
What is the most likely diagnosis? Why? What would be three differentials in this case? Why? What developmental milestones are expected at this age? What do you believe is your best course of action/treatment plan for this appointment? Why?

Clinical Case Study: Neurological Disorders and Cognitive Perceptual Problems in Children

This discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.

To support your work, use your course textbook readings and the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

For this assignment, you will read the clinical case scenario below based on the course objectives and content for the week. Finally, apply the information from the clinical case scenario and your readings to answer the discussion questions that follow.

Clinical Case Scenario

An 11-month-old girl, well-known to your clinic since birth, arrives for a well-child visit. The parents report that their baby drags her legs rather than crawling on both hands and legs. They are concerned that this is abnormal. The father says that the child only recently began crawling and she does not pull to a stand. You noted at her 6-month visit that she was not rolling over or sitting; previous visits were unremarkable as was the mother’s pregnancy and vaginal delivery. While examining the baby, you note that when she is held by the axillae her legs are extended and crossed (i.e. the “scissoring” posture).

  • What is the most likely diagnosis? Why?
  • What would be three differentials in this case? Why?
  • What developmental milestones are expected at this age?
  • What do you believe is your best course of action/treatment plan for this appointment? Why?

Based on your sleep/dream journal and what you have learned about the purpose of dreaming, write a 2-3 page paper about your own sleep habits.

Sleep and Dream Journal


For this assignment, you’ll be keeping track of your sleep habits and your dreams in order to analyze your sleep habits and examine dream theories. To begin, make a copy of the sleep log attached below.


Based on your sleep/dream journal and what you have learned about the purpose of dreaming, write a 2-3 page paper about your own sleep habits.

Step 1: Track Your Dreams.

Keep track of your sleep habits and dreams for a MINIMUM of 3 days.

  • While it’s not guaranteed you will remember your dreams, you can take some steps to help. Begin by telling yourself you want to remember your dream, then print off the sleep/dream journal and have paper and a pen (or your phone) next to your bed right when you wake up. Try to review the dream in your head as soon as you wake up, and consider specifics such as the people involved, the location and setting, the storyline, or how you felt.

Step 2. Reflect and Record.

Your essay should include:

  • An analysis of your sleep habits. Do you go to bed at the same time every night? How many hours a night do you normally sleep? How could you be a better sleeper? Do you notice any patterns? What concepts from your text might apply to your sleep habits?
  • An analysis of your dreams. Why do you usually dream? Are there any patterns or reoccurring themes? Is there any consistency between the things you do during the day and the dreams you have? *If you cannot remember your dreams, you can skip this part and spend more time focusing on the steps above and below.
  • Your conclusion as to what is the MAIN purpose that we dream and why. Consider the theories presented in your readings.

Describe the shown graph, highlighting the relation of x and f(x). K ;S 1,%cf ectS inq -Pc/ i• 4. I “C, What are the elements of this relation?

Special Subjects Department — Computer Science)

Observe the shown linear graph and answer the following questions:


The Relation of x and f(x)
1, 3
2, 5
4, 9
5, 11
5 6


1. Describe the shown graph, highlighting the relation of x and f(x). K ;S 1,%cf ectS inq -Pc/ i• 4. I “C,

2. What are the elements of this relation?

3. If the computer Is going to use the value of x to find f(x), what are the possible variables that can be used in the program being designed.

4. What are the efficient and proper datatypes that may be used with the above variables?  Explain.

5. Write below a description of how your program will work.

Choose any organization that you’re familiar with (Private/ public/ for-profit/ non-profit). List at least 5 operational activities of that organization. Briefly explain each activity in 1- 2 sentences. List 3 non-operational activities of the organization and explain each in 1-2 sentences.

Management Science and Operations Management

Task: Answer following questions.

1. [10 points] Choose any organization that you’re familiar with (Private/ public/ forprofit/ nonprofit). List at least 5 operational activities of that organization. Briefly explain each activity in 12 sentences. List 3 nonoperational activities of the organization and explain each in 12 sentences.

