
Define who you are by making a list of who you are. Get an objective friend to help. What is your journey? Where are you taking yourself and why do you want to go there?

Social Media Personal Brand

Establishing a Personal Brand

  • Define who you are by making a list of who you are. Get an objective friend to help.
  • What is your journey? Where are you taking yourself and why do you want to go there?
  • List the experience that you believe influences your personality.
  • How do others in your community relate to you?
  • Write a personal mission statement.

When you have answered the above questions, write a description of your personal brand. What is your personal brand type, and how do you feel you can contribute to the community. Please respond with 2 pages

List three social media platforms you would use to promote your brand and explain why you have chosen the platform. Research niche platforms. Would a niche platform benefit your brand? How? or Why not?

Social media Niche Platforms

List three social media platforms you would use to promote your brand and explain why you have chosen the platform. Research niche platforms. Would a niche platform benefit your brand? How? or Why not?

Respond should be 2 pages,apa style,citations,references

Read the articles below which discusses how to identify and create personas. After you have read the following articles, develop the persona of your idea target customer/audience member.

Social media Create a Persona

Read the articles below which discusses how to identify and create personas. After you have read the following articles:


Develop the persona of your idea target customer/audience member.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s it was a radical idea to put individuals and their problem-solving efforts first instead of the interests and needs of corporate enterprise solutions. True or False?

Marketing question

Question 1 (1 point) Saved
Is the following statement true? Apple’s original success with computers was achieved by first paying attention to the latest innovative technology and then second, focusing on the design of the computer and interface design. They wanted to know how they could build it before determining what potential customers need and want.

  • True
  • False

Question 2 (1 point)
In its early stages, what trait of their business delivered the success of the Apple business and product design?

  • Lots of features
  • Copying competitor’s pricing
  • Simplicity in design
  • Continuing to use existing materials staying away from ‘new’ materials

Question 3 (1 point)
The success of the Apple products was due to their singular focus on aligning the product design with the latest fashion trends such as characteristics like ‘Candy-colored’ computers.

  • True
  • False

Question 4 (1 point)
What did Apple need to access starting in 1978 in order to achieve a full successful IPO launch in 1980?

  • New Executive team members
  • More technical expertise
  • Partnership with NeXt
  • Funding for an IPO

Question 5 (1 point)
During the time when Steve Jobs was absent from Apple, internal business discussions and debates led the company to ultimately choose what type of business model or approach? This approach was not pursued upon Jobs return.

  • License the Mac Operating System to compete in the cloning space
  • Continue to pursue set-top boxes for TVs with products like Newton
  • Continue to focus in on Apple’s personal digital assistant (PDA) entry
  • Partnership with IBM on a new iPod product

Question 6 (1 point)

Select all of the benefits resulting from Apple building a single, central platform from which all their products (Examples: iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro) are based.  Employee knowledge transfer from product to product  Design, resources and time invested into the initial product can be leveraged across derivative products

  • Design and development time can be sped up
  • High levels of sharing and reuse of assemblies, sub-assemblies, and parts
  • Greater reliability and lower costs, benefiting company and suppliers

Question 7 (1 point)
In the late 1970s and early 1980s it was a radical idea to put individuals and their problem-solving efforts first instead of the interests and needs of corporate enterprise solutions.

  • True
  • False

Question 8 (1 point)
Which two of the following describe what is offered through Apple’s Genius Bars?

  • IT Service and Support
  • Retail through Brick and Mortar
  • Online Commerce
  • Trade Shows

Question 9 (1 point)

Do you think Apple could have succeeded without Steve Jobs returning to run the company?

Demonstrate a basic knowledge of concepts and issues in the subjects within Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law. Explain and articulate key concepts and issues relating to Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law through both written and verbal means.


Assessment Topic

Using specific examples, discuss to what extent international law is failing to regulate the global superpower countries, such as the USA, China and Russia.

Students may wish to refer to the use of a banned nerve agent in Salisbury by Russia, Trump’s Syria strike, the British invasion of Iraq or China’s South China Sea claims as starting points for the discussion.

Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5

  1. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of concepts and issues in the subjects within Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law.
  2. Explain and articulate key concepts and issues relating to Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law through both written and verbal means.
  3. Apply some of the key concepts and issues in Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law to formative and summative assessments.
  4. Employ an analytical and evaluative approach to the key concepts and issues in Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law.
  5. Show competence in the use of relevant academic skills to Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law; including reading, research, written and verbal tasks.

Who do you agree with and why? What rights do animals have? How are their rights (if any) similar or different from humans? Should Sea World and Zoos be shut down? Why or why not?

Discussion 14 Philosophy of Ethics

Different views on the basis of dignity are included below:

  • Descartes and Aquinas believe that it is the capacity to reason and make free choices.
  • Kant believes that it is simply the ability to make free choices.
  • Bentham believes that it is the ability to feel pain.
  • Regan believes it is being a conscious experiencer of reality.
  • Narveson believes that it is the ability to enter into an agreement.
  • Cohen believes that rights come from being part of a moral community.

