
Analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy Inc. scenario to provide high-level assumptions about the design of the network.

Milestone Two: Current Network Architecture

For the second milestone, you will analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy Inc. scenario to provide high-level assumptions about the design of the network.

Calculate the probability that Boston Celtics will win the series. Construct a probability distribution for your net win (X) in the series. Calculate your expected net win (E(X)) and the standard deviation of X.

One Entry Level Statistics Task

Suppose that Boston Celtics and Miami Heat (two American NBA teams) are scheduled to play a best of three (3) series. The winner of the series will be the first team that wins two of the three games. The probability that Boston Celtics wins a game in their home stadium (@TD Garden) is 0.63 and the probability that Miami Heat wins their home game (@MiamiDade Arena) is 0.61. Next, suppose that you place a bet on each game played where you win $100 if Boston Celtics win and you lose $103 if Boston Celtics lose the game.

In parts 14 below, assume that the outcomes of the games are independent of each other.

Part 1:
If the first game is played in Miami, the second game is played in Boston, and the third game (if it becomes necessary) is in Miami, then complete parts (i)(v) below.

(i) Calculate the probability that Boston Celtics will win the series.

(ii) Construct a probability distribution for your net win (X) in the series. Calculate your expected net win (E(X)) and the standard deviation of X.

(iii) Use Excel or R to create 2,500 random values for X. Let these random values be denoted by Y. Use these Y values to estimate your expected net win by using a 90% confidence interval. Does this confidence interval contain the E(X) in (ii)?

(iv) Construct a frequency distribution for Y. Next, use the Chisquare goodness of fit test to verify how closely the distribution of Y has estimated the distribution of X.

(v) Use your observations in parts (ii) and (iii) above to describe whether your betting strategy is favorable to you. Write a summary of your observations and analyses in the Word document.

Part 2:

Repeat part 1 above but assume that the first game is played in Boston, the second game is played in Miami, and the third game (if it becomes necessary) is in Boston.

Part 3:
Repeat part 1 above but now assume that the series is a best of five (5) series where the first team that win three games will win the series with games alternating between Boston and Miami, with the first game being played in Miami.

Part 4:
Repeat part 1 above but now assume both teams will play in the 2025 NBA Finals. The series is a best of seven (7) series where the first team that win four games will win the series. The team with homecourt advantage hosts games 2, 3, 5, and 6, while the opponent hosts games 1, 4, and 7. Let’s assume Boston Celtics has the homecourt advantage against Miami Heat.

Hint: You can use R or Python(Jupyter Notebook) to solve Part 4.

Write a 2,500-word paper (minimum) that presents a customized learning theory for Keven.

Education & Teaching Question

Write a 2,500-word paper (minimum) that presents a customized learning theory for Keven.

Research and discuss basic Prevention Theories and their importance to social work practice. Prevention vs Intervention.

Basic Prevention Theories

Research and discuss basic Prevention Theories and their importance to social work practice. Prevention vs Intervention.

Why is having a diverse workforce deemed to deliver financial benefits for an organization? How can an organization create an inclusive workforce via HRM initiatives and activities?

Week 6: Topic 5 Employee Relations, Employee Engagement & Diversity Management

Tutorial — Feb 23″ Evaluating Diversity Management

  • McKinsey “Delivering through Diversity” (2018). Available at: https: //www. mcki nsey. comfbusiness-functi ons/organizati on/our-insights/delivering-through-diversity Untattoi,
  • Kornferry Institute “Engaging the Multigenerational Workforce” (2016). Available at:“rkthree

1) Why is having a diverse workforce deemed to deliver financial benefits for an organization?

2) How can an organization create an inclusive workforce via HRM initiatives and activities?

3) What challenges do employees of different age-groups present to organizations? How can companies manage generational diversity in the,workplace?

4) Think about your country of study or origin -That are key issues in Diversity Management ?

Discuss the topic, the problem the model has been used in the research, and any present findings. Look into attached document for abstract and introduction.

Limitations of cyber security

Write 300 words main and two replies on same topic with 150 words each.Here are some pointers that will help critically evaluate some viable topics.