2. [10 points] Briefly describe a customer experience you have personally encountered where you were unsatisfactory with:

  • a. a good (not the buying experience; the good) (Min. 50 words) [5 points]
  • b. a service (should not related to purchase of a good) (Min. 50 words) [5 points]

3. [10 points] The operations manager in one of the above organizations (where you purchased an unsatisfactory good or service) wants to improve the operation to make you satisfied. Briefly describe how the operations manager could improve the good or service? (Note that you need to explain what operations need to be changed and how they need to be changed. If it is a good, you need to explain how the operations manager in the goods manufacturer can improve the good. If it is a service, you need to explain how the operations manager in the service provider can improve the service.)

4. [10 points] Briefly explain what sustainability is. Describe the three perspectives of sustainability and how they affect organizations. Explain each perspective of sustainability and their effect on organizations with an example. (100150 words).

5. [10 points] Briefly explain the difference between goods and services in 150200 words. Your answer should explain at least 4 differences between goods and services.

6. [10 points] Select an organization of your choice. List at least 5 value addition (core) processes of that organization. List at least 3 inputs for the value addition and list the outputs of value addition.

7. [10 points] What you are expecting to learn from this class and why is it important to you? Write a selfreflection of 100200 words.

8. [20 points] Draw a customer benefit package (CBP) for one of the following items. Explain how your CBP provides value to the customer. (Min. 200 words) (You need to draw the CBP and include it in the document). Please see GaView Content Student Resources Study Aids Assignment Formatting Information section to learn how to include scanned images into a Word document.

  • a. Eye examination
  • b. Gym membership
  • c. Lawncare service
  • d. Streaming service subscription
  • e. Cruise

Provides an overview of an EHR system to the implementation team. Analyzes the different attributes and functions of the EHR system. Examines the HITECH act and its impact on EHR systems.

Digital Resource Doc


Riverdale Regional Medical Center is a not-for-profit acute care hospital with 300 beds that serves the northern region of Massachusetts. The hospital employs over 350 physicians who practice in emergency medicine, cardiology, women and childbirth care, pediatrics, oncology, and more.

Recently, Riverdale Regional Medical Center decided to convert their paper-based record system into an electronic health record (EHR) system. As the Health Information Director of the hospital, you have been placed in charge of undertaking the massive task of implementing the EHR system.

The first task you would like to complete is to introduce the implementation team to EHR systems. The implementation team consists of the chief financial officer (CFO), chief medical officer (CMO), physicians, nurses, the IT department, medical billing and coding specialists, transcriptionists, human resources, and representatives from the admissions and registration department.


Create a digital resource that:

  • Provides an overview of an EHR system to the implementation team.
  • Analyzes the different attributes and functions of the EHR system.
  • Examines the HITECH act and its impact on EHR systems.
General Requirements
  • Selects format for digital resource: brochure, infographic, or presentation.
  • Uses professional language and tone with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in selected digital resource.
  • Provides a title and at least one credible, professional source as an APA formatted reference.

Watch the two videos below and explain how fake news strengthens confirmation bias. Explain how we can combat this problem.

Introduction to Psychology

Watch the two videos below and explain how fake news strengthens confirmation bias. Explain how we can combat this problem.

What Caribbean traditions were distinctive in their work? From the nine Shakespeare elements, how many do they use? What were your takeaways?

Writing 102


Research a Trinidadian playwright. (Mustapha Matura)

Describe their background and contributions to Caribbean Theatre.

  1. What Caribbean traditions were distinctive in their work?
  2. From the nine Shakespeare elements, how many do they use?
  3. What were your takeaways?

Briefly describe the company that chose for this assignment. Develop a business case for your consulting services. Choose three selection methods that you might recommend for the client, the rationale behind the use of those tests, and also state their advantages and disadvantages (Problems a-c below).

 Business Question

You are working as consultant at San Jose Spartan Group, a fictional consulting firm that works with firms to address their increasing need to hire and retain top talent. You have been hired by the client company of your choice to revamp their selection system for one of its departments/teams (e.g., retail team, sales department, marketing department, engineering department, human resources department, etc.). The company you choose is totally up to you. It could be one that you currently work for, wish to work for, or one who’s products you enjoy. If you use any websites to gather information for Problem 2, please include the links or citations at the end of this document. Note: You do not have to cite class notes or the textbook.

