
Karl Marx argues that commodities have become “fetishized.” What does he mean by this? How does this relate to other aspects of his worldview (e.g. ideology, “superstructure,” etc.)? Lastly, what does it have to do with pop culture?

Popular Culture

Instructions: Your exam should be typed (12 point font, double spaced, normal font and margins). Your exam should be 3-4 pages long. (Anything longer than this will NOT be read).

Your essays should be well organized and clear. You WILL be penalized for significant spelling or grammatical issues. You should take care to answer ALL parts of the question. You are required to draw upon evidence from readings and lecture. You MUST cite your sources. A simple parenthetical notation is sufficient. Examples: (Davidson, p. 25), (Lecture, Oct. 13).

You must answer ONE of the questions below. The exam is due uploaded to CANVAS by 11:59pm, SUNDAY, March 5th. (Please clearly label which number question you are answering.)

  1. The Functionalist approach sees pop culture as a potentially unifying social force. From this perspective, people are seen as coming together around their appreciation for pop culture. We take part in collective “rituals” which produce a kind of collective joy and unity (“collective effervescence”) that is necessary for solidarity in societies that are often divided. Critical Theorists, on the other hand, see popular culture as a potential source of social control. Following Gramsci, and informed by the history of European fascism, they see pop culture as either a) distraction of the masses from the nature of their oppression or b) a combination of coercion and consent that could (re)produce fascism. They emphasize the mindlessness, emotion and joyfulness alongside a disturbing anti-intellectualism. Using specific evidence/ examples and detail from lecture and readings, write an essay in which you detail a) the functionalists’ approach to pop culture, b) the critical theorists’ approach to pop culture and c) which you find more compelling/ convincing and why.


  1. There is a fundamental divide in debates about pop culture. On one side, there are those who argue that pop culture opens up a space for more freedom. We are able to produce our own content and express our individuality more freely by circumventing “gatekeepers”. They also argue that diversity is a hallmark of pop culture which is constantly hybridizing, inventing and producing new forms of culture. On the other side are those who argue that pop culture is increasingly controlled by fewer, massive media conglomerates thereby limiting diversity of opinion, thought and culture. Using specific evidence/ examples and detail from lecture and readings, write an essay in which you detail each of these perspectives as well as which you find more compelling/ convincing and why.


  1. Karl Marx argues that commodities have become “fetishized.” What does he mean by this? How does this relate to other aspects of his worldview (e.g. ideology, “superstructure,” etc.)? Lastly, what does it have to do with pop culture?


  1. Numerous scholars of pop culture have argued that there is a difference between “high(brow)” culture and “low(brow)” culture (or pop culture). They (e.g. critical theorists) sometimes argue that pop culture is necessarily oppressive and of poor quality. Raymond Williams resists these conceptions of culture and posits his own conception of pop culture. How does Raymond Williams understand culture in general and pop culture, in particular? What makes culture “good” or “bad” for Raymond Williams?






Describe the possible role of the nutrient in cancer. Can the nutrient help prevent cancer? If so, how? Should people already diagnosed with cancer take the nutrient? Why or why not?

Nutrient: Antioxidans

 In your own words answer the following questions in 2-6 sentences:

  1. Describe the possible role of the nutrient in cancer.
  2. Can the nutrient help prevent cancer? If so, how?
  3. Should people already diagnosed with cancer take the nutrient? Why or why not?
  4. Can the nutrient be used as a cancer treatment? Explain
  5. Compare a scientific reference and a questionable website for claims in regards to cancer and this nutrient.

Create several procedures to accept product number and produce the following result a. Procedure Get_Product_Num_Cust.

My SQL Question

This assignment consisted of three parts.

Part 1: Using OES4 database, redo the following two queries (you did them in assignment 4) with PL/SQL:

  1. List number of orders for each state with their total purchase (SUBTOTAL), total shipping charge, total tax, and total purchases (there are 15 branches)
  2. List number of customers with their total purchases (SUBTOTAL), total shipping charge, total tax, and overall total purchases.
  3. List TOP 25% of employees (employee number, employee last name) based on total net sales ( their total subtotal – their total amount returned)
  4. List all product categories and total amount of products sold for each category for every year


Part2: Using OES4, answer the following queries with stored procedures

4 Create several procedures to accept product number and produce the following result  a. Procedure Get_Product_Num_Cust.