Discuss the topic, the problem the model has been used in the research, and any present findings. Look into attached document for abstract and introduction.

  • Is the topic attainable for a first-time dissertation student?
    • Is the problem rooted in the literature?
    • Is the research empirical, i.e., is there a survey, is there an interview guide, has the data been analyzed via some statistical tool?
    • Is there a theoretical model or framework discussed?

Based on the scheduled RN/CNA/unit secretary (if any) – is the unit staffed appropriately? Do you have too many staff scheduled? If yes, who would you flex/cancel? Do you have not enough staff? If yes how would you fix this (consider cost as well).

Calculating the Proper staffing

Scenario – Staffing is an important part of nursing management as healthcare is very labor intensive. Since nursing is a major expense in any institution it is oftentimes the area where administrators will try to save money, sometimes forsaking quality and increasing the chances that there will be disgruntled nurses after a short time. The following scenarios are for two units in the same hospital so acuity levels will be the same. Acuity levels are as follows: #1=4.0; #2=3.2; #3=2.3; #4=1.4. The first unit is the ICU. The second is a Med-Surg floor.

ICU Unit

RN scheduled: 4

Unit Secretary scheduled: 1

  • 6 patients = #1 acuity
  • 2 pts = #2 acuity
  • 0 pts = #3 acuity
  • 0 pts = #4 acuity

Med-Surg Unit

RN Scheduled: 2

CNA Scheduled: 1

Unit secretary scheduled: 1

  • 1 pts. = #1 acuity
  • 2 pts. = #2 acuity
  • 3 pts. = #3 acuity
  • 2 pts. = #4 acuity


  1. Calculate the proper staffing for each unit along with the hours for a unit secretary.
    • Be sure to show each step in your calculation with an explanation for each of the steps.
    • There is an explanation of this in your book on page 245-247.
    • Based on the scheduled RN/CNA/unit secretary (if any) – is the unit staffed appropriately? Do you have too many staff scheduled? If yes, who would you flex/cancel? Do you have not enough staff? If yes how would you fix this (consider cost as well).

How should this communication be handled effectively? What violations occurred during this communication? How can Chad help Sylvia to prevent further electronic infractions?


SCENARIO #1 – Chad is the case manager supervisor for the facility. He sent out an e-mail reminding Sylvia and the other case managers about the meeting they are to attend. Sylvia had less time to prepare for the case managers meeting, so she sends the following e-mail to her supervisor and the other case managers by using the “Reply all” button: “Hi Chad, I plan on being at the meeting but am running late. I was tied up with a case, Mrs. Hilton. I’ll be there shortly.”

SCENARIO #2 – Sylvia attends the meeting, and Chad informs her of the HIPAA violation that occurred in her e-mail. Chad suggests that they work together to resolve the issue and informs Sylvia he is available after the meeting is over. Sylvia thanks him and states, “I appreciate your help and support; it is stressful dealing with chronically ill patients.


  1. Read both scenarios above, and then answer the following questions:
    1. How should this communication be handled effectively?
    2. What violations occurred during this communication?
    3. How can Chad help Sylvia to prevent further electronic infractions?

Knowing that s((pˆ2) * q) = p* (p – 1) * (q – 1) for two distinct primes p and q. What is the order of the group? What are the possible subgroup orders of ?

Group Theory – Mathematics

Consider the group < Z*98, x >

(a) Knowing that s((pˆ2) * q) = p* (p – 1) * (q – 1) for two distinct primes p and q. What is the order of the group?

(b) What are the possible subgroup orders of < Z*98, x >?

(c) Calculate the order of 55.

(d) Calculate the group of order 6 generated by 79 and 97. Is this subgroup cyclic?

(e) Consider H =< 19 >. What is the number of side classes of H?

(f) The quotient of < Z*98, x > by H is isomorphic to a<Zn,x> for some n?

How do you define operational excellence? What factors are involved in achieving operational excellence? Who (within an organization) is responsible for operational excellence and why is this important?

Operational excellence

How do you define operational excellence? What factors are involved in achieving operational excellence? Who (within an organization) is responsible for operational excellence and why is this important?