
Starting from case studies section on the presentation research on topics INNOVATIONS WITH POSTIVE HUMAN IMPACT examples: agriculture, technology, clothing, plants products all the research have to be literature studies.


Follow the steps:

1) Attached is a presentation use as an example for INNOVATIONS WITH POSTIVE HUMAN IMPACT

2) Make a new presentation and copy slides #1-15 from the attached presentation

3) Starting from case studies section on the presentation research on topics INNOVATIONS WITH POSTIVE HUMAN IMPACT examples: agriculture, technology, clothing, plants products all the research have to be literature studies.

4) Make sure to use website like: &

5) Provide citation

6)Use attached slides as examples

7 ) if you have any questions please let me know

Address a theme or key word(s) that you find ties together the readings for that week. Use a direct quote or passage from each reading to illustrate a topic or argument that weaves together the readings for that week.

Sociology Question

Reading :

  • Edward and Christina A. Sue. 2019. “Ch. 4: Spanish Language.” In Durable Ethnicity: Mexican Americans and the Ethnic Core. Thursday March 2
  • Discussion Group 3 • Vasquez, Jessica M. 2011. “Ch. 7: As Much Hamburger as Taco: Third Generation Mexican-Americans.” In Mexican-Americans Across Generations: Immigrant Famil

All the material assigned for that week,you must cite each reading at least once in your response. You do not need to include the full title of the reading, book, chapter, or author For clarity, reference the authors of the readings using citations that reference their last name and year of publication only. Such as “According to Massey (1999)…” Reading responses are proofread and free of grammatical errors,they are nota summary and are not an areflectionor opinion pieces. Points will be docked for responses that rely on personal stories or opinion.

Your reading response can do all of the following:
1. Address a theme or key word(s) that you find ties together the readings for that week.
2. Use a direct quote or passage from each reading to illustrate a topic or argument that weaves together the readings for that week.
3. Responds to a discussion question posed by the discussion leaders in class using the readings to support your answer. This does not include any questions related to personal opinion or experience. Include the question you are responding to in your assignment.

How is triple bottom line theory relevant to global marketing or marketing in your country or work place? How is triple bottom line theory relevant to your future career?

Marketing Question

DQ1 (½ page)

Triple Bottom Theory Discussion

● Using a graphic organizer of your choice, create a visual graphic which expresses your response to the following two questions:

  • How is triple bottom line theory relevant to global marketing or marketing in your country or work place?
  • How is triple bottom line theory relevant to your future career?

● Post your graphic organizer as an attachment. Use your creativity to make it appealing and clear enough for your classmates to be able to understand, reflect, and comment on it.

For editable graphic organizers, check out:

DQ2 (½ page)
In your discussion post address the following:

  • Find your current job – Office Team Lead (or similar job if you can’t find your specific job). Write the projected number, growth rate, and median pay. Were you previously aware of the job market trends?
  • Does knowing this information make a difference in the career path you are choosing? Why or why not?


In 400 words, Describe how “The Seventy-Five Million Campaign” affected the Southern Baptist Convention. What is the Cooperative Program and what does it do? Discuss the effectiveness of this program.

Southern Baptist Cooperative Program

In 400 words, Describe how “The Seventy-Five Million Campaign” affected the Southern Baptist Convention. What is the Cooperative Program and what does it do? Discuss the effectiveness of this program.

What is the biggest difference between a PERT chart and a CPM chart in project management? Which control chart for project management is better from a customer perspective? Why?

Homework 8: Project Management

  1. What is the biggest difference between a PERT chart and a CPM chart in project management?
  2. Which control chart for project management is better from a customer perspective? Why?
  3. How do projects and programs differ?
  4. Given the following information, create a Gantt chart for this project: (hint: for activity 2, you have to finish activity 1 before you can start 2)
  5. What is project crashing? Why is it important?
  6. What are the goals of project management?
  7. What is the purpose of the statement of work?
  8. Why is the statement of work important?

How often do you approach a new challenge with a “can do” attitude? Often? Rarely? Never? Here’s a news flash: Thinking negatively often leads to failure. On the other hand, believing you can do something gives you a big advantage from the start. Why don’t people believe in themselves?

