
Courts sometimes imply terms, and even imply a term into every contract that the parties will act in good faith in the performance and enforcement of their contracts. What are the potential risks and problems with giving courts authority to imply a duty to act in good faith into a contractual obligation?

Discussion question

Your reading this Module: Week revealed that the law does not limit the terms of the contract to the words the parties use to describe their exchanged promises. Courts sometimes imply terms, and even imply a term into every contract that the parties will act in good faith in the performance and enforcement of their contracts. What are the potential risks and problems with giving courts authority to imply a duty to act in good faith into a contractual obligation? Does the Bible provide guidance for the moral value of implying good faith into a promise or limiting parties’ promissory obligations to their words of promise, and nothing more?

Write a 3–5-page paper in current APA format explaining the data on which your research will be based, including issues related to the method, manner, and feasibility of data collection; the population(s), data set(s) or other location(s) from which the data will be collected; and the coding of data and/or definitions of key terms.

Concept Paper: Data Collection and Interpretation Assignment Instructions


You will write a 3–5-page paper in current APA format explaining the data on which your research will be based, including issues related to the method, manner, and feasibility of data collection; the population(s), data set(s) or other location(s) from which the data will be collected; and the coding of data and/or definitions of key terms.


Items to include are outlined as follows:

  • Paper should be 3-5 pages in length, excluding title page, figures or tables, and references.
  • Paper should be in current APA style.
  • While there is no set number of sources required, sources should be academic in nature and enough sources should be provided to justify the data collection and interpretation used.
  • Any data cited should be from primary sources only.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


2Discuss the components of pharmacology addressed in this module’s readings and presentation. Discuss in detail the different classes of drugs, routes of absorption, and how such affects the high.

Social Work question

#1 Discuss in detail the essential features of the three models (bio, psycho, social) of addiction addressed this module. Consider then how the “Disease of the Human Spirit” fits or does not fit within the models already discussed. Discuss the addict and spiritual bankruptcy/void of a relationship with God. In what way does your biblical worldview and/or biblical insights impact the way you respond to the previous questions?

Make sure to support everything you report with this module’s readings and presentation. For original threads and replies, use current APA style citations in-text and references at the end.

#2Discuss the components of pharmacology addressed in this module’s readings and presentation. Discuss in detail the different classes of drugs, routes of absorption, and how such affects the high. How does what you’ve learned help you to have greater understanding/compassion for those who struggle? Consider these thoughts in light of your faith and Scripture.

Make sure to support everything you report with this module’s readings/presentation. For original threads and replies, use current APA style citations in-text and references at the end.

#3Discuss in detail dual-diagnosis from your readings, then incorporate how such coexisting disorders impact the addiction cycle discussed in the Module 6: Week 6 presentation. How does your biblical worldview impact the way in which you see the possibility of change within the addiction cycle for those struggling with dual diagnoses?

Make sure to support everything you report with this module’s readings/presentation. For original threads and replies, use current APA style citations in-text and references at the end.

#4Discuss the components of pharmacology addressed in this module’s readings and presentation. Discuss in detail the different classes of drugs, routes of absorption, and how such affects the high. How does what you’ve learned help you to have greater understanding/compassion for those who struggle? Consider these thoughts in light of your faith and Scripture.Make sure to support everything you report with this module’s readings/presentation. For original threads and replies, use current APA style citations in-text and references at the end.

Have you ever experienced this personally or peripherally? Do you personally others who have? How have you seen this reflected in other places in the dominant culture?

Sociology Discussion 4 

Dilusions of Gender Chapters 3 and 4

  1. Have you ever experienced this personally or peripherally? Do you personally others who have?
  2. How have you seen this reflected in other places in the dominant culture?

Describe briefly the legal rights and privileges of common stockholders. What is free cash flow (FCF)? What is the weighted average cost of capital? What is the free cash flow valuation model?

Finance Question

Mini Case

Your employer, a midsized human resources management company, is considering expansion into related fields, including the acquisition of Temp Force Company, an employment agency that supplies word processor operators and computer programmers to businesses with temporarily heavy workloads. Your employer is also considering the purchase of Biggerstaff & McDonald (B&M), a privately held company owned by two friends, each with 5 million shares of stock. B&M currently has free cash flow of $24 million, which is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5%. B&M’s financial statements report short-term investments of $100 million, debt of $200 million, and preferred stock of $50 million. B&M’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is 11%. Answer the following questions:

  • Describe briefly the legal rights and privileges of common stockholders.
  • What is free cash flow (FCF)? What is the weighted average cost of capital? What is the free cash flow valuation model?
  • Use a pie chart to illustrate the sources that comprise a hypothetical company’s total value. Using another pie chart, show the claims on a company’s value. How is equity a residual claim?

