
In an APA-style paper of 800–1,000 words, report both your list of emotions examined, the reason certain emotions were chosen, and report your experience using the formula during practice.

Effective Responding skills

You can communicate understanding using the following formula in your responses: “You feel…because…” For example, when responding to an employee’s core emotion you may say, “You feel angry because your hours were cut.”

Use 15–20 emotions that you feel you can identify as common emotions from this Web site.
With a partner (face-to-face if possible) practice the “You feel…because…” formula using your list of emotions.
To do this, 1 partner should attempt to mimic an emotion from the list, and the other should try to identify it.
If you cannot find a partner, you may use the Web site’s examples to complete your assignment.

In an APA-style paper of 800–1,000 words, report both your list of emotions examined, the reason certain emotions were chosen, and report your experience using the formula during practice. Also, report any errors in emotion identification that occurred during practice.

In an essay of no more than 300 words, describe the conceptual understanding of the body by 1) Classicist architecture, and 2) Modernist architecture.


This week’s assignment will require some speculation and also, an argument that turns a contemporary project into a future precedent.

In an essay of no more than 300 words, describe the conceptual understanding of the body by 1) Classicist architecture, and 2) Modernist architecture. You should derive that view and cite your source as an attribution in your text (i.e., “According to Colomina, ….(paraphrase)..” (footnote, page number). After describing the Classicist and the Modernist viewpoint, please speculate on what the conceptual understanding of the body will be in 2050. You should use some outside resource (an article in Wired, for example) to make your case for that conceptual understanding to occur in that near future. Finally, based on that near-future body, please use a current architectural project (last 10 years!) that you think is “leading” towards that future body. You will need to defend your choice using specific attributes of that building or scheme.


Address your recommendations and implications for clinical practice. Provide a summary of study and discuss any limitations of the study.

Recommendations and Conclusions

This part of your paper includes the summary of the project, main points and findings, the significance of the project to the advanced practice nursing profession, and recommendations for future research. Address the following:

Address your recommendations and implications for clinical practice.
Provide a summary of study and discuss any limitations of the study.
Suggest directions for future research.
Consider changes in theoretical constructs
Provide suggestions for public policy and/or changes in practice.
Tie the theoretical framework to the overall product.
Conclude with an overall wrap-up to the paper.

Your paper should be 4–5 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages. You must reference a minimum of two scholarly sources in your paper.

An effective job description covers the critical tasks and attitudes required for success. Create a format appropriate for a job description in the healthcare field.

Healthcare Administrator Job Description

Careers can be identified by what is required to accomplish the goals and tasks of the job.

You will analyze the descriptions of actual healthcare administration jobs to determine characteristics and then create a job description of your own to demonstrate your understanding of the characteristics.

Create a 3-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) in a Word or text document for your response.
Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
Create a title page and references page in APA format.
Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.

Part 1: Identifying and Defining
Knowing what is required for a job is an aspect of the job description.

Using a job search website, locate two different job descriptions related to one career in healthcare administration.
Analyze the characteristics in both descriptions.

Part 2: Create a Job Description
An effective job description covers the critical tasks and attitudes required for success.

Create a format appropriate for a job description in the healthcare field.
Group the characteristics by type, listing the requirements for each including: leadership skills, communication skills, and personal skills.
Be complete in your original description of the characteristics to ensure someone applying for the job would understand expectations.

Part 3: Reflection
As a conclusion for your paper, reflect on why this job might or might not be a good fit for you. Use what you learned from your research and the characteristics identified by Success Profiles, Inc., for effective healthcare leaders to discuss your suitability for the job:

Consider the impact information on a product’s supply chain might have in this context? Should, for example, a celebrity endorses a product if the product’s manufacturing depends upon a supply chain with negative impact on the environment, for example? Suppose the product itself relies upon ethical suppliers, but other products in the organization’s supply chain might not? Any change?

Discussion Assignment

For this assignment write at least 300 words answering the following.

Celebrities often contract to endorse a product. Should they use the product regularly, or even like the product before they are allowed to claim that they “endorse” the product?

If you were assigned to sell a product called “Sweet Treats” with the slogan, “so sweet, it will make you tweet,” but you thought the product tasted sour, and not at all sweet, what would you do?

Explore where the line is between harmlessly implying that someone is promoting a product, and someone dishonestly claiming that they genuinely believe the product is the best.

Consider the impact information on a product’s supply chain might have in this context? Should, for example, a celebrity endorses a product if the product’s manufacturing depends upon a supply chain with negative impact on the environment, for example? Suppose the product itself relies upon ethical suppliers, but other products in the organization’s supply chain might not? Any change?

What kind of variable was whether the subjects were Air Force personnel: manipulated independent, manipulated dependent, positive, criterion, predictor, constant? Explain.


You must answer each of the questions below, using complete sentences as well as proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and use of terminology. In other words, follow the writing rules given in the START HERE folder. Only use pronouns when it is absolutely clear the noun to which you are referring. Preserve the organization you see below. In other words, do not erase anything in black, but merely type (in black) your answers between the numbered questions. What you see in blue is the beginning of your suggested answer. You may simply convert it into black and edit those words, deleting or changing those that do not fit your answer.