1. Who do you agree with and why? (In other words, what is the basis of dignity? Where does dignity come from?)

2. What rights do animals have? How are their rights (if any) similar or different from humans? (In other words, do animals have the right to life and the right to not suffer unnecessary pain? Or just unnecessary pain?)

3. Should Sea World and Zoos be shut down? Why or why not? In your response, reference at least one philosopher. (See, for example, the PowerPoint on Singer or Mary Ann Warren.)

After Reviewing and Studying Chapter 2 in Black Hat Python, create a standalone Python script that will act as a TCP server.

Assignment 10 – Create a TCP Server


After Reviewing and Studying Chapter 2 in Black Hat Python, create a standalone Python script that will act as a TCP server.  The server will accept connections on port 5555 from TCP clients operating on the same local IP range as the server.  The server will receive the message, create a MD5 hash of the message, print the message and MD5 hash of the message, and respond to the TCP client with the MD5 hash generated.  The server will continue to operate until terminated by the user.

You will submit:

  1. Your final python script
  2. A screenshot of all the connections, messages, and hashed messages


During the questionnaire section, you were asked to self-report your prejudices on race. How did the test results compare to the self-reported answers you provided prior to taking the test?

Writing Question

Once you’ve received your results and had some time to think about them, write a response about your experience considering the questions below:

  1. During the questionnaire section, you were asked to self-report your prejudices on race. How did the test results compare to the self-reported answers you provided prior to taking the test?
  2. Were you surprised by the results? If so, how were the test results different from how you expected to score prior to taking the test?
  3. What personal, cultural, and social experiences might have influenced your test results?


What is the legal concept of the prosecutor’s burden of proving all elements of a criminal offense beyond a reasonable doubt (BARD)? Where did the burden of BARD come from, historically?

Discussion questions

Part 1

History of Criminal Law and Punishment [WLO: 1] [CLOs: 1, 3]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Pioneers in Criminology: The Historical Development of Criminology and Evolution of Punishment. Additionally, watch 002 History of US Law and What Is the Law?

Western societies have been punishing criminal actors since ancient Greece. This begs the question of whether or not punishment is an effective means of crime control and recidivist reduction. As you explore the balance of freedom versus security and the history of criminal punishment, be willing to think of new ways to address and deter criminal behavior. Explain the history of punishment and its goals. Your response must detail the origins of punishment, how notions of what is “appropriate” punishment is for a given circumstance over time, and an analysis of the effectiveness of modern punishment methods and schemes. Offer one or two suggestions for improvement to methods of punishment currently in use.

Part 2

Jurisdiction/Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 3, 4]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Taking “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” Seriouslyand Federal and State Jurisdiction Additionally, watch What Does Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Mean?

A central component to any criminal case is the jurisdictional requirement for a court to hear a criminal case. In your examinations this week, focus on the power of jurisdiction and its significance as part of the criminal justice system. Who creates jurisdiction, and why is it so significant? Similarly, a sound understanding of the legal requirement that the prosecution must prove every element of a statute beyond a reasonable doubt is required for all criminal justice professionals. This discussion requires you to examine reasonable doubt instructions for juries from three states and choose which one is best; remember to justify your responses with reliable sources.

    • What is the legal concept of the prosecutor’s burden of proving all elements of a criminal offense beyond a reasonable doubt (BARD)?
    • Where did the burden of BARD come from, historically?
    • Compare and contrast the beyond a reasonable doubt jury instructions from these three different states: Nevada, New York, and Louisiana; pick the one that best explains this legal concept and justify your answer in your primary discussion posting.

Discuss the progress monitoring assessments that are in place to measure academic achievement in state administered test as well as for classroom-based assessments and how they are being used to inform instruction for ELs (ESOL Domain 5, Standard 3).

Power point

Create a power point on a previously written paper.

In this assignment, students will

(1) Discuss measures are in place for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels to meet district, state, and federal guidelines, and how they are being used to inform instruction for ELs, including the use of the WIDA standards (ESOL Domain 5, Standard 2).

(2) Discuss the progress monitoring assessments that are in place to measure academic achievement in state administered test as well as for classroom-based assessments and how they are being used to inform instruction for ELs (ESOL Domain 5, Standard 3).

(3) Discuss how special education testing and assessing giftedness is used with assessing ELs (ESOL Domain 5, Standard 1).

The format used to present the information is a presentation for stakeholders to articulate the appropriateness of current ELL assessments. The presentation needs to be a well-designed PPT with use of the notes section for the information for each slide. Use the text, content pages and at least three outside references to discuss the various assessment procedures that are in place to inform instruction for ELs