
Describe how you could determine the centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped piece of card using the edge of the ruler instead of the plumb-line method above.

Presentation/ powerpoint

1 The centre of gravity of a metre rule is found to be at its 48.3 cm mark. Suggest Why it is not at the 50.0 cm mark. (1 mark)

2 Use diagrams to show the centre of mass of foctIon a a flat circular plate;

  • a flat circular plate; (1 mark)
  • a rectangular table; (1 mark)
  • a triangular card. (1 mark)

3 Describe how you could determine the centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped piece of card using the edge of the ruler instead of the plumb-line method above.  (4 marks)

4 Explain why the centre of gravity for a table-tennis ball is in the empty space inside the ball, rather than in the plastic cf ball itself.

5 Suggest how you can locate the centre of mass of in space where there is no detectable gravitation:,  (4, marks)

Do you have a favorite green place that you like to visit? Or maybe a place you once visited on vacation and would like to go back to? Where is it and what makes that place special to you? If not, is there a place you would like to go?

Out for a walk

Your assignment this week will be your first paper.  You are to address the following questions:

  • In the chapter “Health Coverage for Primates,” pgs. 92-115 in your text Four-Fifths a Grizzly, author Douglas Chadwick writes at length about the benefits we receive from being in green spaces, from time in the natural world.  What are the psychological, physical, and emotional benefits to humans?  Be specific.  What physical changes occur in the body that generate these benefits?  What are the psychological and emotional benefits?  Chadwick provides a great deal of material on this subject so there is much for you to use in this assignment.  The bulk of your paper should focus on this first question. You may use additional resources but make sure you cite them within the body of the paper and in the Works Cited.


  • Do you have a favorite green place that you like to visit? Or maybe a place you once visited on vacation and would like to go back to? Where is it and what makes that place special to you?  If not, is there a place you would like to go?


  • Douglas Chadwick argues that when we spend time in the natural world, we are stepping back into our heritage; that we are an integral and elemental part of the natural world, and that we share a kinship with every visible and the mostly invisible organisms that inhabit this planet.  Habitat loss through destruction, degradation, and fragmentation is the primary threat to the survival of wildlife, and with their loss, our natural spaces are being lost.  This ultimately will imperil our lives as well.  So how do we save our habitats in the face of increasing global demand for the resources they provide?

How has the evolution of the internet piloted the growth of e-contracts? With the implementation of legislation, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN Act) and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), what is the impact and significance of digital signatures in cyberspace?

Discussion: E-Commerce

In this module, we have explored the surge of e-commerce and the escalation of online contracts. How has the evolution of the internet piloted the growth of e-contracts? With the implementation of legislation, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN Act) and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), what is the impact and significance of digital signatures in cyberspace?

Reflect on the required material and discuss your thoughts. Narrow your topic as you see fit to cover what was interesting to you in this chapter. Select an article and focus on that, if you wish, or reflect on the introduction to the issue.

Reflection Paper 5: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Reflect on the required material and discuss your thoughts. Narrow your topic as you see fit to cover what was interesting to you in this chapter. Select an article and focus on that, if you wish, or reflect on the introduction to the issue. Read or listen to the required material.

Create your own top five essentials of leadership communication. Share why you feel these are important and how as a leader you can help others succeed through these five essentials.

BUS 621 week 2 discussion 1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 5 of the Oedekoven et al. course text, which discusses leadership communication. In addition, read the 15 Tips for Effective Communication in Leadership 0′ which looks at the complicated levels of communication for leaders (Center for Creative Leadership, n.d.).

Create your own top five essentials of leadership communication. Share why you feel these are important and how as a leader you can help others succeed through these five essentials. Your discussion post should be 250 words.

Identify the first concept you will be applying, citing key passages from the textbook and/or other course sources (put in your own words whenever possible). Then cite specific passages from your news article (quotes are helpful here) that provide a fitting illustration of your chosen concept. Explain in your own words why this concept fits so well to the example(s) you have chosen from your article.

Sociological Theory

  1. Introduction

Clearly tell where paper is going—briefly summarize the news article in 1-2 sentences and identify the theorist/theory and 2 concepts you will be applying in the paper (state that you thought those would be a good fit to the topic, etc.)

  1. Theorist’s/Theory’s Overall Model

Show that you understand the overall model/orientation of the theorist, citing key passages from the textbook (put in your own words whenever possible), and why your news article is a good fit to this theory (you may use other course resources besides textbook—see Content folders in course. I strongly discourage you from using sources you find on the Internet such as Course Hero,, etc—these “study aids” are contributed by students and not sociologists!)