  1. Procedure Get_ Product_Cust_Purchases
  2. Procedure Get_product_Num_orders

5 Develop a driver program to call all the 5 above procedures and produce the following report  Note: Net sales=Total_sales_amount – total_return_amount

Part3: Using OES4, answer the following queries with user defined functions

  1. Create several user defined functions to accept product number and produce the following result a. Function Get_Product_Num_Cust
  2. Function Get_ Product_Cust_Purchases
  3. Function Get_product_Num_orders
  4. Develop SQL program to call these UDFs

1. A notepad document to hold all queries, SQL code, and result


Review others’ posts and substantively respond to at least 1 of your course colleagues in at least 150 words. What are the early theorists’ suggestions on formulating purpose statements?

Problem and Purpose Statement

Discussion 1

Complete the Problem Statement Worksheet to prepare for making revisions.

Based on the work that you completed in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design, and on your completed Problem Statement and Worksheet, review and revise your problem statement. Remember this is a fluid process and you should expect some suggestions for fine-tuning your problem statement.

For the peer review:

  • State your program of study.
  • Post your revised draft problem statement for peer review.

    Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least 1 in a minimum of 150 words. What are the theorists’ suggestions on formulating problem statements? Use peer-reviewed literature in the University Library and the Learning Activities folder to substantiate your discussions.

Discussion 2

Complete the Purpose Statement Worksheet to prepare for making revisions.

Based on the work that you completed in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design, and on the completion of the Purpose Statement Worksheet, review and revise your purpose statement. Remember this is a fluid process and you should expect some suggestions for fine-tuning your purpose statement.

For the peer review:

  • State your program of study.
  • Post your revised draft problem statement from Wk 6 Discussion 1 – Problem Statement Peer Review.
  • Post your revised draft 1-sentence purpose statement for peer review.
  • Include a description of the population by discussing the criteria for selecting the study participants and describe the sample size and the rationale for the sample size. If the study will include archival data, briefly explain the proposed data sources.
  • Review others’ posts and substantively respond to at least 1 of your course colleagues in at least 150 words. What are the early theorists’ suggestions on formulating purpose statements? Use peer-reviewed literature in the University Library and the Learning Activities folder to substantiate your discussions.


VisitCDS Central and:

  • Download the College of Doctoral Studies Dissertation Guide and Alignment Handbook located in the “Tools for Success” section.
  • Read pp. 44–46, “Doctoral Phase I: The Prospectus.”

Review the Prospectus Guide.

Create a completed problem statement and purpose statement using the information you entered in your Problem Statement Worksheet in the Wk 6 Discussion 1 – Problem Statement, the information you entered in the Purpose Statement Worksheet in the Wk 6 Discussion 2 – Purpose Statement, and from the feedback received from the peer reviews.

Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs. Provide an example integrating concepts from the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” located in Class Resources.

Elimination complexity

Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs. Provide an example integrating concepts from the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” located in Class Resources.

Use 3 principles from the other article on Men + Depression to provide insight to the writer’s story.

Man and mental health distress

Read through the short essay regarding Men’s depression + stigma.

Use 3 principles from the other article on Men + Depression to provide insight to the writer’s story.


In corn plants, the allele for green kernels (G) is dominant over clear kernels (g). A homozygous dominant plant is crossed with a homozygous recessive plant. The parental genotypes are provided for you. Determine the genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation by filling in the Punnett square, then answer the questions by placing the letter of your answer in the answer blank to the right of the question.

Unit II Assignment—Genetics Worksheet

Solving Punnett Squares

Reginald Punnett was a British geneticist who developed the Punnett square to explain how the chromosomes of parents cross and produce offspring. To solve genetics problems using a Punnett square, it is necessary to a) understand the associated vocabulary and b) understand some of the rules for solving the problems.