Suppose the free cash flow at Time 1 is expected to grow at a constant rate of gL forever. If gL<WACC , what is a formula for the present value of expected free cash flows when discounted at the WACC? If the most recent free cash flow is expected to grow at a constant rate of gL forever (and gL<WACC ), what is a formula for the present value of expected free cash flows when discounted at the WACC?

Use B&M’s data and the free cash flow valuation model to answer the following questions:

  • (1)What is its estimated value of operations?
  • (2)What is its estimated total corporate value? (This is the entity value.)
  • (3)What is its estimated intrinsic value of equity?
  • (4)What is its estimated intrinsic stock price per share?

You have just learned that B&M has undertaken a major expansion that will change its expected free cash flows to −$10 million in 1 year, $20 million in 2 years, and $35 million in 3 years. After 3 years, free cash flow will grow at a rate of 5%. No new debt or preferred stock was added; the investment was financed by equity from the owners. Assume the WACC is unchanged at 11% and that there are still 10 million shares of stock outstanding.


  • (1)What is the company’s horizon value (i.e., its value of operations at Year 3)? What is its current value of operations (i.e., at Time 0)?
  • (2)What is its estimated intrinsic value of equity on a price-per-share basis?
  • (3)If B&M undertakes the expansion, what percent of B&M’s value of operations at Year 0 is due to cash flows from Years 4 and beyond?

(Hint: Use the horizon value at t = 3 to help answer this question.)


Based on your answer to the previous question, what are two reasons why managers often emphasize short-term earnings?

Your employer also is considering the acquisition of Hatfield Medical Supplies. You have gathered the following data regarding Hatfield, with all dollars reported in millions: (1) most recent sales of $2,000; (2) most recent total net operating capital, OpCap = $1,120; (3) most recent operating profitability ratio, OP = NOPAT/Sales = 4.5%; and (4) most recent capital requirement ratio, CR = OpCap/Sales = 56%. You estimate that the growth rate in sales from Year 0 to Year 1 will be 10%, from Year 1 to Year 2 will be 8%, from Year 2 to Year 3 will be 5%, and from Year 3 to Year 4 will be 5%. You also estimate that the long-term growth rate beyond Year 4 will be 5%. Assume the operating profitability and capital requirement ratios will not change. Use this information to forecast Hatfield’s sales, net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT), OpCap, free cash flow, and return on invested capital (ROIC) for Years 1 through 4. Also estimate the annual growth in free cash flow for Years 2 through 4. The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is 9%. How does the ROIC in Year 4 compare with the WACC?


What is the horizon value at Year 4? What is the total net operating capital at Year 4? Which is larger, and what can explain the difference? What is the value of operations at Year 0? How does the Year-0 value of operations compare with the Year-0 total net operating capital?


What are value drivers? What happens to the ROIC and current value of operations if expected growth increases by 1 percentage point relative to the original growth rates (including the long-term growth rate)? What can explain this? (Hint: Use Scenario Manager.)


Assume growth rates are at their original levels. What happens to the ROIC and current value of operations if the operating profitability ratio increases to 5.5%? Now assume growth rates and operating profitability ratios are at their original levels. What happens to the ROIC and current value of operations if the capital requirement ratio decreases to 51%? Assume growth rates are at their original levels. What is the impact of simultaneous improvements in operating profitability and capital requirements? What is the impact of simultaneous improvements in the growth rates, operating profitability, and capital requirements? (Hint: Use Scenario Manager.)


What insight does the free cash flow valuation model provide regarding possible reasons for market volatility? (Hint: Look at the value of operations for the combinations of ROIC and gL in the previous questions.)

  • (1)Write out a formula that can be used to value any dividend-paying stock, regardless of its dividend pattern.
  • (2)What is a constant growth stock? How are constant growth stocks valued?
  • (3)What happens if a company has a constant gL that exceeds its rs ? Will many stocks have expected growth greater than the required rate of return in the short run (i.e., for the next few years)? In the long run (i.e., forever)?


Assume that Temp Force has a beta coefficient of 1.2, that the risk-free rate (the yield on T-bonds) is 7.0%, and that the market risk premium is 5%. What is the required rate of return on the firm’s stock?


Assume that Temp Force is a constant growth company whose last dividend ( D0 , which was paid yesterday) was $2.00 and whose dividend is expected to grow indefinitely at a 6% rate.

  • (1)What is the firm’s current estimated intrinsic stock price?
  • (2)What is the stock’s expected value 1 year from now?
  • (3)What are the expected dividend yield, the expected capital gains yield, and the expected total return during the first year?


Now assume that the stock is currently selling at $30.29. What is its expected rate of return?