  1. Name of the company you chose and the department/team you chose:
  2. Briefly describe the company that chose for this assignment. This description should include the company mission (e.g., what they do/sell), where they are located (if they have many locations- where is the headquarters), the industry the company is in (e.g., manufacturing, food, retail, technology), and the common jobs in the department/team that you have chosen. (5 pts)
  3. Develop a business case for your consulting services. That is to say, what could this company gain from revamping their selection process? Think about the benefits of a good selection system. (10 pts)
  4. Choose three selection methods that you might recommend for the client, the rationale behind the use of those tests, and also state their advantages and disadvantages (Problems a-c below). You may choose any selection methods you wish but some you may consider include: application form, resume, references, background check, physical ability test, cognitive ability test, personality test, work sample, drug test, interview, etc. (5 pts each – 15 pts total)

Selection Method 1:


Rationale (why you think they should use this selection method):




Selection method 2:


Rationale (why you think they should use this selection method):




Selection Method 3:


Rationale (why you think they should use this selection method):




  1. Choose one of the selection methods from Problem 3. How would you determine its reliability, validity, ability to generalize, utility, and compliance with the law? (2 pts each – 10 pts)
  2. Once the selection process is complete, how would you determine whether or not it was successful? (10 pts)


Describe the architecture/Block diagram you would choose. What is the purpose of each component of this architecture?

Business Intelligence Questions

Q2 (100 pts) Suppose your task as a software engineer at Company X is to design a data mining system to examine their internal data, which contains the following information such as: product name, location address, and order status, etc.

Describe the architecture/Block diagram you would choose. What is the purpose of each component of this architecture?

Provide an overview of the individual’s presenting issue or concern and self-perception regarding interests, skills, accomplishments, and what motivates them.

Career Development Counseling

Interview a person who meets one of the following criteria: (a) a high school student considering the transition to college or employment, (b) an adult who lost his/her job, or (c) an adult considering a career change. You will chronicle the individual’s career development pathway to this point in her/his life. Prepare a career development plan for that person, taking into account issues, trends, new technologies, and applications specific to their work or intended work context, and evaluate the effectiveness of your plan. The report should include the following components:

Section I: Provide an overview of the individual’s presenting issue or concern and self-perception regarding interests, skills, accomplishments, and what motivates them. Here are some guided questions to help you with the interview. You must include but are not limited to:

  1. How and from whom did she/he gather information about this career?
  2. How does this career fit her/his life interests (including avocational) and personality?
  3. What is her/his level of satisfaction in this career, and in what ways does she/he plan to continue to challenge him/herself in this career?
  4. Explore how the current career is fulfilling at this stage of life
  5. What are the concerns he/she has about the career & some of the struggles?
  6. What cross-cultural factors do the individual think have impacted his/her career pathway (e.g., a woman not getting a promotion because of sexism; a Latino getting a job as a result of affirmative action and being able to advance in the company). The individual’s perception counts, even if it is not the case. Hence you want to report it as the individual sees it, suspending your judgment.
  7. How does this career fit her/his family and personal life?
  8. Are there impediments from the job to home life or home life to a job?
  9. What recommendations would he/she give to someone thinking about this career?

Summary of the interview:

  • What does the future look like for her/him in this career?
    1. What are the challenges?
    2. What direction does she/he intend to go?
    3. What are her/his future pursuits?
    4. What are the changes in the field & the opportunities for advancements?
  • Based on what you learned about this person, what theoretical career orientation (s) best fits this person’s journey through her/his career developmental pathway to this point? State your reasons for choosing the (these) theory(ies) and give examples.


Section II: You will complete the O* Net Profiler, the O*Net Ability Profiler, O*Net Work Importance Locator, and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II for the individual. You will then provide an overview and analysis of the career assessments related to the individuals’ work interests, values, and personality identification.


Section III: Action Plan. Browse the O*Net database and the Occupations Outlook Handbook to recommend at least three career options for planning consideration, providing a rationale and the next steps.