• Before you continue with the problems below, review the meaning of the terms allele, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype and phenotype.

• You also should review the Punnett Square Basics video linked in the unit lesson.

Instructions: Answer the Punnett square questions below by placing the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided.

The genotypic ratio will be expressed using the alleles given in each scenario (e.g., 50% Gg : 50% gg). The phenotypic ratio will use descriptive terms, e.g., 3 (Green) : 1 (clear), 2 (Green) : 2 (clear), depending on the results of your cross. Be sure not to confuse the two ratios.

Punnett Square Problems

Question 1. In corn plants, the allele for green kernels (G) is dominant over clear kernels (g). A homozygous dominant plant is crossed with a homozygous recessive plant. The parental genotypes are provided for you.

Determine the genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation by filling in the Punnett square, then answer the questions by placing the letter of your answer in the answer blank to the right of the question.

Key: G = green kernels, g = clear kernels

Genotype of parents: _GG_ x _gg_

a) Complete the table below. (4 pts.)

g g

b) What is the genotypic ratio of the offspring in Question 1? (4 pts.) Answer: ______
a) 50% Gg : 50% gg
b) 100% Gg
c) 25% GG : 50% Gg : 25% gg
d) 100% Green

c) What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring in Question 1? (4 pts.) Answer: ______

a) 50% Green : 50% Yellow
b) 100% Light Green
c) 25% GG : 50% Gg : 25% gg
d) 100% Green

d) The F1 generation of the cross in Question 1 are all _____. (4 pts.) Answer: ______
a) Homozygous dominant
b) Heterozygous dominant
c) Heterozygous
d) Recessive


Question 2: Green seeds are dominant over yellow seeds in pea plants. Cross a heterozygous (green seeded) plant with a yellow seeded plant. The parental genotypes are provided for you.

Determine the genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation by filling in the Punnett square, then answer the questions below.

Key: G = green seeds and g = yellow seeds

Genotype of parents: Gg x gg

a) Complete the table below. (4 pts.)

g g

b) What is the genotypic ratio of the offspring in Question 2? (4 pts.) Answer: ______
a) 75% Yellow : 25 % Green
b) 75% Gg : 25% gg
c) 50% Gg : 50% gg
d) 35% Green : 65% Yellow

c) What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring in Question 2? (4 pts.) Answer: ______
a) 75% Yellow : 25 % Green
b) 75% Gg : 25% gg
c) 50% Green : 50% Yellow
d) 35% Green : 65% Yellow

d) The yellow-seeded offspring from the cross in Question 2 are _____ (4 pts.). Answer: _____
a) Homozygous dominant
b) Dominant
c) Homozygous recessive
d) Heterozygous


Question 3: Now cross two of the heterozygous F1 offspring from Question 2.

a) Complete the table below. (4 pts.)

G g

b) What is the genotypic ratio of the offspring in Question 3? (4 pts.) Answer: _______
a) 75% Yellow : 25 % Green
b) 75% Gg : 25% gg
c) 50 Gg : 50% gg
d) 25% GG : 50% Gg : 25% gg

c) What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring in Question 3? (4 pts.) Answer: _______
a) 75% Green : 25% Yellow
b) 75% Yellow : 25% Green
c) 50% Green : 50% Yellow
d) 100% Green

Question 4: Consider the resulting genotypic ratio of crossing the two heterozygous pea plants in Question 3. We will use this ratio in a short activity exploring probability. Keep in mind crossing two individuals that are heterozygous for a certain trait is similar to flipping two coins. Each coin has two sides (we might think of each side as an “allele”) and the chances of flipping heads/heads, heads/tails, or tails/tails should be similar to the ratio we see when crossing two heterozygotes.

For this simple activity, you will need two coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, or a mix). Alternatively, you may use Google to find a coin-flipper simulator that will allow you to flip two coins at once. You also will need a piece of scratch paper and a pen or pencil or a blank electronic document.

