceutical market in a country was relatively large. Your estimates are found below with standard errors in parentheses:

  1. Set up 90-percent confidence intervals for the estimated slope coefficients on the GDPN and CVN variables. should be positively signed while should be negatively signed.
  2. Per your confidence interval, what is the maximum impact of increasing CVN by one unit on a country’s relative pharmaceutical price level (P)?
  3. Do you conclude that international price discrimination exists? Explain why or why not using your confidence interval.
  4. Develop and test appropriate hypotheses concerning the regression coefficients for the PP, DPC, and IPC variables using the t-test at the 5-percent level. You should expect that will be positively signed while and will be negatively signed.


2. Consider a model of iPod prices on eBay (standard errors in parentheses):

  1. Create and test hypothesis for the coefficients of NEW and SCRATCH at the 5-percent level. (Hint: Use the critical value for 120 degrees of freedom.)
  2. In theory, the more bidders there are on a given iPod, the higher the price should be. Create and test hypotheses at the 1-percent level to see if this theory can be supported by the results.
  3. Based on the hypothesis tests you conducted in parts a and b, are there any variables that you think should be dropped from the equation? Explain.
  4. Test the overall significance of this equation with the F-test at the 5-percent level. Use the F-stat provided in the regression results above. Be sure to state the correct null and alternative hypotheses and to denote your critical value. Write down the restricted model used by EViews to compute the F-stat?

The dataset also includes a variable (PERCENT) that measures the percentage of customers of the seller of the ith iPod who gave that seller a positive rating for quality and reliability in previous transactions.12 In theory, the higher the rating of a seller, the more a potential bidder would trust that seller, and the more that potential bidder would be willing to bid. If you add PERCENT to the equation, you obtain the following results:

  1. Use our four specification criteria to decide whether you think PERCENT belongs in the equation. Be specific. (Hint: is not given, but assume that the addition of any variable with a t-score greater than one in absolute value will increase )




3. For each of the following situations, determine the sign (and, if possible, comment on the likely size) of the expected bias introduced by omitting a variable. Determine the sign for both components of the bias term. (Hint:  In determining the magnitude of omitted variable bias, consider how strongly related the omitted variable is to both the dependent and independent variable in question.)

  1. In an equation for the demand for peanut butter, the impact on the coefficient of disposable income of omitting the price of peanut butter variable. (Hint: Start by hypothesizing signs.)
  2. In an earnings equation for workers, the impact on the coefficient of experience of omitting the variable for age.
  3. In a production function for airplanes, the impact on the coefficient of labor of omitting the capital variable.
  4. In an equation for daily attendance at outdoor concerts, the impact on the coefficient of the weekend dummy variable (1 = weekend) of omitting a variable that measures the probability of precipitation at concert time.

4. Assume that you’ve been hired by the surgeon general of the United States to study the determinants of smoking behavior and that you estimate the following cross-sectional model based on data for all 50 states (standard errors in parentheses):

    1. Develop and test (at the 5-percent level) appropriate hypotheses for the coefficients of the variables in this equation.
    2. Which variables might be candidates as irrelevant variables? Why did you choose these variables?
    3. Omitted variable bias may be impacting the slope coefficient for cigarette consumption. Explain why we might think this is so.
    4. One of the purposes of running the equation was to determine the effectiveness of antismoking advertising on television and radio. What are your conclusions?
    5. The surgeon general decides that tax rates are irrelevant to cigarette smoking and orders you to drop the variable from your equation. Given the following results, use our four specification criteria to decide whether you agree with her conclusion. Carefully explain your reasoning (standard errors in parentheses).
    6. In answering part e, you surely noticed that the figures were identical. Did this surprise you? Why or why not?







Does this make more sense of the Old testament language about sin being communal and collective punishment and the social aspect of sin and thus of salvation? How has your view changed on this?

Religion Question

How can you respond to the following:

“It expands the scope of redemption beyond personal salvation and spiritual growth to include restoring relationships, justice, and peace within a community.” Thought Richter’s work was excellent on this front as well. pushing in on the communal aspect of Salvation.

Does this make more sense of the Old testament language about sin being communal and collective punishment and the social aspect of sin and thus of salvation? How has your view changed on this?

Explain which two tasks from these tables will be the most important as you come up with a plan for avoiding a repeat of the scenario in the future. What did you take into account when selecting these two tasks?

NIST Risk Management



Our organization, Nadir Tools Inc., makes power tools, and although security is usually vigilant, the Sales team managed to bypass the normal process in purchasing to buy a large screen for a special presentation to potential customers. As a result, neither IT nor Security personnel were aware that a Wi-Fi enabled screen had been in the Sales Demo area for the last week until unusual network traffic coming from the screen was detected by a member of the networking team.

