
A uniform rod of length 5m and weight 20N is supported at 1 metre mark and at the 4 metre mark.A painter of weight 750N stands at 3 metre mark.Calculate the reaction at each support.

Moment of force

A uniform rod of length 5m and weight 20N is supported at 1 metre mark and at the 4 metre mark.A painter of weight 750N stands at 3 metre mark.Calculate the reaction at each support.

What is the inode number of the home directory? List two websites that the user had bookmarked on 1-7-2009. What mail client does the user have? Did the user have any mail in their inbox? If yes, what is the subject line of the email?

Virtual Computing Lab

Questions to answer:
1. What is the operating system (be specific include the distribution) of this disk image? What is the file system?

2. This particular file system has what are called inodes. What is an inode? What information do inodes store?

3. What is the inode number of the home directory?

4. List two websites that the user had bookmarked on 172009.

5. What mail client does the user have?

6. Did the user have any mail in their inbox? If yes, what is the subject line of the email?

7. Find a document from Karen S. Evans about the planning guidance for Trusted Internet Connections (TIC). Who is the memorandum for? How many pages is the document?

8. Based on all of the documents and data on the users computer, what can you surmise the user was trying to do?

9. Do you think this person was acting honestly or committing a crime? How did you come to this conclusion?

Create the tables for the database and Chapter 4 instructs you to add the constraints. Use SQL Developer to write a single script that accomplishes both tasks.

Oracle 12c:sql chapter 3, end of chapter, case study: city jail exercise 01

This week’s lab is to complete the City Jail tasks described at the end of chapters 3 and 4.

The ERD (CityJailERD.pdf) for Lab 1 is provided in the Learning Activities of Module 4. You can use this ERD to create tables in the database. But before you start, compare the ERD with yours in Lab 1, and make sure you understand what entities are included and relationships among the entities. Then use CityJail_4Data.sql provided to insert data into the database.

Note that Chapter 3 has two parts: Section A and Section B.

Chapter 3, Section A asks you to create the tables for the database and Chapter 4 instructs you to add the constraints. You do not need to do this as a 2-step process. Use SQL Developer to write a single script that accomplishes both tasks. Then write a second script that performs the tasks outlined in Chapter 3, Section B on page 98.

Explain global supply chain quality six-sigma, just in time, the Pareto, total quality management, and Business Process Enterprises approaches in about 250 words – with about 4 references in APA Format.


Explain global supply chain quality six-sigma, just in time, the Pareto, total quality management, and Business Process Enterprises approaches in about 250 words – with about 4 references in APA Format.

Review the Wisconsin Early Model Learning Standards’ domains to find which sub-domain your goal, objective, and activity will fit under. Write a brief reflection about why you selected this sub-domain.

Module 04 Content


For this assignment, you will explore Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) goals, learning objectives, and activities. You will select goals for a group of children, write learning objectives to meet the goals, and plan activities that will support the learning objectives and the goals. For this assignment you will use the Wisconsin’s Early Model Learning Standards.


You will create a chart to demonstrate an understanding of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) goals, learning objectives, and activities for one age group – either Infant/Toddler or Preschool. You may use the templates provided (in Additional Resources) or you may create your own.Step 1: Goals

Select one age group – either Infant/Toddler or Preschool.

You will write two goals that are DAP for each of the five domains, creating a total of ten goals.

Step 2: Learning Objectives

  • For each goal, write one developmentally appropriate learning objective that supports each goal.
  • Each learning objective must be measurable, include conditions for the objective to be met, and include criterion for acceptable performance. You will have a total of 10 objectives.

Step 3: Activities

Plan a developmentally appropriate activity that supports both the goal and the learning objective. You will have 10 activities.

Include the following for each activity:

  • Title of activity
  • Length of the activity
  • Brief, detailed description explanation how to do the activity.

Step 4: Domain and Sub-Domain Reflection

Review the Wisconsin Early Model Learning Standards’ domains to find which sub-domain your goal, objective, and activity will fit under.

Write a brief reflection about why you selected this sub-domain.

All work should be formatted professionally and use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Describe your client to a public audience Outline your client’s orientation and commitment to sustainability Create a clear picture of what your client has done or is doing so that, later on, you can point to the gap where your team and project idea fit in.

INDIVIDUAL Client Research

Reasoning and Required Information

  • All communication artifact submissions must be accompanied by this Logic Form, which describes your reasoning and will appear at the beginning of your assignment submission.
  • All communication artifacts must be developed with your audience, The General Public, at the forefront of your choices.
  • All communication artifacts are expected to be engaging and thoughtful.
  • All communication artifacts must be clear, easy to read, and easy to see (e.g., no images or text should be too small to see/read at regular viewing/engagement parameters for the given artifact)
  • All communication artifacts must be developed according to the parameters of the artifact
    • For example, a handout must be developed in a way that makes sense for being physically held, read, and handed out.
    • For example, an infographic created with the intention of printing it as a poster must be developed in a way that makes sense for being hung and viewed in public areas; an infographic created to live online must be developed in a way that makes sense for online engagement, scrolling, linking, animations, etc.
  • All communication artifacts must include references, and links when appropriate
    • References may be in whatever style you choose (e.g., MLA, APA, IEEE) as long as you are consistent.
  • All communication artifacts must fulfill all of the required aspects described in the “Purpose” section above, as well as listed below:
        1. Demonstrate a clear understanding of your client, including:
          • Background and History
          • Purpose, Goals, and Values
          • Demographic Makeup
          • Commitment to Sustainability
            • E.g., past, current, or planned projects, public statements, pledges, actions, etc.
        2. Describe your client to a public audience
        3. Outline your client’s orientation and commitment to sustainability
        4. Create a clear picture of what your client has done or is doing so that, later on, you can point to the gap where your team and project idea fit in.