Directions: Flip the two coins simultaneously at least 50 times. For each flip of the pair of coins, you will record the results on a piece of scratch paper or electronic document. You might set up a table like the one below to record your results. Once you have flipped the coins at least 50 times, enter the number of heads/heads, heads/tails, and tails/tails in Table 1 below, which is part “a” of question 4.

Now determine the ratio for your results. You will do this by dividing the number for each result by the total number of flips, and then multiply by 100. Don’t forget to show your work!

(Example: If the number of heads/heads is 9 then 9/50 = 0.18, 0.18×100 = 18%), Repeat this mathematical procedure for heads/tails and tails/tails); be sure to include your math in the table!


a.) Table 1 (12 pts.)
Heads/heads (hh)
Head/tails (ht)
Tails/tails (tt)
Ratio (hh:ht:tt)

b.) Compare the resulting ratio from the Question 3 cross of two heterozygous parents to the ratio from the coin flipping exercise. Are there similarities? If so, what are they? Enter answer in the box below. (4 pts.)




Cancer Risk Factors

5. This question discusses cancer and risk factors. Begin by going to the website

Click “Cancer A-Z” in the upper-left corner. The page that comes up will provide links to information on breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and skin cancer. Review the information for each these cancers.

Next, write an essay that discusses your own risk factors for each type of cancer and steps you might take to decrease those risk factors. Be sure to address all five types of cancer.

You do not have to disclose any actual personal information if you do not wish to do so. You may create a fictional character and discuss his or her risk factors instead. Be sure to address all five types of cancer.

Your response must be at least 300 words in length, and it must be in your own words. Citations are strongly encouraged. (Type your response below) (40 pts.)


What were the physical and emotional signs that subject experienced (if any)? How was the pregnancy verified? How long did subject wait to confirm pregnancy?

Pregnancy and Birth Interview

Purpose of this interview is to understand the importance of prenatal development and the birth experiences (Chapters 2 & 3). This period of the human lifespan sets the stage for all development that follows.  Ask the individual questions that help you learn about the following aspects of pregnancy and childbirth (note: not all questions may relate):

  1. Planning for Pregnancy: What, if anything, did the subject do in anticipation of getting pregnant?  If it was not planned, what was that like for the woman?
  2. Confirming Pregnancy: What were the physical and emotional signs that subject experienced (if any)? How was the pregnancy verified? How long did subject wait to confirm pregnancy?
  3. Prenatal Care: How much prenatal care did the individual receive?  How was an obstetrician/midwife chosen (if chosen)?  How far along in pregnancy was it when subject first saw the midwife/doctor?  Any special tests?  Advice given by medical personnel regarding: Diet? Weight gain? Exercise? Stress? Teratogens?
  4. Family’s Reaction and Advice: How does the subject’s family culture view pregnancy and treat the expectant mother? Did she receive support from father of baby or other individual(s)/partner? What was that like?
  5. Changes in Subject’s Life: What was it like to be pregnant?  To wear maternity clothes?  Physical health?  Eating? Emotions and attitudes? Learning about pregnancy and childbirth? Gathering equipment and clothes for the baby? How comfortable or uncomfortable was pregnancy?  Any surprises?
  6. Delivery Plan: Did the individual have a plan? Why or why not?  What was the plan?  Did the individual take a tour?  What kind of birthing facility? Childbirth classes? Labor coach? Doula?
  7. Labor: What were the physical signs that labor was starting (if labor was experienced)? How long was first stage of labor (if experienced)? What kind of medication (if used)? What kind of delivery (vaginal, C-section)? Who was present? Complications?  Anything unexpected?  What helped during this part of the experience?
  8. Baby’s Condition at Birth: What was the baby like after birth? Any problems?  Size of baby? What tests were done on the baby?  Any special care for the baby?
  9. Bonding with Baby: Subject’s feelings immediately after birth about the baby?  Who cut the baby’s umbilical cord? What was feeding and caring for the baby like right after birth? Did she feel competent to cope with motherhood? Any baby blues or postpartum depression?  What support occurred after birth?

NOTE: If a father or other partner is available to interview with the woman for this assignment, you are welcome to get that individual’s perspective.  This is not a requirement as there are many different kinds of pregnancies, families, and experiences.