  • Concept #1

Identify the first concept you will be applying, citing key passages from the textbook and/or other course sources (put in your own words whenever possible). Then cite specific passages from your news article (quotes are helpful here) that provide a fitting illustration of your chosen concept. Explain in your own words why this concept fits so well to the example(s) you have chosen from your article.

  1. Concept #2

Identify the second concept you will be applying, citing key passages from the textbook textbook and/or other course sources (put in your own words whenever possible). Then cite specific passages from your news article (quotes are helpful here) that provide a fitting illustration of your chosen concept. Explain in your own words why this concept fits so well to the example(s) you have chosen from your article.

  1. Conclusion—recap and conclude
  2. List your news article and your textbook as your 2 references (cite them in ASA style within the paper). If you use other course sources, cite them using ASA format, see the Explore Sociology Libguide or Writing for Sociology content folder for proper ASA format citations.
  • Attach a copy of your article at the end



What made the speech so memorable? What were the main takeaways? What did you learn in terms of leadership communication from this speech? Share attributes that you could incorporate into your own leadership communication.

BUS 621 week2 discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 9 of the Northouse course text, which takes an in-depth look at authentic leadership. In addition read the article. Leadership Communication: Reflecting. Engaging and Innovating n. which provides information about leadership communication and will assist you in your Leadership Speech discussion this week. Lastly, choose one of the following speeches found on YouTube or listed on the Top 100 Speeches links c+ of the 20th century by rank:

  •  President Obama: Barack Obama – New Beginning Speech June 4th 2009. Cairo 5
  •  Malala Yousafzai: Activist Malala Yousafzai Delivers Impassioned Speech to Canadian Parliament 5
  •  President Kennedy: President Kennedy’s speech at Rice University n
  •   Martin Luther King. Jr.: I’ve Been to the Mountaintop 5
  •  Martin Luther King. Jr.: I Have a Dream 5
  •  John F. Kennedy: Cuban Missile Crisis Address to the Nation 0*
  •   Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing (aka “The Speech”) 5
  •  Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation n
  •  Hillary Rodham Clinton: Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session 5
  •  Aung San Suu Kyi: Dow Aung San Suu Kyi Speech at Yale with Myanmar Substitle 5 [sic]


Listen to the audio or read the transcript and share the key points illustrated in the speech. What made the speech so memorable? What were the main takeaways? What did you learn in terms of leadership communication from this speech? Share attributes that you could incorporate into your own leadership communication. Your discussion post

Pick on herbal medication and find a peer research article on this herbal medication.

Herbal medication post

Pick on herbal medication and find a peer research article on this herbal medication. Upload the article with your post!

1. What is it and describe it.

2. What could it be used for?

3. What are the benefits?

4. What are the risks?

5. Speak to how herbals are regulated in the United States (from article: Herbal Med in US) It is attached


What effect would this have on his interaction with another agency? Explain. Would this have an effect on community relations and cooperation with the community with the FBI? Explain.

Criminal Justice Question

You are in Johnson County in the deep South. The Sheriff, Jim Jones has had a murder, and the FBI has come in to claim jurisdiction. It appears that this suspected perpetrator is a serial killer who has been crossing state lines. Sheriff Jones has a force of all Caucasian officers. He is also known for his propensity to denigrate minorities. The FBI force consists of Caucasian officers, Asian-American officers and African-American officers. The lead investigator is of Asian descent. Sheriff Jones has to work hand-in-hand with this lead investigator. He has shown that he is not happy about the situation.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 3–4 pages:
    • What effect would this have on his leadership role with his officers? Explain.
    • What effect would this have on his interaction with another agency? Explain.
    • Would this have an effect on community relations and cooperation with the community with the FBI? Explain.
    • If this attitude continued and Sheriff Jones held back pertinent information from the FBI that caused the perpetrator to flee the area, would this behavior cause moral problems within Sheriff Jones’ department? Why?
      • How would it have an effect on the officers?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Does it apply well to your personal understanding of adulthood? Which do you feel can be applied most broadly, taking into consideration diverse populations and experiences? Why?

Easy short question

There are multiple theoretical approaches to adulthood, Which makes the most sense to you? Use these theories to choose from: Jung’s analytic psychology, Erikson’s psychosocial life span theory or Levinson’s theory of seasons of adulthood.

Does it apply well to your personal understanding of adulthood? Which do you feel can be applied most broadly, taking into consideration diverse populations and experiences? Why?