
Read about the major theoretical perspectives in sociology (functionalist, conflict, feminist, queer, and symbolic interactionist). Write an essay defining and interpreting each perspective.

Communications Question

This week, you read about the major theoretical perspectives in sociology (functionalist, conflict, feminist, queer, and symbolic interactionist).

Write an essay defining and interpreting each perspective. Paraphrase each perspective, using the “Major Perspective PDF file” from textbook as a resource. Do not copy the definitions from the text, but rather paraphrase in your own words and provide citations in APA Style where necessary. Additionally, briefly explain the importance of the perspectives to the field of sociology.

Describe the leaders role establishing an environment of high work force engagement. Highlight at least two leadirship techniques/theories in your response.

Business questions

  1. Describe the leaders role establishing an environment of high work force engagement. Highlight at least two leadirship techniques/theories in your response.
  2. Describe the benefits of an organization leveraging its HR department as a strategic partner, which drives a high degree of workforce engagement. Be specific, offer a few core metrics that serve as evidence of the value and HR function can provide.
  3. How can ESG and the HR function drive inclusion, belonging, equity and diversity to foster workforce engagement.

South Africa has a long‐term energy supply crisis, high levels of carbon emissions and an accelerating problem of water security. What contributions have you observed businesses to be making to counter these risks? How could these practices be improved?

Food Security

Topic 3: We are in the century of the southern city; over the next decade, cities in the southern hemisphere will expand rapidly, outgrowing almost all aspects of conventional infrastructure. Starting with what you have learned about urban farming in South Africa – both its opportunities and its limitations – how can small businesses take advantage of the need for secure and sustainable food supplies in developing economies?

Topic 4: Household income in South Africa is heavily skewed, with the result that a majority of households are at risk of food poverty and malnutrition. How could this risk be offset by an appropriate combination of government policies and business innovation?

Topic 5: Your return flight between from New York and Cape Town will result in approximately 4.5 metric tons of carbon emissions. You could offset this through a strictly vegetarian diet for 8.5 years or by carpooling for 4.5 years. Alternatively, what options could Cape Town offer you as a visitor to offset your
individual contribution to climate change?

Topic 6: South Africa has a long‐term energy supply crisis, high levels of carbon emissions and an accelerating problem of water security. What contributions have you observed businesses to be making to counter these risks? How could these practices be improved?

Research and discuss the role of management in business and how management and ownership differ. Identify your sources by name and explain why each one has expertise regarding the topic. Discuss your sources as part of your discussion of the topics.

Managing information

Remember to identify your sources by name and explain why each one has expertise regarding the topic. Discuss your sources as part of your discussion of the topics. Don’t simply answer the questions. Use well-respected business sources for your research. If your source does not identify the author you will not be able to verify expertise regarding the topic. Give examples if possible and avoid the use of links as a discussion of your sources. Your goal is to convince your readers that you have become knowledgeable of the topics and that your sources are reliable.

Video link below :

See the example below :


  • Research and discuss the role of management in business and how management and ownership differ.
  • Remember to identify your sources by name and explain why each one has expertise regarding the topic. Discuss your sources as part of your discussion of the topics. Please use well-respected business sources for your research. If your source does not identify the author you will not be able to verify expertise regarding the topic. Go beyond the textbook and avoid the use of links as a discussion of your sources. Your goal is to convince your readers that you have become knowledgeable of the topics and that your sources are reliable.
  • Be sure to identify the experts you are referring to as you write your responses.
  • Make sure you are using reputable and authoritative sources for your reading and research.

Write at least a half-page (no more than 2 pages) proposal on your final project website. It should provide information on a topic of your choosing.

IT 238 final project

Write at least a half-page (no more than 2 pages) proposal on your final project website. It should provide information on a topic of your choosing. It may be easier to generate content for a real subject than a fictional one, but remember that you may not use copyrighted trademarks or materials.

In chapter 5, Wilkerson explains how Miss Vale had diffuculty fitting into the container that had been made for her as a black woman. What containers do people have for you that you long to break out of?


Question 1 In chapter 5, Wilkerson explains how Miss Vale had diffuculty fitting into the container that had been made for her as a black woman. What containers do people have for you that you long to break out of?