What were the physical and emotional signs that subject experienced (if any)? How was the pregnancy verified? How long did subject wait to confirm pregnancy?

Pregnancy and Birth Interview Questions for Note Taking

This purpose of this interview is to understand the importance of prenatal development and the birth experiences (Chapters 2 & 3). This period of the human lifespan sets the stage for all development that follows.  Ask the individual questions that help you learn about the following aspects of pregnancy and childbirth (note: not all questions may relate):

  1. Planning for pregnancy:
    1. What, if anything, did the subject do in anticipation of getting pregnant?
    2. If it was not planned, what was that like for the woman?
  1. Confirming Pregnancy:
    1. What were the physical and emotional signs that subject experienced (if any)?
    2. How was the pregnancy verified?
    3. How long did subject wait to confirm pregnancy?
  2. Prenatal Care:
    1. How much prenatal care did the individual receive?
    2. How was an obstetrician/midwife chosen (if chosen)?
    3. How far along in pregnancy was it when subject first saw the midwife/doctor?
    4. Any special tests?
    5. Advice given by medical personnel regarding:
  1. Diet?
  2. Weight gain?
  • Exercise?
  1. Stress?
  2. Teratogens?
  1. Family’s Reaction and Advice:
    1. How does the subject’s family culture view pregnancy and treat the expectant mother?
    2. Did she receive support from father of baby or other individual(s)/partner?
    3. What was that like?
  2. Changes in Subject’s Life:
    1. What was it like to be pregnant?
    2. To wear maternity clothes?
    3. Physical health?
    4. Eating?
    5. Emotions and attitudes?
    6. Learning about pregnancy and childbirth?
    7. Gathering equipment and clothes for the baby?
    8. How comfortable or uncomfortable was pregnancy?
    9. Any surprises?
  3. Delivery Plan:
    1. Did the individual have a plan?
    2. Why or why not?
    3. What was the plan?
    4. Did the individual take a tour?
    5. What kind of birthing facility?
    6. Childbirth classes?
    7. Labor coach?
    8. Doula?
  4. Labor:
    1. What were the physical signs that labor was starting (if labor was experienced)?
    2. How long was first stage of labor (if experienced)?
    3. What kind of medication (if used)?
    4. What kind of delivery (vaginal, C-section)?
    5. Who was present?
    6. Complications?
    7. Anything unexpected?
    8. What helped during this part of the experience?
  5. Baby’s Condition at Birth:
    1. What was the baby like after birth?
    2. Any problems?
    3. Size of baby?
    4. What tests were done on the baby?
    5. Any special care for the baby?
  6. Bonding with Baby:
    1. Subject’s feelings immediately after birth about the baby?
    2. Who cut the baby’s umbilical cord?
    3. What was feeding and caring for the baby like right after birth?
    4. Did she feel competent to cope with motherhood?
    5. Any baby blues or postpartum depression?
    6. What support occurred after birth?

NOTE: If a father or other partner is available to interview with the woman for this assignment, you are welcome to get that individual’s perspective.  This is not a requirement as there are many different kinds of pregnancies, families, and experiences.


Compare the result obtained in part 3 with the first 20 samples of the analytical ZSR obtained in part 2. You can plot the difference between two signals. It should be a signal with very small samples.

TimeDomain Analysis of DiscreteTime Systems

1. Use the function “impz” in MATLAB to find the first 20 samples of the impulse response of the following system:

]1[2][]2[4][ =+ nxnxnyny

Verify that the impulse response of the above system is (plot the result obtained from “impz” and the first 20 samples of in two subplots on the same window).

2. Analytically (without MATLAB) calculate the zerostate response (ZSR) of the system to the input . The zerostate response is

3. Find the first 20 samples of the ZSR of the above system to the input (step response) using MATLAB (you may use “filter” or “stepz” functions in MATLAB).

4. Compare the result obtained in part 3 with the first 20 samples of the analytical ZSR obtained in part 2. You can plot the difference between two signals. It should be a signal with very small samples.