
What is the righting reflex? What are two examples of the righting reflex? What is client discord and how is it different from resistance?

What is Motivational Interviewing

What is motivational interviewing (MI)?
What is the righting reflex? What are two examples of the righting reflex?
What is client discord and how is it different from resistance?
What is the spirit of MI? Briefly describe each domain.
What are the four processes of MI?
What are reflections? What are two types of reflections?
What are the core skills used in MI?
What is change talk and why is it important?

Review the directions and grading criteria (see below) for instructions on completing this assignment. Closely review the rubric (see below) that will be used to grade this assignment. All students are expected to adhere to Chamberlain University’s Academic Integrity Policy. All papers must conform to required elements (i.e., paper elements, format, organization) outlined in the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.

Why is a declaration of professional practices and procedures important? When should you be presenting this document, and with whom should you be sharing it?


Fill in the Declaration of Professional Practices and Procedures [DOCX] template with your information. You may make edits to the document to make it relevant to your experiences and practice. Keep in mind, this is a hypothetical example of what you should be using as a BCaBA or BCBA.

Upon completing and reviewing your declaration of professional practices and procedures, answer the following questions in a separate document.

Why is a declaration of professional practices and procedures important?
When should you be presenting this document, and with whom should you be sharing it?
How do you address cultural responsiveness and diversity in creating and delivering the declaration of professional practices and procedures? Why is this important to address specifically?
How does the declaration of professional practices and procedures relate to your ethical responsibilities to colleagues and to the profession of ABA?
How does the declaration of professional practices and procedures relate to your ethical responsibilities to your client and the family or those in the client’s support system?

Explain how well the writer summarizes the overall research conversation. Explain how the writer plans to enter that conversation. Provide a suggestion for improving the final paragraph or two, which should provide an overview of the topic and research conversation.

Peer Review & Self Review


1. Describe two strengths of the Annotated Bibliography.

2. Suggest two places where the Annotated Bibliography could be improved. Justify your rationale for each suggestion.

3. Explain how well the sources represent multiple perspectives on the topic. Justify your rationale for the evaluation. Provide a suggestion for including better sources or more points of view.

4. Explain how well the writer summarizes the overall research conversation. Explain how the writer plans to enter that conversation. Provide a suggestion for improving the final paragraph or two, which should provide an overview of the topic and research conversation.

5. Evaluate whether each annotation clearly summarizes the source, so that someone who has not read it will understand the main ideas. Justify your rationale. Identify whether summaries are neutral, fair, and accurate. If so, justify your rationale. If not, describe where you were confused or needed more information, or where the writer’s bias is apparent.

6. Identify whether the writer follows each article summary with an evaluation or assessment of the source. Evaluate whether the writer indicates how this source will be used in the argument essay. Justify your rationale. Provide a suggestion for improving the response/evaluation portion of the annotations, referring to specific sources as necessary.

7. Identify whether each annotation is preceded by an MLA-style works cited entry. Identify whether all relevant information is included. If not, indicate which entries need revision. If so, justify your rationale.

8. Answer the questions and respond to any concerns the writer identified in the Annotated Bibliography “Dear Reader” Letter. For your self-review, elaborate on how you wish to improve the paper.

As you self-discover processes in your organization, what is the top two items that are not working? Explain


As you self-discover processes in your organization, what is the top two items that are not working? Explain

An important part of building evidence-based practice is the development, refinement, and use of quality diagnostic tests and measures in research and practice. Discuss the role of sensitivity and specificity in accuracy of a screenings.

Discussion forum week 8

An important part of building evidence-based practice is the development, refinement, and use of quality diagnostic tests and measures in research and practice. Discuss the role of sensitivity and specificity in accuracy of a screenings.

Include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly references less than 5 years old

What are some of the objections to labeling children with disabilities? Why was Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) necessary to special education? What are the significant implications of P.L. 94-142, IDEA, Section 504 of P.L. 93-112, and the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Worksheet 7

Watch the following videos:

4. Answer Focus Your Cultural Lens questions p. 154. Be critical (3 pts)

5. Answer the following questions: (7 pts)

  1. What are some of the objections to labeling children with disabilities?
  2. Why was Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) necessary to special education?
  3. What are the significant implications of P.L. 94-142, IDEA, Section 504 of P.L. 93-112, and the Americans with Disabilities Act?
  4. How do individuals with disabilities sometimes become a part of an exceptional cultural group?
  5. Explain the difference between reporting placement special education classes by composition and risk.
  6. What are some of the needs of expectational children?
  7. What are the problems with providing full inclusion to all children with disabilities?

Describe and analyze both a patient’s and a healthcare professional’s blog to gain their perspectives.