You have been tasked with applying the NIST Risk Management Framework to the whole situation. The CISO wants to figure out how to mitigate the current situation and also how the entire situation could have been avoided in the first place.

Do the following:

  1. Considering the mitigation process in the above scenario, pick the most relevant task from each of the Tables E-1 to E-7 on pages 145-138 of the NIST SP 800-37 document, and explain why the task you picked was the most relevant one from each table. You can make reasonable assumptions about the organizational structure of Nadir Tools Inc. and about its current security arrangements as long as you spell out your assumptions.
  2. Explain which two tasks from these tables will be the most important as you come up with a plan for avoiding a repeat of the scenario in the future. What did you take into account when selecting these two tasks?

TIP The various steps of the NIST RMF are summarized in Tables E-1 to E-7 on pages 145-138 of the NIST SP 800-37 document. There are links that take you back to earlier parts of the document where the specific tasks are spelled out.

For example, on page 131 we see Table E-3, and when we click on the “Task S-1” link, we are taken to page 50 where this task is described in more detail. Clicking on the “Task S-2” link in Table E-3 on page 131 takes us to the description starting on page 51 and so on.

Explain the purpose of the House of Burgesses and what were they responsible for accomplishing within the Virginia colony. Briefly expound the qualification one must posses to be a member of this organization.

African History

  • What exactly was Bacon’s Rebellion about? Why is this rebellion so important to African diaspora in North America?
  • Explain the purpose of the House of Burgesses and what were they responsible for accomplishing within the Virginia colony. Briefly expound the qualification one must posses to be a member of this organization.
  • What was the difference between white and black indentured servants?
  • According to Winthrop D. Jordan, what was the “Unthinking Decision” among the British? Explain in detail what was the difference between chattel slavery and the other forms of slavery which had already existed thousands of years.
  • Name the colonies that make up the southern colonies. Explain the various reasons why the reliance on slavery increased within the southern colonies.
  • Name the colonies that make up the northern colonies. Explain in detail how slavery in the northern colonies differed from slavery in the southern colonies.
  • Compare and contrast the experience of African Americans under Spanish & French rule in north America to that in the British colonies.
  • Why did African Americans fight on the behalf of Americans even though they had absolutely no rights or citizenship in North America? Hint: be creative answering this question
  • Explain thoroughly the 3/5 Compromise and why southern states was so adamant it was necessary.
  • Thus far what have you learned about the African diaspora in North America?

Write a paper outlining the nutritional supplement about Calcium mineral .

Nutrition Question

Instructions: You will write a paper outlining the nutritional supplement about Calcium mineral . Make sure to include background on the supplement, what it is used for, evidences to support its use, and your opinions. Make sure to support your ideas with evidence.


  • Develop a paper to turn in. (Minimum length 2 pages)
    • You must provide evidence to support your ideas and reference your evidence appropriately! (APA formatted) (3 minimum)
    • *Whichever option you choose, make sure it is formatted according to APA guidelines and typed (12 pt. font, double spaced) according to syllabi standards.
    • Make sure u listed citations and references in the end
    • No plagiarism

Briefly summarize this movie/podcast. In your summation make sure to include its release date and any critique that you may have.

Case Study #1:

Answer in APA format only on the reference page.

Podcast Case File: Case 140 Richmond Hill…

Question #1: Briefly summarize this movie/podcast. In your summation make sure to include its release date and any critique that you may have. Minimum 2 paragraphs.


Question #2: Diagnosis of one of the protagonists. Make sure to indicate which one is being used in your response. List the DSM 5 diagnosis code and a brief summary of the diagnosis including symptoms. Use 3 examples from the movie/podcast to substantiate each diagnosis(es) or a non-diagnosis.… (LINK for diagnosis)


Question #3: Is this protagonist’s diagnosis or behavior a result of environment, genetics, or both? Write your findings in a minimum 2 paragraph explanation. Make sure to include minimum 2 examples from the movie/podcast to substantiate your findings. List and briefly explain 2 articles that are in agreement with you. You can use the library databases by accessing this link.


Question #4: Find 5 ARTICLES on any topic in this movie/podcast. Seek academic, research-based sources written after 2015. Briefly explain what each source is citing and why you chose these sources. Cite the articles in APA. You can use the library databases by accessing this link.


Question #5: Write a 5-point treatment plan. Which therapies/treatments would you use to ameliorate the protagonist in your private practice. Make sure to explain the treatments that you will use and why you are using them. List and briefly explain 2 articles that explain rational for using this treatment. You can use the library databases by accessing this link