
Choose two topics out of the list and combine them into a research question. Write down your research question in your Jupyter Notebook. Feel free to be as creative as you like, you can always change your research question later.

Write a lab report on jupyter notebook

Read through the proposed areas of study and choose two.

It’s time to design your experiment. There are already a lot of parameters to play with and results to analyse within our molecular dynamics code.

Choose two topics out of the list and combine them into a research question. Some topics are deep enough that you may want to explore them on their own and define a research question just based on that one area. The bolded ones are more likely to fall in this category:

  • Different noble gasses: The parameters defining different gasses, how they impact the results?
  • Numerical stability: In what ranges of parameters are the results sensible?
  • Phase diagrams: How the density combined with the temperature determines the solid-liquid transition and how does the liquid-gas continuum behave?
  • Morse and/or Buckingham potential: How the results change with a different functional form than Lennard-Jones. This one would need a few lines of code, which we can help with if needed?
  • Benchmarks: How fast different parts of the code run on specific computer hardware?
  • Different crystal structures: What happens to the results when the initial conditions are in a different crystal packing or packing?
  • Equations of state: How well equations of state hold when taking into account microscopic components of pressure?
  • Thermodynamic properties: How free energy and entropy change between phases, based on the Widom test-particle method?
  • Equilibration time: How long it takes for the potential energy to become stable given a time step length and a number of time steps?
  • Collisons: How often are particles closer together than their particle size 𝜎?
  • Diffusion: How far do particles move during the simulation?
  • Defects: What happens to the geometry of the cell when an atom is added to a non-FCC point or an atom is removed?

Write down your research question in your Jupyter Notebook. Feel free to be as creative as you like, you can always change your research question later. The suggestion to combine two topics is just a way to give you inspiration but you don’t need to stick to it if you don’t want to.

How many occurrences of the word Bad Debt Expense or similar wording were in the SEC Annual Report? How much bad debt expense did the company report for the most recent year? If you cannot find, did they use different terminology?

Financial Accounting-Chapter 8

Review the Balance sheet of your company contained in the SEC 10-K report. You will be copying the Balance Sheet in part three of this assignment.

Using the data from the company SEC website, notes to financial statements, and the Income Statement answer the following questions.


  1. Define Accounts Receivable
  2. Define allowance for uncollectible accounts
  3. Define allowance for doubtful accounts
  4. Define bad debt expense
  5. Based on the information in the company’s most recent annual report, determine each of the following:
  6. Accounts Receivable
  7. What amount of accounts receivable did the company report at the end of each year reported?


  1. Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts
  2. How many occurrences of the word Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts were in the SEC Annual Report?
  3. What is the balance in the company’s Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts or similar wording at the end of the years reported? If you cannot find, did they use different terminology? Explain how you found your answer if wording was not exact. Search notes to the financial statement or search the entire 10K for words that are similar to help you determine Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts. Your company may not use that exact terminology. Example: loss on sales.


  1. Bad Debt Expense
  2. How many occurrences of the word Bad Debt Expense or similar wording were in the SEC Annual Report?
  3. How much bad debt expense did the company report for the most recent year?   If you cannot find, did they use different terminology? Explain how you found your answer if wording was not exact. Search notes to the financial statement or search the entire 10K for words that are similar to help you determine Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts. You company may not use that exact terminology. Example: loss on sales


  1. Percentage of total current assets is accounts receivable.
  2. What is the formula to compute the percentage of total current assets is accounts receivable?
  3. What percentage of Total current assets is accounts receivable at the end of each year presented? Has this percentage increased, decreased, or remained the same during this period? SHOW YOUR WORK!
  4. Using the information presented in the company’s annual report, compute the company’s accounts receivable turnover ratio and number of days’ sales in receivables at the end of each of the years reported?
  5. Accounts Receivable turnover ratio
    1. What is the formula for Accounts Receivable turnover ratio?
    2. What does accounts receivable turnover ratio mean?
    3. What is the Accounts Receivable turnover ratio at the end of the years reported? SHOW YOUR WORK! Formula included in Chapter 8. Reading the notes to the financial statement explain why the ratio is different from year to year.
  6. Number of days’ sales in receivables
    1. What is the formula for number of days’ sales in receivable?
    2. Why would you need to know the number of days’ sales is in receivables?
    3. What is the number of days’ sales in receivables at the end of the years presented? SHOW YOUR WORK!