Analyses: Patient & Professional Perspectives

Description: Understanding both patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives about health and healthcare delivery enhances our understanding how they communicate in health situations, why they interact as they do, and what motivates them to act on health messages. This is a two-part assignment where you will describe and analyze both a patient’s and a healthcare professional’s blog to gain their perspectives.


Step 1: Review Chs. 3-5 and select a blog authored by someone experiencing a chronic disease or other impactful health condition.

Option #1: Find a blog on your own. For patient blogs, for instance, perhaps you know someone who has used or Or try typing in a type of disease or condition in your search engine (ex. “cancer patient blog”). Whatever you choose, make sure that the blog gives sufficient information for you to complete the assignment. Remember that you are analyzing the words and experiences of a person or group of people, not an entire organization (like NarcAnon).

Option #2: OR, you may pick one from the list I’ve compiled below (I skimmed and they appear useful, if not always current). Just google the phrase below and you’ll reach the blog:

  • Wheelchair Kamikaze (Multiple Sclerosis, up to 2018)
  • Chris’s Cancer Community
  • LGBTeetotaler (addiction)
  • Sober Black Girls Club (group of contributors)
  • A Crack in the Wall (cancer)
  • The Tales of a Stroke Patient and More
  • Yoga for Diabetes
  • Breast Cancer…But Doctor, I Hate Pink!
  • (psoriasis)
  • I’m still Josh (HIV)


Step 2: Review the profile/background of the blogger. Then, select no more than 5 substantive blog entries from the past year that interest you and look for connections between those entries and Chs. 3-5. You may have to search more than 5 to find ones that you can write about.


Step 3: Write a brief analysis paper (APA format) using these content and format guidelines.

  • Biography [heading] Brief bio of the blogger for your introduction—personal background, credentials (if any), their vision or perspective on the blog’s purposes, is there an intended audience, etc.— 1 paragraph
  • Conceptual Links [heading] Select 2 concepts from Chs. 3-5 that you believe are present in the blog entries. First, describe the chapter concept in your own words. Then, explain how the concept is present in the blog entry. Give examples. Brief quotes are okay. Repeat the process for the second concept you pick.
  • Critique [heading] Evaluate the blog’s content. Some topics to consider (don’t have to answer all): quality of information, compelling communication of ideas (keeps your interest), attractiveness of layout, helpful additional features (photos, links to websites, digital images, etc.), what you liked/disliked. Explain your opinions. End your critique with whether or not you would recommend this blog to someone interested in learning about health or health communication and why.

Force F in rectangular x-y components is given by F = -26i + 13j [N]. Determine the non-rectangular components of F in the y- and h-directions in N. Enter the y-component.

Force systems

Force F in rectangular x-y components is given by F = -26i + 13j [N]. Determine the non-rectangular components of F in the y- and h-directions in N. Enter the y-component.

Can you tell whether the statement was prepared using: (a) the direct or indirect method; (b) IFRS or some other set of GAAP? What are the major sources of cash? What are the major uses of cash?

Read the case and answer the questions about cash flows (statements)


Read the case and answer the questions about the statements

1. Can you tell whether the statement was prepared using: (a) the direct or indirect method; (b) IFRS or some other set of GAAP?

2. What are the major sources of cash? What are the major uses of cash?

3. Were operating cash flows greater than, or less than, accrual net income (or loss)?

What are the principal items giving rise to the differences between these two figures?

4. Did the entity generate enough cash from operations to cover their capital expenditures? Were cash flows from operations sufficient to cover both capex and dividend payments to shareholders? If so, what did the company do with its excess free cash flow? If not, where did the company obtain the cash used to pay for its capex and dividends?

5. Does capex exceed depreciation and amortization? What, if any, economic insights are you able to glean from this comparison?

6. Were working capital accounts (i. E., current assets and liabilities), other than cash and cash equivalents, mainly sources or uses of cash?

7. Was the company a net borrower or a net repayer of debt?

8. Did any other major items affect cash flows?

Explain the issue and the context of the issue. Identify for whom this issue is important and what the various sides of the issue are.

English Question

After you have identified your issue, written your linked questions, and spent some time researching and thinking about your topic during the Exploratory Essay stage, you need to start planning your Researched Argument paper. Your argument plan will include:

  • A position statement
  • Rhetorical context analysis
  • Audience analysis
  • A claim
  • A few reasons supporting the claim
  • optional other elements* see below

Rhetorical Context: Explain the issue and the context of the issue. You may want to identify for whom this issue is important and what the various sides of the issue are.

Audience Analysis: Determine who the target audience for your argument is. Your target audience is your choice, so you should spend some time thinking about who they are and how you can reach them. You should think about the unstated assumptions, beliefs, attitudes and values of this audience.