
Write a minimum of 1000-words using appropriate language and structure the essay in 5-7 paragraphs.

Word Journal Style Commentary Describing Academic Plans and Career Goals Discussion Board

To earn full points for this assignment students must write a minimum of 1000-words using appropriate language and structure the essay in 5-7 paragraphs. The submission will not be graded for grammar or spelling. Students will write about their personal academic journey documenting their success and challenges. Students will describe their academic goals and career plans.

Prepare: (a) Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31st March 2022 and (b) Statement of Financial Position as at 31st March 2022.   

Financial statement

Assignment 2

  1. On 31st March, 2022 the following Trial Balance was extracted from the books of Mr. Ben.
Debit Balances Rs Credit Balances Rs.
Sundry Debtors  20,100 Capital 28,000
Drawings    3,000 Loan on Mortgage    9,500
Bills receivables    6,882 Rent received       250
Interest on Loan      300 Bill Payable     2,614
Cash at Bank     3,555 Sales 110,243
Motor Van    10,000 Sundry creditors   10,401
Stock on 1st April      6,839 Provision for bad debts       710
Cash in hand      2,050 Return outwards     1,346
Land and building    12,000
General expenses      3,489
Advertising expenses      3,264
Rent, rates and insurance      2,891
Salaries      9,097
Bad debts         525
Purchases     66,458
Return inwards       7,821
Carriage inwards     2,929
Carriage outwards     2,404
Total 163,604 Total 163,604



(i). Closing stock is valued at Rs. 7,250

(ii). Depreciate Land and Building at 2%, Motor van at  15%

(iii). Salaries Rs. 750 and rates Rs. 350 are outstanding.

(iv). Goods costing Rs. 2,000 were taken by proprietor for private use, had been treated as credit      sales.

(v). Prepaid insurance Rs. 270.

(vi). Provision for Bad debts is to be maintained at 5% on Debtors.

(vii). Provide interest on loan on mortgage 8% p.a. for 6 months.

You are required to prepare:

(a). Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31st March 2022.        (15  Marks)

(b). Statement of Financial Position as at 31st March 2022.    (10 Marks)


Total Marks 25)


Discuss the financial reporting environment and financial statements. What is the purpose of accounting? What impact does the AICPA, FASB, and SEC play in accounting, particularly with regards to the financial statements?

Discussion question

Discuss the financial reporting environment and financial statements.

What is the purpose of accounting? What impact does the AICPA, FASB, and SEC play in accounting, particularly with regards to the financial statements?

What criteria do you recommend to determine the credibility of a source of information?

BUSN410 week 5

  • Describe techniques used in decision-making.
  • Examine decision-making models.
  • Apply decision-making techniques.


What criteria do you recommend to determine the credibility of a source of information?


  • Develop a list of more than and no less than 10 elements you would use to determine the credibility of facts, articles, websites, news, etc.
  • Thoroughly explain your reason for each element and why it is important
  • Your response can take the form of a table in Word or MS Excel.
  • Include at least 4 credible references to support your recommendations

In the light of evidence that more than 50% of M&A fail to create value for acquiring firms’ shareholders, discuss the role of firm and deal characteristics that have been shown to determine the likelihood of value creation.

Mergers valuation finance

Question 1)

In the light of evidence that more than 50% of M&A fail to create value for acquiring firms’ shareholders, discuss the role of firm and deal characteristics that have been shown to determine the likelihood of value creation. [Max of 1000 words]

Question 2)

Answer both parts of this question:

  • a. Discuss some country factors that analysts must consider when evaluating cross-border acquisitions (CBA). [Max of 500 words]
  • b. What are the critical success factors in CBA?[Maxof500words]

Identify two examples (past or present) of how politics affect you and your family. Why should nurses be involved in politics? In your opinion, does it really make a difference who is elected and who makes the laws? Explain.

Discussion Board: The Political Effect


Write 200–250 words responding to the discussion prompts for your initial post. Then, respond to at least two of your peers’ posts in a substantive manner.

Discussion Prompts

  • Identify two examples (past or present) of how politics affect you and your family.
  • Why should nurses be involved in politics?
  • In your opinion, does it really make a difference who is elected and who makes the laws? Explain.