  1. Based on this information, has the company’s management of accounts receivable improved? Briefly explain your answer, make sure you read the notes to the financial statements to document your answer. Briefly explain your answer.
  1. How does accounts receivable effect this company and it’s investors?
  2. What has affected accounts receivable ?

Note: Provide evidence from notes to financial statement. A research paper is to prove your data!!!! Do not include your opinion!!!

  1. Include a copy of the company’s balance sheet and income statement from Chapter 5. Find the balance sheet, highlight the income statement, right click copy. In the word document paste Balance sheet, then in the word menu click on the layout tab and click auto fit to contents, that is so the balance sheet fits correctly on the page. This is important for me to verify your data.


  1. Include work cited links

All your answers should be presented in a Word document (can include tables or graphs) and submitted in the submit box for this assignment. Please remember to check your spelling and grammar.


Is the company financially on the right track? What are the areas of concern? What would be your advice to the company’s management as a team of financial advisors?

FNCE 623 Financial Management

Group project guideline

The main objective of this group project is to apply the knowledge you acquired in the class to analyze the financial standing of real companies in Canada.

1) You should form a team of 45 students.

2) As a representative, one student from each team should send me an email and introduce team members.

3) Each team will be assigned a Canadian company from TSX Composite Index.

4) You need to evaluate the company’s financial standing using audited financial statements (which can be retrieved from
5) Each team should submit a written report (~2000 words) covering the following sections:

Executive summary

Introduction: Company’s background, competitors, Industry, Trends, etc.

Ratio analysis: Calculate and analyze ratios for the company in each ratio category.

o Peer group analysis: Compare the company’s performance with the average of its industry (five big players in the industry)

o Time trend analysis: How the company has performed through time (past five years)

Discussion: Is the company financially on the right track? What are the areas of concern? What would be your advice to the company’s management as a team of financial advisors?

Contribution table: Specify each student has done which part (s) of the project.

Why do you think the article was written, for what purpose? How do you think the article helps us better understand the importance of child development for addressing the learning needs of children?

Social Skills / Emotional Development

Article Summaries

After reading the article, summarize the article in 2 or 3 type-written pages and include the following information:

Full bibliographic information that includes, author, title of the article, year in which the article was published, the journal or other source in which the article was published, and the page numbers.

A 1 or 2 paragraph detailed summary of the article:

  • What was the main point the article was trying to make?
  • How did this article address the topic area for the week?

A conclusion as to the importance of the article:

  • Why do you think the article was written, for what purpose?
  • How do you think the article helps us better understand the importance of child development for addressing the learning needs of children?
  • And/or how do you think the article helps us better understand child development for addressing intentional teaching?


Summarize the LHI-Leading Health Indicators: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity and discuss possible data sources for this information, and explain why you think there has been a lack of progress.

HA 530-week 1

Since 1990, the U.S. government has published 10-year national objectives for improving the health of Americans. A select group of 26 objectives is monitored periodically and published on the Healthy People website. The most recent science-based goals, Healthy People 2020, were published in 2010 and expanded the goals to four major areas:

  • General health status
  • Health-related quality of life and well-being
  • Determinants of health
  • Disparities

Summarize the LHI-Leading Health Indicators: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity and discuss possible data sources for this information, and explain why you think there has been a lack of progress.

What knowledge did you gain about social work form reading the article that you did not know before?

Is Social Work a Profession?

  • The primary issues(s) addressed by the author in the article.
  • The background information provided by the author on the issues.
  • The author’s major research question and hypothesis.
  • The type and source of data used by the author.
  • The major findings.

What knowledge did you gain about social work form reading the article that you did not know before?

How does expanding the ‘boundaries’ of the Holocaust outside of continental Europe, and to include North Africa, change our understanding of this historical event?



Question 1. What varieties of “resistance” do we see manifest in the three primary sources assigned this week?

Question 2. How does expanding the ‘boundaries’ of the Holocaust outside of continental Europe, and to include North Africa, change our understanding of this historical event?

The project manager does not seem concerned and is excited about announcing completion of the project soon. The department’s bonus depends on it, too. Are you obligated to do anything?

Discussion two cases

Case 1

  • You have a small healthcare consulting business. Company named HealthNet Insutance plans to acquire a new Web-base scheduling system, and has hired you to evaluate bids from vendors. Your spouse is a Director for one of the bidders, Networkx.  She oversaw most of the writing for the bid, you read the bid, and you think it is excellent.   The bid is about $750,000
  • Will you tell about your spouse’s connection with Networksx?
  • How will you position yourself?
  • Will you recommend Networksx to HealthNet Insurance?