Discussion Exercise/Thought Process: If you think you can, you’re on the right track

Believing in yourself makes a big difference. And it’s a skill that you can learn and practice.

How often do you approach a new challenge with a “can do” attitude? Often? Rarely? Never? Here’s a news flash: Thinking negatively often leads to failure. On the other hand, believing you can do something gives you a big advantage from the start. Why don’t people believe in themselves?

How can you start to believe in yourself? Here are some strategies that can help:

1. When faced with a challenge, force yourself to stop thinking “I can’t.” Instead, re-program and re-state your thoughts to be positive. It takes practice, but it can make all the difference in the outcome.

2. Remind yourself of past successes. Give yourself credit for big and little things that go right.

3. Ask for help if you need it. Have a new task and don’t know how to handle it? Why guess? Instead, ask for help from a coworker (if it’s a work assignment) or trusted friend. Give yourself every chance to succeed. *Added to citation …ask for help from your instructor if it’s coursework.

Believing in yourself isn’t a magic trick ― it’s a work in progress for everyone.

Source: Excerpt from Resources For Living The EAP is administered by Resources For Living, LLC. This material is for informational purposes only. ©2021 Resources For

Describe your client to a public audience. Outline your client’s orientation and commitment to sustainability. Create a clear picture of what your client has done or is doing so that, later on, you can point to the gap where your team and project idea fit in.

Writing Question


For this assignment, individual team members will conduct research on their assigned client. Individual team members will then use their research to independently develop an informational communication artifact. You will use the artifact you develop to present your research to your team members during Team Meeting 2.

You may choose to develop one of the following (details can be found further down in this assignment description):

  • Hand-out
  • Infographic
  • Recorded PowerPoint
  • Informational Video Pitch and Example

Although you will present your communication artifact to your team during Team Meeting 2, the primary audience for your artifact will be the public audience that may be impacted by any sustainable engineering project that your client may choose to pursue. During Team Meeting 2, your team will choose the strongest, most comprehensive, and most audience oriented communication artifact to revise and submit as part of the final Team Profile and Idea Proposal (due after Spring Break).

The person who initially created the artifact that the team chooses to use for their collective final submission will win 5 points (1/2 a grade point) extra credit.

Preliminary Resources for this Assignment

Client Information/Research Page

A page of resources has been compiled for you to help get you started on your client research:

  • Client Information Overview: Hillsborough County

This is not an exhaustive list of resources; it was created to help you get started. You are not required to use a certain number of resources from this page, and you are permitted to use other reliable informational sources.

Logic Form Document

You will also complete the “Logic Form” linked below wherein you will describe the reasoning for your choices, how you think it will be received by your primary and secondary audiences, and what improvements you think will make your chosen artifact stand out. You will use this to help you build a case for why your artifact should be chosen for further development by your team, and to represent your whole team in the Team Profile and Idea Proposal.

  • Logic Form.
  • Audience

Primary Audience for this Assignment

  • The General Public
    • E.g., anyone who may be affected in any way by a sustainable engineering project undertaken by your client, either negatively or positively or both, for any duration of time

Secondary Audiences for this Assignment

  • Your Team
    • Your team will choose a “winning” artifact, which the whole team agrees is the strongest, most comprehensive, and most audience-centered artifact. The Team will collectively revise and improve upon the artifact prior to submission of the final Team Profile and Idea Proposal
  • Your Project Manager
    • Before your team will be allowed to develop a full project proposal and pitch for your client, you must first persuade your project manager that your team is the best team for the job.
    • You must demonstrate a solid understanding of your client to persuade your project manager that you will be able to work with your client, and that you’ll be able to persuade them to choose your firm.
  • Your Client
    • In the end, your client will see a polished version of the communication artifact you submit as part of your Team Profile and Idea Proposal.
    • You must demonstrate for your client that you have an excellent understanding of who they are and where they want to go in terms of sustainability and community involvement.

Purpose of the Communication Artifact

The purpose of the communication artifact is to:

  1. Demonstrate a clear understanding of your client, including:
    • Background and History
    • Purpose, Goals, and Values
    • Demographic Makeup
    • Commitment to Sustainability
      • E.g., past, current, or planned projects, public statements, pledges, actions, etc.
  2. Describe your client to a public audience.
  3. Outline your client’s orientation and commitment to sustainability.
  4. Create a clear picture of what your client has done or is doing so that, later on, you can point to the gap where your team and project idea fit in.