Now assume that Temp Force’s dividend is expected to experience nonconstant growth of 30% from Year 0 to Year 1, 25% from Year 1 to Year 2, and 15% from Year 2 to Year 3. After Year 3, dividends will grow at a constant rate of 6%. What is the stock’s intrinsic value under these conditions? What are the expected dividend yield and capital gains yield during the first year? What are the expected dividend yield and capital gains yield during the fourth year (from Year 3 to Year 4)?

  • What is the market multiple method of valuation? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are the advantages of the free cash flow valuation model relative to the dividend growth model?
  • What is preferred stock? Suppose a share of preferred stock pays a dividend of $2.10 and investors require a return of 7%. What is the estimated value of the preferred stock?

Is there any ceiling limitation on the amount deductible as a medical expense? Can capital expenditures be deductible as medical expenses?

Case Study/Deductible Medical Expenses

Respond in 3 pages. APA Format

Jane suffers from a degenerative spinal disorder. Her physician said that swimming could help prevent the onset of permanent paralysis and recommended the installation of a swimming pool at her residence for her use. Jane’s resi- dence had a market value of approximately $500,000 before the swimming pool was installed. The swimming pool was built, and an appraiser estimated that the value of Jane’s home increased by $98,000 because of the addition. The pool cost $194,000, and Jane claimed a medical expense deduction of $96,000 ($194,000 – $98,000) on her tax return. Upon audit of the return, the IRS determined that an adequate pool should have cost $70,000 and would increase the value of her home by only $31,000. Thus, the IRS claims that Jane is entitled to a deduction of only $39,000 ($70,000 – $31,000).

a. Is there any ceiling limitation on the amount deductible as a medical expense? Explain.

b. Can capital expenditures be deductible as medical expenses? Explain.

c. What is the significance of a “minimum adequate facility”? Should aesthetic or architectural qualities be considered in the determination? Why or why not?

Identify the role projects play in meeting the goals of an organization. Explain the activities that occur when initiating a project. Classify the components of project planning.

Business Project Management (11 Weeks)


  • Identify the role projects play in meeting the goals of an organization.
  • Explain the activities that occur when initiating a project.
  • Classify the components of project planning.
  • Evaluate project implementation techniques.
  • Evaluate project performance.
  • Distinguish project management methodologies and tools.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are a Senior Project Manager for JBH Software Solutions and are about begin on a new project and training a new associate at the same time. The scope of the project is a total system upgrade for the customer service area. The project has a budget of $15 Million and has a duration of 24 months for completion. Since you are the Senior Project Manager, upper management is looking to you for guidance and best practices for the project management lifecycle at JBH.


Create a project plan for JBH Software Solutions that includes required documentation such as business case, risk mitigation plan, communication plan, scope statement, scorecard, and project timelines. Include details about methodologies and tools used to manage the project. Review the deliverables from prior modules as a guide to complete this assignment.

Provide your diagnosis and give the appropriate Diagnostic and Statistical Manual code. Explain how you reached your diagnosis, how the clients symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s), or any possible difficulties in reaching a diagnosis. Describe the observations that support each diagnosis if there are multiple.

Therapeutic Intervention Project

Each student will complete a 6–8-page paper that will briefly reiterate one of the theories and present how this theory was applied to the selected case. Each student is expected to diagnosis the mental disorder using DSM 5 criteria and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to better understand that there are many approaches to trauma in social work. See the treatment plan format and grading. rubric (pages 13-14) for additional information. NO ecomaps or genograms unless in addition to the 6-8 pages and adds to the quality of the paper.

Each student will select a common specific treatment option in Trauma practice as outlined below or get approval for another topic by the professor:

  • DBT
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Vagus Therapy
  • EMDR
  • Medication
  • Alternative care (Yoga, Mindfulness, Acupuncture, Nutrition)
  • The paper must address the following topics:
  • Page 1
  • Title Page

In APA style, your title page and abstract are separate pages. For your title page, your running head is slightly different. Before your title, include the words “Running head” and a colon. For the rest of this page, list your case study’s title, your first and last name and your university’s name. This information should be centered in the upper half of the page.

Background/Assessment Information
The first section of your paper will present your client’s background. Who is the client? Include factors such as age, gender, work, health status, family mental health history, family and social relationships, drug and alcohol history, life difficulties, cultural background, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, occupation/grade level, marital/family status, education goals and coping skills and weaknesses.

Family history– Past and present. Include marital status of parents and any dates of family structure changes or deaths. Include a description of relationships with family members, living arrangements, parents’ occupations. Include statement affirming/denying substance abuse, physical abuse, or sexual abuse among family members, if appropriate.