Write a detailed journal entry in which you narrate one of the experiences Bradford describes but from another Pilgrims point of view.


In 1620, Englishman William Bradford traveled to the New World (America) in search of religious freedom from the church of England. His narrative, Of Plymouth Plantation, describes the voyage with fellow Puritans on the Mayflower and their subsequent encounters with Native Americans.

Write a detailed journal entry in which you narrate one of the experiences Bradford describes but from another Pilgrims point of view.

Provide an overview of the organization that will be delivered to senior management, defining the business goals and objectives and the size, layout, and structure of the organization.

Disaster Recovery Plan

In recent years, organizations have witnessed the impact of effective and ineffective business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans. In today’s environment, with significant potential natural disasters, terrorist threats, and other man-made threats, it is critical that organizations develop effective business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans. Select an organization that you are familiar with, such as where you currently or previously have worked, contact a local organization, or search on the Internet for the needed detail of an organization that interests you. Prepare a disaster recovery plan policy for that organization.

This assignment consists of two parts: a written paper and a PowerPoint presentation. You must submit both parts as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. You can make all assumptions needed to complete this assignment.

Part 1: Written Paper
Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:

Provide an overview of the organization that will be delivered to senior management, defining the business goals and objectives and the size, layout, and structure of the organization.
Include a diagram of the organization’s network architecture and the proposed network architecture of an alternate computing facility in the event of a disaster (or the actual network architecture of the alternate computing facility if one already exists) using the graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open-source alternative such as Dia.
Include charts or diagrams created in MS Visio or Dia as an appendix of the infrastructure document. All references to these diagrams must be included in the body of the infrastructure document.
Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

Develop the DRP policy, including:

  • Disaster declaration.
  • Assessment of security.
  • Potential disaster scenarios and methods of dealing with the disaster.
  • Disaster recovery procedures.

Develop an incident response team (IRT) charter that includes the following sections:

  • Executive summary.
  • Mission statement.
  • Incident declaration.
  • Organizational structure.
  • Roles and responsibilities.
  • Information flow and methods of communication.
  • Methods and services provided by the IRT.
  • Authority and reporting procedures.

Part 2: PowerPoint Presentation
Use Microsoft PowerPoint create a 12–14 content slide presentation that will be presented to the organization’s management, in which you:

Summarize the main elements of the DRP policy and IRT charter as specified.
Include introductory and concluding slides.

Describe the investigation you selected. What is the problem about? What given information have you been provided? What kind of solution are you expecting? What else might be relevant to consider in your problem situation?

Final Assessment

A 4-6 page paper in APA format with the four distinct sections detailed below for any of the investigations you select, following the guidelines for completing the paper completely.

Step ONE: Introduction (1 page)
Describe the investigation you selected. What is the problem about? What given information have you been provided? What kind of solution are you expecting? What else might be relevant to consider in your problem situation?

Step TWO: Using Mathematics (1 page)
Any ‘plan’ for solving your problem should require using mathematics. What is the mathematics that is appropriate to use for your particular problem? What should be the ‘plan’ for solving the problem using that mathematics? Are there different approaches for how to solve the problem? If so, why did you take the one you chose?

Step THREE: Calculations (1-2 pages)
Effective communication requires organizing the calculations in such a way that the ‘plan’ is evident. This would include the narrative discussing the calculations, as well as the calculations themselves. For readability, individual portions of this section can be placed in an Appendix if it is also organized and supports the ‘plan’ by presenting it that way.

Step FOUR: Solution and Recommendations (1 page)
What solution did you find? How confident are you about the answer? If possible, how accurate is your answer, and how do you know? If there is another approach that could be used, would you get a better answer? Based on the work you’ve done, what recommendation are you making about the problem you described.

When the Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts a survey, it begins by partitioning the U.S. adult population into 2007 groups called primary sampling units. Assume that these primary sampling units all contain the same number of adults. If you randomly select one adult from each primary sampling unit, is the result a simple random sample? Why or why not? If it is not a simple random sample, what type of sample is it?

Simple random sample

Answer each question individually.

a. What is a simple random sample?

b. When the Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts a survey, it begins by partitioning the U.S. adult population into 2007 groups called primary sampling units. Assume that these primary sampling units all contain the same number of adults. If you randomly select one adult from each primary sampling unit, is the result a simple random sample? Why or why not? If it is not a simple random sample, what type of sample is it?

c. Refer to the primary sampling units described in part (b) and describe a sampling plan that results in a simple random sample