What skills, qualifications, or experience do these jobs require? What do you think about the salary range of this position? Did you find the salary expectations or anything surprising about the salary range?

Discussion (Careers in Windows)

1: Job Search

Use,, or to research IT job careers that require Windows 10 configuration and management-related skills in your area. You can use key words such as “Windows 10 Administrator” or “Windows 10 Desktop Support.”

Examine three job openings that you think match the skills you learned during the course.

  • Which parts of the course do you think helped you prepare for these job openings?
  • What skills, qualifications, or experience do these jobs require?
  • What do you think about the salary range of this position? Did you find the salary expectations or anything surprising about the salary range?
  • Are you finding jobs in your area? Would you be willing to relocate?
  • Did any of the jobs require certifications? If yes, which certifications?
  • Did any of the jobs require nontechnical skills?

2: Share Your Job Search Experiences

If you are currently working in a technology-related field, can you share your experience finding this position or any other past jobs that you have worked in?

  • Can you describe how you found the job? This could include networking, job searches, job fairs, staffing agencies, and any other methods that you can share with class.
  • What are some of the skills that this position requires? This can include both technical and nontechnical skills. Which skills do you think are most important?
  • How well do these skills align with what you have learned during the course?
  • What advice can you provide for someone who is pursuing a career in technology?

Watch these two videos and write a one-paragraph summary/reaction to the videos.

Writing Question

Assignment part 1 Sensation/Perception Additional:

  1. Complete the label the neuron and upload here.
  2. Complete the label the eye and upload here.
  3. Complete the label the ear and upload here.
  4. Complete the Eye and Ear Definitions matching sheets and upload here.
  5. Complete the Perception matching sheet and upload here.

Assignment part 2 Sleep & Dreaming Additional:

1. Watch these two videos and write a one-paragraph summary/reaction to the videos:

2. Read the 5 Stages of Sleep/Sleepnessness handout found ⤵

3. Create 3 true/false questions based upon the sheet according to the following:

  • Stage 1 Non-REM stage N1 (stage 1) Last names beginning with A-C
  • Stage 2 Non-REM stage N2 (stage 2) Last names beginning with D-G
  • Stage 3 Non-REM stage N3 (stage 3) Last names beginning with H-L
  • Stage 4 Non-REM stage N3 (stage 4) Last names beginning with M-O
  • Stage 5 REM Last names beginning with P-T
  • Sleeplessness Cure Last names beginning with U-Z

Based on what you have learned in this part, is Facebook a successor in interest for immigration purposes?Would your answer change if Patel’s labor certification was already approved before the merger went through?

Mergers and Acquisitions

Continuing with our hypothetical corporate business immigration scenario, you will consider additional information about your foreign national employee, Prisha Patel:

Facebook has proposed to purchase the Marketing Division of Indo Ads after the division received national recognition for its work. Indo Ads expressed interest in the deal, as the company was planning to focus its operations more on developing algorithms. Facebook plans to maintain all operations of the Marketing Division without making changes, keeping all the employees and their roles the same. It has yet to decide whether it will have the workers move to a new office after the deal closes. During negotiations, Indo Ads emphasized its desire to transfer all assets and liabilities of the Marketing Division to Facebook as part of the deal, while Facebook wanted to only take on certain key liabilities, including potential claims by any employee. To expedite the deal, Indo Ads agreed to exclude from the deal any liability that is unrelated to the operations of the Marketing Division. The parties agreed to close the deal within the next three months.

Patel was working in the Marketing Division on an H-1B visa when Indo Ads agreed to sponsor her for a green card under the EB-3 category. She expects to continue working as a market research analyst after the acquisition.Indo Ads had already filed a PERM labor certification before discussing a deal with Facebook. The PERM labor certification is expected to be certified within the next three months.


Write a memo on how the merger or acquisition may affect Patel’s immigration status, using these questions to guide you:

Is this an asset purchase, or an asset and liability purchase?

Based on what you have learned in this part, is Facebook a successor in interest for immigration purposes?Would your answer change if Patel’s labor certification was already approved before the merger went through?

Now write your memo and discuss the options and considerationsfor Patel’s continued employment.