Question 2 Wilkerson takes a look at the research into racial divides in America as viewed by the Nazis. If a modern-day equivalent of the Nazis were to rise again, what lessons do you think they would learn from America as it stands today? This questions requires you to be aware of what is happening in our country currently.

Question 3  As you read the first four pilars of caste, write down your thoughts and feelings about each pillar. Please number them 1 to 4 and use bullet points to state your thoughts and feelings. DO NOT SUMMARIZE WHAT YOU READ

Question 4  As you read the last four pilars of caste, write down your thoughts and feelings about each pillar. Please number them 5 to 8 and use bullet points to state your thoughts and feelings. DO NOT SUMMARIZE WHAT YOU READ. Do you recognize any of them in your life or in the lives of those you know? Each question Has a reading file. and just answering each question with two sentences not a whole page make the answer sample.

Determine how much Earned Income Credit Kylie can claim on her 2022 return and enter on the appropriate line.

Accounting Question


Determine how much child tax credit Kylie can claim. The AGI phase-out is $200,000 for single, head of household, and qualifying widow or widower filers. Assume it is all nonrefundable and report on Line 19. Complete the subtotal lines through Line 24.

Determine how much Earned Income Credit Kylie can claim on her 2022 return and enter on the appropriate line. The EIC Table is below.

Complete all the remaining subtotal lines on page 2 all the way through Line 33. Then complete either line 34 if Kylie gets a refund or line 37 if Kylie owes additional tax.

Did the lack of documentation in the admitting nurse’s assessment and notes affect the ultimate outcome of this case? Was there negligence on the part of the nursing staff in the care of this patient?

Nursing Documentation

Mrs. Sullivan, a 62-year old patient, was admitted to the acute care setting for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The admitting note and history did not mention that Mrs. Sullivan had come into contact with infectious pulmonary tuberculosis in her job as a supervisor at a social services halfway house or that she had a history of testing positive for tuberculosis on the PPD tuberculin. The nurse’s admitting notes included the patient history of arthritis, stomach problems (GERD), and gastric ulcers, but did not mention her history of diabetes, kidney disease and exposure to tuberculosis. The patient exhibited no signs of tuberculosis when she was admitted. Admitting orders included medications for the arthritis and tests including PPD.

Four days after her admission, the nurse noted that the ordered tests, including the PPD, had not been done. The nurse verified this with Mrs. Sullivan, and the patient told this nurse that she always tested positive for tuberculosis on a PPD. She further stated that a chest x-ray was always ordered to determine the current activity of a dormant tuberculosis condition from her past occupational exposure.

The nurse charted on Sunday that the tests had not been done and also charted what the patient had said about her positive reactions to the PPD tests. Over the next ten days Mrs. Sullivan’s physician and two infectious disease specialists ran a variety of tests and treated Mrs. Sullivan with various antibiotics. The patient’s condition continually deteriorated, and a spinal tap was ordered, which revealed spinal meningitis. Mrs. Sullivan died 3 days later. Her family filed a lawsuit for negligence for not coming up with a timely diagnosis and her ultimate death.

Questions to answer:

  1. Did the lack of documentation in the admitting nurse’s assessment and notes affect the ultimate outcome of this case?
  2. Was there negligence on the part of the nursing staff in the care of this patient?
  3. Should the nurse who noted the failure to perform the ordered tests have done more than merely note that these orders were not completed? Does the fact that this was a Sunday impact your answer?
  4. How would you decide this case from your knowledge of legal implications and negligence?

What did you not understand or find new and challenging from the reading? What questions for class discussion did it raise?

Sociology reflection

This reflections will include your name and a sub-heading for each reading. For each reading you will write at least one paragraph (you are welcome to write more if you wish), in which you will answer the following questions:

    • What did you not understand or find new and challenging from the reading?
    • What questions for class discussion did it raise?
    • What did you find most useful in the reading?
    • What new terms and concepts were contained in the reading?

Note that these reading questions/reflections should not be a summary of the readings.

Write a well researched,thesis driven essay which explores one of the particular facets of climate emergency discussed in the book, The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace.

Effect of Climate Change

Write a well researched,thesis driven essay which explores one of the particular facets of climate emergency discussed in the book, The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace. The paper must demonstrate engagement with atleast two significant non-electronic scholarly/critical sources pertinent to the text.