Social relationship history– Past and present. Include a statement affirming/denying any unwanted sexual experience, physical abuse, trouble with the police. How are relationships with friends, peers, coworkers, teachers? How were they before the onset?

Academic/work history– Past and present. What was/is school like? Academic aspirations? How was experience and performance before the onset?

Medical history– Past and present medical conditions, hospitalizations, prescription medicines, problems with eating, sleeping, weight control, alcohol, and substance abuse. When was the last physical?

Counseling history– For what issue(s)? Was this voluntary or involuntary? List provider names, dates of service. Include self-help groups like AA – incorporate a summary of experiences.

Description of the Presenting Problem
In the next section of your case study, you will describe the problem or symptoms that the client presented with. Describe any physical, emotional or sensory symptoms reported by the client. Thoughts, feelings, and perceptions related to the symptoms should also be noted. Any screening or diagnostic assessments that are used should also be described in detail and all scores reported. Estimated date of onset, concurrent events, intensity, frequency, changes in symptoms. How long has this been going on? How often? Magnitude?

Diagnosis (DSM-V)
Provide your diagnosis and give the appropriate Diagnostic and Statistical Manual code. Explain how you reached your diagnosis, how the clients symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s), or any possible difficulties in reaching a diagnosis. Describe the observations that support each diagnosis if there are multiple. Be sure to cite evidence from your on-line research and from your textbook. Give rationale by using the facts to justify your definitions of the problem.

Treatment Intervention Plan
This section of your paper will focus on the intervention used to help the client. Please pick a particular theoretical approach and describe the following:

  • Historical Developments
    School or perspective (e.g., psychodynamic, behavioral, trait, etc.)
    Theoretical underpinning(s) for the therapy
    Major theorists
    Major assumptions about human behavior and development
    Key concepts
    The Therapeutic Relationship
    Primary target system
    Goals for therapy
    Characteristics of an effective therapeutic relationship
    Therapeutic process
    Therapeutic techniques/methods
    Ethical implications for using this treatment approach.
    What adjunct services could be utilized? Who else could be involved in working with the client (school nurse, teacher, special education teacher, gay and lesbian support group, etc.)

Discuss whether your findings on the therapeutic method were complementary or conflicting with the client’s needs. Describe possible prognosis.

Following your text, you must supply a complete bibliographical list for your readers. In APA style, alphabetize the entries by the author’s last name. Most citations include four main parts: author’s name, date, title of the article and publication information. A general guideline for APA format is the author’s last name, a comma, first initial and a period. Next, place the year of publication within parentheses; place a period outside the final parenthesis. Type the title in italics and sentence case followed by a period. Finally, write the city of publication, a colon, the publisher’s name and end with a period.

Submission Requirements
You will have two submission attempts for this assignment. All assignments must be submitted through SafeAssign.

Describe how social media can promote the levels of education and awareness that help to enhance well-being. Despite the positive intent of some social media influencers, their messages don’t always promote empathy, diversity, and inclusion.


Using this template, respond to the below prompts, which focus on deconstructing the stigma associated with abnormal behavior. Support your position with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences per bullet, using credible sources. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Often a person describes an abnormal behavior as weird—a term that can elicit a range of emotional responses (e.g., fear, anger, guilt, curiosity, withdrawal, compassion). Describe a common psychological reaction that a person might have after hearing this description of the behavior of another person.

Describe why witnessing an abnormal behavior may cause a person to experience psychological discomfort.

Describe the feelings a person may experience when witnessing a behavior that Ironically, it is normal to perceive abnormal behavior as atypical, uncomfortable, or strange. However, the labels that we use to describe abnormal behavior could contribute to its stigma. In your own words, describe how abnormalities in the mind are not really different from other physical or biological abnormalities.

To complete this milestone, review the Pew Research article “Social Media and the Cost of Caring,” linked in this assignment in your course. As you weigh the costs and benefits of frequent exposure to social media, respond to each of the rubric criteria with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Support your position with credible sources when appropriate. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

According to the findings of the Pew Research study, there are several potential costs and benefits that result from frequent exposure to social media.

Describe one psychological benefit of frequent social media use.

Describe one psychological cost of frequent social media use.

At the end of the study overview on page 3, the researchers discuss the notion of stress being contagious.

Describe what the research findings tell us about the link between our awareness of other people’s stressful life events on social media and increases in our own stress.

We often refer to our involvement in social media groups as being a member of a community.

Describe how social media can promote the levels of education and awareness that help to enhance well-being.

Despite the positive intent of some social media influencers, their messages don’t always promote empathy, diversity, and inclusion.

If you were a social media influencer, describe how you would use social media to enhance compassion and empathy for all people who struggle with psychological disorders.