-Entering the military can be a stressful challenge for young adults. Read this article about a program developed for Air Force recruits.


-If you need to review how to handle such a research study, watch this video again.


HINT: Get all of your definitions from the classnotes, terms list, or assigned videos, not from Wikipedia or some online dictionary.

1. How would you describe the subject(s) of this research? (You may mention constants but do not mention any variables.) [ 10 points ]

2. How would you describe Wingman-Connect? Explain. [ 10 points ]
 a form of delirium due to exposure to toxic chemicals
 a form of dementia due to repeated exposure to high altitude
 a form of depression due to military PTSD
 a training program for Air Force recruits
 an assessment protocol for vocational aptitude

3. What kind of variable was whether the subjects were Air Force personnel: manipulated independent, manipulated dependent, positive, criterion, predictor, constant? Explain. [ 10 points ]

4. Which cohort did the subjects belong to: Greatest, Baby Boomer, Millennial, GenQ? How did you figure this out? [ 10 points ]

5. After a month of training, what kind of variable was unit morale: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, positive, negative, spurious, unethical? Explain. [ 10 points ]

6. After a month of training, what kind of variable was depression: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, spurious, positive, negative? Explain. [ 10 points ]

7. After a month of training, what kind of variable was suicidal ideation: manipulated independent, criterion, constant, spurious? Explain. [ 10 points ]

8. What kind of variable was the sex of the subjects: manipulated independent, measured background factor, criterion, unethical, spurious, constant? Explain. [ 10 points ]

9. What kind of research was this: introspection, case study, survey, or experiment? Why? Hint: start with the correct definition. [ 10 points ]

10. Which one of these conclusions should you draw from this research? Why? [ 10 points ]
 null hypothesis
 spurious correlation
 low morale contributes to Wingman-Connect Syndrome
 Wingman-Connect reduced depression & suicidal ideation
 these data were not significant

Given that the profit per chair is $50 and that of a desk is $100. Determine the optimal production mix for the company by: a. Formulating the problem, b. Graphically solving it.


A furniture company manufactures desks and chairs. The sawing department cuts the lumber for both products, which is then sent to separate assembly departments. Assembled items are sent for finishing to the painting department. The daily capacity of the sawing department is 160 chairs or 80 desks. The chair assembly department can produce 100 chairs daily and the desk assembly department 50 desks daily. The paint department has a daily capacity of either 210 chairs or 140 desks.

Given that the profit per chair is $50 and that of a desk is $100. Determine the optimal production mix for the company by:
a. Formulating the problem
b. Graphically solving it

Utilizing your choice theory and the information from Chapter 8 in your text as well as at least 2 other sources; describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction.

Wk3 synthesis

Part 1: Research the sources of a substance abuse problem utilizing either Psychoanalytic, Behaviorist, or Social Control Theory to explain how one might acquire the characteristics which would eventually lead to a lifetime of addiction.

Part 2: For your chosen source theory, create a prevention program using what you have learned from that theory.

Part 3: Utilizing your choice theory and the information from Chapter 8 in your text as well as at least 2 other sources; describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction. In the final discussion section for this paper, note what factors are preventable as well as what factors may be helpful for a person to overcome addiction. Your summary section should include your own personal beliefs about the potential outcome for an addicted individual and what must occur in their lives in order to overcome addiction. See the Outline below for your paper:

Substance Abuse

Introduction to Substance Abuse and Addiction
Research on either psychoanalytic, Behavioral, or Social Control Theory as a source of addiction
Characteristics of an addicted person based on your theory
Description of a prevention program using what you have learned from the theory (How do we target at-risk individuals?)
Describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction. Include such issues as costs, social support, etc. Use the text and at least 2 other sources in your answer.
Discussion-note and discuss factors that are preventable as well as what factors may be helpful for a person to overcome addiction. (Can it happen, but how?)
Summary: personal beliefs about the potential outcome for an addicted individual and what must occur in their lives in order to overcome addiction.

Select an administrator in a healthcare setting (please use an example of a administrator in a Long Term Nursing Home Setting), and create a profile of the person either from an interview or personal knowledge.

Healthcare Leaders

Healthcare administrators work in many workplace settings.

Select an administrator in a healthcare setting (please use an example of a administrator in a Long Term Nursing Home Setting), and create a profile of the person either from an interview or personal knowledge.

In selecting the person, consider the following:

What healthcare setting are you personally interested in exploring? LTC nursing home
Who serves as a healthcare administrator in that particular setting? Justin Hinker
What makes that person a leader?
As an original response, share the profile of the healthcare administrator.

Describe the links, so that a parent or student could understand how to use the resource. Explain how you could use this strategy in a content area. Give an example of a subject and topic.

Final Assignment Spr. 23 Content Are Reading Strategies Review

From the list of content area reading strategies below, choose any 5 and complete the following tasks for each strategy:

Define the strategy. (If you use another source’s language, reference the source in the definition.)
Link to a resource that can be used with the strategy (resource guide, student tool, graphic organizer, etc.)

Describe the links, so that a parent or student could understand how to use the resource.
Explain how you could use this strategy in a content area. Give an example of a subject and topic.