Case 2

  • Case #3. You are a member of a team working on a computer-controlled crash-avoidance system for medical records management. You think the system has a flaw that could endanger your patient’s privacy and, possibly, health.
  • The project manager does not seem concerned and is excited about announcing completion of the project soon. The department’s bonus depends on it, too.
  • Are you obligated to do anything?

Using the poem assigned to your group and the secondary source, develop a 3-4 page analysis of the poem.

Poetry Critical Essay

Using the poem assigned to your group and the secondary source, develop a 3-4 page analysis of the poem.

There should be an introduction, which sets up the poem, the critical article, and a sound thesis statement, complete body paragraphs using textual evidence from both the poem and the article to support your argument, and a solid conclusion rounding out your points made throughout the essay.

Write a letter to an official in your state or local government. (Choose the individual in the level of government that will best address your issue).

Lobbying for change – nursing shortage

Write a letter to an official in your state or local government. (Choose the individual in the level of government that will best address your issue). The purpose of this letter is to advocate for action with regards to your chosen health care environment issue.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

As health care leaders, it is important to understand strategies for advocating and lobbying elected officials. This can lead to the development of policies or laws that can help drive improved equity and outcomes for all participants in the health care environment as well as a more sustainable financial future.

Background and Context
As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may be expected to implement plans to ensure that initiatives designed to take advantage of economic opportunities for the organization are rolled out successfully and can be sustained over multiple years. Additionally, it is important to be able to envision how an initiative could be implemented in different contexts and for different purposes to ensure the investment remains a viable and positive asset to your organization or care setting.

As a master’s-level practitioner, you will often be challenged to influence the health care environment in a variety of ways. This influence can occur on a micro-level (implementing change on your unit, institution, community, or local organizations) or at a macro level (implementing change via state or federal regulations and policy). One way you can influence the health care environment is by lobbying an elected official at the local, state, or national level to adopt policies or legislation that would support positive economic and health outcomes for patients, practitioners, and organizations within the health care environment.

For this assessment, you will develop a letter to an official in your state or local government (choose the individual in the level of government that will best address your issue). The purpose of this letter is to advocate for action with regards to your chosen health care environment issue. Remember, when writing the letter, you must use your personal address and telephone number unless you are exclusively representing a group or your organization.

Be sure to address each main point. Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide, including performance-level descriptions for each criterion, to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed. In addition, note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

Overall, your assessment submission will be assessed on the following criteria:

Summarize the health care economic issue that you are addressing.
Keep this brief but try to include details about how the issue is currently impacting the elected officials’ constituents.
Explain the positive outcomes that will occur if the issue is addressed and the negative outcomes that will occur if the issue is not addressed.
Tailor this messaging to focus on the impacts in the communities and organizations that are relevant to the elected official you are writing to.
Summarize key information from scholarly sources to support the importance of addressing the issue; the issue’s overall impact on health care at the institutional, local, state, and national levels; and proposed changes or actions to address the issue.
Cite at least five current, scholarly sources that support your argument and help provide the elected official (who may not have a detailed knowledge of the health care environment) with an understanding of the issues, changes, or actions that you are proposing to drive improved outcomes.
Identify the impact your issue has on health care institutions and health care providers at the local community, state, and national levels.
Make sure to include information from both a health care and an economic perspective. An elected official may be more responsive to one perspective than another.
Incorporate ethical, cultural, and diversity principles when picking resources and making recommendations for change in your assessment.
Explain how personal, professional, and organizational experiences have informed the resource planning and risk analysis for working toward addressing the economic issue.
Think about how your experiences (the experiences can be personal, professional, or from your team’s perspective or experience) affect how you have planned for the resources needed to implement your desired changes or actions. How did this impact your approach to conducting a risk analysis on the project?
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.
Remember to conclude your letter with a summary of your position on the issue and a compelling reason that the elected official should act in your favor and support your issue or initiative.

Additional Requirements
Audience: Make sure you are addressing your letter to an actual local or state official.
For most states, you can use the following resource:
Open States. (n.d.). Find your legislators.
For local officials, search your city’s government website for officials and their positions.
Length of Submission: 1–2 double spaced pages. Your letter needs to be succinct and persuasive.
Number of References: Cite at least five sources of evidence to support your identification of the gap. This could be public health data, a peer-reviewed journal article, or another scholarly source.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.

Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s Writing Support page.