Which two Approaches most interest you and why? What is a real-world example of one or both Approaches? What is at least one trade-off in focusing on two Approaches versus all the Approaches?

Sim 01 comparative 


Step 1: Select two Approaches

  • Select two Approaches (from the 5 described above) that most intrigue you.

Step 2: Explain your Selected Approaches

In 5-sentences or more, explain the two Approaches you selected. You can use the following questions to help explain your choices:

  • Which two Approaches most interest you and why?
  • What is a real-world example of one or both Approaches?
  • What is at least one trade-off in focusing on two Approaches versus all the Approaches?
  • What is at least one benefit of using two Approaches versus using just one Approach?

After discussing public problems, you decide and share which public problem you want to focus on for the duration of the Project.



After discussing public problems, you decide and share which public problem you want to focus on for the duration of the Project.

The benefit of engaging in a discussion before deciding your public problem is that your peers have knowledge and lived experiences that help you frame the public problem and consider other causes and effects.

Validating your peers’ public problems moves us away from typical “my public problem is the most important” debate to thoughtfully considering what a public problem is, what causes the problem, and what are they effects of the public problem.

Estimated Time

An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity.

Assignment: Post Your Public Problem

After discussing public problems, causes, and effects with your peers last week, it’s time to share your public problem, causes and effects directly with the Professor.

Your submission should include the following:

  • Statement of Public Problem
  • 1st cause of public problem
  • 2nd cause of public problem
  • 1st effect of public problem
  • 2nd effect of public problem

What did you find most interesting about the workshop? What did you find most relevant to your daily life about the workshop? What question(s) do you have about the workshop topic?

Ipolsci workshop


Step 1: Watch an Archived Recording

  • Watch an archived recording of one of the workshops above.

Step 2: Clearly State Which Workshop You Attended or Watched

In your assignment submission, clearly state which workshop(s) you participated in during the period

  • Example: “I watched Holding Government Accountable during week 4.”
  • Example: “I watched the week 6 archived recording of the Global Conflict and Cooperation.”

Step 3: Respond to a Specific Question

Select 1 of the following questions to respond to:

  1. What did you find most interesting about the workshop?
  2. What did you find most relevant to your daily life about the workshop?
  3. What question(s) do you have about the workshop topic?
  4. What would you like to learn more about related to the workshop topic?
  5. What did you find perplexing or challenging about the workshop topic?
  6. Note: If you wish, you can ask yourself your own question.

Step 4: Clearly State your Question

  • Be sure to clearly state this question in your assignment submission.
  • Using a question provided in the prior step, or a question that you ask yourself, be sure to clearly state this question in your assignment submission.

Step 5: Answer Question with 4 Sentences

Write at least 4 sentences answering the question you selected.

  • Sentence 1.
  • Sentence 2.
  • Sentence 3.

Discuss the concept of Community of Practice. Describe the key components of a community of practice. Compare and contrast some different types of communities of practice. Describe how they would differ with respect to their goals.

Mgt403 E

Assignment Questions

Part 1. Answer in 500-600 Words. ( 7 Marks)

Read chapter 5 from the book and use other sources to answer the following questions.

  • Discuss the concept of Community of Practice. Describe the key components of a community of practice. (1.5 Marks)
  • Write a detailed note on: (2.5 Marks)
  • Compare and contrast some different types of communities of practice. Describe how they would differ with respect to their goals. (3 Marks)

I). Sociograms and Social network analysis.

II). Knowledge Sharing Communities.


Part 2. Read Chapter 7 and 9 from the book and answer the following questions. Answer in 500-600 Words. (6 Marks)

  • Discuss the following Knowledge management maturity models. (3 Marks)
  • What are the major steps involved in developing a KM strategy? What sorts of

I). Forrester group knowledge management maturity model.

II). Community of Practice Maturity model.

Information is needed in order to recommend a KM strategy to an organization. List the major categories of stakeholders who should be involved in the strategy formulation process. (3 Marks).

References:(2 Marks). 0 Mark for No references, Less than 5 References (1 Mark) More than 5 references 2 Marks.